Avatar of Achronum


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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

Dates: December 22nd - January 5

Dates: Dates: December 7th - December 21st

Dates: December 22nd - January 5

Dates: Dates: December 7th - December 21st

Dates: December 22nd - January 5

Date: December 31st; 12:07am

“Our next story involves the recent attack on Count Varis Sinnenodel, heir to the Sinnenodel household and Chairman of the Board of Green Vision Inc, one of the largest clean energy companies in the recent decades. Earlier tonight, Lord Salazar Marivadli approved a seven year lease of all power facilities in Marivaldi territory to the energy giant. Lord Marivaldi said that while he is optimistic about the two houses working together, this is still only a trial run.”

A video of Lord Salazar Marivaldi, outside the Marivaldi estate dressed in his Council robes, plays in the top left corner.

“Tonight, we’ve laid the groundwork to explore a developing relationship between the Marivaldi and Sinnenodel families and illuminate a future when the divide between our philosophies closes even more. While Green Vision Inc still has to prove itself capable of fulfilling the promises it’s made tonight, I have no doubt they will succeed as they have done so since their inception.”

The camera returns to the vampire broadcaster.

“Since taking the position of Chairman of the Board just under a decade after the official announcement of his position at Lady Sybil Sinnenodel’s side, Count Varis Sinnenodel has rapidly and aggressively expanded the reach of Green Vision Inc, bringing the once Astorio held Emerald Sun and the independent Seafoam Turbines under their umbrella, and consolidated all other Traditionalist held energy plants into a single renewable energy giant.

His aggressive business policies have often rankled even those who consider him an ally and have left a growing number of political enemies in his wake. We reached out to a number of those disgruntled and confirmed in both families that there was an incredible amount of vocal dissent against the proposal.”

James Kingston

Location: Entranceway -> Casper and James’ room
Skills: N/A

James snuck a kiss out of Casper and then waved goodbye to everyone after Casper finished ribbing Jack. He was glad they got everything figured out with Jack; Casper would have been devastated if anything happened to his little brother. He hummed as he led Casper upstairs, unwilling to let go of his hold on his boyfriend, and guided them to their shared bedroom. He took the opportunity to indulge a little more in Casper’s kisses before he pulled away and stared at Casper seriously.

“So this might kinda be dramatic and shit but I almost lost you today and I was so fucking scared. I was there, trying so god damned hard to shut that hole but I couldn’t and who knows if you would have been okay by the time I could if Callie hadn’t helped. I was fucking terrified, Casper.” James wasn’t proud of how his voice cracked at the thought but he kept going. He wasn’t really a words guy; he was way more comfortable with hugs and kisses and other physical ways of communicating it but it was important and it should be said. “And I was just thinking about how much worse it’s going to get. I mean fuck, there’s a bomb somewhere out there that’ll make this whole area unlivable and we’re probably going to go deal with it because why not send the least qualified people to do it. But while I was thinking about that, I realized I’ve never actually told you that I love you. And yeah, this is cheesy as shit, danger and all that fun stuff making me think about this, but I just really wanted to make sure I told you that I love you.” His adoration was written all over his face as he looked at Casper like he was the sun in the sky.

“And while I’m on the cheesy romance train, I really think maybe this is why you’re the first relationship I’ve really put effort into. You’re perfect to me. I love hearing you talk, I love it when you smile and that little half one you make when you’re about to tease someone, and all the other things that make you, you. And I really hope I make you as happy as you make me.” James carded his hands through Casper’s hair and loop them around his neck, absolutely lovestruck by the man in front of him.

James Kingston

Location: Echo and Max's Room -> Entranceway
Skills: N/A

“Okay, I think I’m going to call it until Veil comes back.” James stood and took his leave with a wave and another suppressed yawn, the door closing softly behind him. He eyed the row of doors without fucking door knobs--he should really make Havoc fix all this shit after the stunt he'd pulled--and decided it was low on the priority list. He was tired and sore and he just wanted his bed and his boyfriend now.

The boyfriend he almost lost today. His stomach twisted itself into a knot at the thought. Thank God Callie was there to do something because once he realized he couldn't heal it, he started panicking. Especially since the Princess' little game, the thought of dying just didn't concern him. Killing him was difficult and whatever this new thing was--neutralizing tear gas and stopping bullets--made it almost impossible it seemed. It really dulled the fear of death when you knew you could walk through just about anything and come out with barely a scratch.

But he hadn't realized he extended that lack of fear to those around him. He hadn't considered how vulnerable everyone else was. Magik's death was awful but M-Pox had always resisted his abilities so it was easy to wave it aside as an outlier. He dragged Luna back from the brink of death and before that, he'd done it with Casper. But today between Echo's spine and Casper's bullet wound, he was reminded that not everyone had the privilege of ignoring the very real threat of death. It was sobering and he realized he needed to have a conversation with someone.

He came down the stairs slowly, considering whether or not it was a good idea. They hadn't been together that long and he didn't want to rush Casper but he at least needed to let him know. James took a deep breath and searched around for his boyfriend and smiled fondly at the sight of him. God he was the best, crazy past and everything. He hummed contently as he put his arm around Casper's waist.

"Hey, think we can head up to the room for a bit? I got something I want to talk with you about." James asked.
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