Avatar of 4323O2


Recent Statuses

12 days ago
Current Pretend this is actually something cool that I have to say.
13 days ago
Statuses are sometimes the most relatable things ever- until they talk about kneecaps
27 days ago
Building a guide to engaging roleplay! Need people to interview. If you want to, PM me! Input would be a great help! :)
1 yr ago


⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 432302

My name is Bailey, Agent, Trip or 43. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.

Please note that I have not existed or roleplayed for almost half a year so I will be struggling for a little while until I pick my abilities back up! I will try my best, so feel free to PM me as said above!

I talk too much sometimes, sorry

Current rps


not up to date

Most Recent Posts

Banned because I don't want to be main. so L.
Banned because nope!
Pira Jackson

"She probably doesn't like the fact that you're on Lothal. She could have been looking for the Sith in the legend alone, and could be worried you've compromised her chances of doing good?" Pira suggested, shrugging.


Kissimi nodded, silent this time. You know you don't have any authority over me, right? I do hope so, or this won't end well for any of us, She thought, but kept her thoughts to herself as she stood. She froze as a voice shouted at her. "JEDI!" She turned slowly, her hand going to her lightsaber that the wolf hadn't knocked off by default. She glanced at Bane. "Go. This type of thing never ends well," She told him as she was able to locate the person who had spoken.
In Up! 1 yr ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome! Hope you find what you're looking for!
Banned because TECHNICALLY pure luck gave me that opportunity. Anybody could have stolen that had they been playing-
Banned because I do. And my strange "a" headers are back.
And again! Also, aardvarks appreciate any apples at attention and apathetic anythings
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