Enrique Hernandez
![]() ____________________________________________________ C H A R A C T E R I N F O R M A T I O N Name Enrique Haralabos Hernandez Nicknames/Aliases Haralabos Hernandez Handyman Holdings (not an actual registered company but sometimes people making him write something on a form to get paid) Birth City/District: San-Washington Age: 45 Height 5' 11" (top of head, not including stowed cybernetics) Racial Background: Mixed, mostly Latino and Greek, small amounts of Indian and African ancestry Race: Zero Percenter Hair Color: Bald, black when it grows out Eye Color: Steel Grey (due to cybernetics) Appearance: Heavy armor plating on all parts of him exposed to the elements, very scratched paint job on it. Tan, leathery skin when he bothered to keep the synthskin intact over the armor. Massive cybnernetic array on his back, holding the drones and plow when it is stowed, and the material resevoir for the Extruder tool. Palm of hands features the focus lenses of the Matsushita LX-H Hard Light tool, both arms feature added bulk from their signature tool, ridges, coils, and tubing from the Uchide-no-kozuchi on one arm, the bit, motor, and charge container for the M99-Issun-Boshi on the other. Almost always covered in dust or other stains. Visible motors, pistons and gears in certain places. Mutation Marker(s): N.A. Personality: Enrique is a quiet guy, dependable, values keeping his word and doesn't like to start trouble. He's happy to talk about work but doesn't like to open up much beyond that except to people he knows really well. He is slow to trust, slow to anger and does not appreciate loudmouths or boasting. Independence is something he values, and while he is happy to work on a project together, he resents it when he feels people aren't pulling their weight. This harshness extends to himself, he is proud of his own hard work, to the point that he will almost always refuse help if it feels like it is taking away his own agency. This also makes him judgmental of others, while he seldom says it out loud, he has little respect for anyone who sacrifices their freedom in search of an easier or more peaceful life. He's not a showoff, and doesn't like to start drama over nothing, when he is in a violent situation he is calm and workmanlike, without anger or panic. In tense situations he rarely panics, but it also prone to pessimism, and will often write things off as a lost cause even when there is still hope. His passion for cybernetics can spill over to addiction, bordering on obsessive tinkering and perfecting of his hardware to attain some standard that exists only in his mind, some standard he will never reach. He has little sense of self preservation, and is prone to fretting over small flaws in mistakes he makes. Enrique is a strong believer in equality and solidarity, he values people working together and hates any form of inborn privelige. He values his quiet time and solitary pursuits, and this is when his softer side comes out. It is something he doesn't like to show, but he is capable of showing genuine care for others. Aspirations: Enrique values being a self made man. That is a continous quest without a defined end, something he upholds throughout his hard work and continued perfection. He takes equal pride in building skills and adding on cybernetics. He also takes pride in his craftmanship, he sees value in doing quality work, and wants to make sure whatever he works on lasts a long time. Enrique also believe in making a positive difference in the lives of others; he isn't warm and cuddly but he does genuinely value helping others and likes to teach and mentor, especially to people who were born with very little. He doesn't follow politics, but would be very happy to see more rights and equality for Zero Percenters. Fears: He doesn't like showing weakness. Enrique hates be dependent on people, he hates having to ask for help. He fears failing people, and failing in a public way, and most of all he doesn't want to let down the people he cares about. It sticks with him enough that he actively avoids trying to get too attached to people, because he doesn't want to lose them or disappoint them. Vehicle: A beat up old work van, it holds his tools and is a place to sleep when he's on the go. Yes, people try to break into it and yes he will break several bones of whoever he catches trying. P O W E R / C Y B E R N E T I C S I N F O R M A T I O N Strengths/Natural Abilities: Enrique is tough, physically as well as mentally. His cybernetic body is armored like a tank, and the raw power output is hard to match in anything human shaped. It comes equipped with tools to handle almost any project, whether it is construction or destruction; it might be slow, but once he sets to work there is little that can stand in his way. He's resourceful too, years of experience give him a lot of ideas about how to improvise when the situation gets rough. Years of experience have given him an encyclopedic knowledge of construction and cybernetics, there are few problems that can stump him in either domain. He backs all of this up with determination, courage, and strong ability to push on through pain. Weaknesses/Flaws: As good as Enrique is with manipulating anything physical, he is almost useless when it comes to the inner working of computers. He doesn't have time for the digital world and is set in his ways about that. His current configuration of cybernetics make him extremely obvious and bad at stealth, and overall he is not suited to fast movement. He also comes to rely them, and if they are damaged or disabled he has little to fall back on. This also means he has to spend time fixing them to stay ready. He's never been part of a formal military, so he is actually unfamiliar with using weapons that aren't integrated as part of his cybernetics. In his personal life, he has been known to drink or use substances heavily, which may have negative consequences. Soul Binder/Weapon(s): N.A. Cybernetics/Gadets/Accessories: 3M CleanAIR Dust and Industrial Toxin filtration system (Protects him from inhaling dust or toxic gas) NEC Cyber-I, low light and dust model (Allows him to see in low light and dusty conditions) Panasonic ClearChannel Sensory Procssor (Integrated radio and noise protector. Also can be configured to deliver painkillers and mood suppressants as the situation requires) DeWalt MAX XR Industrial Servo-muscular system (Enhanced Strength) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Type 77 DO-MARU Heavy Armor Plating (Heavy Armor, all over his body) CAT R1200 XEP Articulated Plow (A heavily armored plow, normally stowed on his back, split into two halves that can be joined or articulated independently, can change position or apply force, useful as additional frontal armor, clearing obstacles, or digging into the earth) Komatsu KX9 Heavy Load Bipedal Mobility System (Reinforced legs for carrying the extra load or providing dampening from heay impacts) Dyno-Nobel SafeShot Explosive Stowage and Initiation System (Built in safe storage compartments and triggering system for explosive charges. Can also store non-explosive items if he just needs to have things on hand) Matsushita LX-H Hardlight Cutting/Force Application Tool (Hard light system that can work as versatile, variable geometry cutting tool or apply brute force for protection or demolition purposes, has two of these) Hitachi Uchide-no-kozuchi MK2 Extruder/Hotend/Linear Accelerator Assembly (A combination of the hotend of an industrial 3D Printer and a railgun. It can shape and deposit material for some quick and dirty fabrication, but it's ability to superheat and accelerate material means that it can also function as welder, a thermal lance, or a way to accelerate superheated materials at extreme speeds towards whoever Enrique thinks needs some rapid re-education) Ryobi-Milwaukee FUEL M99-Issun-Boshi Rotary Pilebunker (Combination of a drill and jackhammer. It can do mundane things like drive in fasteners, but the main appeal is tearing through tough materials) Sony AIRO Integrated Drone Assistance System (Holds light duty flying drones to assist with construction work. Could support up to six ultra-light drones, less if they are equipped with tools that are actually capable of doing things other than sensing or extremely light duty. Most common configuration equipping the drones with light duty hard light projectors.) Fanuc CRX-Light Duty Supplemental Tool Arm (Third arm can hold an additional tool or brace himself when doing work. Not heavy enough to be used with anything that would require cybernetics to handle) Toyota 2JX Power Core with Overboost Add-on (Powers everything, has extra power mode which can give him a lot more propulsion for a short amount of time, though he will still maneuver like a river barge on land despite the increased speed) E X T R A Anything else? His daughter is alive, has a YSG, and is a member of a tactical Idol group called Perfect All Kill. He knows none of this Theme Song: youtu.be/jSzKcObWkt8 | H i s t o r y Enrique is from San Washington, from a family that feels no shame about their zero percenter status. The local community was tight knit and his family were well known within it, at every community meeting, political rally, charity drive, or celebration you could find someone from Enrique's family there. They ended up lower middle class through hard work and grit, still near the bottom of the social ladder overall but able to avoid abject poverty. Though he had parents that cared for him, a supportive family, and stable home environment, his childhood was far from carefree. His parents pushed him to work hard and held to high standards, and he was constantly busy between school, helping his parents, and working odd jobs to bring in some extra money. They also made sure he knew just how precarious his situation was, that one bad encounter with the authorities or the gangs could end it all. He himself felt that when his uncle was arrested for radical politics and executed; from that moment onward his parents told him not to rock the boat, to be a model citizen, differentiate himself through dedication to work and following the rules. He didn't believe that this would make people see him differently, neither did his parents, but they saw it as the best way to survive in a harsh world. One common theme of Enrique's work experience was his mechanical aptitude. He was always salvaging, tinkering, and working with anything he could get his hands on. Cybernetics were his passion; he had no money to go to a real college, but he was able to use what he had to move to Old Kinsasha for an apprenticeship as a cybernetics technician. The hours were long, the work was hard, but Enrique learned a great deal and earned praise from all around. He dreamt of bringing what he learned back to San Washington and opening up his own small business, but that required money he didn't have. To try and earn some he took on dangerous work, construction outside the city walls, short contracts in the broken lands. It was only lucky that saved his life on those first few expeditions, before he knew better. That was the work that introduced him to the woman who he would fall in love with, Natsuko. She was different from Enrique, she was from Neo-Tokyo, born with a Yokai Gene and well educated. She was a manager, Enrique always said he fell for her because she was the only one of the managers who bothered to remember the names of the people doing the dangerous and backbreaking work, though if pressed he might admit was because of her charms, her Yokai Gene gave her the ethereal appearance of the classic Yuki-Onna apparation. Together Enrique and Natsuko hatched a plan for the rest of their life. She'd work her corporate job for a while and he would keep doing construction work until they had enough to start up a cybernetics shop together, he could handle the labor and she could handle the management. It wouldn't be a ticket to riches but it would offer them something rare in this world: freedom, a way to earn a living the way they wanted, free from corporate overlords and brutal contracts. Somehow it never bothered him that he'd be selling cybernetics despite having the very few himself; this choice wasn't because he feared them, it is because he was worried too much chrome and it's YG repellant properties would make it hard to care for a wife and eventual child that bore the gene. The journey to get there wasn't easy, Enrique never heard the details but apparently Natsuko's family was hostile to it, and although Enrique's own was not against it, they kept asking him if he was sure. The plan was all going well, Natsuko and Enrique were well on their way to building a life together, they were married (by common law, the official paperwork wasn't done), and they had a child on the way. It all changed one night, one snowy night when Enrique could not sleep and he did not know why. He lied awake, and out of the corner of his eye he saw something, he saw Natsuko disappearing out of the door. He called out to her and she showed no reaction, he ran after her but all he could see was mist and fast melting snow. That was the last he ever saw of her or his unborn child. For weeks he hoped they would return, but as that turned to months he began to accept she was gone. Enrique had no heart for his old dream, and poured all of the money he had into more cybernetics for himself, until he was more chrome than flesh, until he had made himself into the most optimized worker he could be. He was without purpose and intentionally took the most dangerous construction work he could, things in active combat zones or deep into the brokenlands, no longer caring if he lived or died. Years went by and he survived. Endless overtime and dangerous work toughed his exterior even more, but left him with few close confidants. With the money and his own skill, he was able to accumulate his cybernetics without ending up crippling debt to a corporation, but not much else. After several years Neo-Tokyo ended up his home base even if it wasn't his favorite city, but it was the one place that never had a shortage of work for someone skilled and willing to take on the craziest jobs. His reputation brought him into contact with Tsuki, and he trusted her enough to end up being dragged along with whatever ideas she came up with. |