Avatar of Aalakrys


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
My guinea pig has gone on to the great hay pile in the cosmos. I’ll miss him.
6 yrs ago
So I got married today
6 yrs ago
My fiance just told me he ate my left over slice of pie. This engagement is over.
6 yrs ago
If you're nocturnal, every day is the day you sleep.
6 yrs ago
I don't know anything about Mahz, but I'd ~really~ like to have that vacation time off from work. (That banner has been there a while, yeah? =P)


  • 18+ = RP Partner Must Be 18+
  • Female, writes MxM, FxM, FxF
  • My Typical Response Time (minimum) = One to two days for OOC, RPs could vary but will respond at least once a week, probably more.
  • Typically High-Cas, sometimes Advanced. Can do Casual though it's painful.
  • Friendly = OOC always chatty if partner wants
  • Roleplaying Limits = will not do torture, rape/molestation, etc actively. My characters might have it in their past though.
  • I like romance. I like depressing romance with a happy ending the best. Slow burns are usually preferred, unless otherwise specified.
  • If there is romance, I'm ok with fade-to-black or giving details.
  • Romance isn't necessary to write with me.
  • Respecting the individuality of our characters is necessary to write with me.

1x1 Interest Checks

Most Recent Posts

Haha, okay. Good luck on your tests. :)
Hmm ... Well, I went ahead and posted as far as I could for Darcy. ^^;

I was going to wait till your secondary intro before I made Yggy respond. <- nickname he will hate.
Looking up at the large cottage set in the countryside, complete with overgrown hedges and hanging moss, Darcy couldn't help but feel far away from the only form of known home. Truthfully, the young apprentice was very honored by receiving an invitation to fill one of three spots under the Grandmage Ygnatius. It was not expected of a humble unknown orphan. Sure, talents in magic had been evident, but Darcy's orphanage had not been able to afford any in depth lessons beyond the basics taught at school. Finding skill in illusions, self-application had focused in that area as independent study and practical application at the local library and park respectively. Toting a battered suitcase which only held one set of pajamas, a toothbrush and comb, two changes of clothes, and an extra pair of shoes aside from a few personal mementos, Darcy had ridden in carts from town to town until finally having to make the rest of the journey on foot to end up here. Here, looking up at the building, standing next to two other apprentices, Darcy only hoped for the best.
I have an idea for my secondary character ... do you want me to let you know or do you want it to be a secret?
All of Clarissa's reasons for wanting to end her life by leaping off the ledge had poured into her mind as her emotions came out in her words. She felt hurt to hear that she had a guardian angel, as bizarre as that had been to accept even if she was of sound mind and not weighed down by these heavy emotions of grief. Not knowing how the workings of guardian angels functioned and only basing it off of things she'd heard as a child during the church sessions she'd attended when visiting her cousins before moving across the country, she only felt wronged since she did her best to be a good person despite her circumstances. What kind of omnipotent being who was charged with watching over her would leave her in that misery? A misery so strong that no matter how she fought against it, it led her to this ledge.

As he grabbed his chest, seemingly in pain at her words, and dropped his gaze to give some form of explanation, Clarissa felt her resolve to be angry weaken as his voice dwindled. His broken apology just as he found refuge in his palms made her instinctively reach out for him, but she pulled her hand back at his bark of bitter laughter. She blinked, still sitting as she had been when she purged her emotions through her words, when he looked back to her and began to speak again.

Before she could consider his words, he had already decided based off his decision to join humanity in appearance. Briefly considering that she was actually dead and this wasn't real, being forced to absorb the knowledge of guardian angels existing, must less one wanting to bind himself to her happiness, Clarissa glanced at his offered hand. Her own hand still clenched to her chest with the other in her lap, she looked back up at him - how could she trust the unreliable angel? She blinked again, before allowing the tenseness in her shoulders relax, her hands still frozen where they were though as she asked, "What is your name?"

Upon hearing his answer, she hesitated as she slowly slid the leg attached to her bleeding knee beneath the cloth out and running the hand in her lap lightly along it and extending her other out skeptically to the angel in front of her. "It ... is nice to meet you," She wasn't sure why the words came out, considering how much anger she'd felt only moments earlier, but it felt like the right thing to say.
I read your post either late last night or early this morning, but I've been thinking about it all day! >.<
In Rebellion 11 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Following along behind their self-appointed leader, Morgan kept quiet as she concentrated on breathing effectively while sprinting. Smoking probably didn't help nor did her stubborn refusal to participate in drills during gym. After being tormented in middle school ended thanks to her lovely creations, she had no reason to run anymore until this moment.

Through her soft panting, she heard Lucy's prickly remarks to Jurano - and people'd thought she was defensive. Really, Morgan's style led towards apathy unless directly challenged - and she'd gladly pass on her somehow assigned hostile image if Lucy wanted it. Still, she followed in silence as the approached the very ordinary dark house and slowed to a stop.

Looking up at it as she approached behind Lucy, Morgan thought it was entirely forgettable due to its average appearance. She kicked her feet against the door sweep before crossing the threshold. Glancing over her shoulder, attempting to keep her tiredness from showing, she said in her low voice, "Here that, Loudmouth - shut it."

The double meaning to her words came out sounding dry, without her usual sting implied. Damn ... I'm so drained ... Flopping down against the foot of the couch at Lucy's offer, directly onto the floor, Morgan leaned heavily against it and ran her hand through her hair with a sigh. She watched Lucy depart through her heavy locks from under her arm before turning her attention to the obvious wall coverings.

Letting her hand fall to the ground and her head fall against the seat of the couch, she peered down her nose at the organized chaos. "Someone has a hobby ... "She muttered, feigning disinterest as her eyes lingered on the splash of color on canvas.

Lucy's words at her reappearance got enough of Morgan's attention to make her roll her head to face the girl as she claimed the artist and the loudmouth as her troops. She'd not watched her come in and sort her things, although she had heard her. Instead, her eyes had been tracing the rainbowic stream of color until the girl had spoken.

Sitting up lazily, Morgan propped her elbows on her bent knees and her chin on those supported fists before she raised one hand's fingers away from her cheek, "Morgan Reid."
It's short, but I could add more if you'd like. I'm good at lengthy posts so long as I have something to go off of.
Sunlight filtered through the circular window's glass and bounced off of the multicolored prisms dangling above its sill, signalling the morning of arrival for Ygnatius' apprentices. He had been up well before dawn, of course, due to the anticipation of their coming - keeping busy by assorting their study materials, arranging the available floor for their dormitories, and sealing away the things they need not yet see. At the sight of the glittering light throughout his study, he leaned back in his chair heavily with a deep intake of breath. Feeling all the aches and pains of sitting for too long as he stretched before standing, attempting to wiggle out the stiffness that had sat in, before he attempted to stand.

It was due to his age and all the disabilities which came with it that he felt limited, and even began to consider a successor for whom would take over his legacy and life's work fighting against the toils the ruling body set against its people. Perhaps, at the heart of it, his motives were entirely selfish, but it did lead to major awareness and disgust at the political system. It was through his findings that he also identified those who had the possibility of helping him overthrow their tyranny. Thus, he wrote out and beseeched them to come for training - all the while offering up the prize of becoming a mentor to the most capable, keeping his true motives hidden until the time came.

Today was the day in which all three pupils would be arriving, and he had preparing considerably for their tests. He had not prepared for today to be full of aches and pains, however. Walking over to his apothecary cabinet, he found the herbal mixture he'd need to last throughout the day. Taking the mixture was not pleasant, but it certainly beat age pains.
I would've been here an hour ago, but my mother kidnapped me to take our cousin home. Now I am here. Let's see ... that means I have to begin, right? :P
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