Avatar of Aalakrys


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
My guinea pig has gone on to the great hay pile in the cosmos. I’ll miss him.
6 yrs ago
So I got married today
6 yrs ago
My fiance just told me he ate my left over slice of pie. This engagement is over.
6 yrs ago
If you're nocturnal, every day is the day you sleep.
6 yrs ago
I don't know anything about Mahz, but I'd ~really~ like to have that vacation time off from work. (That banner has been there a while, yeah? =P)


  • 18+ = RP Partner Must Be 18+
  • Female, writes MxM, FxM, FxF
  • My Typical Response Time (minimum) = One to two days for OOC, RPs could vary but will respond at least once a week, probably more.
  • Typically High-Cas, sometimes Advanced. Can do Casual though it's painful.
  • Friendly = OOC always chatty if partner wants
  • Roleplaying Limits = will not do torture, rape/molestation, etc actively. My characters might have it in their past though.
  • I like romance. I like depressing romance with a happy ending the best. Slow burns are usually preferred, unless otherwise specified.
  • If there is romance, I'm ok with fade-to-black or giving details.
  • Romance isn't necessary to write with me.
  • Respecting the individuality of our characters is necessary to write with me.

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Most Recent Posts

After taking his place at the table, he removed the recyclable plastic lid from the cardboard tray holding the chicken wrap he'd purchased, his eyes following the conversation. When Annie off-handed mentioned Aiden's mistreatment from, Jude assumed, other coworkers, his brow ruffled momentarily until Annie's eyes glanced back to him with a question. He'd placed his wrap down as he turned back to Aiden, going back to what Annie said for a moment. "Your face was drawn on while you slept? Did the head of your laboratory address that with your coworkers?" His tone was even, expression not revealing anything that he felt inside. That sort of behavior at their hospital was always come down hard upon because the professional reputation. Being the head of a department wasn't given to just anyone, and those leaders had always been selected just as much due to their dedication and diligence in keeping their underlings in line as their field capabilities.
The impartial, dry manner of the clerk as he simply went through the motions of his job did not seem that out of the ordinary, Levi thought as he reached for his own wallet. "Cash," He answered as he flipped the leather case open and flicked through the bills slowly, purposefully. The hard part was to come up with a way to not seem suspicious while getting information. From his lack of desire to leave the chair and attempt friendly banter with his customer, this type of guy didn't seem like one to give much information on his own, so perhaps some idle non-local customer curiosity would work. Without making eye contact, studying his bills, he asked, "Does your store get much business? It seems slow."
And I'm back! :D
I watched a friend play the first Bioshock. It's too scary for me to play, but I like watching. It's cool. :D I understand what you mean by feeling all alone and sad once the game is over. That happens to me when I finish a really good series or game, too.
Books ... more books ... and, what do you know, more books. It smells like nothing but dust and paper in here ... While browsing through the narrow, winding path of book aisles , Levi considered how he had gotten to this point in his life. After years of college, police academy, and three full years being surrounded by the over-inflated egos of law enforcement officers, he was finally promoted to detective. As a half-joke, half-punishment, his first case just happened to be locating a missing detective.

The 'boys' thought Levi to be a joke since the moment he stepped through the double doors to the academy. His lithe frame, sleek rectangular specticles, and loosely gelled hair to tame the wild curls apparently gave off a wave of 'geek' - it was almost like middle and high school all over again, only this time full of nothing but jocks. The surprise at not having his head shoved down a toilet astonished him at first. A few months after starting the academy, his classmates quickly picked up on his intelligence - and the use thereof - but were blow away by his athletic ability. To their surprise, he had been on cross country. His slender frame was well-toned hidden under the slacks and button-up.

Once outside of the academy, having actually made a friend or two, he was mostly set to computer work - when sent to a scene, they sat him down in front of the computer to go through. The muscle work was left up to the beefier guys. If they'd had sense, he might have been attracted to some of them. Alas, He ran his finger along a spine as that thought came into his mind. Honestly, he felt like he couldn't be himself around them anyway - aside from being interested in males, he also was a bit more cheerful, but not some much on the flamboyant side. So, to keep himself from being discovered, he was more reserved than natural.

Being undercover though, I get to be myself, He smiled as he pulled a random book from the shelf. Travel Ireland the title simply said. Feigning interest, he flipped absently and scanned pages of emerald coastlines and long, rolling hills. He closed the book easily and slid it back into its crammed space gently. After turning to view the shelf directly behind him, then he meandered on down further.

Really, he'd liked books. Stereotypically, as well. He felt at peace as he browsed though the tightly spaced store. That's another thing that separated him from his fellows, and possibly how he ended up here - aside from the bizarre reports about the place. As the light trickled in through the spaces between the shelves in the center, dust dancing all around as it did where books lived, he thought the place quaint. Much more comforting than the large chain stores that were filled with pretentious coffee drinkers. Of course, Levi himself enjoyed coffee, but ... there was another type of bookstore go-ers. A glance at the owner through the shelves as he had pushed the book towards the child made him wonder if he was one of those. In truth, he'd much rather be around that type of pretentious than the ego-mania of his usual surroundings.

As the child tottered off towards her mother, Levi made his way towards the front. Pausing here and there to glance at a title that caught his attention. Once he'd reached the front, he placed one of those books on the counter, not entirely paying attention to which one he'd grabbed. He glanced at it as he slid it forward, seeing the title as The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks. A chick book, he knew, thanks to his sister. Inwardly, he grimaced, but he put on a pleasant smile as he spoke to the man behind the counter. "Good afternoon."
I ... fell asleep. Haha. My boyfriend distracted me with a game and then my sickness carried me away. I'll be replying later today. My recent discovery is that Mucinex works wonders.
After winding through the haphazardly scattered tables and their accompanying chairs, Jude took his place in line and pondered his choices. The selection always circulated around healthy options, this being a hospital, of course. The patrons before him shuffled along, he following at the same pace with his typical stance of loosely crossed arms before him. While waiting, he worked on his presentation to the board mentally. He'd almost become so engrossed that he'd been slightly surprised by the cashier's cheerful acknowledgement. The expression quickly faded into a smile as he ordered and paid, going with a grilled chicken wrap and chips. It was up after a few amiable exchanges between he and the younger woman. Once he'd gotten the tray and turned back to the atrium, he was reminded that he'd actually be eating with people today. Typically, he either ate alone in his office or not at work. Intimidation played a huge role in that, he wasn't pretending to not be aware of the fact. Now, however, he had two individuals almost unaware of his station who he could actually enjoy the company of while eating. As he came back to the table, he considered the not-so-subtle words of the exuberant Annie to her more reserved confidant. He smirked momentarily, but went fresh-faced back towards the table.
Haha, I fully understand. I've been sick and foggy-headed all day, not even interested in playing games! D: But, I did get all the presents wrapped and watched a few Buffy/Angel episodes. Anywho, I'm gonna go check out the postage! Yay! So excited. :D
I think at the beginning of things - perhaps just as my character comes into the store for the first time? You could do the initial post telling what the bookstore looks like on the inside, that way my guy can react properly to his surroundings.
Haha, I've never played the type that tends to be submissive - it'll be fun, and so so easy since it's actually me all over. :P I like the ideas! I think maybe perhaps this will be my character's first big case - maybe he'd done minor ones before. He's no Sherlock, is what I'm trying to say. Perhaps he even messes up a lot or is clumsy or something. XD Or maybe it's only part of a ruse! This is great. But, yes, let's do it. :D

PS: Are you having issues with the guild loading? I've been trying to see your reply for a while and had to keep refreshing. I am just now seeing it - hopefully it will let me post my reply. o.O
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