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Current Pretend this is actually something cool that I have to say.
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Statuses are sometimes the most relatable things ever- until they talk about kneecaps
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Building a guide to engaging roleplay! Need people to interview. If you want to, PM me! Input would be a great help! :)
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 432302

My name is Bailey, Agent, Trip or 43. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.

Please note that I have not existed or roleplayed for almost half a year so I will be struggling for a little while until I pick my abilities back up! I will try my best, so feel free to PM me as said above!

I talk too much sometimes, sorry

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Kissimi took it, nodding her thanks. She didn't bother to replace the cloak, considering that would just make it worse, but until the bleeding stopped, she wouldn't be able to redo it correctly. She sighed, stroking the wolf's head as it groaned quietly. "Somebody hurt her with a knife," She answered, even though she thought it was pretty obvious. The brown wolf ran back to the ship, being shooed away by Kissimi.

Chase Jackson and Pilot

The pilot startled at Megara's voice and sighed. Chase, however, sensed her coming and moved to give her a way to come inside. "We would be better off if somebody," the pilot gave Chase a pointed glare, "hadn't messed with our shields and close-range communication systems. We have no way of knowing when reinforcements arrive. Had you contacted the cruiser through the wolf lady's ship, you would have been better off." "At least we have reinforcements!" Chase muttered under his breath.
Pira was ordered inside by Kissimi, who then sent the brown wolf to find the white wolf, following quickly. The wolf continued to bay, quieting only as Kissimi approached to a soft whimper. Kissimi stroked the wolf, trying to quiet her. It was the least she could do, considering she didn't have any bandages. But she knew the wound- a deep gash through the wolf's side, was too serious. She took off her cloak, using it to wrap the wound. Improvising since she didn't have actual bandages. Chase remained unmoving, watching the pilot boredly.
Chase Jackson

Chase's expression changed, but he was silent. He did as she asked, helping her to the chair before scampering away and sliding into the cockpit. "We were able to contact a cruiser. A few troop ships and a medical transport are on their way," He grabbed the wall to steady himself as the ship touched down on the landing pad. He was then startled as a wolf began to bay from outside. He didn't know that the white wolf had gone to do a perimeter check and gotten injured.


Kissimi was also startled as the white wolf began baying but did not go to assist right away. She would remain with Pira until the Republic ship's doors opened and the girl was safely inside before going to assist the wolf. Her wolves were strong, and the white wolf was the strongest. She had faith that the wolf wouldn't die, but still had her doubts.
"Alright. It was good to hear from you, Shade, even under these circumstances," The transmission ended with a quiet click as the pilot called out. "We're good to land! You two good back there?"


Kissimi had managed to negotiate the Republic ship into a spot, but she'd had to trade away Megara's spare lightsaber for it. Well, the spot and fuel, so she decided Megara would have time to get mad at her later. It was the spare, Master Window's, or Kissimi's own, and the latter two weren't an option she would even consider. Sorry, Shade. It's your lightsaber or more than I can pay. I'll repay you another way, but for now this'll do. You can negotiate for it back if you want, She thought after she'd radio'd up to the Republic ship that they could land.
"Sending your help now, and I will have to inform the Council of our loss- his Padawan, you say? I wasn't aware he had one..." He sounded a bit confused but clearly was trying to shrug it off as a miscommunication. Meanwhile, Chase scampered over to Megara. The sound of Master Kenobi speaking to... somebody... could be heard. "Nevermind. There was a miscommunication and I wasn't aware. Stay with her and the younglings."
"Two?" He sounded surprised. "Commander, do we have anybody we can... yes... thank you... Master Shade, we can send a few troop ships and a means of medical transport. Where are you?" He paused for a moment before sighing and speaking again. "And, have you heard from Master Windu?"
"CHASE! WHERE'D OUR SHIELDS JUST GO?" The pilot hollered, knowing that the boy was the most likely person to have done the deed.

Chase Jackson

Chase nodded and then winced as the pilot yelled at him. "Sorry!" was his only response as he went back to messing with the wires. "You should have a better connection now, if they're on the right side of Atollon," He added, setting down the wires he was holding very carefully. Just like he'd been saying, the connection seemed to fizzle back to life.

"Master Shade? Do you copy? Repeat, do you copy?" In fact, the connection was much better. Something had probably been done on the other side that, paired with Chase's attempt, had given them a good connection.
Banned for being new, and thinking your phone crashed.
Chase Jackson

"I can try. But they're in the airspace above Atollon, which is farther than I think I can get it to be. I'm not sure though; this is an older ship than the ones normally seen around nowadays, and with older parts too. I don't want to- oops, well, there go our shields..." Chase fiddled with the wires until he froze, having messed up the shields. "Uh- my bad?" He sounded guilty and had an expression to match it. He was lucky the ship was above the sentry guns' ranges, or they'd have been shot down in minutes if not seconds.
The pilot did so, not wanting to get the ship damaged.

There was only silence for quite a while before a distorted voice spoke. It was broken up, most likely due to range, but audible. "...Shade... Kenobi... patch... Council..." were the only words discernable. Apparently, Chase's attempt to give the ship distance would only go so far as to connect them to a Jedi Cruiser in the nearby system.
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