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"Once we control the mansion and smash whatever is making that barrier there's nowhere they can hide to." The ember of the lantern flickered on crimson eyes, gazing down on the simple map as if trying to peer within the mansion just from the piece of parchment. "Magical scrying will flush them out soon enough. But regardless, there's merit in preventing them from wasting our time. And to that end..."

A small bronze coin was added to the map, what design visible between old bloodstain and green oxidation was foreign to Kindeance. It represented the third token on the frontal assault team, Yvonne flashing a grin that was more teeth and snarl than anything resembling a smile.

"I'm sure she remembers who castrated her beloved pet, yeah? Anyone got a bardiche I could borrow?"
She'd be damned, it's Veronica! Edgy there was a good team member to have, considering the past experience. Yvonne certainly knew some companies that'll offer a fortune for such a perfect scout, not to mention how good a fighter the black-clad woman was. Yvonne waved back as the group gather, explaining the condition of the fortified mansion. It's a rather sizeable compound, so either they'll be up against a small army or the security was more porous than a leaky sieve. Considering that Edgy there managed to scout all the way through the inner wall, it's probably the latter.

Sparky will make short work of those people. But that's not the biggest problem they had...

"We probably should be prepared for another mage fight, yeah? Whoever set up that scrying barrier probably have relation to Asevor, unless such things are commonly traded between wizards." She shrugged, not really in the know about arcane matter. She knew enough to work with friendly ones, and how to best kill hostile ones. Anything else wasn't important.

"Killing people? Ain't got any special feeling to it. Do the deed and move on. But getting to that point is either exciting or excruciating with little inbetween." A proper fight with one's life on the line was exciting, but on the other hand there'll be skirmishes and/or assaulting entrenched position where it was plain miserable the entire time. Yvonne didn't kill for fun, it's a bit of the other way around - what she finds fun tend to ends up with people dying. Small distinction, but an important one.
Their camp tonight was within a forest sparse enough that a decent clearings could be found just a stone's throw away from the edge. Issue was the very quality that made it a decent camping spot also meant it's very much still possible to be spotted from the road. Especially if they were to lit some fire. Just a small inconvenience, the worst of winter's chill have passed with only some lingering touches left, but they had a rather important old man coming along...

...well, Thernous wasn't complaining so she wouldn't offer.

Still having her travelling cloak on to avoid the last light of the day glinting off her metallic guards, Yvonne slowly made her way around the perimeter of their camp and fiddled with the young saplings growing around. When tied with the right knot, they'll whip in a sharp crisp rustle should anyone trip through the makeshift alarm. And best of all, they'll untangle over time as the sapling grew and within a week there'll be no more trace of it. Pretty handy when one's traversing into potentially hostile territory with minimum resources and manpower.

She returned back to the camp right in time for Smurfy's news, her eyes flickering to the hilltop where the unmistakable glow of Sparky's magic momentarily lit up. Well, so much for being subtle. Hope it wouldn't come back to bite them in the ass later.

"About time we meet these forward scouts. Look lively, ladies and gentlemen, but keep your weapons close just in case."

They've already ran into an eldritch creature playing merchant just yesterday. Wouldn't put it past their luck that the newcomers were somehow out to screw their little group over too.
A new day arrived, yet the tension from the previous night remained. Yvonne for the most part decided to stay away from it, ain't her job educating some noble brat. Personally if the peace was so fragile that a single merchant can topple it then the conflict was inevitable. No matter how much stronger his wares could make someone, a mortal was still a mortal in the end. If it could bleed, it could be killed. Just ask the pompous prick whose remains was scattered for miles and miles all over Fanghorn.

And professionally, well, they risk their mission with every high-profile act their little group commit. What were they gonna do, arrest every criminal between Rascade and the border? That just ain't happening, yeah?

"Same formation?" She said, just so others hear it instead of needing any confirmation. "We dont have all day, so let us depart."

She can munch on the travel ration on the way. Hot meal would be great, but eh. Time was a pressing matter, no? They'll live.
The lack of followup weapon clashing and/or elf-powered explosion was encouraging, though it did took the wind out of Yvonne's sail. Scratching her head rather awkwardly, another look at the discount Davy Jones confirmed that the creature wasn't turning hostile despite presumably having gotten shot just moment ago.

She had to admit that it got more patience than herself.

"Uh, riiight." She helped the old man off the wagon, their pace slow enough that by the time they got to the confrontation site the monstrous merchant had long since faded into the tenebrous veil of night. So much for getting all riled up, but guess it could've been a lot worse.

Yvonne kept her tongue for herself for now, not quite having the context of what's going on beyond the fact that a shot was fired. No one looked injured in their group, she'll have to listen in a bit before starting to be judgmental. Call it an instinct, but her bullshit detector was tingling. There's definitely a dumbfuckery ongoing here, one way or another.
A gunshot in the middle of the night was startling enough. Yvonne all but jumped, body moving on instinct before the mind catch up. Stand up, drop everything, grab a weapon, survey the area for threat. Not quite difficult with all the yelling, and the lightshow - or well, the exact opposite of a lightshow - where the commotion came from. There a thing wreathed in shadows that wouldn't look out of place next to Solomon's summons stood, thrumming with baleful aura and near-palpable pressure of magical power. Her face scrunched in distaste, noting that the way the damned thing stood next to the merchant's carriage while the bearded man himself was nowhere in sight.

"Come ON, we BARELY even left the city!" She complained as she moved as fast as her legs could carry her, not quite toward the fight but to the king's envoy that only now was very rudely woken up. Yvonne had to resist just hauling the old man off and create some distance away from the budding confrontation, but there's still some decorum to be had. Some. "We need to move, sir! Chop chop!"

She had no context on what's going on, best to ensure that the VIP was protected. Quite literally anyone else were expendable, they'll just have to hold on until Thernous was safe-ish.
"Then it's more suspicious for him to show up here." Yvonne eyed the bear twins damn near twice her height, inwardly shaking her head at how naive these two were. Or perhaps it's just herself that didn't quite have the eyes for magic, but there was such thing as too convenient. "Most people doesn't casually carry the money for what he's selling, yeah? And I know some groups will try rob him if they got a wind of what's in his cart. It's ranging between unprofitable and downright suicidal peddling like that."

Another glower to the mysterious peddler, whose display of magic wasn't even subtle. Was that his source of confidence? Yvonne had met more than a few mages whose overconfidence didn't save them from a mortal injury. The man simply irked her to a personal level.

"Rosey, wasn't it? Scrutinize what you're buying real close. Heck, maybe ask Sparky back there for opinions too. She know her stuff." Done with her piece, Yvonne shrugged and swaggered back to her spot where the tent was left half-complete.
Yvonne wasn't about to get involved at first, it's already hard enough to follow the conversation with the thick accent thrown around. But then she heard the price tags and couldn't help but raising an eyebrow. It was not a small sum. Well, considering the party there's multiple people that can handily throw around that kind of money without batting an eye. But there's no way a regular caravan can.

The man really sounds like a snake oil salesman... unless his items are legit. Which opened a whole new can of worms by itself.

"Pricy wares you've got there." Yvonne swaggered in from the side, eyeing the admittedly pretty nicely made stuff at a glance. "Ain't you worried about brigands, travelling alone like that? Awful lot of confidence approaching us like that, yeah?"

Yvonne gave a grin, one that never reached the eyes, the gesture dissonant to the conveyed intent.

"You know about us or something? That there's a few moneybags here that could be amenable to a good trade?"
Yvonne recollected her luggage and weapons from the "safekeeping" by the castle staff, in good anticipation after the carelessness of last time sent her out travelling with her backpack stuck in the inn because the group just departed immediately. Same case this time, it looked like. It's still a light(ish) kit, but enough for a few days worth of forced march if needed.

With how things were expected to went, she'll need every edge she could scrounge against the impending shitshow.

"Who's driving this time? Doc again?" Yvonne inquired to no one in particular as she loaded the saddlebag, picking the decidedly smaller horses of the lot. "I'll take the rear guard then. Anyone praying for safe travel?"

Yvonne showed no reservation in heaping her plate, the quantity likely second only to the bear twins. She did devoured the stuff with no issue though, somehow managing to maintain a decent table manner in the process despite the speed various slice of pies and cold cuts and whatnot disappearing into her. No alcohol served in brunch unfortunately, but she can pretend the apple juice was cider.

"Is it now?" She said, tone slightly coy, eyes narrowing inquisitively at the elf. Last time, none of the personnel brought in by the king was mediocre. Each and every one had a field they're specialized at. What would this one bring to the table? "Well, no matter. We'll have much opportunity to see what you've got, yeah?"

He cant keep his secret forever. If they were to be stuck up shit creek without a paddle like before, he damn well better contribute something. Or he'd die, plain and simple. Even someone highly skilled was a goner, with a few others skirting at the brink. Yvonne only hoped that Freddy wouldn't send a fodder along with them. Surely the king cant be that senile yet?
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