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Current Pretend this is actually something cool that I have to say.
15 days ago
Statuses are sometimes the most relatable things ever- until they talk about kneecaps
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Building a guide to engaging roleplay! Need people to interview. If you want to, PM me! Input would be a great help! :)
1 yr ago


⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 432302

My name is Bailey, Agent, Trip or 43. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.

Please note that I have not existed or roleplayed for almost half a year so I will be struggling for a little while until I pick my abilities back up! I will try my best, so feel free to PM me as said above!

I talk too much sometimes, sorry

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Most Recent Posts

Nathaniel Harvard

The berries were just fine. Nathaniel stepped away, watching them while glancing at Pix sometimes. The girl didn't try anything, and he was relieved for that.
Nathaniel Harvard

Nathaniel went over to Pix's berry bushes, picked a few, and gently held them out to Light, so the wolf knew he was genuine. Pix wouldn't be able to stop him anyway, since he'd technically paid her for the food he was giving to them, and he had his own little farm in the caves that sustained him.

"No trick. I have a farm, and the Fae girl can't stop me," He spoke kindly.
Banned for using my own reason against me!
Pix and Nathaniel Harvard

"Let them have your berries, Pix," Nathaniel looked up at the girl, who glared down at him but knew she was cornered.

"But I don't wa-"


"Fine. Fuck you." Pix grumbled, but didn't move.

Nathaniel nodded to Light and Violet. The least he could do was offer them food.
Pix and Nathaniel Harvard

"I made them better," Nathaniel countered, taking a little crystal from his pocket and tossing it up to Pix.

Pix caught it, then tilted her head. Nathaniel didn't often give her gifts for no reason...
Pix and Nathaniel Harvard

"Don't listen to him, Light. Nathan never tells the truth," Pix giggled.

"Not my name, and keep in mind that I know your name, and could tell them it if I wanted to," Nathaniel snapped at the girl.
Banned for being in ghost mode
Nathaniel Harvard

Nathaniel, who had been watching from the shadows, stepped into the light and spoke. This is a really bad idea, but I have to expose the Fae.

"She's not. She's Fae." He heard Pix's surprised gasp, and heard her try to hide deeper in the trees.

Pix tilted her head, peering down at the wolf and the older girl. Odd. You're definitely mortal. I could kill you both, She thought, not sharing these thoughts aloud.

"Really? You seem pretty mortal to me. So does your girl," There was a bare-bones threat in Pix's voice.

"Good. These are my berries, and they're not for pathetic mortals," Pix grumbled, but a bit too loudly.
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