Avatar of 4323O2


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11 days ago
Current Pretend this is actually something cool that I have to say.
12 days ago
Statuses are sometimes the most relatable things ever- until they talk about kneecaps
27 days ago
Building a guide to engaging roleplay! Need people to interview. If you want to, PM me! Input would be a great help! :)
1 yr ago


⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 432302

My name is Bailey, Agent, Trip or 43. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.

Please note that I have not existed or roleplayed for almost half a year so I will be struggling for a little while until I pick my abilities back up! I will try my best, so feel free to PM me as said above!

I talk too much sometimes, sorry

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Most Recent Posts

Chase Jackson

Chase rocked on his feet then nodded reluctantly and left to locate his sister. I need to just calm down. Maybe she'll be in the library. She always is when she's not with me, He thought.

Kissimi Cresis

Kissimi sighed and finally sat beside the wolf, still petting her. The wolf yawned and rest her head on Kissimi's lap while glaring at Bane for some reason. Kissimi didn't appear to notice this.
Kissimi Cresis and Chase Jackson

The wolf yawned, her paws batting at Kissimi mindlessly. She appeared to not be in pain, quietly accepting Kissimi's touch as praise. Chase didn't say anything, giving Kissimi a chance to completely throw him off.

"Go find your sister."

"What did you do to Pira!?" He sounded alarmed.

Kissimi chuckled. "So that's what you think about me. Good to know."


"Hm?" Kissimi didn't make eye contact with Chase, but she was entertained by this. Perhaps it was cruel, but having done nothing to Pira, she would play a game with the boy. If Chase didn't trust her now, he never would. He wouldn't understand what I've been doing. Neither of them would. I'll be lucky if Skywalker does. Deception comes at a cost, after all.
Kissimi Cresis and Chase Jackson

Kissimi ignored Bane and beckoned for Chase to follow. After a moment, Chase did follow, listening intently as Kissimi explained what happened to the white wolf. She was surprised at how intent Chase was about listening to her and suspected something was up. As she stroked the wolf's head, she studied Chase from the corner of her eye.

"So why did you really want to talk to me, Chase?"

"This was why!"

"Not because you want to protect Pira?" She raised her eyebrows with an inquisitive glance at the boy, who fidgeted under her gaze.

"Wh- why do you think that...?" He sounded uncomfortable, his plan having gone rather wrong.

"Because you could have asked me what happened when White got onto the ship, which would have been more logical than now." It was a logical answer.
Banned for a profile picture about sex.
Jackob "Pentagram" Holland

Jackob propped himself up against the nearest wall, sighing. "I truly am sorry you had to see that. Do me a favor and not tell Trix, will you?" He replied after a few minutes to catch his breath.

Zoe "Trix" Wolfe

Zoe frowned, smoothing down the corner. Odd, She glanced around, feeling like she was being watched. She hated that feeling, and she never had it often since not many dared to spy on her. She listened, silent. But there was nobody else she could hear. She shrugged the feeling off with a shake of her head. "Just a rat, Wolfe," She muttered.
Banned for taking two minutes to write that.
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