Avatar of Aalakrys


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
My guinea pig has gone on to the great hay pile in the cosmos. I’ll miss him.
6 yrs ago
So I got married today
6 yrs ago
My fiance just told me he ate my left over slice of pie. This engagement is over.
6 yrs ago
If you're nocturnal, every day is the day you sleep.
6 yrs ago
I don't know anything about Mahz, but I'd ~really~ like to have that vacation time off from work. (That banner has been there a while, yeah? =P)


  • 18+ = RP Partner Must Be 18+
  • Female, writes MxM, FxM, FxF
  • My Typical Response Time (minimum) = One to two days for OOC, RPs could vary but will respond at least once a week, probably more.
  • Typically High-Cas, sometimes Advanced. Can do Casual though it's painful.
  • Friendly = OOC always chatty if partner wants
  • Roleplaying Limits = will not do torture, rape/molestation, etc actively. My characters might have it in their past though.
  • I like romance. I like depressing romance with a happy ending the best. Slow burns are usually preferred, unless otherwise specified.
  • If there is romance, I'm ok with fade-to-black or giving details.
  • Romance isn't necessary to write with me.
  • Respecting the individuality of our characters is necessary to write with me.

1x1 Interest Checks

Most Recent Posts

At spreading her arms, fear began to creep into the emptiness without warning, causing tears to form on her light eyelashes. She closed her eyes against them and took a breath, lifting her face up to the sky before reopening them to sigh out the breath she'd taken. There are never any stars visible in this miserable place, floated into her mind subconsciously, wondering if that would make a difference as she closed her eyes again, letting the wind wrap its way all around her body and outstretched arms for a moment longer.

No, this was not a hesitation, she knew as she leveled her head with her shoulders once again. More of a saying goodbye to the only thing she'd ever known, taking in all with her senses. Opening her eyes once again as a single tear fell, she leaned forward. Even the wind seemed to protest her decision, pushing strongly against her as she fell forward in slow motion. Just as her the toes of her slippers were leaving the ledge, something darted so quickly past her that she had felt herself instinctively attempt to whirl herself around only to be pulled backwards by her shirt by the shoulder. The sudden jerk of the fabric tugged at her neck so that it hurt and one of her ankles scraped the brick ledge as she fell back onto the roof.

Landing on the loose gravel atop the roof grazed the arm she'd fallen on, and she felt the knee on the same side burn beneath her cotton legging. Propping up on one hand as the rest of her still lie on the gravel, she saw the figure of what had darted past her and pulled her back onto the roof lying in a heap in front of her. Instantly, her eyes widened in shock: It - he had wings! He stirred only a second later, muttering something, and then looking directly at her with a bashful face as he said hello. She lie, mouth still almost agape, stunned by what she was seeing. Only did she blink when he asked her not to panic.

Blinking a few more times as she pushed herself backwards to sit on the legs she'd brought to fold under her, she placed her hands in her lap and softly, but hesitantly asked, "Wh ... why did you stop me?" Registering the wings, she could guess, but it didn't make much sense as she thought - her mind slowly calming enough to do so.
Ah~ So excited! :D
In Rebellion 11 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Seeing through Desdemona's eyes, Morgan willed the much larger reptilian beast's form onward as the red head skittered through the streets below with the Inquisitor on her heels. It felt weird being inside of a much larger body, even after so much practice. Desdemona was one of the fighters, so her bulky form wasn't only meant to intimidate. The only downside was that Morgan felt the pain as it hit Desdemona's flesh if something attacked. Keeping a distance now to watch was all fun, but soon she'd loose her view since her show was heading inside the old warehouse.

Gliding down to the rooftop of a nearby building, Desdemona landed with a stride, her velvet wings fluttering for balance. Placing Morgan's form safely against the ledge, leaning against the cool brick with her blank white eyes staring out and her drawing pad spread open on her lap, Desdemona leaped off and dove down to the overhang of the warehouse next door.

Smoke billowed out all around the warehouse, rising to meet the sprinklers just as Desdemona perched in the rafters to take in the scene. Vision being limited, she honed her hearing to pick up frequencies and vibrations. Movement was happening below, an impact and a strike, just before the low resounding voice was identifiable followed by Lucy's even tone. Desdemona dropped silently and gracefully behind the Inquisitor, bringing her front talons down in an arc with a screech before leaping upwards off the back of the Inquisitor with her back feet and into the safety of the smoke-filled rafters once again.
In Rebellion 11 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Woo~ Yay. Okay, I shall go do that now.
Haha, that's fine. I am a patient one. Oh, just to let you know - I'll be moving into an apartment next Thursday. Well, most of the work will be done that Saturday, so I may not be around during that time.
In Rebellion 11 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Okay, I start back work tomorrow so my usual time around will be 4:30 pm - 10:00 pm EST

Also, I will be moving next Thursday - Saturday (mostly the work will be done on Saturday) so I may not be on at all on some of those days. Then, I'll be back to norm. :D

Edit: Windel, I'm thinking about taking away some of my character's abilities - I am happy with her being able to summon her drawings. In my opinion, she would seem too powerful if she could also cast those minor spells I'd listed. I do like her weapon though. I might keep that. Thoughts?
In Rebellion 11 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
As the school day drew to a close, Morgan drew lazily around her notes she had actually jotted down. Really, she drew her notes rather than took them so as to not ruin her image she'd worked to create. An apathetic girl shouldn't care about school, but she did care enough to get out of her foster home once graduation came up - so, following the sheep, but wearing a wolf's coat. Typically, she had detention after school because she had drawn on all of her desks. When the bell rang, she was in mid-stretch when she noticed the new girl bolt out of the room - followed quickly by a few others, the loud mouth included, who typically didn't give one whit about school - or had jobs or nice homes or friends to get to. Beings she had none of these things except her band practice, which was always late at night, she stuck around to do her detention.

She'd been washing away lazily at her desk while listening to her music full blast through her headphones when the sun shining through the walls suddenly broke into thousands of shadows. She'd seen the first window through her peripheral vision, but she turned to watch the glass shower down as her music raged. The shear power of the song made the shattering glass seem epic - especially when the next one went to pieces rhythmically. Her position was safe from glass debris hitting her, so she made her way to the first window that had broken, reaching down to pick up a shard and look at it as she dipped her headphones off to rest at her neck with her free hand.

The chanting of the students outside made her curiosity pulse, so she approached the frame which now only held jagged shards all around it's perimeter. Not really worried about any loose pieces hitting, she cast her eyes down to see the new girl, her red hair practically inflamed by the setting sun's glow as she smarted out against the Inquistor. Smiling at the response before Lucy bolted off, Morgan sighed lightly at Loud Mouth's jump to join in on the frenzy, "Well, this is interesting."

Casually, she reached into her messenger bag she hadn't removed when she reported for detention and withdrew her drawing pad without taking her eyes off of the scene which was moving into town. Flipping to a page which she'd kept reserved in her mind, she glanced down at her illustrious drawing which had been known around the school as her favorite pet. Running her fingers lightly over the images, she whispered as if speaking to a child, "Arise, Desdemona."

The shards in the office shook as the aura around her shot out, gluing the hand which held the notepad to its surface as the other withdrew the creature contained within. Swirls and color materialized and hardened into a living beast, rapidly breathing as if in pain until its full form was solidified. Morgan's eyes went white as her soul entered the quadruped. The reptilian beast stood upright, scooping Morgan's figure delicately within its arms before perching on the window with its back talons after kicking the loose glass down before taking flight in pursuit.
In Rebellion 11 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
It took Morgan a second to recognize that Seth had actually responded to her, much less that others had started to come back to class, but she didn't look up from her drawing as she casually took a sip from her soda and raised her eyebrows in response. Setting the soda down, she had a smirk at her lips, but didn't bother responding. She was content just riling him up, at least until the girl jumped up so suddenly. That was enough to cause Morgan to pause her drawing hand and look up at the scene as Lucy fled the room. She snickered quietly to herself, bringing the butt of the marker to her teeth as she bit down with a smile at Seth. She winked, as if saying Nice job - real smooth, Superhero. before looking back to her art.

The desk had become a piece of abstract lines and curves, black where the desk shown through, and red where she filled in, by the time that the new girl came back. The quiet voice of the girl caught her attention as she asked for Seth's name - and she actually looked up at Lucy's interrogation before the sound of her lunchbox slamming clipped the conversation over. Glad she'd forgotten her headphone was off so she heard, she turned in her chair and leaned back, thinking that the idea didn't sound half bad. As Mr. Henderson returned, motioning for her to remove her headphones and sit normally as he always did, she sighed and complied with a glare.
In Rebellion 11 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Also, sorry for lagging behind - I wasn't expecting for my turn to come up again so soon. ^^; I will be more diligent about checking my subs. :)

Edit: Okay, I am working on my post now. I'll be off vacation next Wednesday, so I will have to go back to one-post-a-day if things pick up.
In Rebellion 11 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I am picking up my car now from the shop. I'll be back home in a few hours. Lemme read and I can give you what my character would say at least so you can go on wirh your post.

Edit: Oh, easy. Wouldn't have said anything outwardly. Just smiled. :P
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