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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I N T E R A C T I N G W I T H: @Lord Wraith and @FantasyChic.

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 - T H E X A V I E R I N S T I T U T E:

Once the simulation was over, Ryan stepped out of the room, his suit was a little tethered. A few new cuts in his leather jacket and his bandanna was drenched in sweat. Having his shield burst almost twice in one day all but laid him out flat. Remy greeted him with a pat on the shoulder before Bobby spoke up about the mission. Ryan turned to Luke "Psst. We won." He said with a smug grin, turning to Allison, his smug grin turning more sheepish. "Hey, I won! How did ya' do?" He whispered. Remy, listening to Drake, elbowed his son in the ribs. "Pipe down."

He was still tired, completely beat from the simulation. He patted Daniel on the shoulder and gave him a thankful look, he waved at Penelope before he B-lined towards the hangar. Where the X-Jet, the bigger brother of the most beautiful aircraft in the world. The SR-71 - the Blackbird. While it wouldn't just be him and the plane, as it would be if he ever got the chance to fly the real deal - the X-Jet would have to do. He climbed onboard, tossing his Bandana onto the control. "Featherhead, scram!" Ryan shouted, at Warren whom was sitting at the pilot controls. "I just kicked Juggernauts ass, I'm flyin' dis bird. You can go sit with da kids." He said as ArchAngel gave a loud sigh and got up from his seat, sitting in the back of the aircraft, strapping himself in. "Give me a shout when da rest of em' ar' here. Coordinate locked, Engine ready. Latveria, X-men invasion." A protein bar in his mouth while he was talking.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~Allison Andrews~

Interacting with @Hillan @Lord Wraith @Sep @Pirouette @Heathen (mentioned others)

Allison walked out of the simulation, stretched her arms before turning to her team "Hey, we did good! I think we're the first team out of there!" she said with a happy smile on her face. She was kind of surprised given the line up of teams, she would have expected the power hitters to be the first ones done. Maybe her mentors were right, she has more potential than she thought...

Her thoughts were interrupted by Bobby coming in and stopping the simulations. Luke barged in shortly after, upset about his simulation being interrupted. Ryan joined shortly after and she noticed Remy giving him some fatherly attention. Her heart pitter-pattered, but Bobby outlined the mission before she could join them.

Allison heard of Latveria, and most of that information wasn't good. She was unsure of how a group of new students could handle this mission, but she felt more at ease by hearing that Piotr and Warren would be joining them. At least they had experienced X-Men with them. Darren must be thrilled, she thought to herself.

Ryan sheepishly joked about him winning. She smiled, but Remy scolded him before she could reciprocate. Remy gave her a nod and a wink, making her blush. Seems like father like son...

As the group headed towards the jet, Allison caught up with Ryan "I think I did good, but I wish I was able to hear feedback on it. I know I could have done better. I bet you were terrific!" she said happily. She stayed in step with him as they went towards the jet.


Allison boarded the jet and sat down. She gave a warm smile to Ryan as he barged his way into the pilot seat, much to ArchAngel's dismay. She sat down with some empty seats next to her, in case someone wanted to. She gave a smile to Danny "I bet you're happy a certain someone is coming with us!" she joked, giving him a small grin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Officially an X-Man. Maybe he’d had the moniker before, but he’d never been on a mission before. This would be the first; hopefully of many. Put simply, Nate was ecstatic. It was his time to shine, and show what he’d learned and gained from his time in the Danger Room, and save a couple of younger mutants at the same time. The location intimidated him slightly; largely due to the face that ran the place: Victor Von Doom. And who wouldn’t be intimidated by Doom? After all, the villain was arguably the strongest enemy of well… of everyone that he could think of. The Fantastic Four, the Avengers, the X-Men…

And now him.

Nathan wasn’t even nervous now that he thought about it; it was unlikely that Doom himself would be there, and the Latverian military wasn’t that powerful, or even brave, outside of the Doomsquad, which he doubted wouldn’t even be there. Even then, he was more than confident in his own combat prowess, especially in practical applications as opposed to simulations. He sat down nearest to the cockpit as he could as he heard Colossus's voice encouraging him to buckle his seatbelt, Nathan absently did so. A plan was suggested as well, but Nate’s mind was wandering. The simulation could have went better, that much was for sure, and next time it would.

Shaking himself back to reality, Nathan turned to face the others that were on the plane. Plan-time. ”So, stealth. I don’t know if that’s really our strong suit, but I’m sure we can figure something out here, after all, we’re X-Men now.”

He knew it was childish of him, but Nathan couldn’t help but think about how fucking awesome that was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Will had kept his mouth shut from the plane all the way to the plane, where he just sat at the back. He didn't like planes, he didn't like flying. Yes he'd jump high in the air but that was different. Archangel had tried to convince him it wasn't that different back when he had been trying to convince Will to try and glide using his abilities. He didn't care, the sole reason he was going on this mission was to help mutants in need. He didn't want to fly, but it was the only way to Latveria. As a kid who had only ever been in the State of New York he was actually pretty excited to travel, yes it was to Latveria but how bad could this Doctor Doom guy be?

Sure he had thought the likes of the X-Men, Fantastic Four and Avengers on multiple occasions but, his people didn't seem to want to kick him out so he couldn't be doing that bad of a job. He flexed in his jumpsuit slightly, he still wasn't entirely comfortable in it. Being that it was a temporary measure rather than a suit that was made for him, like most of the other long term students. The plan did sound somewhat important though, just running in and hoping everything was going to work for the best was a way to run in and have everything not work for the best. After Nate spoke Will spoke up. "Do we-" his voice squeeked a little. No need to be nervous Will, you're part of the team now.

"Do we know what kind of abilities these mutants have, and why they're being hunted? I just think it could help..." He muttered the later half of the sentence, unsure if he should really be having any input in the conversation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 9 mos ago

William Irving
The Outsider

Interacting with: Read this shit and find out, you filthy animals

T H E H A N G E R - T H E X A V I E R I N S T I T U T E

William slouched in his seat near the back of the bird, holding his side and trying not to rasp too loudly whenever he breathed. He couldn't be sure, but he suspected that the sim-ernaut had cracked one of his ribs. The pain in his side was intense, only getting worse when he tried to twist at the midriff. . . or walk. . . or sit down. He vaguely remembered Drake once telling him that the Danger Room adjusted it's efforts accordingly so that it never seriously injured any of the users, which would suggest that what had happened to the Outsider was an uncanny fluke.

Just my luck. Still, I got off light compared to Heidi. Don't think I'll ever forget the noise she made when. . .

He shuddered, which sent knives of pain up his side, eliciting a stifled groan from the masked teen. He was falling a part at the seams here, and this was him after a mere simulation! He dreaded to think what he'd be like after a real mission. A smoking crater was the best bet. He kept thinking that he should hold up his hand and tell Colussus that he was in no way fit for active duty, and yet he didn't. He wasn't sure why. Something kept staying him from speaking up.

Maybe it was the thought of innocent mutants being persecuted in Latveria, though he doubted that was it. Sure, he felt for their plight, and if he was fighting fit then he probably would be willing to help them if Drake had asked, but feeling like he was now he'd usually be happy to let Colussus and Angel to handle the rescue operations. Lord knew they were more experienced at it than he was.

No, he realized, it was something more personal than the safety of distant homo-superiors that was forcing him to leave the comfort of a warm bed and a morphine drip in the medical bay for a distant – and likely fatal – encounter upon foreign soil. It was the thought that his friends needed him that was driving him forward. That Will was too young to do this alone, that no matter how good Lucas and Ryan were they still needed someone to watch their backs, that regardless of her feelings towards him he would still be Allison's guardian angel. Though his body may break and his bones may shatter, he would never abandon them.

It was a strange kind of comfort, realizing you'd found people that you were willing to die for. His ribs still hurt, but the pain seemed more bearable now.

He settled back into his chair with a smile upon his face, and tried not to rasp too loudly whenever he breathed.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 1 day ago


Hollie's elation was a bit short lived as the news that they were going to Latvia all of a sudden. It was their first day back and already they were being asked to go on missions? What was that? The whole thing reeked of being more serious than what was currently being let on by the administration. The whole notion of this mission was alarming and even though Hollie wouldn't admit it openly, she was damn well afraid of being out in the field. Even with the veterans of the field like Colossus, she still felt unnerved by it all.

She took her snack and boarded the plan, keeping to herself as she went through the motions. She felt sick as her stomach felt like it was filled with helium. Thankfully she had an out. Nathan. She found him sitting towards the front of the plane, which she had to admit was a bit expected as she knew he had been yearning for this moment since day one. She felt better when she took the seat next to him but immediately felt that pang of fear bubble up inside her again so she slipped her arm around Nathan's and intertwined her fingers with his. She gave him a less than assured smile but she managed to keep up her facade of appearing strong.

"I-I think I have a bad feeling about this..." She whispered to her significant other, making sure no one else could hear her doubt. After all, she was supposed to be a senior to the others at this point. "You and I haven't been on a mission before but on our first day back this year they send us out and they're having the new kids join us, too?"
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