"Huh?" It was the pale man that asked the unusually philosophical question... or perhaps it was just curiosity. He certainly looked young enough to have no experience in the matter. But anyway, he was asking about bardiches? Yvonne barked out a harsh laugh, grinning at the unusual addition to their merry little murder troupe.
Where did Freddy pull out all these colorful individuals from?
"Ah, I didn't actually need to borrow one! It's just a reminder of the last encounter with our dear old Stritzel. But to answer your question, it's a type of poleaxe with long but narrow... blade?" Her words trailed into a moment of confusion as the man started shaping his ice, a pale bluish white construct dully reflecting the moonlight. It first took the shape of a standard poleaxe, but as she spoke the blade lengthened and narrowed accordingly. Huh, that's interesting. "Even longer, about twice as long as that. Without the speartip or back-blade. The bottom of the bearding connects back to the handle to facilitate better heft just by shifting the grip. Yeah, juuust like that."
Yvonne whistled as he passed the finished construct to her, the ice surprisingly... neutral. Much closer to room temperature than what she expected of a block of ice. The balance was different from regular polearm on account of the entire thing comprised of the same material, feeling more like a wooden weapon, but the edge was razor-sharp. As for the durability, she tapped into a small amount of her inner strength before trying to bend the pole.
No give at all. Interesting...
"Do you mind if I knock it around a bit?" She asked, the man shaking his head in acquiescence. Her grin wider, Yvonne knelt on the ground with the ice weapon before her as she took out her dagger and strike it at the flat of the axehead.
First, with the pointed end. A soft clink echoed before the daggerpoint scraped sideways, barely leaving any mark in the process. Flipping the weapon, she tried a pommel strike only to get a dull thunk for her trouble. Another whistled escaped as she stood back up, patting some dirt off her knee before sheathing the dagger back.
"Awesome! Wouldn't need to worry about replacement weapons with you around, yeah?" No one had introduced their strength and weakness, so it's a nice discovery to find out that one of the newcomers had a fun magic to play around. There's so many applications she could think of... "I'll be sure to make a good use of it tomorrow. Thanks, bud!"
All she got in reply was a mild nod before the man departed, but she chalked it to his personality being quiet. It certainly suited his appearance, as generalizing as it were. Still, she doubt Frosty would mind the opinion at all.
Moving a bit away, Yvonne spend a couple minutes getting used to the weapon's reach and weight before eventually getting ready to call it a day.