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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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@Slendy Awesome, and I get you completely school is tough for me too.

@MatthiasAngel So I do not wanna let go of some spoilers before we start but the first chapter would start with them getting broken out of the prison by a third party. The only reason I wanted to do it like that is because, having them escape at different times might be confusing and plus it will give each rogue a time to meet one another. Now the second chapter is all about them taking their base form a certain someone. They will not deal with Vigil or ARGO dead on until chapter three but their will be some cameos along the way. Now the opportunity for betrayal will be presented through the rp especially if we get that far.

Each chapter will have an end goal, and to get to the next chapter all the characters have to reach that end goal (unless someone dies), or some special circumstances. For example, the first chapter have an end goal of escaping, and I as the gm will start with a post that gives you a clear exit, but how you all has the rpers choose to escape is up to you. Your character does something and I respond, so I am going to try to make it character driven, in how the chapter progresses and there could even be e situation where you guys (through rp) change what the ultimate goal is. To make it more clear I will have some chapter outlines up tonight, chapter one will be the most detailed '9'because we are in it) and the others will only have hints as what is to come.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kalas
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@Queentze I've edited my post to adhere to the NPC Sheet format. Sorry for the delay; had a RL issue rear its ugly head last night and I wasn't able to edit it sooner.

As for the way you're planning to run the RP, I'm pretty happy with the character driven route. It gives character's a bit more freedom, I feel, which is much better than being shoehorned into some linear storyline.

I'm pretty good with Meta-Arcs and Worldbuilding so if you need any help with that then shoot me a PM. I also like digging into theories on how Powers/Magic works rather than a "I said it so it works" outlook. So if you're looking to build a theory on how these superpowers came about in regards to a scientific explanation, I'll be willing to work with you on that.

@MatthiasAngel I think we may just have to setup a fight between Kriss & Darkrai then in the future. I could collab that with you if you'd like, or you could write it solo? Either way, if you need any more info on Darkrai then just give me a holler. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

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@Kalas Its all good and thank you for doing it and I hope your issue has been resolved. For magic I would be delighted to discuss the possible ways that it should work. I am gonna put some more up in the back ground section tomorrow, and if any ideas come to mind shoot me a pm and we can discuss it
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hjalti


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MatthiasAngel
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@Queentze Who is @Assallya and why did they get to post a CS in the Characters tab without posting it here?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kalas
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Kalas "Time to party!"

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@Kalas Its all good and thank you for doing it and I hope your issue has been resolved. For magic I would be delighted to discuss the possible ways that it should work. I am gonna put some more up in the back ground section tomorrow, and if any ideas come to mind shoot me a pm and we can discuss it

It's still ongoing atm but I can work around it easily. It just means that I may not be able to get online much in the Evenings (GMT +1). I do have a recent theory for magic that I've come up with, which I can sling your way. We can always use that as a starting point?

@Hjalti Yeah I'm pretty sure that's against the site rules? This site is PG13.

@MatthiasAngel They posted in the Interest Check, so I'm assuming that they PMed their CSes for inspection rather than in the OOC.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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I discussed and submitted my characters via private messaging, not via the OOC.

As for suggestive themes, the picture is indeed PG-13 for everything is technically covered up. However if this distresses someone I will find some other form of representation.

Edit: Also added a hider just in case so people can make that determination themselves.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kalas
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Kalas "Time to party!"

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@Assallya I figured as much. :)

And to be honest, I wasn't offended by the picture, otherwise I would have said something sooner but I do like to be wary for other people's sake. Thanks for adding the hider. ^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MatthiasAngel
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Create Darkness: Sarah can create darkness in a large area which blinds all those using visual senses including infra-red. The darkness is not truly darkness but a large cloud of ectoplasm.

Literally Karma's power, except it eliminates body heat, which is impossible because everything above absolute zero (-273°C) emits thermal radiation.

See in Darkness: Sarah can see in any darkness, though only in shades of grey.

Literally Kriss's power. Also, how is it possible for her to see in any darkness if her ectoplasm blinds all those using visual senses? If she is in her ectoplasm darkness, she wouldn't be able to see anything either.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Yeah. I come from a very libertine family. Sometimes I forget that it's supposed to be shameful to be a woman. (Not implying anything there. Our society just sucks)

As for the seeing in Darkness. Sarah doesn't exactly. I have a page long elaborate description of how it all works but opted for the simpler version gor brevity. Effectively she can only see in her darkness and sees by feeling the voids where her darkness is not in a manner similar to echolocation. Remember... it's ectoplasm blocking out all light, not actual darkness.

As for thermal vision... You are absolutely correct. It would still function because thermal vision isn't actually a visual sense. Thermal vision is actually a tactile sense. A device senses the changes in molecular motion in the nearby air molecules and complicated electronics convert that information into a visual representation. In a sense, thermal senses have more in common with sonar then they do with ocular systems. That's why the range is so limited on such devices. These devices, however, can be blocked by simple things like a thin sheet of glass or even plastic wrap stretched across a hallway!

There's a great episode of Mythbusters that demonstrates this perfectly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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Is there a fight happening before the roleplay even starts?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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No fight as far as I know. Matthias asked a question, a very pertinent and well deserved question.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MatthiasAngel
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MatthiasAngel Not actually an angel

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@Assallya You said thermal vision is a tactile sense, not a visual sense, but in the CS you said the darkness blocks "visual senses including infra-red." Sooo either infrared is included in visual sense (which you said it wasn't), or thermal vision can see through the darkness (which you said it can't).

Basically, my guy has glasses that are both night vision and thermal. That should let him see anything and anyone nearby no matter how dark it is. The idea of making a form of darkness that is so dark that heat can't travel through it is kind of unfair, especially if your character can see through it. Even more so if your ability to see in darkness is identical to mine.

"(Kriss) Can see in complete darkness without the glasses. Limited by everything being in grayscale."

"See in Darkness: Sarah can see in any darkness, though only in shades of grey."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

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As I said earlier thermal vision would still function normally inside Sarah's shadows.

Are you perhaps confused and thinking that infra-red and thermals are the same thing? They are very different.

Infrared is a form of light. It is invisible to the human eye just like ultraviolet.

"Thermal Vision" has nothing to do with light or vision at all. It involves vibrations.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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[Ignore this I was dumb]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MatthiasAngel
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@Assallya Ah. Sorry, I misread it. That's weird, because I was looking up the difference between the two and still managed to get them backwards.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

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Don't worry. I rarely take offense online. Hence my asking more questions.

If you have any questions concerning sensors or science fiction stuff in general feel free to ask. I've written science fiction short stories for decades and I've done a ton of research. The better to design my own weapons.

My personal favorite misconception that Hollywood teaches is that space is cold. Space cannot be cold. Space is nothing. Nothing cannot be hot or cold.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hjalti


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

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No need to be defensive @Hjalti, I wasn't indicating anyone in particular. I was citing the hypocrisy of the so called Free World. We live in a society that condemns the female and has done so for as long as it has existed. This is a society where the vast majority of insults used by men involve calling each other a woman like it is an unclean thing. It is a society where women are paid far less on average to do the same job as a man.

This is a society where you cannot walk naked in your own home without ensuring all your windows are covered first. Hell, even after the hard won fight to go topless in public if you actually do so the police arrest you citing that you were creating a disturbance.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hjalti


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