Avatar of Achronum


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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

James Kingston

Location: Outside Coldstone
Skills: N/A

James followed the group back over to Blink as the situation diffused. He was more than pleased he really wasn’t necessary. He knew his way around a fight well enough but that didn’t mean he wanted one. No fights, no issues―disaster averted and they could focus on the supply run. Which Erg decided to remind them all of with a little added threat but after the incident last night, James hadn’t expected anything less. At least he wasn’t pointing a gun at anyone this time.

James watched wide eyed as Jack vanished and reappeared differently, even though he’d been gone for all of a minute tops. Blink’s portals made him incredibly nervous now that, if he was understanding this right, they could move people through time. Always wait until she gives them the green light, understood. James edged away from that for a moment and instead move dover to the guy who got decked.

“Hey if you want, I can take care of that for you.” James gestured at the eye Casper had been clutching at. “I just gotta touch you for a few moments. Some people get a little wierded out so I thought I’d check?”

Interacting with: @ReusableSword

Hannah cursed under her breath as she bound up the stairs, two at a time, wishing she took the time to put her hair up before the Hive decided to process the damn vampire.

He’s kinda cool looking?
Ugh, he looks gross as shit Bethany.

Well, Mr.Stoic looks like hes gonna burry Dennis five feet under real fucking quick.
Why is Dennis like this?! We were supposed to process!

I wonder if he’s DTF?

Keep your pants on; we don’t want to see that again.
You really didn’t learn your lesson did you? Queeny’s gunna bust your brain again.

Hector we swear if you start that thought…

Hannah instinctively dimmed the voices swimming through her head as she hurried onto the Arena floor, the chattering continuing. The Royal’s stood outside the circle the Hive made, quiet as they watched Dennis fuck up. Again. She sent an inquisitive thought towards Queeny, who only sent back a brief flash of the vampire meditating, as he called it. She saw why they’d want to process it; the vampire cleary had unusual training and adding it to their repertoire would benefit everyone. And yet Dennis felt the need to ask permission. Queen Anastasia help them all. Dennis stumbled back from the vampire, whipping around as Hannah sent a very long string of curses mentally in his direction. He blanched and stepped behind her as she stood in front of the hulking person.

“Sorry about him. We we just supposed to watch and Dennis didn't feel comfortable unless he got permission from you. Ignore him.” Hannah apologized. “Your technique is unique. We’ll be studying it so by all means, continue please.”

Interacting with: @Apoalo

Damien did what he was told, mostly. He couldn’t help darting from one side of Lucan to the other as delicious smells drifted his way, his stomach gurgling loudly. He shared his stomach’s sentiments; there had been far too much nightmare bullshit and not enough food to make up for it. He was practically salivating at the choices―man, he had choices!―and started making a plate in his head.

“Okay, okay. Yes table is important. All mages or whatever. But so is food! It keeps your food, me, alive and kicking. So maybe I can just mosey around, grab some, and pop back over? I’ll be like twelve seconds, okay well you might take that literally, five minutes tops?” Damien suggested to his over controlling partner. “Cause like no offence and I really do appreciate you taking care of me, but I need more than a slice of ham and a soda after you suck me dry. Not to mention the whole loopy bit. Definitely fun, gotta do that again, but trippy dude.”
James Kingston

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A

“Calendar first, Novikova.” James joked, returning the threat with an amused glance. He didn’t particularly care about what set her off especially as Darkholme continued where he left off. He disagreed with her, of course. Not because he thought the inhumane should be trusted but rather over the clear waste of resources presented by benching it. Honestly, it got paid, it did work. Simple math. But instead waste a perfectly good opportunity, both to use the resources they paid for and tests its loyalty. Wire the thing and when it breaks for it, a bit of metal in the forehead would fix that problem right up.

And then he did his best not to let his jaw drop open as people just started going on their way. No prep, the pathetic basics of a plan, no wires for recording and review. This is why he was part time. It wasn’t the Hulk that would kill him; it was incompetence! James scowled as he followed the group off the jet and up to the door fo the Banner house. This was bound to be a disaster.

While the group got Banner’s attention, James kept an eye on their surroundings just in case Banner had a Plan B in store.
✧ Character Creation ✧

During combat, the GM needs an easy way to evaluate your weapons, defenses, passive, and other items. For that purpose, we have a combat header! When you create your character sheet, also make sure you create this and keep it updated during fights (including stat adjustments) so you can kill and survive to the best of your ability. You are not limited to the slots available. Feel free to add as you need them!

(NOTE - Control+F will be VERY helpful when searching for specific items, spells, etc)
(NOTE - It's practically impossible to have every possible choices listed on here. PM the GM if you see something that is missing and I'll add it ASAP.)

✧ List of Items ✧

A party is geared up and ready to roll out.

All items will be listed in the following format:
Name (Special note / number of usage if its consumable) (Rarity) (Ingredients for crafting) (Market Price) - Noted Abilities
Items generally may be sold to NPCs at markets and such for 90% (rounded up) of their market price.

Items may be color-coded to represent their status in the market.
Red: In demand. Items will be bought by NPCs for 100% of the price, will be sold for 200% of the price.
Blue: Overstocked. Items will be bought by NPCs for 50% of the price, will be sold for 90% of the price.
Orange Highlight: None stocked. Item cannot be bought from NPCs.
Neon Blue Highlight: Full stock. Item cannot be sold to NPCs.

✧ List of Skills ✧

Cooking is an easy way to become popular among players.

✧ List of Actions ✧

"Accelerate" increases the user's movement speed - a simple and useful Action chosen by many physical fighters.

The number next to each Action indicates at which level the Action could be learned at. The term indicates which Class may learn it. Some Actions can be learned universally by ALL Classes in which case it would say "Universal". Actions that are "Passive" do not cost Mana or requires activation; it is activated the entire time. MP is mana cost. AC is Action cost,the amount of action slots the Action or Spell consumes, and CD is Cool Down, the number of rounds (or per pst if it is less than 1) it takes before the Action or Spell may be used again.

NOTE - There are no level requirements on Subclass Actions. They only require the player to belong to that Subclass.

✧ List of Spells ✧

In the hands of a powerful Mage with high Intelligence, even a low level Spell such as "Finger Lightening" can prove to be highly destructive.

Magic follows disciplines. They are split into two major categories; Fundamental Disciplines and Structural Disciplines. Fundamental Disciplines include Fire, Water, Ice, Air, Earth, Electricity, Light, Darkness, Mind and Body. Rest are Structural Disciplines. Depending on Class, a player may be able to learn and cast spells from certain disciplines.

Mage: Mages may learn from Pure Magic Discipline and up to 2 Fundamental Disciplines of their choice.
Trainer: Trainers may learn from Training and 1 Fundamental Discipline of their choice.
Paladin: Paladins may learn from Holy and 1 Fundamental Discipline of their choice.
Mage, Trainer and Paladin players may learn from Fundamental Disciplines that are not their starting choices but at 3 times the regular lesson fee.
Non-Magic Class players may learn the Fundamental Disciplines but at 10 times the regular lesson fee.

Disciplines progress down a line, with each level having a different spell that could be unlocked. For instance, at level 2 of Fire Discipline, Fire Strike could be learned. This progression does NOT mean they have to be learned in such order. However if a level is skipped, the next lesson fee costs double. For instance, if a player wished to learn “Fire Strike (2)” before learning “Fire Burst (1)”, the lesson would cost 4 Silver rather than 2.

✧ Class ✧

A successful party or Guild often feature an array of diverse and colorful Classes.

Classes determine the players role, main weapons, and fighting style. Every player was required to choose a Class upon logging in on the first day. For each Class there are several Subclasses that further specializes the player's identity. The player may choose to not to specialize in a Subclass. Subclasses may be chosen upon reaching Level 15.

When a Subclass is chosen, player will gain access to several branches of Actions and/or Spells specifically available to those who have chosen the Subclass. Player may learn from any and all of the new branches and unlike standard Spells and Actions, there are no Level limitations. However, they must all be learned as a serial progress, meaning one cannot "skip" an Action or a Spell, even by paying a penalty fee like Spells may. Additionally, all Actions and Spells unlocked by Subclass access will have a fixed cost of 400 Renn.

Those who have chosen a Subclass may still learn from their standard Class Actions and Spells, bar some which will only be available to those who remain Subclass-less. Actions and Spells available from Level 15+ will have fixed cost of 380 Renn for those who are without Subclasses. For those with Subclasses, cost will be fixed at 450 Renn.

The following lists Classes and their respective Subclasses.

✧ Swordsman ✧

✧ Lancer ✧

✧ Trainer ✧

✧ Mage ✧

✧ Marauder ✧

✧ Archer ✧

✧ Rogue ✧

✧ Paladin ✧

✧ Tinker ✧

Adventure awaits...

✧ Talrae ✧

(System from: Hueman's Original System)

Adventure Awaits...

Welcome to Talrae! In the year 2076 Talrae is the newest and most highly anticipated VRMMORPG of the century and has been highly praised from all angles to be the greatest game ever to be made. The game takes place in a vast fantasy setting with a hundred different worlds, all ready to be explored and conquered. Using a technological marvel known as WaveGear Neural Interface Systems, the dream of virtual reality has become true. Connecting directly to the neural interface of the human body, WaveGear is able to project a VR simulation so realistic that it can only be described as a miracle.

On June 17, 2076 the massive single-world server was opened and all 10,000 players logged in. You are the select few from around the world who had the luck and ability to purchase the limited opening copy of the game. However a few hours after the grand opening of the game, all players were instantaneously teleported into the center of the town on the first floor, Genesis. Suddenly in the sky the Great Demon Overlord, Malgoth, final Boss of the entire game, appeared above the massive crowd. The Final Boss then explained that all players who are currently logged in will not be able to log out. Only by reaching the 100th Floor and defeating Malgoth himself, would the players be freed from this virtual online prison. To add, the Overlord explained how the Wave Gear was designed to kill the user’s brain using a burst of microwave upon forceful disconnection from the outside world OR if one dies in-game.

This is no longer a game. This is a fight for survival. All 10,000 players must attempt to conquer the world of Talrae or forever be trapped in this virtual prison where death means the most certain end.

Despite the terrifying aspect of death, players still enjoy their life as they find new friends and purpose in the world of Talrae.

✧ Floors ✧

✧ Town ✧

✧ Currency ✧

✧ NPC ✧

✧ Monsters and Pets ✧

✧ Dungeons and Wild Areas ✧

✧ Items ✧

✧ Player Stats ✧

✧ Guilds ✧

✧ Player Interactions ✧

✧ Menu ✧

Welcome to Talrae! May you enjoy your gaming experience!

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