Dracion paced the inexperienced sparring partners, throwing Eris an appraising look as he fought Amaris and Joryldin, but he continued past them after a few long moments and watched Salem and Cassandra. He blinked quizzically as Salem dragged his foot around the pair in some sort of circle. It looked like he was trying to draw a ring but since he removed all the sand earlier, there wasn't anything to mark a circle with. He watched the pair with mild concern but when they seemed to shrug off the face kick, he moved on again. Not that he needed much prompting when the laughter caught his attention and his last two students were rolling around on the ground doing who knows what. He caught a flash of fingers in the nose and spit flying as the laughter got louder and he stomped over towards the pair, intent on breaking the children apart when he heard it.
The Astorio mentioned paying for something.
Dracion whipped around, blade ringing as it leapt into his hand. He turned just in time to catch Victor
launching the white haired girl like a rag doll across his Arena. Everything happened too quickly for his mortal reflexes―the exact reason why he put the Bordeleaux in charge of that group―but he could shut this down before it went any farther. Fucking Astorios.
A booming
crack echoed through the Arena and every stone rod turned to sand as three massive slabs of stone whipped up from the Arena floor and slammed into Victor. The sand quickly followed, swarming the stone coffin and solidifying almost instantly before the Arena floor surged up and swallowed the trapped noble, dragging him down beneath the surface. The remaining sand settled into the resulting hole and harden, sealing the Astorio away. Dracion tapped on the ground with his blade, a grumbled,
“Just ten feet more” accompanied by a slight rumbling beneath the ground as he shifted the Astorio further into the foundations.
“Medic!” Dracion barked as he sheathed his blade, marching over to Lilie and checking her for any visible breaks or cuts. A green robed mage, brown hair pulled back into a tight ponytail and worry clearly etched into her face, rushed over to Lilie. A familiar face looked down over the water mage, the mousy life mage from her Affinity class. Dracion, satisfied with his cursory inspection, stood and turned to the Arena.
“Consendo.” He murmured with a tap to his throat and then his voice boomed across the Arena.
“Arena is closed until the end of class. Get yer butts outta here, now.” He barked, eyeing the students in the stands. Several red robed students stood in the stands and ushered others out of the stands. He tapped his throat again.
“Class is over. Ye are dismissed. Same time tomorrow.” Dracion snapped at the inexperienced group as his voice returned to normal, shooing them out with a wave of his hand. He turned his attention on the experienced mages, his expression softening.
“Yer also dismissed once Aine here clears ye. And ye.” Dracion whirled on Lucan, furious again.
“One warning, Bordeleaux. Yer not an idiot and ye ain’t slow. Ye shoulda seen that comin’ a mile away. The fact I approved the Princess’s request is simply because of that exact problem. Next time, ye’ll stop that crap if it happens. Any injury can be twisted against their Royal Highnesses and I’ll be damned and dead before I let that happen in my Arena. Wait for them to be cleared and you’ll escort them out. And then I’ll deal with this one.” He tapped his foot on the ground where he buried Victor.
Meanwhile, soft green light pulsed from Aine’s hands as she set to work over Lilie. It was warm and numbing, soothing away the pain as Aine hummed a soft lullaby. It was an unconscious trait; Aine was far more used to working in the infirmary where she would lull her patients into a deep sleep first and she found humming while working often helped get her patients where she needed them.
“Hello again.” Aine said cheerfully as the light seeped into Lilie’s skin. It whispered underneath the skin, pooling in her hip and in her shoulder as it eased away the aches.
“Not the best circumstances but still nice to see you. Bit of a brute isn’t he? But you took that pretty well all things considered. Some swelling it feels like so you’ll be sore for the next few days at least. I’ll take care of the worst of it but can’t have you developing dependence on life magic. I’ll have something sent to your dorm from the infirmary for the pain. Swimming or a bath every night will help as well.” The light faded from Lilie and Aine gave a comforting pat on her arm. She looked up at Aaron next.
“I didn’t see what happened with your fight but let me check you over just in case.” She let her fingers settle on his wrist and that same light danced across his skin, sinking into his skin where Victor landed a punch and following his veins into his head and behind his eyes. The aching eased away under her ministrations but it faded much quicker.
“You’re a bit more used to this huh?” Aine commented as she stood, brushing her robes off.
“I’m sure you know how to handle yourself but I’ll have a painkiller sent your way as well. Can’t use quite as much magic with you.” She gave him an apologetic smile.
“But otherwise, you both check out fine! Nothing broken or missing so you’re free to go! If you have any issues though, you can always stop by the infirmary. One of us is always available for you.”