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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Charles considered his options, completely ignoring Pablo. It was clear who the guy was, the introduction was unnecessary and anyways, the teacher just repeated it anyways. The security detail definitely opened up a few possibilities. If he did well, it would reflect well on him and the others which in turn could turn into potential string he could pull later. If he used it as an opportunity to allow whatever to happen, he could twist it against non-arms Masters and start influencing the general opinion of the school. It could also help pin point students already close to falling off the edge and then he'd just have to push, just a bit.

Charlie listened attentively, writing a note on a piece of loose leaf quickly. He folded it into a small square, edges tucked neatly into itself so it wouldn't unfold midflight, and flicked it onto Carsi's lap when the teacher looked away. He had plenty of practice doing this under his father's stern eye when he wanted to talk to his friends at formal events without his father noticing.

James Kingston

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

James liked to pride himself on rolling with the punches. He thought of himself as pretty chill, adaptable, flexible. He could handle most things well in his opinion and just avoided things he didn't care for instead of making a big deal out of it. But a spike of irritation flushed through him as Erg spoke and while he was a bit startled at the reaction, he felt he was at least owe that much.

If someone doesn't voice a question, there's probably a damn reason. If they'd already cleared them as non-threats, why dive back into his head? He can't criticize them for scanning them the first time, especially after his story about New York, but going into their heads again? At that point it was just rude. But he shouldn't think that. He didn't want to cause ripples but how did he keep his thoughts shut up? He couldn't deny the uncomfortable prickles crawling over his skin. He didn't really have anything to hide but they had effectively taken his last place of privacy from him. If they mentioned they were doing it or going to do it, he probably wouldn't of cared but now he just wanted out. He'd stay long enough to repair their lighting issues, he couldn't just leave them with what passed as a light rig, but that was the extend of his involvement with them. He'd figure out what to do from there but he felt even less safe here. Up there, he could recover from a few gun shots. It wouldn't be the first time.

James took a deep breath and let himself relax. This is how they did things and it wasn’t his place to get upset about that. He had a plan somewhat and he’d just work it. For now, he needed to say something before words were put in his mouth.

“It wasn’t particularly important I know that. I didn’t ask for a reason but thanks, I guess.” James shrugged. “I should probably put together some sort of plan for the repairs so I know exactly how much we need. Let me know when it's time for us to roll tomorrow.” James stepped away from the group, taking is time to look over the wiring around the place again.

Damien nodded at Lucan's instructions as the mage let him pass into his room. He didn't know the man- vampire? Which one was more appropriate? Maybe he'd ask- long enough to get any sort of read on him but he assumed he must be tired from spooking people all night. Damien would be tired too if he had a fancy title that had him randomly boarding cars in the middle of the night. He shrugged and instead looked around the place with wide eyes.

The dorm was better than anything he'd lived in. Three parents and five siblings made for a tight living situation and although their house was pretty big, it was still cluttered and cramped and in much needed repair. This place was squeaky clean and Damien didn't know how he felt about it. It felt very show, like someone wasn't really meant to live here, and he was sorely tempted to make a bit of a mess just to make it feel more like home. Damien frowned as he looked around, finding very few things to toss around. He almost started pulling out kitchen utensils and dumping them in a cup or a big bowl or something just to break the monotony but another idea popped into his head as he grinned. He fished out his phone from his pocket and bounded out the front door, catching it just at the last second before it slammed shut. He'd forgotten the vampire man said he needed some chill time and although it was supposed to be over, the rip your fingers off threat lingered in the back of his head. He shivered a bit and turned his attention to his current task. He put his phone up and started recording himself, throwing up a peace sign.

“Yo! Damien's here all safe and sound, not counting a semi terrifying encounter with the vampire man!” He signed with his free hand as he spoke. “He needed some zzz's so I'll get something from him later. For now, let's tour the new digs! Here you see our lovely front door and more importantly…” He swung it opened, again almost slamming it but catching it with a grimace. “It doesn't scream!!” He swung it back and forth to emphasize his point.

“This is the kitchen. Papa, you'd love it but it looks fu- empty. It looks empty. Swear? No, not me.” He looked a little sheepish at the almost slip, knowing all three of his parents would bury him in a heart beat for swearing in front of his younger siblings. “Like look at this nonsense. I feel like I'm going to be evicted for trespassing! It's like none has lived here ever! I can't be the only one who thinks that.” Damien moved into the living room and spun around slowly.

“And this here is where movie night is going to happen. We should figure out some schedule to do that together! You know, after Dad manages to recover from that gremlin attack. Aren't they awful, stealing all that popcorn.” He cackled but slapped his hand over his mouth as he looked at Lucan's door. Right, sleeping. “Anyways, yeah. We can start the movie at the same time and stuff so we can still do movies or something. We'll figure that out when we get there! And here is outside but who likes outside? He did a quick walk through of the porch and moved on.

“So now let's check the room! See if it's as swanky as everything else. Let Mom and Papa see it all clean and fancy before I wreck the place.” He threw open the door gently and looked around, almost vibrating with excitement. “I get my own bed! No more bunk beds! It's so big!” He lept on it and rolled around on it. “And it feels like a cloud! This is kick as- awesome! Kick awesome!” He managed to catch his mouth but his fingers flew without much thought and he cringed inwardly. Oops, he was excited. They couldn't blame him right.

“But look at this! I have a full closet and a little desk thingy and a dresser to myself and…” he barged into the bathroom and his voice dropped to a whisper, “My own bathroom. I've never had my own bathroom. I don't have bang on the door or wake up early to get hot water. I didn't realize I could be won over so easily. Apparently, a private bathroom is my price. This. Is. AMAZING!” He couldn't keep his voice down and he jumped around and then stuck his tongue out at the camera. “Sure, I'm opening my veins everyday but hot water when I want it? I think that's worth it.” He joked to the camera.

“Well, I think that's about it. Next video will be the vampire man himself, Lucan something or other and the Knight of Darkness or something equally emo-y. He had about a million names after his and I think there was a Duke in that somewhere but the whole feeding me my fingers thing kinda knocked that out of my head but we're pals now so no need to worry!” He hastily added. Vampire or not, his parents wouldn't be bothered to hold their tongues if they thought Lucan was mistreating him. “Apparently, it was all some sort of military test thing and since I told him off, I passed? Not sure what that was about but he got kind nicer after that so…” Damien shrugged. “Well, this is Damien signing out! Catch me next time with Vampire Man: Help me pick a nickname!”

Damien stopped recording and uploaded it to the family folder, tucking it back into his pocket. The guy definitely needed a nickname. Like the Sparky Sparky Boom man. Not that but something fun like that. He'd enlist his whole family, get a few candid recordings so they could decide on how he acted when he didn't know Damien was around. After he knew the campus though. He'd have to set up perfectly.

Damien spent a little while lazily unpacking before just leaving the rest in the suitcase and plopping down on the bed. He let something play, some black list Nirvana pumping from the phone speaker. Lucan's feeding comment came roaring back as he listened and he would have to admit, he was nervous. Lucan mentioned something about needles. Did he drink through them like a straw? That sounded really fucking gross. The other option was drink directly right? Was his tongue like a mosquito's or did he actually bite? Or maybe they were like cats and they just licked at the wound? Damien chuckled at the idea. Cat vampires.

“Guess we're getting up close and personal.” Damien muttered, the weirdness if the needle straws outweighing the cat vampires. At least he had zero concept of personal space already. Damien swung his feet off the bed and grabbed his guitar, taking a moment to check the tune, and shut off the phone. He played quietly, yellow songs falling from his lips and fingers as he attempted to ground himself before he fell into a familiar spiral.

Do you remember when we first met?
I sure do, it was some time in early September.

The bell rung repeatedly, signaling the end of the freshman affinity class and human biology. Students quickly made their way out, most feeling first day nerves about making their next class and beelined for their next lecture. As it turns out, almost all of them headed in the same direction. They deviated at the same place, some turning into Vilbrek Hall and others into the opposite hall. The doors opened at the top of the room, leading down a central flight of stairs with desk on either side and ended in a large speaking platform and a series of there screens. A desk with a computer sat on the right side. Like every other classroom, the nobles had reserve seating just at the front of the platform.

In Vilbrek Hall, a coat hung over the back of the chair and a brief case lay open on the desk. Varis Sinnenodel stood on the platform, an unimpressed look on his face as he watched various students filtered in. Behind him, only the center screen displayed a title slide. Like

Treaty Law
Professor: Count Alder Noila
TA: Count Varis Sinnenodel

Each desk had a syllabus on it, printed with the usual due dates and class requirements. Those glancing through it would notice study sessions and oral arguments listed once each month with the name of a noble house after it. This house was also printed in the top left corner. Three seats sat empty in the front of the room. Varis started speaking as soon as 11:15 pm passed

“Welcome to Treaty Law, the first in a long and highly recommended academic line if for no other reason than it governs every aspect of your life now. For mages and those…” Varis paused, disapproving gaze lingering on the three turned students in the hall, “recently joining our distinguished ranks, this class will be both enlightening and disheartening. The treaty is, like it's creators, strict and unforgiving despite recent attempts at softening it's punishment, restrictions, and even it's wording. It is a testament to the bond between mage and vampire and the degree of protection each needs from the other. That being said, the Treaty is at its core merely a contract. One with wide authority and brutal consequences but a contract nonetheless. The goal of this class will to teach you it's history and provide you with the tools to read, comprehend, and interpret the Treaty's maze of jargon.” Varis paced as he spoke, pulling out a clicker and the other two screens popped to life.

“Look down at your syllabus. You'll notice a noble family's name printed on it. Each House represents a study group and each of you have been assigned to one. Others with the same name are your study partners for the rest of the semester. If you flip to the next page with your assignment dates, you will notice study sessions and oral arguments. Each study group is required to attend to one study session with me a month. Failing to attend even one of these will drop your grade by 10%. If your group cannot make the date listed for your family, contact me with at least two weeks notice or I will not reschedule it.”

“Now, oral arguments are done in class. Each month, we will discuss a major portion of the treaty and it's relevant amendments in addition to its general timeline. Each study group will have to come up with an amendment to the current law we are discussing and present it in class and open themselves to counter arguments from other groups.” Varis stopped in the middle of the stage and looked around. “While you do not need to format your ideas in the manner of your assigned House, it will earn you extra credit for the assignment. At the end of the semester, the house with the highest oral argument grade will have the option to take that grade as their final exam grade rather than take the three hour long test I have written. You will also notice that every two weeks, you'll have a three page paper to submit. Each paper's topic will be available exactly fifteen nights prior to the due date and cannot be submitted early. All assignment submission or presentation requirements can be found on the last two pages of your syllabus. And for your first paper…” he pointed the clicker at the computer and the center screen changed. “The topic for your first paper is your current knowledge of the treaty. Anything and everything, or a summary in the case of the purebloods, you currently know or have a vague notion about. Questions so far?”
GM Update:

The bell rung repeatedly, signaling the end of the freshman affinity class and human biology. Students quickly made their way out, most feeling first day nerves about making their next class and beelined for their next lecture. As it turns out, almost all of them headed in the same direction. They deviated at the same place, some turning into Vilbrek Hall and others into the opposite hall. The doors opened at the top of the room, leading down a central flight of stairs with desk on either side and ended in a large speaking platform and a series of there screens. A desk with a computer sat on the right side. Like every other classroom, the nobles had reserve seating just at the front of the platform.

In Vilbrek Hall, a coat hung over the back of the chair and a brief case lay open on the desk. Varis Sinnenodel stood on the platform, an unimpressed look on his face as he watched various students filtered in. Behind him, only the center screen displayed a title slide. Like

Treaty Law
Professor: Count Alder Noila
TA: Count Varis Sinnenodel

Each desk had a syllabus on it, printed with the usual due dates and class requirements. Those glancing through it would notice study sessions and oral arguments listed once each month with the name of a noble house after it. This house was also printed in the top left corner. Three seats sat empty in the front of the room. Varis started speaking as soon as 11:15 pm passed

“Welcome to Treaty Law, the first in a long and highly recommended academic line if for no other reason than it governs every aspect of your life now. For mages and those…” Varis paused, disapproving gaze lingering on the three turned students in the hall, “recently joining our distinguished ranks, this class will be both enlightening and disheartening. The treaty is, like it's creators, strict and unforgiving despite recent attempts at softening it's punishment, restrictions, and even it's wording. It is a testament to the bond between mage and vampire and the degree of protection each needs from the other. That being said, the Treaty is at its core merely a contract. One with wide authority and brutal consequences but a contract nonetheless. The goal of this class will to teach you it's history and provide you with the tools to read, comprehend, and interpret the Treaty's maze of jargon.” Varis paced as he spoke, pulling out a clicker and the other two screens popped to life.

“Look down at your syllabus. You'll notice a noble family's name printed on it. Each House represents a study group and each of you have been assigned to one. Others with the same name are your study partners for the rest of the semester. If you flip to the next page with your assignment dates, you will notice study sessions and oral arguments. Each study group is required to attend to one study session with me a month. Failing to attend even one of these will drop your grade by 10%. If your group cannot make the date listed for your family, contact me with at least two weeks notice or I will not reschedule it.”

“Now, oral arguments are done in class. Each month, we will discuss a major portion of the treaty and it's relevant amendments in addition to its general timeline. Each study group will have to come up with an amendment to the current law we are discussing and present it in class and open themselves to counter arguments from other groups.” Varis stopped in the middle of the stage and looked around. “While you do not need to format your ideas in the manner of your assigned House, it will earn you extra credit for the assignment. At the end of the semester, the house with the highest oral argument grade will have the option to take that grade as their final exam grade rather than take the three hour long test I have written. You will also notice that every two weeks, you'll have a three page paper to submit. Each paper's topic will be available exactly fifteen nights prior to the due date and cannot be submitted early. All assignment submission or presentation requirements can be found on the last two pages of your syllabus. And for your first paper…” he pointed the clicker at the computer and the center screen changed. “The topic for your first paper is your current knowledge of the treaty. Anything and everything, or a summary in the case of the purebloods, you currently know or have a vague notion about. Questions so far?”
James Kingston

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

James was properly horrified at the story but there were a ton of questions unanswered and the biggest one was why didn't he put a gun to the rest of us under the same premise. Sure he'd found them wandering the sewers but if he was really concerned about this security issue, shouldn't he have spent some time looking into them more than just a few minutes of conversation and them bam secret hideout. Lots of trusting them at their word and that was evidently not the man's style James was tempted to bring the point of up but he guessed it wouldn't go over very well and he had repairs to do. The longer James listened to Erg, the more it seemed like he was a spite the face kind of guy.

James watched as the new girl started tearing up. He could sympathize. Being torn away from everything you knew and everyone you loved, it wasn't easy. He could feel his heartbeat in his head and his breathing started growing tighter but he he took a moment to collect himself and shove that down again. He ran through the repairs he planned to do and the parts he needed twice before he avoided those issues. Nope, not the time. Not right now. He smile apologetically to Erg.

“You're right. We shouldn't have questioned how you run things. I'm sorry for him we spoke to you.” James apologized sincerely. Although he wasn't really on board with the gun, Erg took his position seriously and he deserved the respect that came along with the the stress. “If you don't mind, I'm going to see what we can do to calm her down. We don't need a stressed super powered person. I can't imagine that'd work out for anyone.” James turned and approached the new girl carefully, keeping his appearance as friendly as possible.

“Hey, I'm James. Want to come sit down and talk about everything? I know it's a lot but having someone to vent to might help and maybe we can figure something out that way.” James suggested. “We can use that dress as a seat cover if you'd like?”

Victor Astorio

The viewing platform above the mage’s classroom was larger than it seemed from down below. A few smaller tables lined the edges with two comfortable chairs around each, letting the vampires lean easily on the railing, and a few raised platforms boasted couches that gave vampires an opportunity to lounge while viewing. Each couch was flanked by small side tables that held a menu for the turned if they were interested in snacking and several pairs of opera glasses if a vampire preferred external means of seeing their mage closer.

Varis claimed a table with the closest view of Aaron. Luck had it that he was paired with the annoying Spellman child and it seemed he’d already taken to his assignment, the silly loops and swoops that filled his journal on display, if one chose to look close enough, on the table. After an irritatingly obvious lesson in feeding, it helped Varis’s mood to see the boy taking his job seriously. Why anyone needed a lesson on feeding at this age was beyond him. It was the very basics of vampirism; that the turned couldn’t handle it and the suggestion that purebloods ignored them made his head spin. It was as disgraceful as it was disgusting.

Down below, the mages were putting on rather good displays of their control. Almost every table could complete the basic exercise, a wide variety of color shining out of the crystals, and were urged onto trying to moderate the rate of change. The instructor flitted around like a hummingbird, only staying long enough to say a few words of encouragement and moving on again. The TAs were more methodical, staying at each table for a few minutes to get a feel of how things were going, and then moving to the next table to rinse and repeat.

Victor casually made his way towards the viewing area. Glancing at the note book he carried with him, the words “VicStragois@Vmail.com” and “password - DrowSsap117” etched into the page. He was unsure why he needed such a thing for this blackboard nonsense but at least that aid helped him with it. A submissive and very well trained human, but thin and almost fragile looking. Something like that would not be well suited as a mage for him.

Entering the viewing area, The tall vampire could see several other vampires finding their own perches to watch. He honestly should pay more attention to the class schedule, it seemed it would be his new life for the time being. Slowly walking towards a balcony with one other vampire who looked like he wasn't all that talkative either. Making sure his footsteps were known by forceing the heel of his boot a little more forcefully onto the ground.

Walking up to the balcony and peering over, Victor could see different colors of light flickering between mages and crystals. He had only witnessed one mage ceremony were these crystals were used and it was not as vibrant as this. His dull red eyes peered through the faces of the mages below him before finally settling on the face of one that he recognized. “Spellman.” he muttered to himself with a disappointed sigh.

Varis hadn’t bothered reacting to the approaching vampire, already dismissing them as below him. The conflict brewing between his own mage and his target held his full attention. The Spellman child clearly held the upper hand in the discussion, practically slicing his mage into ribbons from this view, while the light mage struggled on the defensive. Varis rolled his eyes with a sigh. For a Noila mage, his deflection needed work. Hopefully, his swordsmanship didn’t follow in the same steps.

It was the muttered last name that drew the vampire’s attention away from the struggling mage. He nearly missed it but the name wouldn’t let itself go unnoticed and Varis gave his attention to the vampire who muttered it dejectedly. A scar adorned man towered nearby, watching the same table as him. Varis’s lip curled in disdain but he quickly smoothed it away as he took another few moments to observe. While his strength and build were certainly commendable, his looks left far too much to be desired. If that Spellman name hadn’t left his lips, Varis would have looked over the brute as little more than insignificant.

“Spellman.” Varis repeated the vampire’s words, loud enough to catch his attention. “Are you part of the investigation team because you certainly don’t scream Knight of the Evening.”

The two mages below them at the table seemed to be enjoying each others company. His mage, this spellman seemed to be drawing off and on or sketching the other. This tallent did have its uses but otherwise this mage looked scrawny and weak. Almost as if he hadn't eaten a proper meal in days.

It only took him a few more moments after muttering the name that he felt it. The other vampire was staring at him. First impressions count right? Purposefully he moved his hand to his neck and pulled his collar up to cover the scarring on his neck. He wanted the other to think he was self conscious about it but didn't return the gaze. At least for a little while longer.

The other vampire spoke, first repeating spellmans name then something about an investigation, “great im paired with someone who is already suspicious and likely can't be trusted.” he thought to himself before sighing. Victor glanced up at the man next to him taking a moment to look this one and his demeanor over, rather obviously as well.

“I find no use for fancy titles.” he spoke with a deep monotone voice that sounded surprisingly smooth. “No, I am not part of the investigation team, at least not for this one. This one unfortunately is mine.” He answered with a frown and a half truth as he turned his attention back to the mage, “that other one yours then? Or perhaps one of the others nearby?”

“The Starag at the same table. As disappointing as he is for a Noila breed, I'm stuck with him. I'll have to wean him off the Noilan milk for the next few years.” Varis sighed in response. He watched them a moment longer and returned his attention to the vampire. “The Spellman child is opinionated. Believes mages should be elevated to a vampire's station and that their opinions should be considered in matters of state. An amusing thought when it isn't spat at the Queen's table on the heels of an accusation of Lady Sinnenodel. You'll have your hands full with that one.” Varis raised an eyebrow as he sat back, evaluating the vampire. He hid his scars after walking across campus, ashamed or forgetful Varis didn't know or particularly care, and he had little problem ignoring titles and proper greetings. Either a small branch or some commoner above his station; either way, Varis would much rather ignore him but his unwilling attachment to the Spellman could be useful down the road.

“So now I know your mage but who exactly is his partner?” Varis asked, returning his attention down below.

“So he is a Starag? At least you will have fun with that one.” Victor prodded a small form of amusement towards him before thinking about the others comment about introductions. “Victor Strigois Astorio. Apologies i have only just come off an assignment with a mute mage. I have not had the pleasant company of fellow vampires for some time.”

At least this time he was telling the truth, spending the better part of the last year with a mute mage named owl. They were tracking a lesser vampire that broke the law and was running away with a mage. Victor had only returned last week as the vampire tried to sacrifice himself for the mage only to end up getting both of them captured.

“Yes I'm sure I will have my work cut out for me. We will see how talkative that one is after training. He wouldn't survive my current assignments in his condition and the council will not accept lack of physical prowess as an excuse.” glancing at the other for a moment before looking back down at those two.

“And you? You don't look like an Astorio. What should i call you?”

“Varis Sinnenodel, current favorite of the fickle Lady of the House. Technically, I'm the heir but short of her assassination, I won't see the Council seat in my lifetime.” Varis responded with wry amusement on his lips. “Not that I have the time to plan that. Far too many other family members to get in my pocket or kill as necessary. And the boy is amusing. He still has suffers the delusions of modesty, one of my favorite ones to break. His pride however…” Varis shook his head, clicking his tongue. “That will be an unpleasant task. Noilas bred it strong and it'll take the next few years to undo all that.” Varis took a moment to consider the information he'd gotten. The last Astorio was the exact opposite of this one; maybe he could goad this Victor into doing a few of the more unpleasant tasks tucked away in his desk. He certainly seemed capable enough if his physique was anything to go by and that someone trusted him to hunt rogue vampires. He'd have to test that.

“So how does Victor Astorio change a mage's attitude? We've all heard the stories and seen a few of the more creative displays your family seems so fond of.” Varis suppressed a shudder at a memory, Lord Peiron disciplining his mage for his Lady after a pathetically small insult. He still wasn't sure if the mage survived it or not but the foolish thing probably wished it wouldn't. “But how do you plan to break the little stubborn streak your new pet got himself in trouble with?”

“Hmm Varis, a pleasure.” Again trying to be polite and not create too many frayed edges on his first day. “My clan is rather low ranking in our family but we have something that most other Astorio do not. Restraint or at least better than the others. That is why they put us in charge of judiciary means.” Victor became quiet for a few moments as he eyed his mage and pondered the vampires question.

“Although Lord Peiron’s methods are effective, but brutal. I was told I would not be able to get away with such… activities.” Again he continued to ponder this one's question. “More than likely will have to settle with corrective punishment through physical exercise for a time until I can find some leverage either through his family or his friends that he finds here. All it takes is the right rumor, the right nudge, to watch their world burn around them.” He couldn't help but smile at that comment. It seemed more likely that he was reminiscing on some past event rather than Spellman’s future.

“However, it seems this pride will be the downfall of both our mages if we continue to let them speak out of turn. If what you say is true, speaking to the queen in such a manor from spellman will not be tolerated. Simply being investigated isn't enough of a corrective measure. He should know that he is lucky, if it were my father or the lord. Well I'm sure you have heard of the training accidents that are abound in the Astorio house.” glancing at the Sinnenodel for a moment before sighing, “we really should update our safety procedures when it comes to training with mages.”

“I’m shocked your family even has them.” Varis snorted, amused at the idea of Astorio safety procedures. They must be dreadful and the mages subjected to them must know exactly what they’re in for when they discover them. Absolutely fantastic. “And considering what safety procedures you do follow, how long do you expect it will take to whip the Spellman child into shape? He’ll likely fight it the entire way.”

“Well what do you expect? We do have to have something down on paper to get the council out of our affairs.” He was joking and knew that talk like this was something he could likely get away with because of who he was talking to. “That I'm not sure of, judging someone based on their looks alone is what you would call foolish. I won't know until I have a proper read of his abilities.” he smiled again but was well aware that the other one here likely knew of this himself. “As for a fight? Well I would hope so. It wouldn't be any fun if he just laid there and took the abuse.”

“I look forward to it.” Varis murmured, eyeing the vampire. An Academic setting seemed odd for this one as focused on his duties as he seemed. Not only that but between this one and the Knight of the Evening, Ryner was crippling the Council's enforcement powers. He couldn't have been the only one to notice meaning these two and maybe a few more had their own agendas, personal or otherwise. His fingers drummed lightly on the table as he contemplated, excitement bubbling up inside him. Unexpected surprise aside, the likely possibility added an extra sense of danger to his game and it made Varis feel alive. Why not stoke the fire a little more though.

“Princess Ryner's student selection is certainly interesting. Two members of the Council's military arm, two arguably important figures, and the questionable heirs to two Houses.” Varis mused aloud, just loudly enough for Victor to hear. “I do wonder what her goal is. It all seems a bit… convenient, don't you think?”

The tall vampire fell silent at this one's pondering while he watched the two mages below them get into something of an argument. Their posture changed and he could pick up bits of what they were saying. “Hmm perhaps, but i wasn't summoned here at her request. I was told to come here by someone who is above my father but wouldn't give me their name.” he lied best not tell everyone who you get your orders from. “Something about having me come here to help teach these nobles and mages a few things when it comes to fighting Lycans.”

He emphasised the last word, an ancient enemy he does not joke about. “My family, before we were accepted into house Astorio, were known as Strigoi. Specifically Armata De Strigoi or army of the dead. They were tasked with the most dangerous missions and proved their worth by not only completing the objective but returning. Never with everyone but returning every time.” He seemed to be reminiscing old stories now but stories backed by all members of the clan and other Astorio nobles as well.

“We are the Stormbound, The Avatar, we are the sons of death and sorrow, we are the ones who see no tomorrow, Suck up, Armata De Strigoi.” an old tune inscribed in some of the old books. He pondered again the others question and wondered what he was trying to get out of it. Victor knew enough not to give everything away. He knew he wasn't the best when it came to getting information this way from people.

So instead of continuing this he looked back to Varis once more and gave him a nod. “I best be on my way to the next class, i want to make sure i'm not missing anything that i might need. It was a pleasure talking with you Varis, have a good evening.” He would wait for a moment longer before giving him a nod and continuing onto his next class. At least this time he had something to think about, mostly how to deal with this Spellman character and what Varis might be playing at.

Varis maintained polite interest as the Astorio rambled. Knowing how staunchly Ryner defended the Academy's independence from the Council, Varis doubted a higher authority demanded a spot for the bumbling Astorio against Ryner’s approval. Which left two options, either the neolithic vampire made the worst lie the Sinnenodel heard in recent decades or he was another one of Ryner’s hiccups. After the whole several months early assassination, Varis wasn’t inclined to give his collegue the benefit of the doubt. He leaned back with a sigh. Just another headache.

And then Victor just rambled. In a perfect world, Varis would have laughed the little Count out of the room but little and less is perfect and Varis predicted their paths would cross more often than he’d care for if his little game with the Spellman child continued. It almost made him text his own mage, rescinding his orders for his own comfort, but a little suffering now would pay off later as pleasant as one less task would be. He spared the pair one last glance before leaving the observation room, his own preparations neglected. He would have to speak to Aaron about getting along with the boy better. His performance today was abysmal; Varis could feel the tension between the two. Today’s lesson: Deflection and Mitigation. The mage’s soon to be marking should work as a reminder if done properly.

“Charles.” The boy nodded in response to Pablo’s loud and hyper introduction. He sent an unimpressed look towards his dorm mate at his commentary. Why was this inflammatory discussion necessary and he planned to cut him off when Carsi spoke up.

“If you’re providing security, its likely in the job’s best interest not to announce your assignment to the entire school.” Charles said dryly, reviewing what work would have to be submitted across his various classes today. If there really was an attack imminent, and Charles could only hope the Disablers were planning one, announcing your position on a security team before the official details was released compromised the security of the task force’s assignment. Case in point, Charles would keep a close eye on tht and try to wiggle in. Ensuring this attack made it into the campus would help galvanize the student populace and he could get to work earlier than planned.

And then the jerk off, contest courtesy of his roommate Chris, really got into full swing. Some girl launched herself to the ceiling and started talking a bunch of smack. Lame smack at that. Charles pointedly ignored her with a roll of his eyes and turned his attention back to Carsi.

“Targeting the next generation of Arms Masters is a solid strategy. Pointing out the current ones can’t protect their young and goad out a disaster from the startled unstable, unskilled trainees would gain the group a lot of traction.” Charles mused. The more he considered this, the more he would love for this rumor to be real. With a top ten student as big a security breach as you could ask for, circulating confusion and orchestrating a few mistakes would be a breeze. “But if that attack is rumored to happen, why would the President still visit? Wouldn’t it be safer to clear the issue first?”
James Kingston

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

“This escalated quickly.” James muttered as Erg brought a firearm into the mix. Sure, things are dangerous and defending yourself is high on the list of critical survival skills but really? The girl had been there for five seconds and suddenly she’s considered more of a threat than the three of them. Max made actual fire and Erg hadn’t pulled a gun on him. He stood, casually making his way to Erg so he could stand in the line of fire if necessary and sent Max a look at his last comment.

“Didn’t really think about aliases until Erg and Blink found us. Not really necessary upside.” James shrugged, wracking his brain for something. How could he disassemble a car but he couldn’t think of a name on the spot. “Uh, Caduceus maybe? You know, the medicine symbol? Not the right one but memorable at least. That work for you, Tome?” Though speaking of work…

“With how careful you guys are, what’s the plan for tomorrow? Since you already know a spot, you guys have a procedure or something?” James asked. Stealing made him kind of nervous but they didn’t really have a choice. They’d be in and out with little trouble. Hopefully.


As the class continued, doors opening could be heard upstairs and mages not too occupied would notice their vampire partners shuffling onto the balcony above. A purple sheen rippled across the space and vanished. While there were a few seats available with little tables, most vampires leaned on the balcony railing as they watched.


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