Avatar of Aalakrys


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
My guinea pig has gone on to the great hay pile in the cosmos. I’ll miss him.
6 yrs ago
So I got married today
6 yrs ago
My fiance just told me he ate my left over slice of pie. This engagement is over.
6 yrs ago
If you're nocturnal, every day is the day you sleep.
6 yrs ago
I don't know anything about Mahz, but I'd ~really~ like to have that vacation time off from work. (That banner has been there a while, yeah? =P)


  • 18+ = RP Partner Must Be 18+
  • Female, writes MxM, FxM, FxF
  • My Typical Response Time (minimum) = One to two days for OOC, RPs could vary but will respond at least once a week, probably more.
  • Typically High-Cas, sometimes Advanced. Can do Casual though it's painful.
  • Friendly = OOC always chatty if partner wants
  • Roleplaying Limits = will not do torture, rape/molestation, etc actively. My characters might have it in their past though.
  • I like romance. I like depressing romance with a happy ending the best. Slow burns are usually preferred, unless otherwise specified.
  • If there is romance, I'm ok with fade-to-black or giving details.
  • Romance isn't necessary to write with me.
  • Respecting the individuality of our characters is necessary to write with me.

1x1 Interest Checks

Most Recent Posts

Banned from the computer? Are you still a student - studying for exams?
Addition: Also, I changed Ryuu to a wolf after they went looking for Davis because it fit his personality better. I'm sorry, I thought about it about while I was working on another post - if I'd made the decision earlier, he could have found the kid instead of wandering around. >.< Oh well, not they are all firmly set. No changes.
I ... went overboard again. I'm sorry. ^^; Haha. I did identify what they all were finally ...
Sunlight was dancing along to the rhythm of the wind through the cherry blossom tree outside Kaori's window, streaming along the documents splayed neatly out across her desk without choreography. She was peering over her spectacles that rested on the tip of her nose, reading the chef's planned menu for next week to see if any ingredients needed to be ordered, when she heard Sakuya's call for the young master outside. Glancing out the window to see Haruki stand from his flower patch and look towards the rear of the house, she wondered what had happened to cause such distress in the head butler's tone. Standing and gently lying the document on top of the pile, Kaori decided to check on the mistress. Lady Constance was sitting down to tea with her back to slightly open parlor door, the new maid nervously standing behind her out of view while clasping the tray she'd delivered the tea on tightly to her chest. At seeing Kaori out of the corner of her eye, the girl's youthful face brightened slightly with a nervous smile, and so Kaori continued on down the hallway without disturbing the mistress.

" -- lost him already. Lazy cat, I knew I should have stayed --," Ryuu's relaxed over the shoulder glance as he spoke openly about the situation upon entering the house froze when he looked forward to see the Jorōgumo Kaori smiling brightly at him. He knew that specific smile on her face was really an indication of danger, so he bowed low immediately. She was far too crafty for him, he'd learned a long time ago. "Forgive me, Madam Kaori."

"Now, now, Ryuu," She chided, smile still in place with a tilt of her head as an index finger touched her cheek. "I imagine Sakuya could come up with all sorts of appropriate punishments for such incredulous talk, but I do believe he's already given you the silverware. Am I correct?"

"Yes, ma'am," Ryuu said, lifted his head up from his bow to look upon her face. She indicated with a wave for him to stand tall again, and he smiled broadly at her - taking her offer to relax once more. "I will get to that."

"Naturally," She said after casually eyeing the seemingly irresponsible Ōkami for a moment, folding her hands into her kimono as her arms crossed. As he passed upon her agreement, she spoke again - causing him to freeze once more in place as if she had paralyzed him with that deceptively sweet voice. "But first ... what happened?"

As Ryuu was relaying the tale to the housekeeper, Kaori began to shift from foot to foot as the mistress finished her tea. Meekly, she reached forward to pour another cup, but was halted when Constance placed her hand over the cup calmly. Kaori liked the mistress, even though she was very nervous around her. She seemed nice, the young maid was thinking as she placed the teacup and pot on her tray without a word. Of course, Kaori never spoke unless spoken to, and often could disappear without one noticing. It was a good trait for a servant to have, even though she had an unfair advantage as an Obake. As she made her way to the kitchens to deposit the kettle and teacup, she pondered, as she often did, on her death.

Kaede had ventured into the garden to let Haruki know what the head butler's call had been for after seeing the boy cross the threshold of the forest to an anxiously awaiting Sakuya. Her tones had been kinder with Haruki than Ryuu simply because they were almost the exact opposite - where Ryuu liked to dawdle and laze about at times, Haruki worked from sun up until sun down. The gardener's personality was also sincere, where the footman had been sly in his words. Upon hearing the creature at the lake's little description, Haruki looked puzzled and then worried for the flora in the area with an unidentifiable monster in the area. With the decision to go check on the plants in the forest, Kaede bid him be careful just as her name was called from inside by the mistress.

Not one to run, she took a brisk pace as she headed back towards the entrance near her office as it was the closest. Just as she made it to the main hallway, she saw Kaori's worried expression as she rushed to meet the housekeeper in the intersection. Ryuu joined them as well from the opposite direction, hands in pockets and strolling casually.

"Kid's back," He said just as casually as his body displayed. "Brought a friend."

"Another guest," Kaori looked anxious at the possibility.

"Perhaps," Kaede tapped her finger to her cheek.

"It'll be a while till the pup is awake," Ryuu said as he quickened his pace to match Kaede's and Kaori slowed hers. "If it wakes up at all - I can smell the blood from here."

"Blood," Kaori whined quietly to herself. She wasn't concerned with the cleaning, but rather the possibility of there being another death in this house.

"Madam Constance is calling us for a reason," Kaede reminded her softly as they rounded the next intersecting hall where the mistress could be found. She offered a kind smile down to the maid and whispered as they entered the room. "It will be fine."

"Madam," The three bowed in unison, each dipping lower than the other as their station indicated. Kaede was the first to look up, Ryuu followed, and then Kaori after hesitating a moment longer, tears already in her eyes. Kaede's eyes flickered to the mass of blood and fluff sitting before their mistress. "How can we help?"
Yay, good. ^^
I hope that was ok. ^^;
"Nice job, sensei," Ryuu chuckled lightly from a tree trunk he'd sat against, balancing on his heels so his uniform did not get dirty on the moist ground. Earlier, he had caught the scent of blood when the breeze picked up, shortly after hearing the howl, and looped back around the lake he sensed in the distance. By the time he'd gotten there, he saw Sakuya going in to attack the monster. No point in telling the elder man all of that though, so instead, he jokingly teased, "Although, if the consolation prize is getting monster sludge under my nails, I am glad you take care of that one -- sir."

The required formality was added with a bright grin as he stood and pulled out the clean linen cloth he was supposed to use for polishing the silver before he was (gratefully) sidetracked. Closing the distance between them and lifting one of the butler's hands in a swift movement, he began to wipe away the slime as he said in his usual teasing tone - no matter who he spoke to, really - except the mistress, of course, "Can't go addressing the mistress in this condition, you know. Head butler has to always look impeccable. Good thing you asked me to come along after all - that whole feline nature of yours may get the better of you and, next thing you know, the monster blood will have poisoned you in your carelessness."

Dropping the elder man's hand suddenly, he smiled brightly again as he stuffed the rag back in his back pocket and announced, "All clean. I'll leave you to escort the kid back - shadowing is more your style than mine, sir."

With one back hand wave, he zoomed back off. Really, he considered using the excuse of getting lost so he wouldn't have to go polish the silverware. What a drag ... He thought with a sigh, continuing back towards the house on a path where he wouldn't run across the kid. The smell of blood trailing in the kid's wake was enough to make Ryuu voluntarily sway to the side trail anyway.


Overwhelmed by the pain, smell of his own blood, and fear at his upcoming death had been enough to cause Hiroshi to lose consciousness immediately after his final howl. He had no idea what had occurred in-between the moments were his eyes closed and the world seemingly fell silent to when he felt warmth all around him as he was gently cradled by someone. He had not the strength to move or open his eyes, but he could hear the soft sounds of the leaves dancing to the light breeze, and then a young male's reassuring voice radiating the warmth that he felt from the child's body in his tone. Feeling safe, he immediately fell back into a peaceful state of unconsciousness after a small intake of breath which captivated the clean linen and soap smell surrounding the kid.
Agreed. I just jammed out and forgot all about what I was actually doing. Btw, Katelyn, nice - more people should use 'kick ass' to describe awesomeness because I felt like I was solo on that.

Anyway, I like the idea of doing a RP based off of a song. Awesome idea.
The silver was taunting him, Ryuu knew - just like he knew Sakuya had assigned polishing as an act of torture for flirting with the new maid ... again. Really, it wasn't his fault that she got all embarrassed and dropped the soot container, casting the ashes across the hardwood floor. Defeated, he hung his head as he reached up to tie back his extra locks before setting to work. Just as he was reaching for the cloth, he heard Sakuya's alarmed voice from down the hall. Secretly, he thanked the heavens for saving him from the silverware as he dashed off after the call.

"I'm here, sir," Ryuu said as he slid to a halt next to the older man. "I'll dash on ahead to save your elder lungs some trouble."

He chuckled at the jest as he sprint on ahead recklessly and boldly into the foliage. Swift travel was actually something he'd naturally had to his advantage, even if he was grounded. Following a trail was something he wasn't skilled at, however, and gave pause to listen as soon as the dark aura practically slammed into his chest. He heard the howling, weak cries for help, really, and then the scared voice of the young master. Worry now creased his usual carefree brow.

The pain from the thorns was becoming far too intense for Hiroshi to bear much more of consciously - his resolve was weakening, and his body giving over to the pain. In a last struggle for his life, he attempted a shockwave but it was far too weak in his young age and physical state to do much aside from temporarily loosen the constraints. He took his chance though, and pulled upwards towards the bank as the thorns ripped his fur and flesh deeper. Falling into the damp grass with a final weak howl, Hiroshi's body giving out completely, he felt his strength leave and his eyes fall heavy. I'm ... going to die.
The canopy stretched for miles, it seemed, as a tiny little fox leaped from tree top to tree top. Wind blowing through his fur, he chirped with delight, feeling grateful for the clear skies and warm sun. Frolicking was a well-known trait enjoyed by all young creatures, and Hiroshi was prime for that age to go out on his own. Really, his guardian had always told him not to go so far from their dwelling as warning, but all the distractions about him were excusable enough.

Pausing for a breath at a massive tree hovering above a large pool of water, he shook out his fur and stroked it back into its proper place. Once all things were settled, he looked up from his grooming to realize he did not recognize this area. It smelled unfamiliar and strange, but it looked lovely. The reeds along the water's edge danced along in the light breeze invitingly, charming his heart and making him want to come down.

Never go down onto unfamiliar soil alone, His guardian's voice reminded him distantly. He shook his little fox head, thinking that the peaceful water looked welcoming enough to be of no danger. Really, he was awfully thirsty after such an adventure - and would need some refreshing before he made his way back. Convincing himself it was perfectly fine, the innocent youthful kitsune hopped from the branch and, landing lightly on the bank, stepped through the thick cool grass to lap up some water.

He had just finished when he sat back on his haunches to wipe the excess drops away from his chin whiskers when tendrils lurched out, quickly wrapping their way around his paws. Growling viciously at the attacker as it started pulling him forward, he bit down hard on one of the threads. The creature's grip loosened momentarily, but another tendril shot out to lash his hide. Yelping in stunned pain, he faltered and was pulled forward some more before he was able to resist again. Quickly reacting, he locked his back legs and pulled, his paws sliding deeper into the bank as the monster edged him forward.

Help me, He suddenly felt himself call loudly as tears formed in his fox eyes, coming out only as a high howl. Thorns protruded from the vines gripping him, digging through his fur and into the muscle beneath. He yelped again and tried to bite down once more, hurting his gums as the thorns pierced through around his teeth. Whimpering, he called again uselessly for help.
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