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So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: Accelerated Healing Factor

James watched in horror as the blasts seared Cayden’s face. The screaming tore at his ears but he forced himself to focus on Vulcan. As much as he itched to help Cayden, Vulcun was clearly in his element and anyone turning their backs on him may as well sign their own death warrant. Casper’s stunt confused James more than anything honestly. Was Casper’s secret code name Legion or was the man impersonating his own brother? Either way, James was not particularly confident that it would make much of a…

Vulcan was down, clutching at his chest and Waverly was standing above him with a needle in her hand. Sapphire was going on about some medical term and demanding Aspirin but that hit the back burner. In his opinion, they should just fucking tell the hospital employees in the hospital attached to the hospital gift shop and then get out of town. There’s no way the cops aren’t already half way here with this shit show going on. They needed to get a move on and they needed to get that move on yesterday. Not that he voiced that. He probably didn’t need any more reason for her to dislike him as it was.

But all of that was secondary. Cayden’s screaming forced itseld back to the forefront of his mind. He hadn’t realized he’d made his way over to him already but he hit his knees as fast as he could. “I got you. Give me a second and I’ll take the pain away. Hold on to me, here we go.” James moved Cayen’s hands away from his face, guiding them to hold his wrists as James tried to sync up with Cayden. His heart was pounding in his ears,adding an extra edge to the cacophony spitting his head apart. It made it difficult to focus but he pushed through, watching the burns heal seamlessly across his face with a sigh of relief. He stood, offering Cayden a helping hand up.

“Hey Feedback, any chance you can figure out how far away the cops are?” James asked.
James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: Kickboxing

“Oh for fucks sake. Can we please catch a break?” James muttered as they whipped around the stairwell in time to see Vulcan just beating the ever living daylights out of Colossus. If the metal giant couldn’t handle himself against the deranged mutant, James had very little faith they could do much about it. A little voice in his head suggested they just bolt, the odds were out of their favor, but James shook his head. There was a hospital full of people that the mutant could turn his eyes on if he got bored and he’d probably just show up at the Mutant Underground ready to finish his last mission if they didn’t deal with it now.

James spotted the register in the hallway and snatched it up with all intents of slamming it down over Vulcan’s head but with the extra weight, James wasn’t nearly as quiet as he’d like to be. Vulcan definitely noticed, his hand wrapping around James throat and squeezing. In another situation, it might be a bit more welcomed but James struggled against the hold for a few moments, panic setting in. He struggled instinctively against the hold for a moment, hands scrabbling uselessly against Vulcan’s arm, before he regained control of himself and managed to yank himself out of the other mutant’s hold with a gasp. The rush of oxygen burned slightly but it was more than welcome. Hopefully, the distraction would give the others some time to get a few hits in.

"Technically, anytime you pay for physical labor, one could argue that you've rented a body. Choosing a laborer is primarily based on their physical capacity, assuming this isn't a task that demands a beast of burden, and you are far more likely to hire a Roegadyn in peak condition than a lalafell in peak condition to haul sacks of gyshal greens. Although, I suppose renting a body doesn't explicitly exclude beasts of burden either. They also have bodies. I wonder if that does count." Kajin frowned thoughtfully as he considered the idea, tapping his foot as he thought. It was more of a habit than an yuh thing else; a question posed around him had him immediately reaching for a response, conditioned from an early age in a family that enjoyed playful arguments. However, now was not the time for that and he beamed at Kikipu. "Thank you very much for the information. Next time you're in Ul'dah, send me a letter and I'll buy you lunch!"

"Onwards to Tilman and…" Kajin frowned and stopped, trying to remember the miqo'te's name but he was drawing a blank. "And our promiscuous kitten. He's probably gotten a tick more information and if not…" Kajin sneered at the idea of the auctioneer telling him no. He twirled his staff cheerily as he made his way where the auctioneer and the miqo’te disappeared to after his little stunt. He waved at Lyveva and the miqo’te Seeker who accompanied them from Ul’dah. “Let’s not laze about like gil turtles at the zenith. Listen up. I’m going to pop in, see how the kitten’s doing, and then adjust accordingly! If you hear a few thumps, come in quickly. You’ll only have a fraction of a bell to find what we need.” Kajin barely waited a moment before opening the door, with a little more effort than he’d care to admit, and blinked at the scene inside.

“Does he have what we need yet?” Kajin asked the miqo’te. “Deed, swindler, inventory of goods, record of sales, etc? And lets keep note of any of that he doesn’t have. May as well get in good with the Blade after this debacle.”

“Oh, take mine too. No need to make picking up your subclass any harder than necessary.” She passed Holly the Baby Blue Pollen (common) she just picked up as well. “So… River, do you have enough of your shifter class to change and dig at it? They didn't give you any special tools or quest items to help on this did they, Ceci?”

The Chitter’s exploded into bright pixels, disappearing moments later. A cool breeze swept through the trees as the loot menu and quest marker both popped up.

Quest Updated: That Which is Stone Cannot Falter
Objective Completion: 2/20

“Oh, um, okay. 10 pieces? 10 pieces will run you…” The boy, no older than 14, counted on his fingers. “5 gold and… 2 silver!” He said proudly as he did the math. The market had calmed down around them, some shopkeepers leaning up against adjacent stalls as they chatted with their neighbors. Even the labors seemed to slow down, taking more frequent breaks as the sun rose higher. Anu, the serve from the inn, made her way through the market, purchasing little sachets of herbs and their ingredients.
James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: N/A

Something buzzed in the back of his mind, something Sunshine said yesterday but he couldn’t quite remember. He knew it had something to do with Casper but it just sat there like it was on the tip of his tongue but it didn’t come to him as he watched Casper fish his phone out and point out that the other group needed backup ASAP. “Lets just hope we don’t have to blow off his head to subdue him.” James muttered as he looked around for the exit signs. Was Vulcan’s presence an excellent distraction? Yes. Did their little group really need an enemy showing up like a cartoon villain at the most inopportune time? Absolutely fucking not. James groaned and popped out of the medical supply room.

“Okay, let’s just follow the signs and we should be able to get around to them pretty quickly.” James pointed out the Exit sign and followed it. “Maybe we can get the jump on his and knock him out from behind or something. How did he even get here? I thought the girl was the teleporter and he just blew shit up.”

“Body?” The guard blinked at the blood splattered across the wall and down at the body surrounded by the mound of grass. He dropped Salem instantly and reached for his radio. His hand was trembling as he fumbled with it. “I have a code 9104H behind ballroom 3. I repeat, I have a code 9104H behind ballroom 3.”

“You three start talking. How did you come across this? Who came across this first? Did anyone touch anything or see anyone suspicious?” The guard demanded. Sirens could be heard in the distance.

Interacting with @WeepingLiberty

“Oh, uh, no. They’re pretty normal. People get antsy around us once they know what we can do and it’s fair! Completely, totally, absolutely fair! Uh, thankfully that’s only really a problem the first year of mental training. Suddenly, you’ve learned that the boundaries of your mind aren’t quite as firm as you thought they were and your magic just runs with it.” Dennis chuckled, waving away the concern. “You kinda just broadcast stuff early on, your own thoughts but since you aren’t actively doing it, you don’t even realize it. Then, you start listening to other people and then you broadcast other people’s thoughts and your reactions. It’s not exactly a people pleasing skill before you control it. And when you start with telekinesis? First semester kineticists have a rule: If you don’t want to lose it, tie it to your body. I thought it was a joke and the first day I flung a fork prongs first into Queeny cause I grabbed it with my magic instead of my hand and freaked but when I could turn it off. I was pretty sure I saw my life flash before my eyes.”

“I promise I can control it now! I don’t just jump into people’s heads unless we need to.” He flushed a little, eyes not quite making contact at the statement. “And vampires are a whole different kinda mind so it’s even harder to wriggle yourself in there if you aren’t practiced.”

The vampiress licked the last of the boy’s blood off her fingers. Maybe she’d take a break for a bit, let the little insects figure out exactly what she’d left them to play with. The thrill of the kill was starting to wear off. It was all fine and dandy for the first few kills but just the threat of stealing from Ryner wasn’t enough to make it fun anymore. She shredded the dress until only the top hung from her shoulders and the black pants she nearly always wore were all that remained. The mask went next, torn and crumpled, and she took to the rooftop of the Hall as she waited for something to make this a bit more challenging.
James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: N/A

“Good choice.” James complimented the music selection as it played over the intercom system. He waited for Sapphire to pop the lock. He made a mental note to suggest swinging by a hardware store at some point. Clearly picking up a lock pick gun or something would be useful if they needed to stay under the radar. Maybe Max could make him one, though he’d make sure Max was far away from the new place. Very far away.

He followed Sapphire in, taking in the rows of medicine and following the labels. While it did seem to be alphabetized, he couldn’t find anything labelled Methadone. He took a moment to double check, just in case, but no such luck. “I don’t think they have it here. Maybe it’s somewhere else or they just don’t carry it? Can we pass on the second one or do they play off each other somehow?” James asked. He didn’t know how long the distraction would keep everyone’s attention so he did want to get moving at the very least. He just didn’t want to leave if only taking one would cause a heart attack or something without the other drug.

Willow watched the party annihilate all but one of the mushrooms. She had to admit, she felt kinda silly spending all that gil on spells to lower enemy resistances when they could while the field with them. River let loose a barrage of lightning, not quite finishing the last one off so she lifted her wand after adjusting so the others wouldn’t be caught in her spell.

“Shadow Raze.” With a flick of her wrist, a thin blade of inky darkness erupted from the tip of her wand and slashed through the mushroom in the final blow. The mushroom shattered into pixels shortly after its friends, the faint sound of sobbing fading along with the colors.

“Alright, lets get everyone’s MP topped of starting with River. I didn’t realize it was low. We missed that burst damage. Chakra magic.” She joked as the tell tale wisps of blue shot from her wand and wrapped themselves around River before fading, restoring 859 MP to the mage. “Cecelia’s up next with a greater Chakra magic and then Holly will be the last once everything is off cool down.”

As one chitter stood, clawing at its own face after a particularly brutal Will Shatter to the face, the other sank its teeth into the Paladin but its hind claws scratched uselessly at the armor protecting Aura’s chest.

Chitter 1: (Left)
Lvl: 13
Health: 145/1250
Mana: 2500/2500

Chitter 2: Stunned
Lvl: 13
Health: 79/1250
Mana: 2500/2500

The guard followed Eris closely, the air of disbelief still hanging around him. The man had only quirked an eyebrow at Eris’ instance and gestured for him to lead. When they arrived at the scene, however, the man only scoffed at what he saw. Two students pressed against each other as a bunch of others made more than a few comments as they passed by. He wrinkled his nose at the smell of alcohol and paused at the edge of the grass.

“Seriously? This is what you wanted to show me?” The guard grumbled at Eris irritably, rubbing at his temple. “If you just wanted me to pull some guy off your mage, you could have just told me. None of this murder bllshit. You could cause a serious problem saying things like that. I’ll split them up for you but after, the rest of your reveling will be in your dorm, understood?” He frowned but turned his attention to the pair, crossing over and grabbing Salem by the back of his shirt and yanking him back like he barely weighed anything. He clapped his hand on the back of the plant mage’s neck, a clear sign that he wasn’t going anywhere.

“Name and year, both of you.” The guard snapped. “Which one of you is Mr. Samuel’s par…” He trailed off as he sniffed the air. “What is that smell?”

Interacting with @WeepingLiberty

“Riddles, huh? I’ve never thought about languages like that.” Dennis tilted his head thoughtfully, resting his cheek on his hand. “But uh, not really? Maybe when I was younger, it was always kinda cool. Being able to talk to someone without people eavesdropping was always cool and sure, it’d be nice to read some of the original translations of books cause translators always censor things but I’ve never put any effort into learning any of it.”

“And maybe it’s kinda lazy but with magic, I can just kinda pop into someone’s head and read it as they read.” Dennis admitted sheepishly. "Sorry, that's kinda creepy. I don't just jump into random people's heads if they don't want it. That's way too invasive. Or at least now I don't."

James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: N/A

James quirked a brow at Casper’s commentary, huffing out a quiet laugh as they stepped off the elevator. Was that really something they said in the Girl Scouts? What a weird little saying, though he was sure Casper just added on the last bit. A robber’s dream. That was his attempt at subtly explaining the situation and offering to bounce with the goods once they got it but James apparently wasn’t very good at that either. He hummed a little as they looked for their destination.

While they did, James let himself consider Sapphire. After he opened his mouth, low key regretting saying anything honestly, he expected another reprimand but nothing came even as they stepped off the elevator. He could understand why she snapped at him. A stressful situation and an unknown variable were hard but she seemed the type not to let something go once she identified it as a problem. He was just relieved that they could focus on the job and he’d keep an eye out for an impending explosion once they escaped.

When they reached the door, James took a moment to look around but something else hit him. “Do we have a way to contact them so we can coordinate? It’s risky now but doubly so if they haven’t started.” James spoke softly.
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