Avatar of Aalakrys


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
My guinea pig has gone on to the great hay pile in the cosmos. I’ll miss him.
6 yrs ago
So I got married today
6 yrs ago
My fiance just told me he ate my left over slice of pie. This engagement is over.
6 yrs ago
If you're nocturnal, every day is the day you sleep.
6 yrs ago
I don't know anything about Mahz, but I'd ~really~ like to have that vacation time off from work. (That banner has been there a while, yeah? =P)


  • 18+ = RP Partner Must Be 18+
  • Female, writes MxM, FxM, FxF
  • My Typical Response Time (minimum) = One to two days for OOC, RPs could vary but will respond at least once a week, probably more.
  • Typically High-Cas, sometimes Advanced. Can do Casual though it's painful.
  • Friendly = OOC always chatty if partner wants
  • Roleplaying Limits = will not do torture, rape/molestation, etc actively. My characters might have it in their past though.
  • I like romance. I like depressing romance with a happy ending the best. Slow burns are usually preferred, unless otherwise specified.
  • If there is romance, I'm ok with fade-to-black or giving details.
  • Romance isn't necessary to write with me.
  • Respecting the individuality of our characters is necessary to write with me.

1x1 Interest Checks

Most Recent Posts

Good luck~
Thanks! It was a good sort of challenge. I’m excited for where this all goes.
@Fading Memory aw, thanks ^^

Leigh Livingston

Location: Matron's Studio Apartment
Interacting with: Greenie / no one

It was weird being here, Leigh thought with a slight pang, without The Matron.

It'd been a week, and still Leigh thought she'd show up via the fire escape window as per usual to find the woman sitting in the sole armchair drinking tea or working on another wind chime. Instead, when Leigh had climbed through - still not accepting that this place was hers and that she'd use the front door like any normal person would - the tinkle of chimes as the brushed against her shoulder was the only noise within the empty studio apartment. With a sigh, she'd walked over to the lamp she'd left on to make it seem like someone was home while she was away and flicked it off. The lights from outside was enough to leave the room illuminated, and somehow made it easier to be in the place.

"You shouldn't leave the window unlocked, kid." Though the voice was familiar, gravelly from disuse, Leigh still sat bolt upright on the bed she'd fallen onto. She wasn't accustomed to being the one that was watched without notice. "Someone could sneak in while you're out."

Though the Matron trusted the man in the green jacket, Leigh had no cause to blindly do so while in a semi-lit apartment after just vulnerably positioning herself. Her mind was instantly on the window and forming a way on how to get to it efficiently. He must've seen her thoughts from whatever shadow he was in as the city lights had her face illuminated and revealed that her eyes had darted to the open frame. "And they wouldn't warn you either."

He flipped on the lights then, and she saw he had a scrap of cloth pressed to his forehead, dried blood down his face. "Fortunate for me you did leave it open though. I could use some cleaning up."

Stitches. The Matron had shown her how to do them. She didn't like it, and so the woman had pushed her to do it more frequently until she had become numb to the process. There were a few regular people who had stopped by for clean up, but only a handful. They could have gone to the hospital, but that came with questions.

"Princess is out tonight." Greenie had said after Leigh had nodded and stood, hiding her nerves at the prospect of doing this without the watchful eye of The Matron, and then preparing what was needed. He had let her work in silence, only speaking when he sat down on the stool and was about to have a needle stick through his scalp. It may have been a hint of nerves, or maybe he sensed hers and tried to distract her. "Could get some good intel if you head over to The Spit."

"There's plenty of eyes at that place." Leigh said as she narrowed her eyes on the cut she'd just mopped up and disinfected. The first stitch was always the worst, but somehow going it alone made it that much more difficult. Still, she did it. He hissed through gritted teeth and clenched his fists that rested on his knees, but didn't flinch - which was much appreciated. So, with a wry smirk, she added: "And I'd be insane to be spotted while spying on her."

The man chuckled then, the pain from her work into his skin only slightly evident. But he said nothing. The place was, as she said, crawling with people. Sure, Leigh could go and hang out on a roof, blending in by looking she belonged and was simply having a drink and watching the show, but ... she didn't like the noise. If it was required, yeah, she'd go. But there was no mission directly sending her and so she didn't. Besides, who would she pass intel to now? The sewer kid?

"All done." She said as she snipped the string. It didn't look like a professional did it, but it was functional. She patted the wound with some more disinfectant lightly and stood back. He took that as his cue to stand. "Here you go."

From within his pocket, he pulled out some cash. She looked at it, but didn't take it. The Matron never took payment from the people who came here, so she wasn't sure if she should. He shook his hand once. "Don't do a job and not except payment unless there's been something else worked out, kid. You inherited a violin and a flat, but relationships don't work that way. Remember that."

She reached for the folded bills and he let her take them. She flipped her thumb along them and saw it seemed a reasonable price as the man moved towards the door and collected his jacket. It had blood droplets on the shoulder, she saw, when he pulled it on. Curiosity was nagging, but still she didn't ask as she tucked the money in the back pocket of her jeans. It was kind of warm for a jacket, but the man always wore it. "And, kid, making your own friends wouldn't hurt. A worn out old man and dead woman who's names you don't know don't count."

Friends? Who needs friends? She thought as she rested her chin on her folded arms atop the window sill after he'd left, looking down on the street below with slight indifference after he'd vanished from sight. Friends just let you down. Or die on you.
Totally passed out when I got home, then decided to go watch Avengers last night after watching both Dark World and Ragnarok back-to-back. So, passed out again after that. Haha. But I'm here now! I'm still trying to decide what to do with Leigh for an intro post ... I have a vague idea. She doesn't like crowds, so she avoids bars. Prolly wasn't in the bar. xD


Heeeey, I finally posted something. It wasn't much of anything, but it's something. Ha. Ha. >_<
I do all sorts of different writing styles so I’m game for whatever - also totally cursed myself and just got a pile of work to do so if I don’t pass out when I get home I’ll come to read the new IC
I am also Eastern Standard USA, but~ I’m nocturnal, so might as well be in South Korea again. Haha. I’m usually up from 3 pm till 5 am. But Monday thru Wednesday is luck of the draw as to how busy I am at work. I actually have a few more tickets to do before I can really hop on here... but my head is all brain mush because today has been exhausting Dx
In my personal opinion, the Lost Ones relationships is entirely up to you guys. If you want your character to know someone, talk to them about it and come up with some kind of history together that can be mentioned or whatever in game. Not really necessary but it will give posts some nice background flavor.

Also, something that came to mind about people with a lot of power and influence in the Lost Ones... well obviously we have a single leader for the Wolves. Angel. Easy. The Lost Ones? Well in my head I kind of think about it like a large corporation. You have your team lead that you report into daily/weekly/monthly, and then they have to report in to their boss, who you probably have no idea who it is, and they report to their boss who've you've never even heard of and so on. Not so sure that the Lost Ones have a Kingpin, per say, but maybe a small group of individuals that kind of keep things running but don't interact with the members much. I hope that made sense.

YES! That makes sense - just finished my new rant, and saw this. ^^;
@Fading Memory

I think I like the idea of them knowing each other as well, but I wasn't sure how the logistics of the Lost Ones worked when I wrote all that stuff up originally so I went all 'Leigh knows Matron and that's it' - but it makes sense that if there were any 'meetings' then the Matron would have brought her along. Which, in all the years they were together, I'm sure there was a meeting. So, taking back what I said in my epic rant.

@Blitz@YoshiSkittlezI was going back to the character sheet to re-read Hawk's info, but it isn't there. ;-;

I was trying to decide who Leigh would be friends with. xD Okay, so below is what I think based on what I know about Leigh and you guys'/gals' Lost Ones

Let's do it this way:

Of course this is all first impressions -- I can be entirely wrong~ xD

(I get super high energy between the hours of 11 and 2, normally, so I apologize in advance since ... yeah ... a lot of my OOC might be during that time. xD )
<Snipped quote by Fading Memory>


That also brings up the point of how well people know their own gang members.

With the Wolves, it's safe to say they're quite well connected.

With the Lost Ones, it may not be so. Perhaps you may have met/hear of everyone at least, but a lacking in consistent interaction may lead to forgetting who some people are or inability to recognize them in settings outside of gang-related activities. Of course, there may be ways around this, like dropping hints or whatnot. Again, depends on the people in question.

Well, in my updated character bio, Leigh reported to the Matron who recruited her. (And I suppose it's assumed that The Matron was well known in the territory - I wrote that up, so I feel kind of silly not knowing. Hahah). But~ with the Matron MIA for that sub-district, assumed KIA, I'd think she'd have found another Matron to report to in the meantime? Like, it's a loose construct of random older women who came up with the idea to serve as guides for the children, but not leaders of the gang. I think it hasn't crossed Leigh's mind that she could just take over the role - like, maybe she'd think that they was some sort of cohesive plan and procedure those women followed? General guidelines, as the pirate Barbosa just said in my head. xD

But, sorry for the random rant ... the point of all that was to say that I gotcha and I don't think Leigh would know many of the other members if that's the case- just the ones she reported to on what she saw of Wolf activity and possible clear paths in while on runs through.

But, to get around all of us Lost Ones just not knowing each other ... maybe we could establish that they already do know each other in some way or will shortly meet upon beginning the RP? That way we don't wander aimlessly doing our own thing forever?

@Afro Samurai@Fading Memory
I can actually see Leigh knowing Fancy, and if Hawk was out and about as he is about being a Lost One, she might approach him after the Matron goes missing since the only other person who might be a member is the green-jacket man and she's kind of at a loss. (He isn't - I know who he is though~ Obvious trope incoming - totally her dad. BYAM!).


EDIT : okay, I somehow missed the second Blitz post but liked it? I think I should not try to do things while on busy hours at work... I'm free now though for OOC stuff. Still waiting on a few calls to come in so can't commit to focusing on writing. Fun fact: I wrote all of Leigh's extra bio-stuff in my head while driving home. Then got home and wrote most of it down. Got tired, fell asleep, woke up and finished it. xD

Anyway~ Okay, so ... yeah, I think I'm on board/understanding? Hahah
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