Césaire Clément Montague

Character Summary
Name: Césaire Clément Montague
Aliases: Requiem
Age: 32
Birthday: March 24th, 1988
Birth Place: Paris, France
Gender: Male
Powers: Vocal Hypnosis, Vocal Replication
Training: CIA (6 years)
Languages: English, French

Height: 6’ 0”
Weight: 185
Build: Lean
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Skin Tone: Tan
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Scarring all over his right leg after months of torture, the word ‘Mutant’ branded on his left thigh.
Personal Style: Césaire favors clean, crisp, and professional clothing. Suits are the only acceptable method of presentation; first impressions are far too important for anything less. Accessories should be used sparingly since they distract from the main event: himself. He visits salons on a regular basis, only those with an excellent reputation and with high recommendations, and keeps himself well groomed. His facial hair is kept short and clean, though e does let it grow an extra inch or two during the winter.

Patient * Manipulative * Polite * Perfectionist * Charming * Arrogant
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Césaire learned long ago haste breaks men far faster than pain. He treads carefully and contemplates extensively before taking action. The man prefers words to fists―it is rain that grows flowers after all―but doesn’t hesitate to take decisive action if he must. He moves only when he is ready, once the exits plan is in place and the margin for error has been calculated and accounted for, and little change the stubborn man’s mind.
Césaire indulges in the finer side of life, surrounding himself with music and food and wine as he watches his plans play out around him. Rare a day it is that the man forgets his warm smile, always pleased more with his own accomplishments than any current company, but the days he does often lead to disaster for those who thought to interrupt his machinations. Césaire never forgets a grudge and lets them age like wine until his pieces are in place and he can watch from the box as his adversaries crumble beneath the weight of their follies.
Habits: Always sits with his back in a corner, keeps one exit in sight, fiddles with the engagement rings given to him by his now deceased fiancés.
Hobbies: Carving, collecting records
- Swimming
- Enclosed Spaces
- Absolute silence
- Reading
- Gothic Art
- Spicy foods
- Wine
- Opera
- Cleanliness
- Crass behavior
- Non-mutants
- Filth
- Yelling
- Animals
- Pop Music

Cards On The Table
General World Skills:
- Deception
- Singing
- Cooking
- Interrogation
- Reading People
- Diplomacy
- Perception
Combat Skills:
- Krav Maga
- Handguns
- Improvised Weapons
Medical Issues/Injuries:
- Severe nerve damage in the left leg, resulting in a painful limp.
- Locket with a picture of Natasha and Devon.
- A Cane
- Two knives, one on his ankle and another hanging down his back.
- A CZ 75B hidden beneath his jacket.
- Wallet containing various forms of payment and a fake identification.
- Phone.

How did you discover your powers:
Césaire’s powers manifested during an accidental fight that broke out in an Amsterdam bar. One second he’d been sipping at a glass of Pinot Grigio and singing along with the dulcet tones of a street singer and the next his shadow was suddenly flying across the seedy room with a full beer stein following close behind it. As he sung, people stumbled, not unusual in a bar, and then people collapsed, fully falling asleep where they stood. And when he spoke, the street performer’s voice rang out among the sleeping bar instead of his own.
The cover up was easy. A small, seedy little bar on the wrong side of town had little in the ways of cameras and he promptly fainted from shock at the time so it seemed like he also fell asleep with the rest of them. When he woke, his voice had returned to normal but with little effort her could mimic the girl again. He nearly fainted once more but managed to make his way to his stay house and contact his finacés in tears.
General History:
The child of an American Spaniard business man and a French history professor, Césaire grew up in Paris as an only child of the pair. They lived well and Césaire attended a small private school with excellent instructors, excelling in academics early on. His father traveled for business regularly and his mother lived the life of a socialite, regularly hosting large soirées on her husband’s card, who hired a private etiquette tutor as part of his after school curriculum. He maintained a cordial relationship with his classmates with the exception of the small circle of close friends he found connection with.
At fifteen, his father’s job called him back to the States and the family followed. His mother found employment at Yale University, where Césaire would eventually attend and graduate with a bachelors and masters in political science with a specialty in human trafficking, and immediately re-established her lavish social life, bringing her son along for the ride. Césaire learned to enjoy the almost strategic plays that accompanied the life of a socialite, learning how to read and manipulate those around him to ensure his success. It was these early parties that he managed to establish the lasting connection that would eventually lead him into his career.
Césaire met Devon Rathail at one of his mother’s parties his sophomore year in college. The pair hit it off almost immediately and fell in love less than two months later despite a less than warm welcome from Devon’s family. Their relationship, like all of them, had its ups and downs, a few screaming matches than ended in broken belongs, bruised egos, and stewing silences but they made it through college happily over all. And then Natasha, a beautiful woman from Brown, fell into the relationship. It took time for the three of them to adjust, and more than once one of them stalked out on it, but they managed to find their stride by graduation and all three of them proposed to each other the same week. Césaire cried the first two weeks every time he looked at the rings, much to his fiancés’ amusement.
The man’s original plan was to move into the private sector with a crime analysis group but Devon’s father made him another offer. Dr. Rathail worked for the CIA as a senior analyst and his department recently lost a member to retirement. He offered to help Césaire earn an interview and, after months of interviewing and applications, Césaire secured the position. Natasha and Devon entered the private job sector, working in the healthcare industry and hospitality industries respectively. The three spent two more years in a small apartment in Connecticut before purchasing their own home in upstate New York.
Shortly after moving, Césaire took an offer to transfer across the Atlantic to the Paris office at the goading of his fiancés. They made plans to meet several times a year in either Paris or New York as possible and he regretfully crossed the ocean only to discover that his application to move from analytics to field agent had been approved with several high recommendations from Dr. Rathail and his associates. He spent three years training, flying constantly between Paris and Amsterdam.
It was during this training period Césaire discovered his mutant abilities. During the early part of his training, Césaire’s abilities manifested and he covered up the incident against regulation. He knew full well the political climate that surrounded this development and he refused to allow it to effect his lovers back home. He continued honing his abilities in secret.
When he was finally given his assignment, Césaire vanished from society for two years as he fell into the horrific world of European human trafficking. He managed to track and dismantle a portion of a massive crime ring that plagued France at the time but his efforts did not go unnoticed. A message from Devon and Natasha about visiting and discussing the possibility of adoption came through, leaving Césaire’s brain scrambled as he desperately made his way home.
I miss them.
Halfway to the airport, the remnants of the cartel he dismantled abducted him and tortured him for three years. He managed to keep them from cutting out his tongue before they gagged him, silencing him for the next two years. They tortured him mercilessly, waterboarding a particular favorite, for his entire stay but he stayed focused on the job. They grew careless because his mutant abilities were suppressed and talked outside his cramped, lightless cell. They spoke about their lives outside of this, their families if they had one, their activities, how someone sold their captive out because he was a mutant, how they were planning on selling him as a freak in Italy once they were satisfied.
I have a plan.
He planned. He learned the rotation, made notes of new voices, practiced chewing through the gag even when he was allowed to eat. He ignored the humiliation, the pain, the jeering insults and jibes, He’d learn that his suffering only spurred them to greater heights. He ignored it all, even as they branded his deteriorating leg with the word “Mutant”, because he knew his plan would work. They noticed too. Months later, on the eve of his escape, he woke and for the first time, he struggled. Devon and Natasha stared back at him, bound and gagged, and one of his captors held a knife with a wicked grin. It was the last time he saw them.
Please don’t. Oh god, please.
He heard them for the next three days until they finally died.
A week later, he sang for the first time in two years. As they turned their own weapons on themselves, tears dripped down his face as Louis Armstrong’s “La Vie En Rose” tumbled from his lips. Some he allowed to live, only to interrogate them when they awoke. He felt sick to his stomach when he discovered his government sold him out because they discovered his little secret and decided his death would be the easiest way to handle it. He finished his job there, leaving no one behind, and made his way back to America. Dr. Rathoil sold his belongings to various holders soon thereafter and committed suicide in his missing son’s room.
I'll fix everything for you.
With some degree of closure, Césaire moved onto his next project.The pain in his right leg reminded him daily why it happened. He was sold out because he was a mutant and if things weren’t fixed, it would happen again.

Character Quote: “Great feats are performed not by strength but by perseverance.”
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtfJj8oF6xM
Anything Else: Post!; Dreamer
False Identity (Listed on Passport, Driver's License, and concealed weapon permit)
- Piero Thomas
- Birth Date: August 27th, 1985
- State: ,Augusta, Maine
- Job: Private Business Consultant
- Vocal Hypnosis: Nicknamed the Lullaby, Césaire can effectively hypnotize anyone who hears his voice and implant thoughts, ideas, and suggestions into those affected. This can range from an immediate task, such as fall asleep, or something far more complex, record the guard rotation for a week and deliver it to a P.O. box. Césaire can also condition his victims if he uses the Lullaby on them frequently enough, making them easily bent to his machinations even without his power.
- Vocal Replication: Césaire can mimic any voice or animal sound he hears.
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Césaire Clément Montague

“Great feats are performed not by strength but by perseverance.”
⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣
⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣
⟢ 💘Infatuation ⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣
⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣
💀 Jinx 💀
"The boy is one cartwheel away from falling into a river. With several heavy stones tied to his shoes for good measure.