Avatar of Aalakrys


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6 yrs ago
My guinea pig has gone on to the great hay pile in the cosmos. I’ll miss him.
6 yrs ago
So I got married today
6 yrs ago
My fiance just told me he ate my left over slice of pie. This engagement is over.
6 yrs ago
If you're nocturnal, every day is the day you sleep.
6 yrs ago
I don't know anything about Mahz, but I'd ~really~ like to have that vacation time off from work. (That banner has been there a while, yeah? =P)


  • 18+ = RP Partner Must Be 18+
  • Female, writes MxM, FxM, FxF
  • My Typical Response Time (minimum) = One to two days for OOC, RPs could vary but will respond at least once a week, probably more.
  • Typically High-Cas, sometimes Advanced. Can do Casual though it's painful.
  • Friendly = OOC always chatty if partner wants
  • Roleplaying Limits = will not do torture, rape/molestation, etc actively. My characters might have it in their past though.
  • I like romance. I like depressing romance with a happy ending the best. Slow burns are usually preferred, unless otherwise specified.
  • If there is romance, I'm ok with fade-to-black or giving details.
  • Romance isn't necessary to write with me.
  • Respecting the individuality of our characters is necessary to write with me.

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Most Recent Posts

Jude is still close by at the end of the post - I just was indicating that he was making his way to leave. He's not gone yet, but he figures the guy in the elevator didn't want to talk anyway. :P
Surprised at the response from the other occupant, Jude looked in the direction of the speaker as he listened. Just as the slightly younger man's face fell again, possibly a collapse due to the evident and self-realized fatigue, Jude chuckled softly just before he took another sip of his coffee. Glancing at the level dial, he loosely crossed his free arm and felt the warmness of the coffee container against his hip as the soft smile remained. "You're quite right - there's no need to apologize. How silly of a practicing doctor to use commonly incorrect information in jest." He indeed was aware of the actual effect cold and hot liquids had on bodies, but didn't bother mentioning the fact since he was enjoy being disingenuous for once since being the head of the trauma ward always caused him to have the exact opposite disposition. It was relaxing talking to someone who questioned his intelligence, he reflected momentarily, as the elevator signaled their arrival to the ground floor. The doors opened simultaneously with the automatic front entryway, and even the great distance away wasn't a barrier between the chilly gust that flooded inside, fluttering the edges of the loose papers carried by Jude. He walked towards the opening just as it opened and smirked back to his temporary companion as he tossed his recyclable cup in the bin next to the elevator entry as continued on, "I hope that taste of fresh air was stimulating enough for you. Have a good evening."
Haha, it's fine. My post I just did was short because I didn't want to assume Aiden said nothing - but then I realized after I posted it that I had done so in my first paragraph. I can go take it out and leave only the first paragraph is you want - that way Aiden can say something if wants. ^^;

I understand stressful weeks - apparently mine was the same way. Overly stressful for little to no reason, I mean. I don't know if I could've responded either if you had posted. No worries for times like those. Hope it all worked out though.
After taking the appearance of the obviously exhausted male with the initial glance, Jude leaned lightly his lithe frame against the elevator wall as he had taken a sip of the coffee, and sighed lightly as he commented off-hand, "You know, being a hospital employee, we know the effects of over-working and yet we still continue on." He'd smirked to himself at the thought as he glanced down at the files, looking to the recyclable coffee cup and seeing the irony of efforts missed going paperless. Really, it'd been easier for him if the secretaries who complied all this information just put it on a disc. A lot less to lug around. However his thoughts wondered only momentarily, he glanced back to the other elevator occupant to see that he was determinedly, tiredly so, focused on the numbers passing across the floor indicator.

He could hear the howls of wind blowing through the elevator shaft at their silence, something which only occurred if the weather were particularly brisk. Unfortunately for Jude, he'd come into work when the weather was predicted to stay in the mid-70s. Without accounting for dramatic weather patterns, he'd not prepared for his shift to end in the middle of cold snap. That being noted, he was already mentally readying himself for the frosty walk to his car since a cement parking garage is fantastic at holding in cool temperatures. As the floor neared the ground section, he'd checked back over at the drained laboratory worker to see if he was also in this predicament. Casually, he offered, "Perhaps you should get some coffee at reception before going home. It'll help keep you warm while walking to your car," Then he lightly added with a smirk as he looked back at the floor level, "as well as wake you up so I won't be called back in after my extensive shift to fix you after you wreck your car after falling asleep while driving. I honestly don't think I would depend on even my surgical skills after no sleep for two days."
Yay! I'm glad you liked it. I didn't want to ramble on too much. There will be room for that in future posts. :P I am terrible for getting most of my knowledge from television - which is why I'm often wrong, but ... at least I get a general idea. Haha.
Sorry if that was a lot of rambling. I could have gone on and on, and actually edited it down some. I'm also not sure how correct all that medical stuff is. I get most of my knowledge from medical hierarchy from Gray's and Scrubs. I know that can't be completely correct. ^^; But, anyway, I have been working on it throughout the day since I've been out and in a lot.
The short-lived cheer of a successful surgery common with working in the trauma ward had died down as Dr. Jude Maxwell, chief of the trauma surgeons, led his team out of OR3 in victory. The patient was being wheeled to sleep off the rest of the anesthesia and later fight off infection with the help of medicine and deal with recovery pain all thanks to the efforts of Dr. Jude's excellent response team. Days like this did not always happen, so even though the cheer had fell, all members departing the room did indeed revel in the small victory. As they washed up and sanitized after throwing their gowns in the hazardous waste can they all gave cheerful congratulations - standard procedure for a 'win' when it finally did come along.

As Dr. Maxwell pressed the door release, he got one final farewell before he headed towards the common room for his fellow chiefs of surgeries. His own office was located on the same hall, a few doors down, but he rarely spent much time inside since he often was called down to an OR. As chief, he is supposed to be reviewing residents' files, train them, and eventually recommend them out - or keep them if able and showing enough promise. Those files still were sitting on his desk, he remembered as he swiped his clearance card, gaining access to the common room. Usually at least one chief was around, but the common room seemed empty. He took the time to review the hospital updates coming from the top down as notices flashed on the LCD tv on the wall. A while ago, the hospital pushed to go paperless and installed interactive LCD screens for their bulletin boards. Dr. Maxwell had been one of the few representatives who pushed the motion to the board.

He stretched, looking over the room one last time before allowing the exhaustion cause a yawn to escape. He'd been on his 48 hour shift with little rest between since there was a back-to-back surgery directly in the middle of his shift, leaving only a few hours to rest before the surgery he'd just finished up. Knowing he'd have the day off tomorrow, he figured grabbing the residents' files and taking them home would probably help lessen his workload later on - especially since the display bulletin notified that all chiefs had to make their selections by the end of the month.

The coffee near the exit was practically lulling him in with its warm, strong aroma though, so he grabbed one of the recyclable paper cups and filled it before heading towards his office for the stack of files. This was a typical night for him - when he wasn't researching for an article to be published, which always made life much more busy. Overall, he liked the bustling trauma ward - much better than the irregular pace of neurosurgery, and less grotesque than any gastro surgery. He was thinking over the pros and cons of each surgical specialty as he made his way to the elevator and stepped inside when it opened. Typically this time of night, no one would be inside an elevator on this wing - or the chances of running into someone were significantly slimmer - but there stood a slightly younger man. He looked as exhausted as Jude felt, Jude thought with a glance before reaching to press the ground floor button but retracting his hand upon seeing it already lit. He instead took a sip of his coffee which had been in the hand traveling towards the button a moment ago, the other full of overstuffed files on the residents, before he turned to look over at the other male, "Late night for you as well, I take it."
Alrighty! I got the link subscribed. Thanks. I'll read your IC post now. ^^
I have time off and on - so no worries. This weekend was my birthday weekend, so I was away. But most times I'll be able to check in. I'd like to continue as well. :)
Hahah, it's all good. At least you spoke up. I also faded away, but I'll come back if you'd like to continue this RP.
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