Avatar of Aalakrys


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
My guinea pig has gone on to the great hay pile in the cosmos. I’ll miss him.
6 yrs ago
So I got married today
6 yrs ago
My fiance just told me he ate my left over slice of pie. This engagement is over.
6 yrs ago
If you're nocturnal, every day is the day you sleep.
6 yrs ago
I don't know anything about Mahz, but I'd ~really~ like to have that vacation time off from work. (That banner has been there a while, yeah? =P)


  • 18+ = RP Partner Must Be 18+
  • Female, writes MxM, FxM, FxF
  • My Typical Response Time (minimum) = One to two days for OOC, RPs could vary but will respond at least once a week, probably more.
  • Typically High-Cas, sometimes Advanced. Can do Casual though it's painful.
  • Friendly = OOC always chatty if partner wants
  • Roleplaying Limits = will not do torture, rape/molestation, etc actively. My characters might have it in their past though.
  • I like romance. I like depressing romance with a happy ending the best. Slow burns are usually preferred, unless otherwise specified.
  • If there is romance, I'm ok with fade-to-black or giving details.
  • Romance isn't necessary to write with me.
  • Respecting the individuality of our characters is necessary to write with me.

1x1 Interest Checks

Most Recent Posts

Heeey~ the last few days have been a bit busy but I have my sea legs now. Pen will need to visit Abby to deliver the promised treasure, and then speak with the captain after discovering their next destination. So, I request JPs for day 2 & 3 from you and Wolf a'piece. ;D
I also really like Alana's photo thumbnail ;D

By the time Penelope had her feet in the cool, moist sand of the long stretch of beach, she'd already made some new friends and had set up plans with them for the next day. They'd left her at the coast to do her thing while going off to get what they needed for tomorrow's adventure. She'd always been glad for company, so had been thrilled to be offered a ride to where she was going by the pair. They told her all about what gave them cause to be on New Melbourne, how the season was expected to help out their business, and then gave her the sort of tips you could only glean from locals.

The trip to the secluded beach had been a long one, but well worth it to find it mostly deserted and stocked full of fresh sea treasure. Her new friends had promised that as she had rode on the back of their little truck, talking through the window as wind helped carry them along at times and rock the little beater at others.

That gentle smile lit her face as she strode down to the shore, arms rolling on the waves of wind as she danced with it. Penelope didn't need music, the waves rolling in a strong lap with the remnants of storm made its own melody. Along the way to dip her toes in, she'd pause if something caught her eye and kneel down to inspect it. The pattern continued all without interruption until her backpack was full and she stood watching the sun set over the steady waves, thigh deep in the cold water as salty spray misted her with each pull.

She'd sighed happily as the final glint of sunshine disappeared over the horizon, and turned to head back into town. If she didn't quite make it to the ship, that'd be fine. Penelope quite liked sleeping outdoors. There were less trees here than home - hard pressed to find a planet that had more than Greenleaf - but the sound of the ocean made up for it. Couldn't quite hear that everywhere, and she wasn't one to turn down a good relish.
I'm on part 4 while I guard the door from temperatures. xD Might even finish reading it with how slow we apparently are this hour. No wonder this trip fits in so well on a Firefly... xD it's a fun read, thank you guys!
@Gunther I'm not sure anyone said you did? xD


It may take me a minute to read all nine parts, but I will catch up later today! I posted a tiny Penelope post. Maybe do her beach post after Hook and Cal go finishing. ^^

Stepping off the ramp and into the port, the wind that had been coursing up through the cargo bay struck against Penelope like a wave. She caught her hat so its floppy brim danced along her head just as the skirt of her dress flew. Of course, she always wore her knee-length leggings beneath, because she weren’t foolish to go out in a gale like this one without them. ‘Sides, the tight bodice kept it from inching up, so she had no worries of showing off any skin without meanin’ to. Not that she were either shy or equally modest. Just reasonable to not want unwanted attention - though she’d get it sometimes anyway.

The pilot was more than capable of taking care of herself against the common drunkard, if it came down to it, so she never walked anywhere alone in a state of fear or anticipation looming over her. Wasn’t her style. Likely why should could walk with that easy sense of security like she did, breezing on through the places she passed like a spring wind. That, and a smaller, sharper reason tucked away on her person, of course.

The wind tossing all around her though was what she lived for. The otherwise seemingly good girl secured that hat with the twine and bead strap attached mostly to keep her hair from tossin’ all abouts in her face and she let the wind carry her away. There weren’t a specific destination - rarely was. Any beach would do with the waves tossin’ like they were after a storm.

If there were any rain that planned on coming back for a second dousing, Penelope welcomed it. She loved a good storm. It cleared most folk from the beach, leaving her the choice of treasures that washed ashore. A nice shell was already on her list, for Abby, and she hoped to find some sea glass and maybe a little snipper to show Sam. Of course, she’d return it - no ocean critter belonged in space. Not free enough, in a little tank. At least Lucky had the ability to escape and wander where he pleased aboard. Sea critters wouldn’t fare as well.

That was what led Penelope’s thoughts predominantly as she got directions to a good shore spot, and a few curious looks at her outfit compared to the weather. Not that it dimmed her sunny disposition none. It could’ve been a different story had the conversation with the captain gone poorly, but no sense on wandering on what-ifs. That weren’t her style either.
@Winters, @MK Blitzen and @Yule, I would like to offer a suggestion. First, I appreciate your placement of the avatars for your three characters at the intro of each post. They do help to place a face with a voice. My suggestion is whomever makes the post, lead with their character's avatar, just to change things up a bit. When the order is consistent, it appears at first glance, the post is from the same individual regardless of the name/profile pic at the left.

I also like the way you guys start off your posts! I changed Pen's thumbnail to a more cleaner one like you guys' and mimicked your format. Isn't there some quote about copying being flattering or complimenting of something? xD Anyway, you guys do a great job~ I love their little avatars. It took me way too long to make my own. xD
dǒng ma

JP between @wanderingwolf & @Aalakrys

“Fixin’ for some time in the sun, Freckles?” Cal called after the flowery pilot. He rose from the deck after loosing a crate from its constraints. With Abby down for who knew how long, the Captain had to get off his high horse and pick up the slack. With a lift of his hat, Strand coiled the cord around his elbow and thumb before approaching the woman.

The normal smile permanently stitched to the woman’s face was missing, replaced by a pensive expression. If he didn’t know any better he would have guessed she’d woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but he did; and it didn’t take no art of deduction to read what’d soured the pilot. The blood from the Fed and Abigail was wiped clean, but where they laid on the deck shined brighter than the rest. He could only imagine what she might be feeling about it, but that would require asking which would require talking about it and the less they talked about it the better it felt in his estimation.

Still, there seemed a spectral weight on the woman’s bare shoulders, so the Captain asked of his pilot, “How you holdin’ up?” eyes rising from the ground to glance at hers.

Hazel eyes lifted from the spot the captain’s had gone to just in time to meet his searching ones, leaving her assuming that spot was where it had happened. This was the first time Penelope’d ever been part of a murder, and likely that was what had her head in a bog. The question the captain asked hit the nail on the head. Her response wasn’t one she’d readied, but it’d come just as everything else did to her - fluidly, though her accented way of speaking had dropped as it had when first meeting Rex. “No amount of sunshine’ll make right being kept in the dark on this one, Cal. A man’s dead, and Abby could’ve been too, while I was flying the ship it happened on.”

The usual cheer in the her tone was absent, obviously, but she held his gaze as she’d spoken. There wasn’t accusation, or irritability. Perhaps a little bit of disappointment and sadness at the thought of people being hurt. She didn’t care about Alliance folk, not for all they’d done to her planet, but she didn’t like the idea of surprise gunfights that resulted in someone like Abby getting caught in the crossfire. Maybe if they’d known of the possibility, the danger, someone could’ve been on standby to protect her. It was a recurring thought in the reel that she kept waving away until she had sand under her feet, but here was the captain pressing play for her thoughts.

He watched her through steel eyes as she laid out what was on her mind. It wasn’t his first Fed, nor was it his first bullet-injured deckhand, but he could tell she felt a shadow of responsibility, “The verse can be a dangerous place, even for those just lookin’ to mind their own business. Reckon we saw first hand just how perilous.” Cal sighed, “You heard Sam clear as I did; we didn’t know who the Fed was, let alone whether it was a Fed what sent the wave. Weren’t no way of knowing how this’d turn out.”

Captain Strand set down the cord on a nearby crate and fished for his silver cigarette case. With a flip, the slender white, cylinder was lit, and Cal turned back to Penelope. “You were flyin’, sure, but that’s like expectin’ the finch to know where every hawk is on the horizon. All the finch can do is worry about the here and now, and let nature run its course.” Strand drew on his cigarette, careful to release plums of smoke away from Penelope.

Appreciative as she was of the smoke not being sent her way, Penelope sighed out a bit of her concern with a glance away, but her gloved palms felt the press of her bare fingers as her hands tightened around the straps at her shoulders. She looked back to him, not able to let one little piece go. It was important - morals and all. So, with her brow set and her eyes locked on him, she continued the anology. “This particular finch ain’t so worried about the danger of a hawk, but more so who she’s flyin’ with and where they’re takin’ the group. Ya ain’t one keen on sharin’ details.”

“It was a gamble to hope a backwoods forester like me wouldn’t drive the ship into a star to save our souls from heresy when Sam came online.” Her eyes glinted a bit as she gave example, amusement returning to her despite herself, relaxing her grip a bit as she gave a little shrug. “All I’m tryin’ to say is... when it comes to a job, I’d like to know I’m on one ‘fore I’m in the middle of it.”

“It’s all part of the job, and we’re simple folk. People pay for what needs ferryin’ off world and we oblige. Everyone gets their cut; pilot included.” Cal took a drag, watching Penelope, “Sometimes the Captain don’t know all the details, righteous foresters included, and sometimes it’s safer if it’s only him what knows them.” Strand leaned against the crate, scratching the back of his neck. Lowering his voice he went on, “You mighta heard the Fed threaten to shoot a passenger, and you mighta heard the same Fed say he was goin’ to take us all in. On top o’ that, you definitely heard the bullets start flyin’ when he shot Abigail.” He shook his head, “Anyone who comes for my crew gets what’s comin’ to them. Simple as that.”

"Tha's more than shiny," Penelope said after a brief moment of considering his words. She honestly didn't have a problem with those stipulations as they were, but… "S'long as I get a straight answer on if we are on a job, details not always necessary, suppose it'll stay that way."

She said the last bit in her usual breezy tone, giving a little nod with her head as she winked and added: "Cap'n." by way of a departing gesture. Though, before heading off to enjoy some turbulent winds on the beach, she did wait to see if he did the same in turn to show she wasn't tryin' to push weight.

Cal smiled at that, “S’long as you’re signed up, consider yourself ‘on the job,’ and paid to boot. How’s that for straight?” Seeing as Penelope looked to be on her way, Cal added, “Pilot,” with a wink back, and picked up the coiled cord again.

That pondering expression crossed the young woman’s features again as she lightly tapped the toe of a sandal against the metal grate she’d stood over. “Near-abouts anyone can fly the Doll, Cal. Ya know the difference of what I was meanin’.”

Again, it wasn’t a question, though her smile did return - albeit small. “Or this little finch gots more thinkin’ to do on that beach than she figured.”

“Whether I know the difference or not, Freckles, you and the whole gang will know when we get our next job.” He paused, maybe catching her meaning. Cal hired Penelope to fly to New Melbourne without telling her about the cargo they carried; hell, he’d tried to introduce her to Sam, but, well anyhow, she seemed to get on with it just fine. Now the argument could be made as to whether the pilot ought to be troubled with nought else but the sky, but Penelope had a head on her shoulders--a good one, too. Nodding, he affirmed his promise. There were plenty of pilots in the verse, but something told him he, Penelope, and the China Doll could strike an accord.

With that, Cal looked toward the stairs to follow Ms. Baker’s advice and squirrel Sam into a safer hole than in plain sight on the console. The avionics bay ought to do fine, he thought. Tipping his hat, Captain Strand added, “Enjoy the shore.”

"You know what they say after a storm like that passes?" The light of her smile returned to her eyes with the call back over her shoulder as she made way down the ramp. Lacking the gusto due to her natural disposition didn't curb the pirate flare in her spoken words delivered with a wink. "Thar be treasure."

Feeling all the ease in her breezy stride as anticipation of sand under her toes and wind in her hair, Penelope the pilot turned treasure-hunting, wild-wind seeking pirate when in the presence of the big blue. And she was off on another sort of adventure. But, with a departing glance up at the China Doll, her little smile wasn't a final one after all. She had plans set by a ship's departure. Though she loved the sea and her wind, there was reason the gal was a pilot rather than sailor - she was born to fly. And it seemed like she found a home doing just that after all.
Pen will probably want to go shopping for fabrics, cords, babbles, seashells, and the like. What she calls 'meandering' through the market to see what is what.

There was always somethin' about feelin' fresh after a shower - even a space-shower, meaning recycled filtered water that did no good on thinkin' about where'd come. Penelope had contentedly sighed as she stepped out the stall, then towel-patted herself down. Her mind turned to Sam. Most folk wouldn't feel to easy knowin' there was an sentient piece of tech or just how connected into the ship that they were flyin' through space in. She wondered as she dressed then padded back through the ship to her quarters at any reactions, planned any preemptive measures of the more negative ones, and who all knew 'sides her and the captain.

The chaos that was erupting from the galley as she reemerged from her bunk with her satchel threw her. It seemed like some sorta ruckus was being had in the galley just down the hall. A small smile appeared - sounded like Hook might have his hands full with whatever was happening in there. Best leave him to it.

Besides, as her eyes turned to the flight deck, she had her own charge. As she sat down in the pilot's seat - her seat, at present anyway - Penelope undid her bound damp hair and asked aloud: "Sounds like a party is going on in the galley. Anythin' that excitin' happenin' for us up here?"

The clicks and whirs that Penelope had become accustomed to slowed while the pilot begun braiding her hair to the side - carefully picking out orange strands so they were in one ground together. "If by exciting you mean level of noise, our decibel frequency has not yet met that in the galley, so no. Not at present."

After a few clicks, Sam added: "I can play-back the same frequency if you'd like."

"That almost sounds like a joke." The pilot smiled as she tied off her hair at her shoulder. Her new pull-over top was that thin polyester material, so it wouldn't soak through. She comfortably folded her spandex-covered legs under her as she leaned to look over the console before settling in. "That sort of music ain't my taste for casual listenin'. More in place at a rave club or thrash hall in one of them big cities."

It was said without the tone of judgement, just gentle matter-of-fact. There couldn't be actual silence, not with the 'party' going on, but a little time passed as Penelope did passive checks. Just as she leaned back, Sam spoke up again. "My data processor lists many different 'sorts of music.' Are only some music types enjoyable in certain locations?"

"Hmm… well, reckon since there is a ruckus in the galley, I can't rightly say that's the case." Penelope chuckled a little as she withdrew her little macramé project she'd started the previous night from her satchel. As she sat the various bottles of babbles along the front of Sam's box, she added: "Just like there is all sorts of music, there is all sorts of folk who enjoy, in all sorts of ways, in all sorts of places."

"Places such as the 'rave club' and 'thrash hall'?" Sam asked as Penelope popped a plastic top off one of the bottles to withdraw a bead for threading.

"Yep, those are places for dancing - ya know, flailing around with rhythm sort of dancing. Like flowin' with the beat." Her fingers began their weaving as the bead was pulled into its place. "There's all sorts of dancin', too. Ta match the music."

It came natural, somehow. Maybe like the causal way Penelope approached everything, talking with an artificial being just was another thing. It was nice, she thought, having someone to talk to instead of being all by her lonesome like she was accustomed to when on a job. Though, she didn't quite think this crew would be the sort to stay squirreled away like her last one. And, the idea was real nice.
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