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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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James Kingston

Location: Mutant Friendly Clinic
Skills: Reactive Adaptation

If James hadn’t known that it would somehow happen, he would have thought this was as bad as the situation could get. He even left himself laugh at the jizz comment like an idiot. They had an easy out, they’d circle around, get to the car, Sunshine and him could keep the car defended while the others helped the less coherent into it if needed and they’d get running. But of course, the universe slapped a big fuck you across this because why not?

James felt his heart jump up his throat when Casper hit the ground and vomited. James grimaced. He bolted back into the room, grabbing Casper, and hauling him to his feet and doing his best to ignore the vomit. “Sorry babes, we’ll clean you up in a bit. Just gotta get you out of here for now.” James said sympathetically, supporting his boyfriend despite the disgustingness of it. James helped him outside, joining the other four and shouting for Max to join them.

“Okay, milk in the eyes apparently. The sooner the burning stops, the sooner we can go.” James instructed. Everyone needed working eyes for them to get out of this so he grabbed the gallon from Jack and started going down the line, starting with the Doctor first. The most lucid needed to be functioning to help move people. At least, he hoped he could convince the doctor to help and they could get out there fast enough to help Sunshine and Magik. Honestly, he wasn’t that worried about Magik as much as Sunshine. Call him biased but he actually likes Sunshine. James wasn’t too proud to admit that, despite her being doped out of her mind, he still held a bit of a grudge against her after the attack on the original headquarters.

“Okay, here’s our plan guys. We’re circling around to the car. If it’s safe, we get you guys into the car, I get Sunshine and Magik, and we take off. And yeah, I can drive Glimpse.” James replied to her earlier question. “Can you help us get there, Doctor? We can drop you off somewhere safe too.”

Maddie considered it and then nodded. The Countess, even with her limited interaction, knew more about Lilie than she so Maddie decided to trust her judgement. They had a one in four chance on the mages so Lilie it was. Maddie picked up a chip and tapped it on the table for a moment before laying it gently on Lilie’s picture. She was a pretty girl that was true though she doubted her hair choice did her any favors. But hormones never cared about the color of someone’s hair, Maddie supposed.

“Are we sure that’s the choice we make?” The smirking dealer crooned. “Last call for bets.” Maddie bit her lip and nearly nodded until a thought occurred to her. He said appropriate faces. As in, more than one face could be chosen. Maddie was curious but she’d voice the idea to the Countess next round. She had a sneaking suspicion the game was rigged in their favor. For now.

“That is the Countess’ choice.” Maddie said softly and the dealer nodded, humming as he pulled the first card: The Kill Card. With a flourish, he slapped down Ralmevik. “Lucky, lucky. No lost chips!” A counter on the abacus next to his name flew from one side to the next. He drew another card from the box and slapped it down, revealing Aaron and just like before, a counter next to Aaron’s name flew from one side to the other.. “Well, not so lucky I guess. No winners, no losers, this round goes even!” He pushed the chips back to the girls. The two cards vanished and the dealer held up two fingers.

“A house divided cannot stand and yet it does, again and again, against a ruler now long dead. Fear their lies and their truths, for chaos reigns each century anew.” The Dealer spoke their next clue immediately.

Interacting with: @WeepingLiberty

With the boy out of sight, out of mind, Varis let himself slump in the chair with a sigh. He could feel the tension radiating off himself. Feeding would have worked wonders for his mood but frankly, keeping the boy around any longer would have been detrimental to his own sanity. Everyone put the Starags on such a high pedestal. Even when he got the boy, he hadn’t imagined they were even capable of lying to whoever they swore their allegiance too. Clearly he judged them without all the facts like the common rabble and that made him angrier than the boy lying. He’d have to work on that apparently.

But the biggest problem was Ryner. He didn’t know how she did it but the fact that she pulled back a natural immunity that he’d relied on so hard scar―upset him. It put him at a very clear disadvantage. He couldn’t afford his Lady finding something like that out otherwise she’d take the soonest opportunity to stick her mage’s prying eyes somewhere he’d rather her not. She sent enough wandering eyes as it was but at least those were easily deceived. If she got in his head, he imagined it would be a short trip to a sunrise viewing and frankly, Varis was far more interested in his continued health. Varis chewed at his lip for a moment before shaking his head. There was little he could do until he had his discussion with Ryner. Coming into a conversation like that in this state would only put him at a disadvantage and he didn’t need that.

Instead, he pulled out his phone and fiddled with it. He considered messaging Eris to see how soon he would be arriving. He needed that distraction more than ever but he heard the front door open. It seemed Eris showed up just on time and Varis clicked his tongue irritably. He could have shown up a few minutes earlier and he opened his mouth to make that exact point but he held himself back when Eris made his demand. Varis took a moment to look Eris over and inwardly sighed. There was nothing whimsical, flirtatious, or energetic in his posture which meant business. Instead, Varis straightened in his seat and frowned.

“Should we move to a more appropriate place or will the study be satisfactory?” Varis asked. He wasn’t sure where this was going but Varis had a sneaking suspicion this was a conversation for the Sinnenodel heir rather than his noble acquaintance and that did nothing to ease the gnawing unease in his stomach. But if that was what Eris wanted, then Varis would deliver.

“Here is fine,” Eris replied quickly, pushing himself off the doorway and walking in. It was obvious he wasn’t happy, but he wasn’t about to lay it out there just yet. The redhead was uneasy as it was--Eris had to be careful not to go imploding the interaction too early.

Running a hand through his hair, there were a few seconds of silence as Eris stared at the wall. “In hindsight, I thought the mix-up meant things would be easier. I’d like to think at this point we know one another well enough,” He started off slowly, irritated. “If I couldn’t take a few insults, then I may as well quit show business considering that’s all the tabloids do. What I was not, however, prepared for were your apparent ‘true thoughts’.”

“My true…” Varis repeated softly before it clicked and Varis fought rolling his eyes. The damn challenge. Whatever soured Eris’ mood must be connected to that and Varis didn’t quite like the sound of that. Once he reassured Eris whatever happened in there was nonsense, he was going to murder Ryner. “I see. So enlighten me to whatever grand revelation was bestowed upon you, Eris. What did you learn?”

Eris slowly shook his head at the redhead, further aggravated, but he held himself back. “Grand revelation? There was no ‘grand revelation’ but it was nice to see you lump me in with the rest of the plebeians,” He couldn’t help but snap. “You’d think at some point in time that there was an inkling of change, but no, and apparently I’m the only one that thought this partnership was worth something.”

He was actually getting genuinely upset as he talked, but he reigned himself in again before continuing. “First it was just showboating about how you love to lead me on, and honestly, I wish it had stopped there--I know what I do, my pride isn’t dented by any of that,” He threw his arms up in the air, pacing slightly as he ranted. “But lo and behold, you decided to slam me with your ‘apparent truth’--that of course I was just being used, that of course I was just another tool to you. You mocked me about how stupid I was, that you were clearly incapable of feeling anything for anyone.”

Varis kept his thoughts to himself as Eris rambled, feeling his own temper rising to match Eris’ apparent frustration. Varis kept himself composed and focused as he watched Eris, not sure how much was theatrics and how much was honest anger. What exactly did his copy say that made Eris think even half of this way true. Varis let him into his home and quite a bit of his secret dealings. This partnership, as Eris put it, was incredibly beneficial; otherwise, it would have ended a decade ago.

“I’ve never considered you stupid, clearly this little game of Ryner’s did it’s job. Whatever it spouted was lies, disinformation, or exaggerations of the truth.” Varis replied coolly. “I have invited you into my home, into this dorm, into my life far more than any other I’ve met and you think, for even the slightest second, that means this partnership means nothing? Please, spare me the theatrics. You have never been stupid. You’re ambitious and we both know the dangers of permitting ambition close and yet here I have.” Varis stood as well, far too irritated to sit.

“It is a grand revelation because apparently, whatever you spoke to knows myself better than I or you, two of the most observant vampires on this campus. Please continue. I quite enjoy having my inner thoughts dictated to me.” Varis gestured that the floor was Eris’.

The blonde stopped pacing, his eyes darkening slightly as he looked at the redhead. There was the tiniest part of him that wanted to amp the theatrics purely out of spite, but that wouldn’t get him anywhere. He needed to be careful and not go losing his temper. Not yet, anyway. Instead, he openly scoffed in apparent disbelief.

“Whatever that practical did, it went into our heads--both of our heads,” Eris replied. “My mage ended up getting me and now he knows the truth about the deal between my sister and I, something I would never tell anyone. That led me to believe everything I heard in my part was true as well.”

His hands ruffled his hair in frustration, lightly pulling on it before dropping his arms to his sides. “I honestly don’t even care about what the mage knows, I could dispose of him any time. But I can’t…” He trailed off, squeezing his eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose. Just remembering what Not-Varis said was getting him upset, he needed to reel himself in.

Eris suddenly looked at Varis, eyes wide. “Just tell me who Greta is.”

Varis was really hoping that whatever came spilling out of Eris' mouth would present itself as a salve to his concerns but instead, it only fueled them. Varis' eyes darkened completely and he crossed his arms to hide the shaking of his hands. Eris was right. No one else would know about that unless either Eris or himself made a mistake covering his sister's tracks but Varis was always careful to double check his tracks and like he said, Varis didn't believe Eris was stupid.

Which meant Ryner did really find a way in. He wanted to believe the boy's theories but clearly they were wrong and he had to face the facts. Ryner had him at her mercy far more than he was comfortable with. He had to figure out a way to balance their relationship. Once he was finished handling some loose ends, that was his next priority.

"Greta?" The sudden subject change threw him off and Varis' narrowed his eyes at Eris. "I don't know a Greta. The only one I can think of is Princess Nox's trainer and lover but she died before the forming of the Treaty. What does a long dead vampire have to do with this?"

Interesting, so that was the Greta that had been referred to. Which, of course, made absolutely no sense whatsoever--he would need to carefully investigate to see if he could come up with some sort of concrete timeline. Eris tucked that bit in the back of his mind, easing up slightly as he gave Varis a look. The interest in the name had to be thrown aside, his body stiff as he slowly raised his chin.

“My replacement, apparently,” He uttered bitterly. “A beautiful little thing, throwing itself all over you. A daughter of an old blue-blood family in charge of some territory that you had your eye on. Leagues better than I could ever hope to be, according to you.”

Not that the idea of having other people was foreign to either one of them, but it was clear Eris took this one to heart. He walked up to Varis, torn between yelling and probably crying. “If there’s someone else, just tell me,” His voice was almost pleading. “The very least you can give me is the truth.”

Varis just stared. And stared. And stared. The manipulation was a fair accusation. The mocking was also a fair one. But this? Replacing him? After all he had invested in him? Absolutely not. Though Varis did make a mental note to reconsider his gift for their 3 decade mark.

But this was what Eris was upset about? Some imagined slight against him? Varis couldn't disprove anything because there wasn't anything to disprove. How did he clarify there wasn't anything going on? Eris was always one for dramatics and more often than not they were good for a temporary distraction but this was utterly ridiculous. He let out a sharp, cold, cruel laugh and shoved his way into Eris' personal space, finger jabbing furiously into the vampire's chest.

"I am dealing with the fall out of the murder of Count Dracul, pushing my energy company to grow into previously uncharted territory, handling a suprise Chaend announcement that my peers get decades to prepare for, you've confirmed Ryner is two steps away from selling me out to my Lady, and I have been humiliated and set on fire tonight." Varis's voice raised until he was practically yelling. "I have no time for other distractions. I barely have time for you but I make time. So cut whatever this show is, Eris. You have the resources to have me investigated and you're privy to the vast majority of my business so get to the point."

Eris took a page out of Varis’ book and stared at him, though after a few seconds he looked at the wall again, contemplating his words carefully. He had the vampire right where he wanted him, fortunately, but he needed to tread carefully--angering any vampire could lead to unintended results. But as Eris felt himself deflate, there was a nagging feeling in the back of his head, a possibility that presented itself perfectly. But did he really want to go there?

Well, now was as good a time as ever.

His expression was easily a pathetic one as he mustered the courage to look back at Varis, chartreuse eyes searching his expression for something, anything. “I just want to matter to you the same way you matter to me,” He mumbled.

Varis wasn't sure if he should be angry or confused or relieved so he settled on his most familiar: livid. "And you couldn't have just asked that in the beginning, instead of making wild, unproven accusations? Really Eris? I expected better of you." Varis snapped, running a hand through his hair with a frustrated sigh. "But frankly, I don't know what to say. What else do you want me to say or do? You said yourself, we're partners and I don't think I've done anything to prove any less."

Was this a sign from the universe telling him something? Eris wasn’t entirely sure, but for once, now he was the irritated one. It was either a misunderstanding or a blatant sidestep, but he wasn’t going to throw out another accusation. He couldn’t quite help his jaw drop, snapping it shut as he searched for the words. Maybe he should just get away with what he could and drop everything now. But his mother did tell him he was a glutton for risks.

“That’s not what I meant,” His voice came out a lot quieter than intended, the vampire feeling as if something had gotten trapped in his throat. Weird, that was a really odd feeling. But as he went to talk again, he felt like the words were stuck, his mouth moving but nothing coming out. Wait, was he anxious? No, no, no, he was just...irritated. Annoyed. Eris didn’t know what anxiety was, he must have drank some bad blood or something. “I’m not talking about that kind of...partnership,” Great Anastasia, why was this so hard to say all of a sudden?! He was the one that wanted to know, why in the everloving hell was his mouth not working the way he wanted it to?!

Despite the frustration building, Eris pressed on. “Even if it wasn’t real, just the possibility of not being at your side is something I can’t accept. All I want is--that is, I...you see, my head is still not completely on apparently.” Eris shut up again, hands slowly combing his hair out of his face. The stumbling was both worrying and horrifying. Was this a stroke? Was he having a stroke? Could vampires get strokes?! “I need to know how you feel about me. Personally, not professionally.” He managed to get that much out, looking at Varis expectantly.

Varis stared at Eris like he'd grown a second head and was speaking in tongues. What in the world was this vampire blathering on about? Varis felt his anger deflate into just pure confusion. It was like Eris was speaking an entirely other language. If he didn't want to leave Varis' side, just don't. It wasn't like he answered to a monster that pushed and pulled him however she saw fit.

"Do I need to call a doctor, Eris? Did Ryner do something to you because honestly, I'm.not understanding what you're saying." Varis said carefully, searching Eris' face. Not finding it. Varis wasn't sure what kind of trap he was walking into but Varis decided that triggering it was the only way he'd find out.

"Personally? Well, I respect you far more than I do my noble peers. You're ambitious and cunning; although I personally find the whimsical, air headed persona you rely on so heavily just as tiring sometimes as I appreciate its effectiveness and the comfort I often find in it." Varis spoke slowly, watching Eris warily. "I prefer your companionship far more than others after a troublesome night at Council or after my Lady drags me across the coals. I appreciate your mind and your view of society and…" Varis frowned as he found himself at a loss for words. He'd never separated his personal and professional life. He lived and breathed his professional life so he was struggling to do so now.

"I admire and respect you?" Varis settled on hesitantly.

Eris’ expression was blank and unreadable. He didn’t look angry, but he didn’t look happy, either. That was it? That was all he got? Of course it was, why was he expecting anything better? Varis could argue that the events in the practical were exaggerated all he wanted, but Eris knew he had been presented with the truth. And he was stupid enough to hope it was wrong. At least now he knew and never had to wonder anymore. Sure, he felt hollow and dead inside, but now the uncertainty was gone. He should thank both the count and the princess--he had been getting soft, and this was just the wake up call he needed.

The blond nodded, taking a few steps back. “Thanks. Just what I wanted to hear,” He replied, giving him a small smile.

What. What just happened? Varis had no idea what just happened to elicit that sort of response. "Excuse me? Thanks? That's all the explanation I get? After you came in here, insulted and disrespected me, all I get is a thanks?" Varis snapped, his temper returning in full force. "No, no, no. Don't even think about walking out before I get an opportunity to respond to all this!"

“Your response said plenty,” Eris replied dryly. “If that’s all I’m going to get, then there isn’t much else I can do or say. I can’t force you to have feelings for me.”

Varis flinched as if struck. Feelings? Did he mean… Varis opened his mouth once or twice, words failing him. This wasn't meant to be anything more than a business transaction, a friendship, a mutually beneficial arrangement but Eris expected more? Well fuck. Varis had no other words for that and he took a brief moment to compose himself as he saw every second he'd poured into this burn into ash. That was a problem and he wasn't quite sure how to recover that right now.

"I was unaware your feelings developed in that direction. Eris, I…" Varis sighed and sat back at his desk. "You know full well my feelings on those sort of affections. Though I supposed that clarified some things. So what now? You know full well I cannot afford those kinds of weaknesses."

Way to throw it back on him! Eris didn’t bother looking at the redhead, feeling utterly humiliated enough as it was. This was all stupid. He shouldn’t have said anything. The silver lining was now he could quietly investigate the Not-Varis’ challenge to find them, but for some reason he couldn’t really think about that right now.

“I won’t ask you to take on a weakness. I only wanted to get it off my chest,” He lied. “The stupid illusion exposed a lot of things I would have rather not thought about. So troublesome.”

He turned around, running a hand through his hair again. “I’ll take the night to recover and get back to my ‘usual’ self. Tomorrow we can act as if nothing happened. Put it out of your mind, chalk it up to having had my worst insecurities exposed ruffling me up and causing me to say the most idiotic things,” He suggested.

Empty. That's how this fight left him and he hated it. He felt like someone yanked the rug out from under his feet. Eris was a certainty for the past three decades and now he's finding out he had no idea what was going on? And Eris expects him to just go back to how things were before? Well, that would make his life easier but he had plans for Eris and if he couldn't control him as easily anymore, that changed the game entirely.

Varis unlocked another drawer in his desk and pulled out a thin case and its key. He placed it on the desk for Eris to take and slumped back in the chair. "This was supposed to be a gift when I built it up a bit more but maybe it'll help you feel better. Take it." Varis stood up. He sighed and he frowned thoughtfully. He had a lot to think about and no time to do so.

Eris was tempted to leave without it just so he could hide his shame a little longer, but he supposed the cat was out of the bag already. He quietly walked back to the desk, taking both case and key in hand before bowing to the count. “Enjoy your evening,” He said.

Time: 2:41 - The Forest

“If you did, you did it poorly. Sullen silences are not indicative of proper conversation. Another weakness in the Starag line apparently.” Varis rolled his eyes. Did Ryner not teach them how to carry a conversation for longer than five seconds without irritating their conversation partner? That’s what he gets for picking up this caged lapdog. INo experience in anything other than polishing boots of those who treat him as a pet rather than the resource he is. Irritating but if the boy couldn’t do better on his own, Varis would enroll him in some sort of socialization program. If there was one.

“If you don’t improve, I’ll have to dedicate more time to your training and that would displease me greatly. I expect a fruitful conversation the next time I see you two together.” Varis demanded. He tapped his fingers on the desk. He couldn’t shake the concern that Ryner found a loophole and the gnawing uncertainty in his chest grew at the thought. “What did you discuss while Eris and I were occupied?”

“We traded theories on the methodology of the skull challenge, discussed the probable use of mental mages for the exam.” Aaron answered simply. It seemed a little odd for Varis to arrange a new training schedule for him if such a thing bothered him, but maybe he meant specifically social training, though Aaron wasn’t sure why one would be more irritating than the other. Did Varis just expect every mage to come ready-made and prepared for subterfuge, and was frustrated that he didn’t? Actually, that probably wasn’t far from the truth. Mages raised by the Sinnenodels were probably taught to socialize with the same enthusiasm as Starags were taught the Treaty. “Mr. Alderman was also interested in the various uses of each of our affinities after I told him about what his clone was capable of, although he wasn’t fond of having to wait the few years it would take to reach that level.”

He mentally ran through the full challenge again, and suddenly remembered something. “Oh, pardon me Master,” he added abruptly, “before we stray too far, you wanted me to contact Malek for something from your vault.”

Varis nodded along absently as the boy spoke. So despite his general abrasiveness, Eris’ mage wanted to progress. Manners he may not have but at least Eris’ mage had ambition. It was so much more entertaining to manipulate people with actual passions rather than bland loyalty. Loyalty that, it seemed, had reason to be questioned after tonight. Maybe he’d make the boy detail his days from start to finish in addition to his normal chores. It would add another thing to his list and keep him out of trouble since apparently his punishments weren’t enough to dissuade the boy from keeping secrets from him.

“Oh yes. I do need Malek to have quite a bit sent to me. I recommend you write it down; maybe then you’d remember how to serve your master.” Varis said, pulling out his phone and tapping on it for a bit, scrolling as he spoke “I need the files from Events 12 through 27, History 266 and 345, and all of Training. Training and History can be mailed but I expect Events in my hand when I walk out of my room tomorrow.” Varis locked his phone and put it away when he had a most interesting idea. Maybe adding things to his list wasn’t punishment enough. No. He knew an excellent idea. One he fully expected to make the boy think twice.

“Now, I’ve been considering how to augment your punishment. Lines are important. I think 1500 repetitions of “I will not lie to my Master” will pound it into your abnormally thick skull but after our last session, I’m not sure it will be enough. Especially since this time, it was lying and not just being an idiot.” Varis shook his head in disappointment. “So, I was thinking then maybe I’d have you write a full report everyday about your activities with as much detail as you can on top of it all. Make you so busy you wouldn’t even have the time to do anything that you could lie about. But by the crown, I don’t want to read that on top of all my work. At that point, it’s my own punishment and I haven’t done anything wrong.” Varis waved the very concept of his wrongdoings away. He acted as perfectly as ever and no one could say otherwise. Plus, reading the boy’s work every day meant seeing him for longer and frankly, that idea exhausted Varis even more than the reading would.

“Since you like to keep secrets, I clearly don’t know you as well as you do so I’ve come up with a better idea. In addition to your lines, I want a two page minimum apology for lying to your better and a paper on punishments you believe would be far more corrective to your behavior. And if I don’t think they’re suitable enough, well let’s just hope you don’t mess this up like everything else. What do you think?”

Kneeling on the floor as he was, Aaron obviously couldn't write anything down, instead listening carefully as Varis rattled off everything he needed from his vault. At least he had a good memory for this sort of thing, a list locking itself away in the back of his mind until he could contact Malek.

It was just as well, as Varis’ next order of business got very overwhelming very fast. Aaron’s chest filled with dread imagining the sheer volume of busywork in store for him as Varis spoke, only for him to long for that very tedium when the Count changed his mind. Dammit, it was Dawn all over again! Varis had a talent for tormenting people, that much was clear. Hell, he made a sport out of it. Being forced to arrange his own punishment was about as potent a deterrent as Aaron could think of - not that it stopped him before, apparently - and lightened Varis’ workload besides. The efficiency was impressive, and he hated everything about it.

Not that he'd voice as much. Besides, Varis could probably guess that anyway. Instead, he bowed his head, resigning himself to the worst, as always. “An elegant solution, Master,” he agreed appropriately, “I will begin tonight as soon as I'm able.”

“Considering I expect you to start thinking about your assignments immediately, you should have started as soon as you heard it.” Varis replied, an unamused look directed the boy’s way. “You’re dismissed. And while you’re leaning on yet another person to cover your ineptitude, ask how to develop some degree of resistance. Blemishes on a Sinnenodel’s property are so unbecoming and I expect you to avoid them in the future.”

“Yes, Master,” Aaron replied dutifully, standing with letter in hand and offering a proper bow before he took his leave. He tarried only long enough to grab his phone from his room before promptly quitting the place, knowing Varis would want him gone for some time. Just as well; maybe the infirmary had painkillers.
James Kingston

Location: Mutant Friendly Clinic
Skills: Reactive Adaptation

James gave Casper a look, one suggesting the matter wasn’t up for debate no matter how cute he was, and gave the doctor his full attention. He would have some words with Sunshine later, even though they probably wouldn’t help anything. “Thank you so much. It means a lot to us.” James thanked her with a relieved sigh. It may not be a cure but if it would help them feel even a little better, he’d take it. The bonus of not having to clean up blood laced vomit every time one of them upchucked their guts was a major plus too but he wouldn’t admit that out loud. He made sure to repeat the instructions to himself a few times so he didn't mess them up, which must have been why he missed Sunshine going to open the door when they heard the scream.

And he immediately yanked her back, hissing through the pain. It really was like someone poured hot sauce in his eyes and then ground some dried chilies in there for good fucking measure! He’d been electrocuted before but fuck, at least as soon as he let go of the wire, it just tingled for a while after but this wouldn’t st―

Relief bloomed in his eyes and mouth and nose almost immediately. The building irritation on his exposed skin suddenly vanished, replaced by a flash of coolness. James blinked as the instinct to rub his eyes died away with the pain and he looked around. He felt… damp and gross. Like the humidity had been turned up to 110% and he’d just finished a workout. He looked down at his hands and gaped at the sheen across his skin. “What the fuck?” James swore. Nothing like this had happened before. Maybe he did have m-pox and the symptoms were just showing up? He didn’t know but it would have to be something they dealt with later. James pulled Sunshine away from the door and slammed it shut again.

“Okay, everyone out the emergency exit! Don’t rub your eyes Casper! You’ll just make it worse!” James said, running to the door and throwing it open. James shoved the medicine in his pocket so he didn't accidently leave it behind. “Once we get out of here, we’ll find somewhere to wash this shit off. Hopefully, we can get to the car.” He started guiding everyone out, starting with the loopiest of them. Hopefully, the rest would follow instructions.
James Kingston

Location: Mutant Friendly Clinic
Skills: N/A

“No, no puppies. Only medicine to make you feel better.” James rubbed Luna’s shoulder comfortingly. James watched as even the overwhelming threat of death failed to curb the inevitable awkwardness of people whose personalities clashed surfaced. Amazing truly. James couldn’t curb the sigh as Sunshine took her opportunity to verbally attack anyone who showed even the slightest opening. And of course, Casper had his priorities in order which made James laugh. “Sure, we can. As soon as you admit it’s more than a cold, you rest properly, and recover, sweetheart. It’ll be a present.”

James actually laughed out loud when Doctor Chan called Casper out on his previous shenanigans. It reminded James of the mermaid story from their first date and he couldn’t keep the fond smile off his face. No one could say being with Casper was dull. James knew not to expect anything from the clinic other than what the Doctor already said but a pang of disappointment ran through him anyways. The other team was in charge of hunting down someone who could help them with a cure; James prayed they didn’t run into any problems along the way. He couldn’t help but feel paranoid. With the rise of violence against their community and only two healthy members, they wouldn’t be able to help themselves much less the others. He wished Veil had left them with someone else as well because as great a defense Sunshine was, he was sharply aware of how vulnerable they were. Point in case, the puddle of vomit from Magick.

James leveled a withering glare in Max’s direction before he just sighed again and the tiredness crept back in. “Let’s not, Max.” James said tightly, sharper than he intended. James needed a roll of duct tape for him. James liked Max, he really did, but his propensity to foot in the mouth comments quadrupled while he was out of his mind sick. James could see this going poorly very quickly and he shot Sunshine an imploring look for her just to ignore Max. The sooner they were out of this and back to the Underground, the better. They didn’t need to deal with a dead body too. James had to wonder if this is what herding children was like and if so, why the hell did anyone have any?

Time: 2:36 - The Forest

James Kingston

Location: Mutant Friendly Clinic
Skills: N/A

Saying the past five days fucking sucked would have been the understatement of the year and it was only two and a half months in. James had no idea where this illness came from but suddenly having six people bedridden―yes, that included Casper stubborn as he was through the whole thing―with five of them vomiting and struggling for breath and three of them bleeding spontaneously was not good for the nerves. He felt like he was pulled taut like a wire. He’d be the first to admit it was his own doing; sleep didn’t come easily to someone who was watching people who were like his family at this point succumb to something they could fix. He thought he could for a little while. His powers seemed to work for a bit but after a while, it just came back worse. So he was resigned to taking care of them best he could while they did it Sapphire’s way, the proper way really, but even then, they hit a dead end. There were definitely bags starting to show under his eyes and there was a seemingly permanent ache in his neck and a tightness around his temples. It had only been five days but the statistics weren’t inspiring. James couldn’t help but wonder what kind of timer they were working on.

“You’re right. This kinda sucks but we’re resourceful. We’ll figure it out if we need to.” James said to Sunshine as he helped Max and Luna out of the car. Jack seemed intent on maintaining his independence but James still kept a sharp eye on him. Sunshine’s concern had merits after all. With the illness induced violence, this clinic could quickly become a target if word got out it was mutant friendly. “We’ll see if they have a fire escape plan. It should show all the exits and we can put together an exit strategy.” James followed Casper in, supporting Max and Luna as best he could. Callie and Magik could still walk mostly on their own thankfully because he didn;t have enough arms to help everyone. He was tempted to get Max to whip up some wheelchairs but he put that out of his head quickly enough. Poor guy was sick as a dog and they didn’t need to announce their presence to any Purifier sympathisers.

Of course, Casper had a story about this place. James gave his boyfriend an incredulous look as he locked up the van. On one hand, James was absolutely not surprised. It was very Casper to have accidentally done something crazy and then forgotten about it. On the other hand, Casper what the fuck? But neither of those things came out. Instead, the knee jerk reaction that, had he been working at full, would have never escaped in front of the team escape his filter.“Babes, you never told me you like a guy in uniform. Think of all the fun we missed.” James deadpanned, not really registering the words came out as they headed inside.

“Sweetheart.” James groaned as he past Linda, thanking her sincerely as they did. Getting Max and Luna settled into seats, James looked around for that fire escape plan that should be posted on the wall somewhere. He returned Magik’s glare with a sympathetic look. Hopefully, it was just the regular suffering and not a sigh of it worsening.
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