Avatar of Aalakrys


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
My guinea pig has gone on to the great hay pile in the cosmos. I’ll miss him.
6 yrs ago
So I got married today
6 yrs ago
My fiance just told me he ate my left over slice of pie. This engagement is over.
6 yrs ago
If you're nocturnal, every day is the day you sleep.
6 yrs ago
I don't know anything about Mahz, but I'd ~really~ like to have that vacation time off from work. (That banner has been there a while, yeah? =P)


  • 18+ = RP Partner Must Be 18+
  • Female, writes MxM, FxM, FxF
  • My Typical Response Time (minimum) = One to two days for OOC, RPs could vary but will respond at least once a week, probably more.
  • Typically High-Cas, sometimes Advanced. Can do Casual though it's painful.
  • Friendly = OOC always chatty if partner wants
  • Roleplaying Limits = will not do torture, rape/molestation, etc actively. My characters might have it in their past though.
  • I like romance. I like depressing romance with a happy ending the best. Slow burns are usually preferred, unless otherwise specified.
  • If there is romance, I'm ok with fade-to-black or giving details.
  • Romance isn't necessary to write with me.
  • Respecting the individuality of our characters is necessary to write with me.

1x1 Interest Checks

Most Recent Posts

Alrighty, got a post up - I hope it's okay. I tried to fill in the conversation where I could. ^^
Tsubaki smiled softly to Kosuke in return, but Sho’s comment had moved the conversation on to food. She herself realized that she had not eaten since breakfast this morning, using lunch time to speak with the economics teacher about her mother – they had been friends, so she’d promised an update when school started back up. As the two more rambunctious members of their small group prodded (Mina) and swatted (Sho) at each other, she tried to not make her stomach grumble.

Sho had pulled his hand back to his side after shooing at Mina, the other still holding onto the strap of his school bag. Kosuke sounded like he was considering stopping by the new place, and Mina was fantasizing so it was pretty much a done deal. Sho looked to Tsubaki. “How about it?”

“Okay. I prefer just plain tuna in my onigiri, though.” She said shyly as she tucked some hair behind her ear, looking over to Mina with a smile. “Kawa-san’s tastes are much more adventurous.”

Sho laughed when his friend also poked fun at Mina, pulling ahead to lead the group to the small shop. He was always adventuring downtown, and always had the news of events going on or new shops opening. Usually he’d drag Kosuke around with him when he didn’t have practice, but most times he would go it alone.

Tsubaki, on the other hand, rarely visited downtown frequently – she often had to keep an eye on her siblings on days her mother was too tired – so, she hung back to follow. She was surprised when Kosuke walked in pace with her, but continued to walk as if they had been friends for a long time. She was often comfortable with people in this way. He, however, made her feel a little nervous. His question and then subsequent follow-up explanation made her smile once more as she glanced at him. “I’ve never been in a club before – I’ve always been part of committees for decorating and fundraising. The president’s friend who graduated last year put the idea in my head.”

She walked for a couple of paces with her hands still clasped at her front, bag hanging from her shoulder comfortably before she asked him the same question. “What about you, Uede-san?”

Thanks to Sho’s wandering downtown on his own so often, he found he’d outpaced them in his usual step. He remembered he had people following him for once though and slowed. It was an odd feeling, to have people with him in a group as he went downtown – usually it was just him and on occasion Kosuke. Now there was two girls joining them – girls he’d known for a while, but not personally. Tsubaki had always been more on the quiet side, patient and calm – almost a wallflower. Mina, on the other hand, was just as outgoing as he was. They’d bumped heads when they first started high school – both wanting to be the leader of groups. Eventually they decided that they could not work in the same group, but could coordinate teams together well.

Mina called from behind him, distracting his thoughts ironically with the same idea he’d been getting towards. She’d been lucky she’d asked her second question to get a rise out of him, because there is no telling what he would have said. He dramatically sighed and hung his head, then cast a long-suffering look to Kosuke. “Can you believe this girl?”

Hmm ... I like the girls' uniform in the g-senjou no maou, but not the boys'.

I like the boys' uniform in the hikaru no go and the girls’ is okay …

The tokimeki one looks like it would work the elite-ness of the school and I like it. So, I vote that one. :D
“Ah, today is the day for clubs to meet,” Tsubaki Kaneko said merrily as she read a notice posted in the hallway on the way into school that morning. She had been a team player on many committees – such as fundraisers for a cause or making decorations for an event – but never in a club. Being her final year, she decided she would try out the drama club. She’d met with the club president last week and humbly requested to join since she’d heard the student who did most of the props and backdrops graduated. He’d told her that she’d have to act, at least in a small part, if she wanted to join. After the weekend spent deciding, she came into school confident.

Sho Fujimoto though was a little more interested in actually participating. His father sighed and shook his head when Sho announced his decision to his family over the weekend. He tried to convince Sho that universities for technology have no use for actors. He then tried to convince Sho to talk to the club president about doing the lighting and sound. After muttering that he’d do that, Sho felt a little less enthusiastic.

Tsubaki had arrived to the meeting spot early and settled to the side, as was her habit. She was by no means shy, but did not like being in the center of a group. In her earlier years, she had always been one to be called on by the teacher. That led her to discovering that other children did not like that so much. After a few less than friendly experiences, she became less vocal in classes. When the twins were born, she learned that sometimes helping others made people happier and nicer to her. She applied that to school and the teasing finally stopped after she helped a few students with their homework.

She had been thinking that over as she watched younger students filter in. She was beginning to wonder if anyone from her class would be in this when bright red disheveled hair caught her attention as Sho Fujimoto entered looking at his phone. He looked up briefly to take a seat near some of the younger students, then flipped the phone closed as he started cheerfully greeting them. After a friendly wave up to her, which she returned with a small smile, the younger students started talking animatedly to him. Kosuke Uede entered shortly before the club president, followed a little behind by Mina Kawa. She’d known Kosuke from her class, but she’d known Mina Kawa for a long time. They were not close, but they had attended the same school since entering public education.

When the flyers were handed out, Sho tucked one in his pocket on his way out the door. He’d been back on his phone after saying goodbye to the younger students, caught up in reading about stage equipment when he heard his friend call out. He turned to see Kosuke coming after him and waited. Kosuke’s question made him laugh a little. “Don’t worry, my friend. I’ll be there to protect you from the scary club president.”

With that, he patted Kosuke on the back teasingly, smiling just as broad as ever. Sho was notorious for never being serious and always having a joke. That was when Mina joined the boys, spouting off her opinion. Sho saw Kosuke roll his eyes and he elbowed his friend lightly. “Don’t go discouraging her from true love this year – besides, seeing it unfold would be entertaining since Mr. Scary President has a girlfriend. You’d be terrified of her if he scares you, Kosuke. But … it’s as they say … like minded people fit together.”

He’d said the last bit in a sigh of mock tragedy as Tsubaki Kaneko joined up with them. Catching the end of Sho’s ridiculousness - also typical for him - Tsubaki was grateful for Kosuke’s change of subject. Kindly, she said. “If you use the example problem’s formula, it works for most of the others. Some require breaking down the problem first though.”

“Ugh, we’ve been at school all day – let’s talk about something to eat!” Sho suggested after his complaint, then his eyes lit up. “A new onigiri place opened nearby. We should stop by.”
No, we hadn't talked about them ... hmm ... either we could decide a color scheme or just find a picture.

Edit: I'm about to write up my post now. ^^
Sounds good! I'm excited~
Sure, whatever you feel like - I'll roll with whichever way you start out.
Sounds great! I just got home and have no plans for the evening. :D
Sounds like a plan~
Oh yeah - sorry, I'm doing a college RP as well, so my mind was thinking college schedule. Hahah. Yes! that is how high school works! I apologize~

So we have the standard history/social studies, math, science, literature/language arts, and an elective.

I'm thinking they'd have politics or economics as their history/social studies class since they're in the last year. What do you think?
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