Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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"I'm not sure bliss is what I have in mind but yeah, I'm ready. I'd rather we get this done today and it would seem you agree with me when I say let's get this done sooner rather then later." Joshua said, his expression a bit grim. He was ready for this but that didn't ease the tension he felt. He had the feeling this would be a long battle and that something was going to go a bit wrong.

Meanwhile, on the upper levels, the door to Yen Sid's tower opened and a small figure walked in. It was a girl both Amaya and Ascot would recognize and she in turn recognized them
"Sissie? Ahscoot? Why you here?" Elyse asked, looked between them in a confused manner
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Amaya was watching ascot sleep letting him rest as she was worried about Joshua and his own trial he wanted to do himself she heard the door open as she stood up to see it was her younger sister "Elyse? What are you doing here alone? Where is mother?"asked Amaya lifting elyse up "we are here so Joshua can be thought how to control his.own darkness.like mother did so long ago...oh that reminds me, elyse would you like to have a big brother ...I was going to ask mother to adopt Ascot...he has no family and really wanted one...would you like him as a big brother? "She askes
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Ascot found it hard to wake up, not because of the stress of the battle against the White Witch's army, but rather, because the boy had reached his nadir of despair. Even with Holy, he couldn't win against a named opponent; granted, most of that was because he had chosen to give Thomas the glory of victory, but that didn't change the fact that the boy viewed himself as more useless, more weak, than he had ever been before.

I can't catch up to Joshua, I can't catch up to Reno. They're just...so powerful, so powerful that I can't hold a candle to them, even with new spells. I'll lose every battle I enter, I'll just be the load. Heck, I am the load now; I can't do anything that Joshua, Reno, Thomas and Amaya can't do better. Thomas now had Scathe, while Amaya could bring people out of the Darkness; much cooler than what Ascot can do currently.

You are Ascot Carver, his mind whispered to himself, you are presistent. Remember Bertam? How you refused to give up? If you can't win, accept that, then! Your purpose is to protect people, not wangst over not being able to catch up to the other members of your group. Focus on that, and you will gain victory in the end, even if it's just over yourself. You have to remember, whom you should protect.

And that is why, I will wake you up. And, Ascot felt himself waking up, being brought back to conciousness as he opened his eyes, and saw Elyse's face; the face of his future little sister. And he knew peace, peace that came from the fact that the boy once again saw the people he wanted to protect, and remembered just why he wanted to protect them.

And he smiled at Elyse, a very big smile that showed how happy he was to see her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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The entry was easy, uncontested. It made him wonder if there were even people here, if this castle had been abandoned a long time ago and they were significantly removed from civilization. Still, there might be something in here worth finding, even if they didn't locate Reno. Who knew what was in a castle such as this, secret rooms, ancient tomes, that sort of thing. And entering he wasn't surprised by the dust and the darkness which further reinforced his belief that they were far from civilization. The tint was weird, as well as the presence of the fog, which was unusual but technically possible, if you were into that sort of thing.,

Thomas looked around the hall, scanning the exits and wondering that in turn. He was looking for disturbances in the dust, since although Reno floated around, he would have had to leave a trace somewhere, opening doors and the like. "Probably the kitchen," he agreed with a nod. "And I'd assume a place like this has one. We just have to find it." He glanced over and shot a grin. "I'm not opposed to some exploration though."

Seemed that wasn't in the cards though as a swarm of Heartless appeared,m flying and rushing in on the ground. Thomas frowned, falling into a combat stance before lashing out with Thundara, aimed at the Wyverns. Take out as many of them as he could, and this fight would be a lot easier. "Well then, let's have some fun."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Belle smiled at Thomas when he lashed out a Thundera at the Wyverns in the air. Seeing as Thomas would go for the aerial combat she would take those Landwyrms on the ground. She started out with a Thunder Dash towards the closest group of the land dragons. Quickly after that she started attacking them with her daggers. Just like Thomas said, it was fun. They both had become strong, especially since the last world, and could easily take on these minor Heartless.

Since it were quite some Heartless, so any of her Thief skills weren't very useful now. She however used her Blitz attack instead. She grabbed her kotetsu to make a overhead jumping attack with the sword, and repeated this several times. The fight was finished pretty quickly and Belle just finished the last Landwyrm that roamed around in the room. It was fun, but also exhausting, all that fighting. After Thomas defeat his half of the enemies she turned to him. "Yes there should be some interesting things to find here." she said as respond on Thomas' remark before the battle. "So which door are we going to take?"
The Magic Mirror used its magic to pull Joshua into the mirror. He was now standing in, what seemed, an endless area, only to be limited with magical barriers. The area was purple with a mix of other colors like green and blue making it look like some kind of essence, a small universe, or whatever you want to call it. The Magic Mirror appeared, now being twice as big as Joshua.

"Darkness is what your image reflects. Thus, tis fight will be rather complex. Ready your blade, and meet your fate." he said and disappeared. Out of the ground emerged a dragon made out of darkness. This was the form that Joshua's darkness appeared in. Joshua would have to tame the creature in order to control it. But that wouldn't go without a fight to earn its respect. The dragon lunged at Joshua with his claws and fangs aimed towards Joshua.

Riku was watching the fight in the mirror as he sat down on a nearby chair in the basement. He knew how hard it was to control the darkness in your heart. He had locked it up for a long time, but for his fight with Roxas he had to release it. Luckily he conquered when he realized that Sora and Kairi would still be his friends even though he was a monster. It was certainly not easy to control the darkness, and it's really something to figure out for yourself. Hopefully Joshua would make the right decisions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Before the dragon's strike even reached Joshua, something dashed past them both and destroyed it in a single, powerful blow. As the dragon vanished Joshua studdied the figure that was standing behind it. After a few seconds, recognition dawned on his face
"You..." he said just before the darkness that made the dragon rushed toward the figure, enveloping them in a column of pure darkness. When it finally faded the figure was now wearing what looked like an Organization 13 cloak, the hood covering their face. When the figure held out their hand a keyblade appeared in their hand. Joshua expression turned from recognition to anger in a matter of seconds." What are you doing here?! Why are you even here?!" he shouted at the figure, summoning his own keyblade.

The figure didn't respond as fired an ice-spell at Joshua, summoning a virtual blizzard that Joshua barely managed to dodge before firing a fire-spell at his opponent, which they 'blocked' with a wave of their hand. Seeming he would be no match in the magic department, Joshua charged his unknown assailant. The figure seemed to laugh before charging Joshua as well, though a single blow, which Joshua blocked, sent the latter flying away, even though he managed to land on his feet.

"You've improved, little bro." the figure called out" Sadly, you're still weak. Too weak to command the darkness that lurks within you."

"Yeah, kinda noticed that. So how about telling me why you're here Toshiro? And what's with the hood, I already saw your face. Wasn't hard to recognize my own brother." Joshua said, readying his keyblade" And if you're here, where's Sis?"

"Sakura? She was with you and me, until a few weeks ago." Toshiro said, lowering his hood. In most aspects, he looked nothing like his younger brother. His hair was white as snow and his eyes the color of the arctic seas. However, if one looked past those features, they would notice a similar look in his eyes that Joshua had in his and small facial structures that were remarkably alike" Back when you first gained your keyblade, you defeated three heartless: Our father, the bastard, me, and our dear sister, Sakura. You know when a heartless is defeated, the heart they have is released. So when you defeated the three of us, our hearts were released from the darkness. Dad's vanished to Kingdom Hearts, like most others. However, if a heart's desire to protect someone is strong enough, it'll stick around and hide in that person's heart. The concept of guardian angels comes from people feeling the presence of a protect heart they contain. Sakura and I always wanted to protect you so our hearts entered yours and we made ourselves at home, unseen, unfelt, but still there.

We've been protecting you from you're darkness. And you have an alot of it bro. Enough to make any person a heartless in an instant. So Sakura and I were holding it back, keeping you in the light while holding back the beast inside of you."

"Were..." Joshua began but Toshiro held up a hand for silence

"Up until a few weeks ago we were succeeding in keeping it back. Then something happened. We were aware of another, fourth heart within you, but we left it alone, intent on our task. Then, for whatever reason, you lost your heart and with it, all the other hearts inside of it. You turned into a heartless, which held you're heart and mine, but Sakura's heart escaped to lord knows where.When you regained your body thanks to you're girlfriend... damn your face just got red as a tomato bro, it's almost funny... anyway after that, I was left to hold back the darkness on my own. Sakura and I barely manged to do it together, so alone, needless to say I failed.

And here we stand, you attempting to conrtol it but still no accepting that the darkness is who you are. You can't control it at this rate.Not while you're still in denial."

"That's bullshit!" Joshua shouted" The darkness isn't me! It's something trying to control me! But I will conquer and control it!"

"With what, that faux blade in your hands?" Toshiro asked, causing Joshua to look surprised

"What fake blade?" he asked

"That one you're holding. Come on Joshua, surely you feel something amiss with that blade. It never feel quite right in your hands, never feels like it's a complete extention of you. Think back. Your keyblade doesn't look like that. That's a keyblade of light. However your keyblade..." Toshiro said before swinging his keyblade at Joshua, which he blocked. However, as a result, Joshua keyblade broke in half, along the entire length of the weapon"... is a Keyblade of Darkness."
"Mama here." Elyse said before turning to the doorway and shouting" MAMA! SISSIE AND AHSCOOT HERE! WANNA PWAY WID DEM!"

Elyse seemed to miss Amaya's question about Ascot joining the family. Well, at least Rose could take care of that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Another quite day for Jake, or so it seemed. Sit in the cell, wait for the meal of the day (if the guards felt that generous), trick Creeper into abusing himself (he'd feel guilty about it if the little thing weren't so odious and unlikeable), get ready to do it all over again tomorrow.

To be honest, it would probably be a bit more bearable if he hadn't been responsible for his own predicament. You don't walk into a man's domain and start causing trouble. Of course, he wouldn't have had to cause trouble if the guy wasn't such a colossal prick, but it also turned out he was also a pretty powerful magician.

In retrospect, Jake should have taken it easy with the drink; fighting the Horned King drunk was a less appealing proposal when sober, especially given where he ended up.

Oh well, live and learn, he guessed. He just needed to try and come up with a way out of this prison. The company are nice, but the hosts are condescending at best, the lodgings aren't so hot, and don't get him started on the food. Plus, he was getting a bit stir-crazy.

Still, there was the issue of the reinforced jail cell and the wards designed to keep him in. He sighed as he leaned back against the wall.

"Dammit, Gabe, I hate it when you're right," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Even when you're not here. 'Don't go around picking fights, try to think your way through things for a change...' Damn, I miss those days."

He suddenly stopped, his body rigid. He thought he heard footsteps coming his way. Not the heavy footsteps of some flunky, the dry rattling shuffles of a skeletal warrior, or the fumbling, soft treads of the diminutive Creeper. This seemed to be a more lively step. Like a young man or a boy.

Jake tried to look out of his jail cell and grab a peek of the newcomer. To his surprise, he was not met by a new guard or a new prisoner, but rather of a young, healthy, if skinny young boy. But what's he doing here? He raised his eyebrows when he saw the Keyblade in the boy's hand. Looks like this was his lucky day.

"Hey kid," he said, "mind helping me out here? I think I'd like to check out of this hotel, but I think management forgot to assign me my room key."
Renose said He did the same thing to the boy's cell and then went over to the other 'special prisoner's' cell and unlocked it as well in the same manner, the magical barrier being no problem for both Reno and his Keyblade. After their cells were unlocked Reno's glove suddenly vanished from his hand and in front of him appeared a very large book, his glider. The book actually opened and Reno literally jumped into the pages, his body sinking into the pages as one would sink into a body of water. Not but a minute later he returned, floating up from the pages as one would emerge from water as the book closed. Around him were floating several plates of one of Reno's favorite dishes, pancakes. Chocolate chip pancakes to be precise. There were enough plates for everyone floating around him. On them all were a stack of four pancakes that all had both syrup and butter on them as well as a fork, knife, and napkin on each plate. One plate floated towards each of them, including the dog. "I made you all pancakes, you should eat up. I heard prison food tastes awful in the game I was talking about". Again, he just gave a kind, innocent, childlike smile as he passed them the plates, which now floated in front of them waiting to be taken and eaten. The pancakes both looked and smelled delicious and if they were eaten they would also taste delicious as well.

Once free from his cell, Jake cut up and took his first step out of the cell, stretching almost blissfully, a wide grin on his face as he flexed his arms and legs, cringing a bit as his joints and sinews made cracking noises, fighting the cramps that had accumulated in his captivity.

"Thanks for the assist, kid," Jake said, sighing in relief. "Hoo, man feels good to be out of there... Though I think we need to get moving. I don't think management likes the idea of visiting hours."

Then he noticed the sumptuous meal of chocolate chip pancakes.

"On second thought, we really can't do much on an empty stomach, can we?" he said, giving a wide grin as he sat down to eat with the group.

If Renose had a healthy appetite, Jake's appetite could only be compared to a dragon's. He was putting away food like there was no tomorrow, only too glad to have such delicious fare after a few weeks of weak or stomach-turning gruel. His grin became more confident, and he was soon chatting casually with the rest, including the Keyblade wielder, whose name he found out Renose.

"Oh, no," Jake replied with a chuckle. "Prison food isn't as bad as you think - it's worse. Seriously, I think that Creeper spits in the food or something. I would say the others do too, but the mercenaries and orcs don't waste food, and skeletons don't have salivary glands.

"I'm Jake, by the way. John Grendell, but my friends call me Jake. You know, it's a shame you summoned these. I'd love to get the recipe for these later - well, when we get out of here.

"Speaking of which, what's the plan? You got into this prison to free us and all, and that's great, but I'm thinking we need to get cracking soon or the guards might suspect something."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Mothers here as well..why I thought you too would stay in radiant gardens where you are safe"said amaya.wincing when elyse yelled
"Calm down little one...you all can sense their presence "commented a gentle.voice of Rose as she follower putting away her fake witch hat she loved to wear to scare people for fun "It is good to see you both again, you have grown a bit stronger with your true self amaya.."said rose"but where is Joshua...I wanted to see how he is fairing against his own darkness"said rose

"He went with riku to the basement to truly defeat his darkness. I am worried because he wished to do it on his own without me there...I mean what if he loses again? What if I don't make it in time??"she asked

"He has to fight it himself for.to you his darkness is.like a disease yes? In truth, sadly some souls are meant to be in the dark to thrive in it. You and he may feel strong in the light but never will he be whole until he becomes one with his own self."she said rubbing her forehead "I lost all my light when I conceived you, which just made me feel as long as I was around you, my own darkness would be at bay..nope it just wanted to destroy you, a child of light, the new princess of heart...so I lost control many times and had to go away yuna and the others watched over you.many times as lucus went after me."said rose "it took me 4 Years to finally control my own darkness, to accept it." She commented

"but mother...Joshua became a heartless when he released his heart to feawaken me...somehow I was able to bring him back from the heartless form...then here recently, he had grown jealous and the dark snow of Narnia, fueled his darkness but he snapped when magurim bit my arm. I was afraid of losing him again when I saw that other form and felt the evil, the darkness radiating from him. Ascot and some of the others fought him on the outside as I fought a dark dragon on the inside...in truth, what little light of him saved me as I somehow allowed my own to help him push that thing back"she commented sitting elyse down.

"Did you noticed that the darkness couldn't truly touch your heart, to grow in you like many of us? Those of darkness are always drawn to the light, to try consuming the light of those who haven't fallen in its grip.."said rose "that is probably why there was that ambushed of those little heartless when you went missing, though I never seen them group that big around one person...I need to research that"said rose

"Any who, have faith in Joshua, he survived all this time and went against a lot of people's wishes to find you when many of us spent months even a few years hoping to find you again...many of us had given up and told him to but that stubborn boy kept insisting that something kept telling him to continue..and he was right "said rose "if you wish to compare you are his kairi like he is your sora, there is no one else that can fill a gap like you both...you isn't whole without the other..though it is more like riku and kairi instead of sora"she said looking towards the stairs "just have faith...riku is with him so to make sure Joshua doesn't lose"she added before amaya nodded

"Mother...you said you always wanted a son but only bared two daughters..well Ascot here has no family...would you be willing to adopt him? He is a child of light like me. He helped keep me safe when Joshua went scouting on his own...he helped me bring back Joshua "she said. "Plus, it would give elyse another playmate and family member "said amaya hoping rose would say yes. Rose turned to ascot moving over to him "is it true you wish to be my son?"she asked as amaya picked elyse up
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aside from the other keyblader, Jake, there also were four other people. Of which three were human and one was an animal, you could describe him as a dog, but then different. As Reno handed out pancakes the others kindly accepted it. "Wow, great pancakes. I haven't eaten for some time now." the youngest boy in the group said. "It is truly a delis." the girl said afterwards before eating another piece of the meal. The old bard finished his meal rather quickly, he had also been locked up for a longer time than the others. The dog-like creature feasted on the pancakes immediately.

"Thank you kind sir. My name is Fflewddur Fflam, but you just can call me Fflam." he pulled out his harp. "You know, this harp is magic. It breaks every time when I tell a lie. Although that doesn't happen often." and just as he said that his harp broke. "Bummers, now I have to fix it again."

The youngsters also introduced themselves after Fflam. "I am Taran, and this here is Princess Eilonwy." he said and Eilonwy greeted Reno by waving at him. "Gurgi, that ball of hair there" he pointed to the dog-like creature "were imprisoned here. I met Eilonwy, Fflam and Jake here too, we tried to escape but without success, until you came along." he explained. "Tell him about your quest." Eilonwy said.

"Right. We are here to save my pig Hen Wen from the Horned King. And seeing as you are a powerful mage, maybe you could help us accomplish it." Taran grabbed a sword that he secretly took along with him to the prison. "I will fight too. But we have to keep Eilonwy, Fflam and Gurgi save. Are you in?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ascot disagreed with Rose's diagnosis of darkness as a disease; he knew from his studies at Disney Town that Joshua would have to accept his own small-d darkness in order to succeed, but let's just say that this was not a matter to broach with his future mother, not when she's had bad experiences with her own darkness, and not when she was otherwise a kind person.

"Yes," spoke Ascot in response to Rose's question. "For seven years now, I've been without family, or at least, I've been without parents. I've had parental figures and friends, but, none of them can fill the void, since, in the end, my own home is alone; no one there stays with me. I want to live in a normal house again, with parents and two sisters and a warm fire in the hearth."

"That said, though, I'll have to come back to my homeworld every six months; I still have friends there, and responsibilities, too. That also means that, should you choose to adopt me, I'll have to leave you and Elyse alone for half the year. Would that be all right with you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Well you will have one parent to say the least since my husband is no longer among us,rest his soul.I wouldn't mind having you as a son. I understand obligations and will not stop you"she said "all I ask is that you keep in touch with me and elyse from time to time. Elyse does get lonely and sometimes I need a baby sitter when amaya and Joshua isn't around "she said before looking at elyse "hey wanna big brother elyse"asked rose to her youngest
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Reno watched them all eat the pancakes he made and he was glad that all of them seemed to enjoy them. Reno was actually a good cook since he knew his father couldn't always be the one to cook. There were times when Serin was busy, so Reno had picked up cooking and became really good at it. Using magic while he cooked made him even better. He simply just used magic to make the things he was cooking with float and essentially he moved them with hand gestures. In a sense, magic allowed him to cook more food faster. Plus Reno was too lazy to use his hands anyway. It took longer that way.

"I didn't summon them at all, and after we get out of here I would be glad to give you the recipe". He grinned up at the older Keyblader before looking at the bard as he spoke and introduced him, his companions, and their goal which was trying to save a pig that apparently allowed a King to summon skeletons. Reno really didn't know what was going on in this world really, but it sounded like these people needed help rescuing their friend. That was more than enough of a reason for Reno to want to help them, although in reality he would have helped them without any form of reason. After all for Reno knew that you didn't need any reason to help someone.

"Sure, i'll gladly help rescue your friend". He had a grin as he said this without any form of hesitation. "Just take me to where he is and ill do whatever I can".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Low level Heartless, this wasn't too hard, and it was a nice break after nearly getting murdered by the White Witch. Aerial swipes and lightning flared as he lashed out at the Wyverns, twisting in air to dodge retaliatory hits. It was a change of pace, to fight aerial enemies as opposed to land bound ones, and he found himself adapting to cope, sweeping blows aimed in time with jumps, using the momentum from one hit to propel him in a spin to another Wyvern.so he could hit that one. Landing provided the opportunity for healing, and more magic as well as a chance to see how belle's fight was going, if he needed to intervene, though that was unnecessary every time he did look. One less thing to worry about as he took down one Wyvern after another until the skies were clear.

he relaxed his Keyblade as he walked over to Belle, breathing deeply but not tired. He glanced about at the various doors before humming in thought, and pointed to a door on the right side, which seemed a bit less gaudy than the others. If it led to a place for servants, or the kitchen, he knew he wouldn't decorate it that well. "Let's try there," he replied, moving off towards the door in question to see what he could find.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

"That's great," Jake said, getting up. "I'd like to try that recipe out sometime myself."

He took a torch off a nearby wall.

"From what I heard, the pig's not so much for creating skeletons as finding a piece of kitchenware that will allow him to raise the dead. Pig's got the power to see the unseen, so I understood. And generally, if the Horned King gets his hands on said cauldron, we'd be looking at hordes of undead that can be replenished easily, and, well, no need to tell you that's a Bad Thing."

Jake rubbed his chest, as though it was still sore.

"Trust me, the Horned Freak could really use a makeover, but no denying he's a tough bastard. Keep your eyes peeled, and let's get moving."

He turned to the other freed prisoners. "Any idea where to start looking?"

With a flick of his wrist, Jake called forth Kaiser Leo, his trusty ax-shaped Keyblade. The thing was almost as big as he was, and glinted a bright bronze and silver in the torchlight. Dangling from its handle was a snarling lion's head the size of an orange.

"Better to be prepared," he said with a wink. He lead the group, taking point with his trusty weapon firmly in hand...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Riku sat back in the chair with a smile on his face. "A simple fight against darkness already seemed to easy. Let's see if he can conquer this thing." he thought. "Mirror, keep an eye on him!" he shouted.

"Of course Master." a voice echoed through the chamber.
After Elyse had responded to her mother's question Yen Sid decided to join the conversation, that he had been listening to for some time. It was kinda rude that the woman came in without saying hello, he didn't blame the child though. A young girl should be careless at this age. "Indeed. Joshua and Amaya are one, just like Sora and Kairi. However though similar still very different. Amaya supported Joshua all this time, even in her absence, assisting in controlling his darkness." he said as he knew Joshua's condition.

"However when Joshua is able to control his darkness, Amaya won't be needed as his light anymore, but rather his hope. I have had my own apprentices, and saw many apprentices of others visit me for guidance. Each group had their light, darkness, hope, despair, strength, wisdom and not to forget joy. I still am disappointed that I failed in both my groups, or actually duo's of apprentices. My first one only had Light and Darkness while the second one only had Hope and Despair. Luckily I find in this group all of the factors I mentioned before."
Belle agreed with Thomas. "Yes let's do that." they both went through the door, and they actually happened to arrive in the kitchen, if you could call it that. It wasn't the regular kitchen, it was something you could expect to be in this medieval themed castle though. The kitchen seemed to lack food however. There was some bread lying in a basket, and some lettuce in another. There was water, and a not-roasted pig above a fireplace. There may have been some more vegetables in the other baskets, but it probably wasn't that much.

"Seems like Reno isn't in here. Weird, if I were Reno this would be the first place to go. Unless he has met someone else. And it is in Reno's nature to help people." Belle thought back at their conversation back in Aslan's camp in Narnia. She was feeling a bit depressed, but Reno managed to cheer her up nonetheless. Belle sighed. "If we have to go through every chamber in the maze we'll still probably not find him. Only Reno would be so stupid... no, weird to enter this castle. But I'm certain he is on this world, you feel that too right Thomas?"
"Yeah Dallben mentioned that. I'm probably just too ignorant to actually believe it... I guess. But it's still my task to protect Hen Wen. So let's go for it!" Taran said pointing the sword into the air. He lowered it soon after though. "But does anyone know where we should go?"

"Maybe Jake here knows it. He seems to be somewhat familiar with the castle." Fflam said while still repairing his harp. Gurgi climbed on Taran's head. "Yeah let's ask big guy over here. I don't think princess-lady has any clue, old man is probably too old to remember even being put in this dungeon, and goofy over there is floating in the air, so what ya got big guy?" the dog asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Reno thought about where they should go. "Well the obvious place to go would be out of this dungeon first. After that we should go up further into the castle since usually a king would be higher in the castle and he should be keeping said Mr. Pig with him. Or so I assume since in most games the evil king is usually high up in the castle". It was a simple assumption, but Reno didn't really know what else to go on. "So lets hurry and go onward!" He triumphantly sped forward, heading towards what he hoped was a way out of the dungeons and towards the upper levels of the castle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Thomas walked around the kitchen, opening a drawer, a cupboard, and altogether very unimpressed. For a medieval castle's kitchen, there wasn't much food inside. Though since there was no sign of habitation beyond Heartless it was a surprise that there was food at all. His search was casual, expectation of finding something amazing low when it became obvious that Reno wasn't hiding somewhere in the kitchen. He flipped an apple and caught it before placing it back where it was as he moved casually around.

"I noticed," he replied with the slight hint of sarcasm, as if it would be hard to miss Reno if he were indeed here. He nodded in agreement with her assessment. "Yeah.. I suppose we should split up, since I'm getting the impression of a needle in a haystack search unless something becomes apparent as to where he is real soon." It did increase the risk, but it would make finding Reno that little bit easier.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Elyse was no longer paying attention to the current conversation, wearing her mother's witch hat and pretending that she was casting spells, and actually casting Balloon on occasion, causing her to laugh
"A Keyblade... of Darkness?" Joshua said, backing away from Toshiro

"Yes, one of Darkness. Just like Master Xehanort." Toshiro replied

"THAT'S BULLSHIT!" Joshua shouted angerly, causing Toshiro to look surprised" I'm not some evil asshole, using others and destroying any opposition to meet his own ends!"

"You forget that Xehanort protected the worlds at one point." Toshiro said" Just because you're one of darkness does not mean you are incapable of serving the light. That is you're choice. However, if you keep denying who you are, you'll never grow strong. You'll never be able to protect Amaya... you'll fail her just like you did years ago."

Joshua was about to reply when Toshiro held out his free hand. The darkness that cloaked him gathered in it before shooting at Joshua, surrounding him in a column of Darkness and causing Joshua to yell in pain as it tried taking over and her tried fighting it back.
"The moment of truth little bro. Can you control the darkness or will it consume you just like it did so many before you... even you Master Riku."

Joshua screamed in pain again as he attempted to control the Darkness, HIS Darkness. But it was an uphill battle, and he knew it. He could feel it in every fiber of his being, trying to invade ant take over. He tried to grab it, hold it and force it to his will, but he could never grasp it. It slipped away every time and renewed it's assault with increased fervor. The harder he tried the tougher and got and he slowly but surely began loosing. collapsed on the ground, barely able to see in front of him, he watched as his broken 'keyblade' slowly disappeared in flecks of light.
Maybe... I'm not cut out for this He thought to himself as his vision slowly faded It's just... too strong. I can't even beat back a part of me. Can't even control my own power. Anby idiot who can't control his own power isn't deserving of it and can't protect the things he wants to. He can only hurt them. Better to just fade away and leave them alone. At least I can't hurt them that way.

Sorry Amaya... I'm just not strong enough.


Oh get off your sorry ass already Joshua! A voice said as a small light appeared and floated down towards him. After a few seconds it slowly took the shape of a girl with short black hair and eyes the color of bright flames. She wore a bright red, sleevless shirt, a torn pair of jeans, and white sneakers" How long do you plan on lying there?"

"Sakura?... No it can't be, Toshiro said you vanished." Joshua said, not moving the slightest

Letting out a frustrated sigh his older sister did the sensible thing, and kicked him in the head. That got Joshua sitting up again, with a lot of cursing

"For being a pathetic loser, and lousy friend, and the worst guardian this world, or any other, has ever seen!" she shouted back" I'm not even with you anymore, and I still came when you were in trouble! But you can't even stick around to help yourself. Grow a pair already and stand up!"

"And what do you want me to do eh?! I can't control my own power! Better to let it consume... OW!"

"Seriously, you boys and your insistence on muscling through things... you can't control darkness Joshua, no more then anyone can control love, anger, happiness or light. Those things just are. Darkness is no different... Remember you're favorite line in the legends. You'll find the answer" Sakura said before smiling" By the way you've grown up so much. I'm sure you'll make a handsome man in a couple of years. And Amaya a beautiful woman. Now, find your way out of this darkness and return to her. If you make her sad, I'll come back and kick your ass until you make her happy again. Until then I have to look after the other you."

With that she slowly faded away, leaving Joshua alone in the darkness, In silence, with his face redder then it had even been, he thought about what she said before smiling
"Denying who I am eh?... Guess I really was... I'm such an idiot."

Outside, Toshiro watched the pillar of Darkness in silence. Joshua had fallen silent a long time ago and, while he was worried, he knew this was likely to happen and had come to terms with it
"Guess he wasn't strong enough." He said sadly, turning his back on it to walk away.

"Oi, where the hell do you think you going?" Joshua's voice said from the Darkness

Surprised Toshiro turned around to see the pillar grow smaller and smaller until Joshua was standing there, the last traces of Darkness enter his body. most of it entering underneath his eyepatch.
"I remember now... that one line really is the truth. 'Embrace the Darkness... and turn it into Light.'" He said, smiling as he extended his hand. Darkness gathered there before disappearing, a new keyblade in his hand, one that was completely different from his old one" I guess I should thank you Toshiro... but I'd rather kick your ass instead in all honesty."

Toshiro's expression was one of shock before he began laughing at Joshua's last comment
"Right... you kick my ass." he said before Joshua was suddenly infront of him, his new keyblade at his brother's throat

"Yeah... kicking your ass seems to be a likely result." Joshua said before backing away

Toshiro simply smiled before taking Joshua's arm and polacing his keyblade in his younger brother's free hand
"Take it and use it." he said" I doubt it'll stay in that form. Keyblades tend to reflect their weilders. But I better not have to help you again otherwise..."

"Yeah, yeah heard it all before." Joshua said. Toshiro simply smiled before turning into an orb of light and entering Joshua.

Joshua was silent for a few seconds before turning around
"So... how do I get outa here?" He asked the Spirit of the Mirror and Riku
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Jake took a deep breath. He was hoping the old man would be able to help, but the years of prison had taken their toll. Time to make the best of a bad situation and man up.

"Okay, here's the plan," Jake spoke up, maybe a little less than confidently. "Most castles have a back entrance for emergency use in case of war. This particular castle is built on top of some big caverns, but I'm not sure if they actually lead anywhere."

Jake guessed the caverns were there because the atmosphere was a tad more humid than most castles, even evil, dank castles hosting a mad sorceror-king bent on conquest and genocide. There was the problem of no breeze coming from the lower levels, which wasn't encouraging to find a way out.

"If that doesn't work, the other solution is straight up - right into the guards and garrisons. Still, it's possible to avoid most of the guard until we manage our escape.

"Reno, I want you up behind me to cover my back. You with the sword... Taran, right? How good are you with that thing? I want you watching our backs in case something comes up from behind. I doubt there's anyone here with a working brain besides Ol' Horny Toad himself, but best not to take chances. Everyone else, stay together, and be on alert."

He turned to lead the way.

As they worked their way up the castle's levels, Jake's stance was different. Calm, quiet, eager... like a predator stalking the hunting grounds. The castle was old and its passageways myriad and well-trod, but Jake had a hunter's instinct. He could tell by experience which corridors were recently or commonly taken, and where to expect guard outposts. For his size, Jake was surprisingly quiet and stealthy.

For now, though, they needed to find Hen Wen. Jake lifted his finger to his lips, and listened carefully for the squeals of a pig. He made stops to listen every few rooms or so.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"There you are yen Sid...Elyse wanted to come here all of a sudden"said rose "sorry for not saying hi either...just got caught up with my children's drama"she said to him while listening to him

"either way amaya you still play am important part in Joshua's life either way but if he controls his darkness, you can rest knowing he wont randomly split into something like you said he did.in Narnia..."she said

"His hope? All I can do is continue Being there for him like I have the whole time...I really haven't done.much other then get in the way or somehow helped accelerate his darkness to that anti form...hell I even got in the way and got my hand hurt but it set him off greatly..I seemed to do more harm then good
for him. I mean I am weaker then everyone else in the group and always seem to get hurt where they pick up the slack enspecially around those signs cause I get a giant pain in my cheast the closer I am to a sign"she said gently summoning her blade "I never thought I would be weilding a keyblade...I only cause others pain because I am horrible at fighting with my weapon and magic "she said letting the blade dissappear.
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