Avatar of Achronum


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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

Interacting with: @WeepingLiberty

Damien eagerly accepted Dakota’s hand and pulled himself to his feet with a little hop at the end. He gave a concerned frown at the small gathering around a white haired girl but when she smiled, he shrugged and turned his attention back. He glanced over at Lucan for a moment and, not seeing any visual cues, shrugged, beaming at Kota.

“Hell yeah! I could go for as much sugar as I can get my hands on. He said excitedly, grinning. He felt all bubbly inside, making a friend at a class he thought would be a disaster, and was eager to take advantage of the mood to forget earlier in the evening. He wove his arm into Dakota's and pointed in front of them dramatically.

“Lead the way, oh great one! Mostly because I have no fucking idea where we are since I’ve only been here for a few hours! Damien tried and failed to drop his voice into a gravelly baritone and failed miserably as his voice cracked almost immediately. He cackled at it, entirely unconcerned, but started leading them out anyways.
James Kingston

Location: The Warehouse (L5) → Outside the Warehouse
Skills: N/A

James stared at the fire currently eating away at the building, giving Tome an exasperated look and wincing at Casper’s yelp. That couldn’t have felt good. Maybe now it was more serious, James could treat it. He turned back to the guard who addressed him and he hesitated a moment. He felt obligated to some extent to help the guy but this was a survival of the fittest situation and James needed to patch up the Morlock electrical systems. But it was partially his fault the guy was down and obviously the other guard didn’t want to come back for him. If he left him, the other guy probably would though.

But… James looked up at the ceiling and back down at the guard. He should have time to do both if everything works out okay. He grabbed the other guard and pulled him outside, leaving him with the others. He waved goodbye before dashing back in, fully prepared to have to leap into the portal to make it.


Location: Frost International HQ
Skills: N/A

Requiem raised his eyebrows at the comments but kept his smile firmly in place, leaving with a tip of his head and a thanks. He kept his hand on Jinx’s back, eyes roving over the set up. They’d need to gain access to the security footage and the scanning records for that night. Requiem wouldn’t be surprised if there was a system error that night or deleted portions but it never hurt to be thorough. Requiem leaned into Jinx, turning his head in towards the man to hide his lips.

“Since you’ve managed to establish a connection with the guard, why don’t you try and find where they keep the footage records? And lift the gaurd’s badge if we need it.” Requiem suggested quietly. It may take a while to figure out exactly which level they kept the sentinel on. Neither of them thought to ask and the floor directory didn’t exactly scream “Sentinel kept here”. Working on two ends of this simultaneously would cut their investigation time down immensely.
Beatrix watched and waited, shield held protectively in front of her and hand on her pommel. She’d moved out with the rest of the group, making sure her light fell on them through the movement, and watched with narrowed eyes as it laughed. Or somethings did. Her eyes darted around the field, looking for anything that would give a clue to what was happening. The bolt now consuming the house was rather unappealing and she had no interest in surrendering her troops to this abomination. She watched carefully as the ice and water creature slammed against the monster. Curious. It hadn’t been worried about the bolt before so what about this was so different? Ice? Water?


Fight fire with fire. An abhorrent saying of the other races, willing to concede their values to worsening horrors for the value of temporary victory. What good is evil even when it provides for the greater good? But philosophising aside, it seemed the creature’s “heart”, for lack of a better term, was unnaturally hard so perhaps magic was the only thing that had an opportunity to destroy it. And what better magic did they have than a Goddess blessed blade?

Beartix took a deep breath, glanced at the party, and nodded resolutely. She drew Gryphon, the crystal clear sound of its blade singing as it hit the cold air, and winked at the Butcher. She threw S’vennia a determined look, glanced at the Blade of Ruin, and tilted her head at the beast before turning back to face the creature and grinned, laughing loudly.

“If its a dance you want, tis a dance you shall have! Lets see if we can keep you occupied for a while! And I think our tune will be cover fire, no?” Beatrix taunted brazenly before she charged, shield high and blade ready. “For all who came before us and for all who march with us still!” Her blade matched her shield, sheathed in a shimmering white light.

She dug her heel into the ground and, instead of swinging at the beast, turned the other direction to leave her armored back open for a strike as the tip of her blade swing behind her and up towards the creature’s face. The move would frame its chest perfectly and hopefully the glow of the magical enhancement would keep it blinded long enough for a follow up strike.


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3550/3550(+450)

Willow did not appreciate this Static Charge nonsense. Not even five minutes after a fight that left them on the brink of death and the game slams them with another mechanic? Sure, they technically could reduce each other past 1 HP in town but what about world mechanics. Willow would appreciate a damn break for at least the trip to an inn but apparently the game devs hated them. Well, that was already obvious. She switched weapons when she paused next, pulling out the staff to try something.

“Cleanse Magic.” Willow murmured wearily as she stepped back out to build the charge, curious to see if it would work. The white shimmer enveloped her and vanished, taking the static debuff with it but a few seconds later, the static charge reappeared. Willow grumbled about terrible game design and flawed game devs the entire way to the inn. Stomping in, she noted River at the bar but chose a table instead so other members of the guild could take a seat. She waved down the enthusiastic waitress and returned her grin with a weary smile.

“Welcome in! You look like a drowned Chitter.” Anu giggled, wiping down the table with a rag from her apron. “Whatcha need to get back on your feet? I’d recommend so good old fashion Wekke Ale. Has a bit of a burn that'll spruce your right up!” Willow gave a tired chuckle.

“Perfect. That and the stew with a bit of bread please.” Willow asked, forking over the 11 copper it cost.

  • Attempts to remove Static Charge
  • Takes a table
  • Spends 11 copper on Stew, Bread, and Ale

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony

The trip from the Arena to the dorm took the vampire no time at all, not wasting a moment as he rushed back. Their little outing may last a bit longer than he originally anticipated, considering the last minute invitation he issued, and he wanted to get the ink dry on at least a few requests for his Chaend event before he fed. He glanced at his phone when it buzzed and he clicked it away just as quickly. The girl’s vampire would likely be thanking the Astorio for treating her that way rather than kick up any fuss. If Varis was a lesser vampire, he wouldn’t want to cross the brutes but he wasn’t a lesser one now was he.

He purposely left the dorm unlocked, not wanting to be bothered before feeding, and shut the study door. He laid out two pages―completely blank because lined pages looked horrendous for formal invitations―and pulled out several ink bottles. He considered each one in turn before putting back most of them, only leaving out a deep green, a bright silver, and Love Red. Varis rolled his eyes at the name before peeling it carefully off. It was the shade of red, perfect for writing scathing criticisms and elegant invitations all in one. If only it hadn’t such an awful name. Love Red. Just thinking the name made him scoff. Maybe he would purchase the rights to the ink and change it. Varis Red had a nice ring to it.

His first invitation was to Eris’s recommendation. Despite his own personal reservations, the pair’s name brought along with it a number of accolades and those accolades brought the type of vampires he wanted to attract. He sighed as he pulled out calligraphy pens and set to work, gently gliding over the paper as he explained what he’d need and when he’d need it by and expressed an interest in a personal meeting to discuss further details. He lost himself in the work, tongue poking out as he concentrated on the silver designs on the edge of the page. Varis may be many things but lazy was not one of them and he’d dance in the noontime sun before he used printed stationery designs.

“Master, is there anything you’d like from me before I shower?”

Varis jolted at the knocking, hissing irritably as he barely managed to avoid knocking over the now nameless red ink. His eyes darkened but he refrained from stomping over and throwing open the door just to slam it in the dunce’s face. Obviously he didn't want anything. He wanted blood and he wanted it sooner rather than later. One would think that if Varis’s feeding plans were interrupted earlier and he hadn’t had an opportunity to drink since, the boy would connect the dots and hurry up. Instead Varis sighed loudly and then returned to his work, taking a few moments to finish a sentence before responding.

“Only for you to find something other than hot air between your ears.” Varis snapped through the door, continuing to work with a roll of his eyes. “Actually just shower. Eris and whatever poor, pathetic mage assigned to him will be joining us and I don’t want to keep them waiting for the next decade. Unless you'd care for my guidance again.”

Interacting with: N/A

Varis watched with mild interest as the neanderthals began, divided between Dracion and Lucan. He ignore the insignificant ones―after noting Eris seeming to enjoy himself in his typical over enthusiastic way―and focused on the training the boy was involved in. Varis scoffed as he squared off against the Astorio brute. It was clear the boy was barely ahead of the head hunter, the pair sweeping around their portion of the arena with little reserve, until a hit landed and the boy needed a moment. And then the Count was done playing. He had the boy in a few seconds as Varis watched and then it seemed like nothing was happening. He sharpened his vision, a little intrigued, and he saw a very familiar expression. Varis scowled, annoyed someone else put panic on his face and he had half a mind to march down there and give the brute an absolute tongue lashing. Instead he would save the annoyance for later. It was the boy’s fault for not composing himself better after all.

The white haired runt was up next once the brute gave Aaron his leave. An odd thing that. Varis was fully expecting the Starag to need an infirmary after but the Count must have been feeling merciful. No matter. The white haired floozy seemed to square off against Victor but lasted even less than the Starag. She was in the “experienced” group after that performance? Dracion must be a tad touched. And Victor only confirmed his opinion by launching her across the arena. A harsh lesson in the realities of her failures was always appreciated.

Varis’s eyebrows shot up as Dracion sent the vampire plummeting. How blatantly disrespectful. Had the Astorio been anyone of import than Varis would have been all too pleased to throw it in the Noila’s face how disrespectful and rude their mages were but victor wasn't even worth a little fun. He pulled out his phone as Dracion boomed the class’s early dismissal. Probably so he can chasitize the Astorio with some degree of privacy. He shot off a text to Aaron; the early dismissal meant they could complete their task earlier, not gawk around at worthless girls, and Varis fully intended to capitalize on it. After a moment, he sent a reminder to Eris and swept out of the Arena and back to the dorm.

James Kingston

Location: The Quinjet
Skills: N/A

James experienced plenty in life. Between his job with the Red Guard and his civilian life back at home, he felt well rounded with an excellent life to work ratio. A kidnapping, an assassination followed up with a pleasant Sunday chatting with a few regulars was the perfect week. Picking out a new roast for his grinder at home and then fixing up the other members of the team was something he expected of an average work week.

But nothing could prepare him to be shunted out of his body. He almost vomited from the shock of it, after feeling like his breath was snatched from him, and he just gaped at his own body for a few moments, mouth opening and closing several times as he floated around himself. It was strange, knowing he was… well he didn’t know where he was but he seemed to be here but also there. It was incredibly confusing but the shaking―again, visual cues only were oddly disorienting―caught his attention, as well as the discussion about blasting the Hulk. He glared at Michelle as she caterwauled.

“Of course. Hit the pissed off thing. That’ll work. James scoffed as he reclined next to his own body. Maybe he should thank the human for doing this. His feet were awfully cold before. “Don’t think about why the Hulk is pissed and definitely don’t try and use that to direct the anger. Why prove to the Hulk that Lance has the situation in hand, that he isn’t in danger from any one but the Hulk? Point the beast to a few expandable people to work off some steam and poof anger reduced. Of course, Logan’s gone at it with the Hulk before so maybe that won’t work if the big green monster recognises him.” James just rolled his eyes. “Either way, this should be fun to watch. Too bad I won’t be there to peel them off the sidewalk this time.”

The Tipsy Troodon was on the far edge of the town, down the muddy road past vine covered buildings and a variety of trees interspersed between the buildings. It was difficult to catch sight through the storm but some lightning flashes showcased a sprawling market, mostly stalls shuttered against the storm, as they hurried past and individual homes across from it. As the few who braved the storm pushed on, they’d notice a small ball of electricity floating around them that continued to expand. A status icon called “Static Charge” appeared and a player near Cecilia was suddenly struck by lightning after the orb grew to the size of his head. A few seconds later, a few more players were struck, most of their health disappearing as the wind snatched their strangled cries from their throats.

A quick duck into a door frame almost immediately dispelled the effect but drastically slowed their movement. Eventually, they made it to their destination: The Tipsy Troodon a flapping wooden sign declared. The few stairs up to the building’s porch could be heard over the storm as they protested under the weight of any adventurer. Several rocking chairs laid on their side, obviously forgotten before the storm.

The inside was rather small, only five or six round tables scattered around, and the bar stools had seen better days. The bar itself had long gashes cut into it and chunks and bits missing around the sides. A few pictures hung askew around the otherwise plant filed walls, a variety of flowers decorating the creeping vines, and more than one pot collected the drips that leaked through patches in the ceiling.

“What are you foolish creatures doin’ outside when the Rathan is lurking here abouts?” An older woman snapped form behind the bar, glaring at travelers that let the rain in for even a moment. “Even those bothrian know better! ‘Ey girl, we have company!” The woman, name tagged as Nerile, shouted back into a door behind the bar. A brief clanging could be heard and a young woman, tagged Anu, came dashing out, a bright smile on her face as she zipped around and welcomed the adventurers in out of the storm while taking orders for drinks and food. She frequently pointed to the sign above the bar, where it listed options and prices. Nerile gave a fond huff as the younger woman scurried about before she turned her attention to River, casting a critical eye over him.

“You look like a drowned Chitter. Nerile commented bluntly as she cleaned out a glass with a not so clean piece of cloth. “Whatcha havin’?

The Tipsy Troodon was on the far edge of the town, down the muddy road past vine covered buildings and a variety of trees interspersed between the buildings. It was difficult to catch sight through the storm but some lightning flashes showcased a sprawling market, mostly stalls shuttered against the storm, as they hurried past and individual homes across from it. As the few who braved the storm pushed on, they’d notice a small ball of electricity floating around them that continued to expand. A status icon called “Static Charge” appeared and a player near Cecilia was suddenly struck by lightning after the orb grew to the size of his head. A few seconds later, a few more players were struck, most of their health disappearing as the wind snatched their strangled cries from their throats.

A quick duck into a door frame almost immediately dispelled the effect but drastically slowed their movement. Eventually, they made it to their destination: The Tipsy Troodon a flapping wooden sign declared. The few stairs up to the building’s porch could be heard over the storm as they protested under the weight of any adventurer. A few rocking chairs laid on their side, obviously forgotten before the storm.

The inside was rather small, only five or six round tables scattered around, and the bar stools had seen better days. The bar itself had long gashes cut into it and chunks and bits missing around the sides. A few pictures hung askew around the otherwise plant filed walls, a variety of flowers decorating the creeping vines, and more than one pot collected the drips that leaked through patches in the ceiling.

“What are you foolish creatures doin’ outside when the Rathan is lurking here 'bouts?” An older woman snapped form behind the bar, glaring at travelers that let the rain in for even a moment. “Even those bothrian know better! ‘Ey girl, we have company!” The woman, name tagged as Nerile, shouted back into a door behind the bar. A brief clanging could be heard and a young woman, tagged Anu, came dashing out, a bright smile on her face as she zipped around and welcomed the adventurers in out of the storm while taking orders for drinks and food. She frequently pointed to the sign above the bar, where it listed options and prices. Nerile gave a fond huff as the younger woman scurried about before she turned her attention to River, casting a critical eye over him.

“You look like a drowned Chitter. Nerile commented bluntly as she cleaned out a glass with a not so clean piece of cloth. “Whatcha havin’?

Dracion paced the inexperienced sparring partners, throwing Eris an appraising look as he fought Amaris and Joryldin, but he continued past them after a few long moments and watched Salem and Cassandra. He blinked quizzically as Salem dragged his foot around the pair in some sort of circle. It looked like he was trying to draw a ring but since he removed all the sand earlier, there wasn't anything to mark a circle with. He watched the pair with mild concern but when they seemed to shrug off the face kick, he moved on again. Not that he needed much prompting when the laughter caught his attention and his last two students were rolling around on the ground doing who knows what. He caught a flash of fingers in the nose and spit flying as the laughter got louder and he stomped over towards the pair, intent on breaking the children apart when he heard it.

The Astorio mentioned paying for something.

Dracion whipped around, blade ringing as it leapt into his hand. He turned just in time to catch Victor launching the white haired girl like a rag doll across his Arena. Everything happened too quickly for his mortal reflexes―the exact reason why he put the Bordeleaux in charge of that group―but he could shut this down before it went any farther. Fucking Astorios.

A booming crack echoed through the Arena and every stone rod turned to sand as three massive slabs of stone whipped up from the Arena floor and slammed into Victor. The sand quickly followed, swarming the stone coffin and solidifying almost instantly before the Arena floor surged up and swallowed the trapped noble, dragging him down beneath the surface. The remaining sand settled into the resulting hole and harden, sealing the Astorio away. Dracion tapped on the ground with his blade, a grumbled, “Just ten feet more” accompanied by a slight rumbling beneath the ground as he shifted the Astorio further into the foundations.

“Medic!” Dracion barked as he sheathed his blade, marching over to Lilie and checking her for any visible breaks or cuts. A green robed mage, brown hair pulled back into a tight ponytail and worry clearly etched into her face, rushed over to Lilie. A familiar face looked down over the water mage, the mousy life mage from her Affinity class. Dracion, satisfied with his cursory inspection, stood and turned to the Arena. “Consendo.” He murmured with a tap to his throat and then his voice boomed across the Arena.

“Arena is closed until the end of class. Get yer butts outta here, now.” He barked, eyeing the students in the stands. Several red robed students stood in the stands and ushered others out of the stands. He tapped his throat again.

“Class is over. Ye are dismissed. Same time tomorrow.” Dracion snapped at the inexperienced group as his voice returned to normal, shooing them out with a wave of his hand. He turned his attention on the experienced mages, his expression softening. “Yer also dismissed once Aine here clears ye. And ye.” Dracion whirled on Lucan, furious again. “One warning, Bordeleaux. Yer not an idiot and ye ain’t slow. Ye shoulda seen that comin’ a mile away. The fact I approved the Princess’s request is simply because of that exact problem. Next time, ye’ll stop that crap if it happens. Any injury can be twisted against their Royal Highnesses and I’ll be damned and dead before I let that happen in my Arena. Wait for them to be cleared and you’ll escort them out. And then I’ll deal with this one.” He tapped his foot on the ground where he buried Victor.

Meanwhile, soft green light pulsed from Aine’s hands as she set to work over Lilie. It was warm and numbing, soothing away the pain as Aine hummed a soft lullaby. It was an unconscious trait; Aine was far more used to working in the infirmary where she would lull her patients into a deep sleep first and she found humming while working often helped get her patients where she needed them.

“Hello again.” Aine said cheerfully as the light seeped into Lilie’s skin. It whispered underneath the skin, pooling in her hip and in her shoulder as it eased away the aches. “Not the best circumstances but still nice to see you. Bit of a brute isn’t he? But you took that pretty well all things considered. Some swelling it feels like so you’ll be sore for the next few days at least. I’ll take care of the worst of it but can’t have you developing dependence on life magic. I’ll have something sent to your dorm from the infirmary for the pain. Swimming or a bath every night will help as well.” The light faded from Lilie and Aine gave a comforting pat on her arm. She looked up at Aaron next.

“I didn’t see what happened with your fight but let me check you over just in case.” She let her fingers settle on his wrist and that same light danced across his skin, sinking into his skin where Victor landed a punch and following his veins into his head and behind his eyes. The aching eased away under her ministrations but it faded much quicker.

“You’re a bit more used to this huh?” Aine commented as she stood, brushing her robes off. “I’m sure you know how to handle yourself but I’ll have a painkiller sent your way as well. Can’t use quite as much magic with you.” She gave him an apologetic smile. “But otherwise, you both check out fine! Nothing broken or missing so you’re free to go! If you have any issues though, you can always stop by the infirmary. One of us is always available for you.”
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