Avatar of Aalakrys


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
My guinea pig has gone on to the great hay pile in the cosmos. I’ll miss him.
6 yrs ago
So I got married today
6 yrs ago
My fiance just told me he ate my left over slice of pie. This engagement is over.
6 yrs ago
If you're nocturnal, every day is the day you sleep.
6 yrs ago
I don't know anything about Mahz, but I'd ~really~ like to have that vacation time off from work. (That banner has been there a while, yeah? =P)


  • 18+ = RP Partner Must Be 18+
  • Female, writes MxM, FxM, FxF
  • My Typical Response Time (minimum) = One to two days for OOC, RPs could vary but will respond at least once a week, probably more.
  • Typically High-Cas, sometimes Advanced. Can do Casual though it's painful.
  • Friendly = OOC always chatty if partner wants
  • Roleplaying Limits = will not do torture, rape/molestation, etc actively. My characters might have it in their past though.
  • I like romance. I like depressing romance with a happy ending the best. Slow burns are usually preferred, unless otherwise specified.
  • If there is romance, I'm ok with fade-to-black or giving details.
  • Romance isn't necessary to write with me.
  • Respecting the individuality of our characters is necessary to write with me.

1x1 Interest Checks

Most Recent Posts

The Morning After Part 3

Lunar Veil | Galley


Kinneas adjusts to life with the rough and motley crew of the LV.

OOC: JP between @Yule, @Aalakrys

Kinneas took a sip of the black coffee while the doctor had been musing at his conversational inquiry, immediately finding it too acidic for his taste. He glanced down at the cup, grimacing. “Kěpà de (Horrid).” The muttered assessment was followed with a look at the woman, so he clarified: “No, not the head - the head is fine. The coffee, is this really what you drink every morning?”

"Well, your sense of taste seems just fine, so that's a plus." Doc laughed. She tucked the pencil into the page she was on and plopped the crossword book down on the table. "And since you didn't exactly make your way down to the med bay for your follow-up…" she said as she reached into her pocket, she pulled out her penlight. She made her way over to the big man and grabbed the side of his head, nearly knocking into his coffee cup hand, which might have been a mercy. She clicked on the light and started testing his pupil response.

“There going to be a missed appointment fee?” Kinneas smirked as he moved the cup of hot coffee to a safe place on the counter, stilling and following at the doctor’s direction. “If I’d have known…”

"Mm-hm", Doc said, engrossed in her examination. "Well, bad news," she said as she clicked off her penlight, "you're fine."

Kinneas grinned, obviously being factitious. “Gotta say, never had a doctor use that line on me before.”

Doc furrowed her brow and lightly punched Kinneas's shoulder. "Ass. I meant no fun or interesting injuries." She said as she made her way back to her seat and book. "Gonna be a dull trip is all. No one ever comes in with something serious, ya know?" She complained, sounding…almost wistful.

Kinneas chuckled as he reached back for his coffee despite it being terrible. He supposed the entire crew wasn’t half-bad. Though he wasn’t sure how serious she was about the longing regard to injured patients, he said: “Don’t be too sure. I have to go have a chat with your captain. Could result in something interesting, but no promises.”

"Don't go getting my hopes up, Blondie." Doc said, full of sarcasm. "Listen, if he shoots ya, tell him I said 'no arteries'. Get shot somewhere fleshy. You know…fun wound, not wound wound." She encouraged.

“I’ll be sure to mention it.” Amusement laced his words before he took another grimacing sip of bitterness in a cup. He glanced towards the hatch he’d come through and to the opposite one. “Not that I’m rushing to potentially get shot at, but… you don’t happen to know where he would be, would you?”

"Be a short walk through there." Doc said as she pointed to the opposite door with her pencil. "Best a luck, huh?" She added with a grin, miming a gun with her hand and pretending to shoot herself in the arm.

“Jìhuà (bottom’s up).” He said taking a final gulp of the coffee before dumping the rest down the drain and setting the cup in the sink to deal with later. Barring a gunshot wound. Staying strapped when not on a job… He filed that away for the interview.
The Morning After Part 1

Lunar Veil | Galley


Kinneas adjusts to life with the rough and motley crew of the LV.

It was the next day their new passenger, who was technically now crew just the only person who knew that was Jago at the moment, was free to wander. The smell of coffee and food filled the galley and hallway, chatter could be heard from the cockpit and interestingly enough the pigtailed chatterbox and her brother were nowhere in sight. Yet. It was by now late morning on the ship and everyone seemed to have fallen into their daily routines.

Kinneas had spent the better part of his morning doing what hecould of his routine. There had been minor adjustments in his nomadic second life, but he never would start a day without basic hygiene. That meant unpacking his duffle, and since he would be staying things were placed away where he found them adequate. Storage in the bunk was a simple steel bedside stand and similarly assembled chest of drawers, both bolted down or built into the ship for obvious reasons. He sighed only in dismay at the discovery his toiletry bag must’ve been left behind. It hadn’t been packed in the duffle, but rather sat on the makeshift crate in the miners' camp. Everything else was there, but still. Not having his expensive products set his mood a might sour.

Doing what he could with his hair without a brush, which meant pulling it back, he set off to ask one of his new neighbors if he could borrow some products, but they either were ignoring him (which he wouldn’t put past the captain, doctor, or punk kid) or out already. So, he helped himself to the first open room he could find.

Kinneas climbed down to the first open room that smelled a bit of clove and sugar. Unlike his own room, the room had a bunk bed against the wall, neither bed had been made. The dresser had various ribbons and bobby pins along with a pink brush decorated with bright stickers, a cheap-looking black comb, and a small mirror. The room was a bit bigger than his, better to accommodate the two people living there. It had enough room to have a small low table litter with knives and some craft and art equipment that was in mid-use. One of the walls was decorated with little star-shaped string lights and the shelf had random little nick nacks on them.

Kinneas could only marvel at the aesthetic in horror and wonder as he scanned the room for a moment, but quickly set to his mission given he did not want to be caught here by either tenant. As he lifted the pink and stickered hairbrush, not being particularly picky given the situation, his eyes were roaming to discover a likely spot Vas would have shampoo. The kid did have some hair, so he had to have shampoo - and Kinneas thought he’d rather not have glitter on him until he died, so it was more a prayer than anything else. Plus, there was no way in hell he was going through the girl’s stuff.

Kinneas easily recognized a toiletry bag. There was suspiciously only one though. It was bright with a cheerfully drawn beach with 'Pirates Cove' printed on it. This was complemented with an anime pirate next to the text. There was only one set of shampoo and conditioner and they were the cheap kind from vending machines. Both were red and involved pomegranate. The only thing remotely male in the bag was a straight razor and tin of pomade. The rest was a slew of girls' bathroom needs.

Kinneas grimaced at the find - or lack of findings. If he had time, he’d do a more thorough search given the comments about a secret hidden stash of romance novels that were nowhere about, but as it was he boosted the cartooned pirate bag. At least, to pick out shampoo and toothpaste. The rest wasn’t worth digging around a woman’s female things, so he’d live without until they reached New Kasimir. “Pomegranates… Kěnéng gèng zāo (Could be worse)…”
Looped Out

Lunar Veil | Kinneas’s Bunk


Kinneas is finally alone with nothing but his thoughts.

Once the wave ended and all the life that had filled the empty room went away with it, Kinneas sat in the silence for a moment before tossing the communicator to the side table. The sounds of the ship were much more subtle, a soft hum of parts running smooth that he had no way of identifying. His father had taught him about ships, sure, but it was the sort that sailed on water. Though the mechanical components were left to others in that as well, of course. As it were, he let the steadiness of the humming fill his mind so thoughts did not get too wound up in there.

It made it easier for him to look around the stark, utilitarian room and consider it a possibility. There was still the issue of talking things over with Deckard. The guy didn’t seem like the type to just take an assigned crew member at the suggestion of convenience, but what did he know? Besides, Kinneas knew how to sell himself - especially after seeing the skill level of whoever their best marksmen was at the miners’ camp.

So, his freedom was secure. Maybe not carte blanche considering the whole Interpol issue that led him to this situation, but secure enough. He’d have to look into what the actual charges were, but his head was hurting from the last few hours. That ‘nap’ between here and the miners’ camp hadn’t helped either. It was time to relax. He could deal with the captain tomorrow. For now, he would try not to be upset at the sheer lack of personality this room had, and how entirely confining it was. So small. “Wǒ de mā…”

Name:Kase Turkel

Age: 30

Societal Role: Scrapper

Kase has been in the lowest sector of -insert name of city here- for all her days, surviving the street urchin stage of life and picking up the typical trade skills that come with it. A little pick-pocketing here, a little scuffling there, and fast-talking - or running - when the moment called for it. When she wasn't running the slums with a wild pack of kids, she spent time tinkering around in her absent uncle's abandoned and nearly derelict shop. That led her to join the scrappers, venturing outside the city in hopes of finding treasures of the lost civilization that was in the ruins all around. Smuggler isn't necessarily the word she'd use since technically the parts she sneaks in are for her own endeavors...

  • Kren - younger brother, alive
  • Ajax - mentor, deceased
  • Marnie - aunt, alive
  • Klem - uncle, missing
  • Marcie - mother, unknown
  • Dran - father, alive (?) - imprisoned

Kace comes from a broken home in more ways than one. Her father was an abusive drunk, and her mother was complicit to their fearful life. Kace found herself covering for both her mother and younger brother the older and braver she got. She made friends with one of their neighbors in an adjoining unit in their slum complex, an older man named Ajax that had taken a liking to her spunk. He kept Kace and Kren when things had gotten bad, taught them some basic life skills like cooking and tinkering, and fighting in Kace's case. Kren was too young at the time.

The first time Kace retaliated physically against her father's blows, Dran beat her black and blue. Ajax went to confront him, and the wound he was left with festered due to lack of medical advancement in their sector. When he died, Kace let her rage spike. Her father landed in prison for the explosion that took out a decent chunk of their complex, and with their mother missing the kids were packed off to live with the closest living relative in another sector - their mother's twin, Aunt Marnie.

Her husband, Uncle Klem, went out for a game of cards with the boys and never came home one night shortly after they moved in. He hadn't been so great and wasn't happy about having them there, so Kace was glad he was gone. Plus, she could hang around his shop all she wanted now.

The glamorous life of street running and grease-monkeying was cut shorter than planned though. Once school was over, she needed to find a way to help out with their living situation. Without their uncle, things were tight and school had provided two meals for her. Pandering or selling herself wasn't her style, so she used the skills Ajax had instilled and stuck with the gears and parts by way of joining up with the scrappers. They made plenty of credits - at least, more than most respectable jobs she could pull. Likely because it was dangerous as hell, leaving the protection of the Artifact.

The Outside was shocking - to say the least. She thought the slums were run down, if that's saying anything. Desert and skeletons of the city of the ancestors was ripe for the picking though. And her rag-tag squadmates and her weren't the only thing out there, she learned. The piece they were each given wasn't for show, but she kept those horrors quiet or it was her life. Hope and fear wasn't something slummies were allowed to have a hand in dictating.

Things were okay enough until her aunt came down with a bone disease that left her unable to work. At the same time, her brother was showing such academic progress that the two decided Kren was to stay in school no matter what. So, Kace put in for the extra ration raffles. And, that was how her name was selected.

Space for Awesomeness
Looped In Part 2

Lunar Veil | Kinneas’s Bunk


Cyd Skye and Fox give there friend a call letting him know this wasn’t a random encounter.

OOC: JP between @MK Blitzen, @Aalakrys

"I suppose saying I'm innocent wouldn't suffice?" He said with a sly grin and shake of his head, knowing the answer to that but unable to resist asking. "Only problem with laying low is lack of funds and thus a certain lifestyle I like to keep. But you're saying you have a way around that?"

“I do. I see you’ve met a few friends of mine - I’m too old for the cloak and dagger shit. The Veil - the crew - they run jobs from time to time. That’s one of the reasons I sent ‘em to Silverhold when things started sliding off the rails.”

"Isn't that something," Kinneas said thoughtfully, a smile threatening his lips as he mused. "The crew that hauls me off in the middle of it works for a guy I sometimes work for. So … you're saying I should rub shoulders with my kidnappers?"

“They go an kidnap you?” Fox said with a chuckle.

"The tiny one clocked me, but her brother swears she didn't." Kinneas said, rubbing the sore spot on the back of his head. "I still have no idea how the pair of them and their captain got me and my effects out, but have to admit, I'm impressed."

“They have surprised me more than once - but if you repeat that, I’ll dock your ass. They don’t need swelled heads…. Or to ask for a bump in pay. I can’t take full credit for it, the Skye’s got the notion in their head once Interpol got the tag in. So, they got a ship, you got a place to lay low - I get to throw even more work their way. That’s what they call symbiosis.”

"Yeah, real serendipitous." The way Kinneas said it seemed as if there was another shoe to fall, but he didn't leave it hanging. "Except the fact that I haven't made the best impression on the captain, what with tackling him and calling him fatherly. And… I'm pretty sure the kid - hell, both of them, even - would murder me in my sleep, albeit for different reasons. Not sure we'd have the best cohesion for a symbiotic relationship."

“I’ll talk to Jago, me and him have some history.” Fox promised. "You’re new to them, they’re new to you, if you were braiding each other's hair already I’d be worried. Look, give it a little time, lay low on the ship, I’ll send work your way. At least until we can clear you with Interpol. Look, I know you didn’t go an’ kill anyone unjustified - and definitely not a bunch of miners just looking for a ten percent raise.”

"No, I didn't." The easy manner in which he'd been talking faded as his expression darkened. The deaths at the other mine had made him angry, and not much could do that. It passed just as quickly as it'd come with a breath. "But fine. If you can convince what seems an ornery o– Deckard. And I'll lock the hatch while I sleep, or I just might wake up with my hair braided."

The last Kinneas said with a bit of wariness as he glanced towards the ladder where he'd last seen Serena.

“I’ll talk to Jago. I wanted to pitch the idea to you first, see how you feel about laying low on the ship while we go about finding out what happened up at Cold Creek.” Fox said, sitting back in his chair. The wooden chair creaked under his weight.

"Keep me updated?" Kinneas said, that sly smile touching his eyes as he purposefully thought on how that conversation would go rather than the mine incident.

“I’ll have the kids send you a wave, I hate these ruttin’ things, you’ll be updated. They’re going to head out to Silverhold first thing. Settle in son, you may be there for a while. Uh… Fox. Over.”

First Impressions

Lunar Veil | Galley


Finally alone Kinneas takes a moment to reflect on the whirlwind of events.

When the hatch closed at Serena's departure, Kinneas felt a weight lift off his chest as he took a deep breath and let his head hang just a moment. The cool of the rung against his head was steadying as he focused on it, ordering his thoughts. It was easier away from the others, concussion aside. The familial feel he'd mocked, he never quite got it. Always the independent operator. And it seemed like it caught up to him.

Interpol after him? He did figure it'd happen one day. Kinneas was the last one left from that job. But no, he laughed as he released the ladder and lifted his head. He was convicted of being a terrorist, blowing up another mine, the girl had said.

The whole miner rebellion may have started because of something he sparked, he'd realized on his way to stop the chaos he'd heard about that had landed him here. There may have been some labor law and workers' rights talk over some drinks at the taphouse, tactical strike methods included. However, the sort of strike he'd discussed involved sit-downs and peaceful protests, maybe hunker down to stop production. Not to blow up - or hell, even take hostages.

He ran a hand through the hair along his scalp as he sighed, feeling the knot again while he took in the room. When Serena had said Tim had fixed up the unoccupied bunk, he half expected a welcome banner given the oddity of the crew. But it was clean, functional, and bare aside from the made bed which he went to lie on and his large duffle that had also made the trip. He reached out and touched the canvas, a smirk coming to his lips as his mental image of the three hauling him away from the miner camp now including the large, heavy bag.

First impressions often told you who a person really was, his father had told him. Serena was almost too genuine, in that adorable naive sort of way. Her brother, by contrast, was genuine in a way as well, but definitely not the same. He seemed older than his age, but not by much. Being responsible for someone else, he had seen once before, did that to a kid.

There was a level of responsibility there. Like the doc. Barbed as she was, she didn't seem truly resentful of her work. Otherwise, why stick to it? He could be wrong though. He didn't know her or the rest of them.

Especially the captain. Couldn't get a good read on him. Likely the stone cold type, a begrudging statue with an annoying little song bird that was Serena perched atop and Vas glaring in camaraderie beside. No, he smirked, amusing as it was, it wasn't quite right. The guy had been fine until pressed.

Kinneas' thoughts strayed into what he'd do now, when the captain's words came back to him. 'Go about your merry way.' Silverhold wasn't an option, at least until he sorted whatever mess he was in out. If he even could. If Interpol was after him, he might find it hard to go anywhere for long. Not that he had a place to call home. Finding work was just difficult without a place for clients to find you, though, but usual haunts were also off the table. He'd have to update some folks, he thought, and reached for his bag again - maybe they could help sort out the mess. But first, Kinneas prioritized, some research was in order.

Merc’s Of The Not Round Table Part 6

Lunar Veil | Galley


Kinneas meets the crew. Wish him luck!

OOC: JP between @Winters, @MK Blitzen, @Aalakrys

Kinneas slid his chair back to stand, tossing the apple core away as he departed. “Nice having dinner with you. Thanks for the unexpected invite.”

Vas made a face as Kinneas trail after Serena mouthing 'Dinner?'

Jago shrugged neither recalling any kind of invitation and if he thought an apple sufficed as dinner? Maybe his head really was scrambled.

"Right, that's enough psychosis for one day. I'll be in the cargo bay." Vas said getting up.

"Don't break anything." Jago joked.

"Ha-ha." Vas said, turning the corner.

“Have you been to New Kasmir?” Serena chattered, half walking backwards to make sure Kinneas was following. “We were to New Kasmir once but it was winter, so I can’t wait to go to the Summer Solstace.”

An image of strolling through the orchards crossed his mind at the question, which he shook away as he followed. “Yeah, it’s a pretty nice place. Relaxing. Not really my thing, though.”

“Really?” Serena said, with a spring in her step. “What is your thing then?”

“Something… a little more exciting than a stroll through some trees or hiking up a mountain trail.” He said with a slight grin. That was about all he’d give to the girl. “How about you?”

“They gotta ferris wheel,” she said, “And six different kinds of candy floss, and popcorn covered in sugar. That’s better than hikin’ up a mountain isn’t is?”

“I’m sure it could be.” He allotted. “But, I’d say it’s the fudge. Caramel apple fudge, since you’re a fan of apples.”

“Do you think they’ll have that?” She asked, her eyes growing wider. “Apples are pretty sweet as it is, but caramel AND fudge?”

“They could.” He speculated. “I haven’t been there in a long while, and my circumstances were… different, then, so I can’t say much about affordability.”

“What kind of circumstances?” She pressed.

“I grew up.” He grinned again. “Now which room is it?”

“This one, “ she said, pointing to a ladder down. “Do you need help gettin’ down to your bunk?”

“I think I can handle it.” He said with a slight laugh. “Thanks for the guided tour.”

“My Onii and I are right over there, so if you need anything you can just holler, and I’ll come help.” She promised.

“That’s reassuring.” He said as he started down the ladder. There was a lot to think about, and he couldn’t quite do that with the chatterbox going.

“Night Kinneas,” She called down after him, before turning on her heel to head to the cargo bay. “Oh! And welcome aboard the Lunar Veil!”

Merc’s Of The Not Round Table Part 3

Lunar Veil | Galley


Kinneas meets the crew. Wish him luck!

OOC: JP between @Winters, @MK Blitzen, @Aalakrys

“By all means … I make no guarantees you’ll get an answer.” Jago said leaning back in his chair.

“Why the hell am I here?” Kinneas asked, not aggressively, but rather curious as he scratched between his brow with a thumb.

“And that’s my cue to exit stage left,” Tim chuckled. “Cockpit needs tending to, awkward conversation needs being avoided.”

“Easy we were paid to cart you along. Least till the next stop.” Jago answered.

“And on account of we didn’t wanna leave you to Interpol,” Serena added, trying to get her hands on Vas’ cinnamon jar.

“Naw it’s cuz we were paid to …” Vas said opening the spice jar for his sister.

Kinneas figured that was the truth without Vas’ clarification, but it made him smirk at least. “So, at the next stop, you get paid and I’m free to go my own way?”

“Oh no, we got paid up the moment we hit the black.” Jago laughed. “We have a station hop and then we're off to New Kasmir. So you got your choice of which you like to step off on.”

“You guys really like apples, huh?” Kinneas said, thinking of the planet’s main crop, but shifted as he watched the passing spice jar. “Wouldn’t be willing to tell me who paid you? Can’t imagine it was the sheriff. He’d rather see me dead.”

“Those were his exact words,” Serena added with a nod. Kinneas barked a laugh, unable to help himself.

“You haven’t flown much have you?” Vas smirked shaking his head.

Jago waved Vas’s comment off. “No.” The Captain said flatly.

“You’re less talkative when you’re not a negotiator.” Kinneas commented, still fidgeting with the apple, but considering as he studied the captain. “What about the ‘why’ they paid you? Do you know?”

Vas snorted at Kinneas’s comment and question. “You're a better actor than I give you credit for.” He chuckled at Jago.

“It was the suit.” Jago shrugged. “I think you're under some impression we just hand out information regarding our clients. Let me put it real simple so your poor scrambled brain can muddle through it. We were paid to get you off-planet. That's all you need to know and that's all your gonna get. You have your pick of where you wanna be let off and be on your merry way. Hell, if you wanna make your way back to Silverhold that is on you but our job is done.”

Wakey Wakey Part 8

Lunar Veil | Medbay


Kinneas wakes up on the Lunar Veil. This should go over well.

OOC: JP between @Winters, @MK Blitzen, @Aalakrys

Well, isn't this goddamn surreal, Kinneas thought as the doctor went on as if this were a normal day for her. But, based on her previous comment and what he'd seen of the crew so far, that wasn't too shocking. "Way to put a damper on my next twenty-four hours of surprise space travel, doc."

He wasn't going to use a name for the woman despite his easy tone. Serena had warned him, and the joke he thought it now far flung back to something that may need heeding. And, he hadn't done anything yet to earn her ire. Until he knew exactly what was going on, he'd play civil. He stood, testing the dizziness one final time, as he asked: "I'm free to go, otherwise?"

"Go on." She said, bobbing a thumb in the direction of the door. "Grab yourself one of them apples before squirrel girl stashes a mess of them away for winter. It's not often we manage fresh fruit on this boat, so enjoy it while it's here."

“Will do.” Kinneas said as he made his way towards the door, a part of him half anticipating the woman to jab him with something as he passed. Not that she’d given any reason for him to think that - which is exactly why he did, most likely. But, he escaped unharmed - for now. The paranoia he was trying to ignore had only been countered so far by how odd the crew had been so far. Nearly too comical to take as a threat, but he’d already learned his lesson with the girl.

The doc had made it seem like she wasn’t going to tail him, and no one seemed relatively concerned that he’d go berserk and attempt anything crazy. Which was surprising, since the girl - Serena, he said in his head in the same slow way she had to amuse himself - had asked him not to shoot her upon meeting. It might have been a ruse. This whole nonchalance of him just being there amongst them, too. He’d play along for now, he supposed, unless things got dicey.

He looked around the room outside the infirmary a brief moment as he passed through it to the stairs the kids must’ve taken. There wasn’t much to see where the stairs left off - water filtration and recycling, which he always tried not to think too much about during space travel - so he ascended the next flight. A glance to his left was a hatch and the engine, and to the right he could see people.

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