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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Clarissa let out a sigh of relief as the bandits fell one after another. Despite the fervor of the surrounding chaos, they were functioning well as a unit. Hopefully that would mean the quick acting Prince would learn for the next encounter and rely on his comrades in arms for the next ambush rather than dashing into the midst of multiple opponents. She stood from where she had knelt, intent on fixing up the Prince, but found him snatched away in wisps of magic. She panicked for a moment before she realized his destination was none other than Professor Tomai and she turned his attention as a healing concoction was shoved into his hand.

She sighed as magic swept over her, a soothing calm in the midst of the gore and despair. She’d always felt healing magic like a blanket; something safe and calm and sturdy no matter what you’d suffered, a guarantee that you’d be there to see the next sunrise, something no cold or dark could conquer. She hadn’t yet been injured, and frankly she’d care to keep it that way, but she basked in the sensation of wholeness nonetheless.

However, respite couldn’t last for long as they were now faced with a new problem: an absolute behemoth of a man facing down their lines, axe dripping an obscene amount of blood. Clarrissa pinched herself, just to make sure she was actually in her right mind at the moment and not hallucinating. She didn’t know it was actually possible for people to reach that… She couldn’t do much more than gape at how fast the man reacted, moving as if he was half his weight and swinging as if he was thrice his size. She watched as Isolde barely deflected a hit meant for Derec but that hadn’t meant the pair were in the clear. Instead, the monster used Isolde as a projectile and threw her hard enough that Derec and Isolde flew through a wall!

Clarissa swore violently under her breath, trusting Auberon, Jorah, and the others to keep that monster’s attention long enough that she could get them back on their feet and get well out of that thing’s range. If that thing so much as sneezed in her direction, Clarissa was certain she’d meet the Goddess much faster than she cared to. She tore off towards the pair, skidding to a halt as she found Derec carrying Isolde like nothing more than a sack of potatoes. The poor boy was clearly in pain and she gave out a disapproving click of her tongue.

“Goddess above, put that poor woman down before you injure yourselves more!” Clarissa commanded after a sigh of relief. She helped Derec get Isolde back off the ground, grimacing at the state of her. Isolde was in rough shape and guilt blossomed in her stomach. Here Isolde lay, one foot in the grave, after Clarissa convinced her to come. Clarissa promised she’d have her country woman’s back and the first thing she does is run off to help a bumbling idiot.

A prayer mumbled under her breath and her fingers spun her faith into the magic circle, all the love and comfort and purpose she found in the goddess pouring into her spell. Healing light surrounded Isolde, coaxing injuries within and without to seal and easing the biting pain and muscle aches. It was the best she could do for now, in the midst of combat and danger surrounding them, but it should get her back on her feet. “You’re incredibly brave, Isolde. The way you deflected that blow was amazing.” She apologized to her housemate as the spell finished.

“Now that she’s out of mortal danger…” She turned a critical eye on Derec. While he clearly wasn’t in as poor shape as poor Isolde, he was clearly hurting. “Let’s get you back into shape. Though I’m not sure most people would have been able to get up, much less carry someone else, after accidentally discovering a new way through a wall. I’m quite impressed.” She chuckled, repeating the process as she cast a healing spell over Derec.
James Kingston

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: N/A

James just watched everything play out. Now that Sapphire had gone, his apprehension and stress had mellowed out into something far more neutral. He wasn’t empty by any means, wasn’t emotionless or cold, but he just felt quiet. Even in the middle of the trademark chaos that defined this family, a small, fond smile crept it’s way on his face and if only for a moment, the whirlwind of dread and stress and agony settled. He watched, content to observe rather than participate.

Except with his duty done, he found his way back to Casper’s side. James let himself indulge in Casper’s presence, soaking in his conscious form in a few gentle touches, before he leaned on the man. Everything was okay for now. They’d been hurt and it would take everyone more time than they probably had to heal but they were strong; they’d find a way to stand again, to move forward despite what may come. They’d remember everyone who once stood next to them and they’d miss them but whatever hell may come, James had full confidence that everything would turn out fine.
James Kingston

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: Omega Level Healing

James released a long-suffering sigh from Andy’s bedside, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, as Waverly all but launched herself at the Doctor. Just freshly awoken and healed, the first thing someone, anyone did, was launch the offensive. He should have expected it honestly. Waverly wouldn’t have been his first bet—she suffered Max all this time and hadn’t put him in the ground yet—but apparently five months in cryostasis changed a woman. James decided he didn’t want anything to do with this conflict. Sunshine certainly had plenty of time to help him understand how poorly received his meddling was and wasn’t quite ready to burn bridges with the doctor who helped him save everyone. He had enough headaches to juggle anyways so he turned his attention to the next person that needed a pick up.

And then his stupidly beautiful boyfriend decided to one up Waverly.

James froze at Sapphire’s voice, the hand reaching for Kristina stopping halfway as every muscle in his body tensed. Nothing could eclipse the relief and excitement that accompanied the Mutant Underground’s awakening but James couldn’t deny that Sapphire’s reappearance threatened to overwhelm the incredibly fragile mental balancing act James had learned to maintain in the time the Underground had been sleeping. He wasn’t ready to face the feelings, or lack thereof, he harbored about Sapphire’s death and hearing her was almost more than he could handle so instead, he ignored her. She was there, he couldn’t do anything about that, but he could do his damndest to focus on his work. He reached out like the others, took her hand, and let his healing factor get to work.

Once he’d finished Kristina, he moved quickly between Zari and Havok. He didn’t really know Zari, the little techno gremlin as aggressive as Sunshine, but Havok… was someone James really didn’t know how to face. At the time, James had been murderously frustrated with the idiot, pointlessly endangering the Mutant Underground because the woman he loved couldn’t possibly want to leave him. That James hadn’t known what it was like to have the one you loved right in front of you but not able to do anything about it. He couldn’t claim he’d have acted any more rationally that he had.
James Kingston

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: Omega Level Healing

James stared flatly at Harry as he stumbled across to Veil on wobbly legs and all but collapsed on the poor woman in an attempt to offer some small sliver of comfort in the face of tragedy. James gave Max’s hand one last reassuring squeeze and followed the musician before he ended up doing something else that’d strain him. James flashed Harry a soft smile, unwilling to speak so he wouldn’t intrude on the pair, and laid a hand on Harry, letting the aches and pains lingering from cryostasis seep away. He left the pair to themselves quickly after so they’d have at least a little space to mourn.

Waverly was his next patient and it struck him then and there, seeing her worn and quiet under the weight of sleep and death, how much she’d been through since joining them. The strain of co-existing near… Max after the shit storm that was the Hellfire Club raid hadn’t managed to tarnish the kindness that rolled off her in waves and he couldn’t help the chuckle that came out. She reminded him of Cayden in that sense; she deserved the title of the nicest person in the Underground now. He reached out and took her hand, offering her what he hoped was a reassuring smile as he soothed away the lingering pain. “The ceremony might help. Seeing the faces of all the people that are still alive and breathing because of all the bombs we dismantled and disposed of– it won’t change anything and it won’t help with the…” James swallowed down the word guilt because he certainly didn’t feel in the same sense most people here would, “But it’ll help to remember this moment when you’re ready to take that first step, whenever that is.” James pulled her into a quick hug. “And circumstances what they are, I’mstill glad I got to see you awake again.”

James decided Andy was next, curled up into herself as she was. She’d asked a question that had gone unanswered because of James’ revelation but at least that was something he could fix. “It’s July 15th.” James offered, laying his hand on hers as he started soothing her pain.

January 7th - 11:00pm

Mage Classes

Vampire Classes

James Kingston

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: Omega Level Healing

“Fuck, I love you.” James rested his head on Casper’s shoulder as laughter shook him at the familiar pandemonium around them. It wasn’t appropriate, not with the oncoming storm Sapphire’s fate would release and the confusion and fear and frustration that lingered in those who had just awoken (and those who’d had the dubious pleasure of returning early), but James couldn’t help it. The immediate threats of bodily injury, the haywire powers, the absurdity of the conversation- the familiarity left James feeling light and giddy, a respite from the turmoil that’d plagued him for months, and while he knew it wouldn’t last, he’d savour every second of relief he could snatch away. But he’d lingered in one place long enough and he forced himself to unwind from Casper. Everyone else needed some help to get back on their feet, especially if there was going to be a ceremony.

What a joy.

Still, James couldn’t help but take one last look at Casper―he could feel the dopey smile on his face but Casper was up and alive and breathing so he couldn’t really bring himself to care―before forcing his attention to the others. “Sapphire… Sapphire didn’t make it, guys.” James sighed, starting the rounds as he explained so he could get everyone on their feet in a timely manner. He stopped at Veil’s side first, taking her hand in his and letting his healing factor seep over. “Whatever she did took too much out of her. She gave her life to save us. I’m sorry.” James explained sympathetically, giving her hand a squeeze once he’d finished soothing away the after effects of their long sleep.

He moved on to the next person, Callie. It wasn’t that he was running away from the situation, it was just that... He wasn’t ready to handle processing what Sapphire did. He already had enough on his plate, enough stress, enough guilt, enough anger, that Sapphire’s sacrifice was going to have to wait second for him to regain his mental footing. Focusing on it too much right now would break the fragile peace he’d managed to find and he desperately needed that right now. So no, he wasn’t running away. He was making a tactical retreat.

“It’s good to see you up again.” James said, taking Callie’s hand in the same way he had with Veil and letting his healing factor ease away the aches. Every person healed let him breathe a little easier, let him relax a little more. He felt guilty that he was feeling a little better. After all, someone died and that was the only reason they’d all survived but he needed it. After this past five months, after the awful retaliation that Sunshine blamed herself, after the nightmares and the creeping insomnia, he fucking needed it.

Max was the next one James reached and he took a moment to collect himself as wetness prickled the corner of his eyes. “Can you believe we got into this mess together and we’ve somehow still managed to make it through with each other?” James chuckled, thinking back to what felt like a lifetime ago as they used the sewers to flee the cops. He grabbed Max’s hand as he had the other two, syncing up to the heartbeat of his friend. “I don’t think ending up in a mutant safe haven was on my becoming a fugitive bingo card.”

Her heart broke. Every single bandit still held their weapons aloft, still bathed in the blood of the innocent, still stayed resolute in their dedication to the slaughter, to chaos, to sin, even in the face of promised salvation. It’d have been an admirable quality in any other soldier, any other profession, but here it only served as a stark reminder: only those who wished to be saved could be. Those who’d turned willingly away from the Goddess and her creations were no more than craven, unscrupulous wretches, no better than carrion-feeders. No, that was an insult to them. At least vultures had a purpose.

But, despite that truth, Clarissa still found her heart heavy as the violence waged on. Despite their blackened souls, she found no pleasure nor satisfaction in her part to end these lives. They’d butchered countless innocents incapable of resisting and showed no remorse, no mercy, as they reveled in the spoils of their slaughter. They deserved the divine retribution, deserved every stroke of Auberon’s axe, every swing of Kellen’s blade, every arrow nocked on the string of Jorah’s bow, but still, Clarissa squared her shoulders solemnly in the face of this responsibility. They’d thrown themselves into this fray; there was no turning back. The people of this poor village were counting on them and Clarissa wouldn’t let anymore fall in the blood bath.

Jorah’s shouted brought her attention to the rear guard, even as Michail commanded her forward. She’d been so focused on the vanguard that she’d missed their altercation but it had her full attention now. Kellen was all but dripping in blood and frantically wiping it off, Imogen fussing over him before her attention returned to the battle, and Kayden… She watched in horror as Kayden leapt into the fray, launching himself into the center of five enemy combatants despite the fact that any hope at reinforcement was engaged at the front. Oh Goddess above help them, this boy was going to get himself killed!

She hesitated for a long moment, considering how to proceed. Their commander had demanded her advancement but at the same time, had instructed her to act as the support for the entire unit. Surely that meant supporting others was the priority over staying with the forward group? Auberon and the others had Professor Michail, Tomai, and Kaira supporting them right now and the rear guard had been left in the hands of… well, no one. Injuries took priority so Clarissa quickly darted to the rear guard, taking care to ensure that Kellen and Imogen were between her and the observable enemies. She made it just in time to see Kayden get nicked in the stomach, the blood stain visible from here.

“Kellen hit the ground, now! Archer’s are looking for easy targets and the smaller we are, the less attractive we seem.” Clarissa commanded as she yanked him down, turning her attention to Imogen. “Imogen, go support Kayden now! He may be stupid but at least he’s a pretty target. Flank them while they’re distracted and hurt and then cover his back until I can get to him.” Clarissa ordered, turning to focus on Kellen. The blood was primarily concentrated in the front but as she looked, searching for any opening, she couldn’t find any injury. She grimaced as she wiped her hand on the side of her uniform, the acrid stench of blood making her nauseous, but relief washed over her as she confirmed that, at least physically, Kellen was unharmed.

“You’re okay.” She sighed, patting him on the shoulder. He was clearly terrified, panicking, but as much as she wanted to offer him comfort, now wasn’t the time. “You did great and now I need you to do it again. Kayden’s hurt and they’re going to turn him into a pin cushion if we don’t help. The Goddess has given us the strength to make it through this ordeal and as long as we band together, back to back, we’ll overcome this challenge. You’ll overcome this challenge.” She patted his shoulder again and turned her attention back to Kayden.

Looking at the situation logically, she knew she couldn’t dive in and heal Kayden until they’d secured the area further. As the only one on the rear guard with restorative magic, it’d be a serious problem if she found herself on the wrong end of a nasty swing, even accidentally. She wanted to make sure the idiot prince made it out alive and whole but she’d have to trust that he had some plan in mind, other than act like a piece of meat in a feeding frenzy, and pray that the Goddess would look out for him. So instead, she’d have to help clear a path.

Clarissa took a deep breath, stretching out her hand as she focused on one of the reeling enemies surrounding Kayden. Righteous indignation boiled up from her soul and filled every crevice in her as she focused on the magic circle in front of her as spindles of light wove before her fingertips. The circle spun, completed, and with a flick of her wrist, she cast out her sorrow and horror and frustration in a burst of holy fury, radiant light bursting up from around her target. A pleasant rain of light settled over her and into her skin, soothing nonexistent wounds and proving an effective balm for her aching heart.
James Kingston

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: Omega Level Healing

It’d been too much time.

Four months. James had awoken, alongside Sunshine, four long months ago to unfamiliar walls and a pervasive, profound grief that ached in his very bones. Tears spilled down his face before he’d even sat up. He’d been confused and frightened, not sure why he felt so awful, until he’d sat up and seen his friends, his boyfriend, all deep in cryostasis and he could only watch in horror as everything came rushing back. The X-Cutioner, the bomb, Casper. He wasn’t sure what was happening, where they were, who saved them, he couldn’t hear what the Doctor was saying, he couldn’t get enough breath, he couldn't breathe, he couldn’t breathe...

Sunshine had been his saving grace. He found it amusingly awkward in hindsight but at the time, all he could think was how fucking happy he was she was alive and safe and he clung to her, insistent long after he’d usually have backed off for her comfort but in that moment, he needed to feel that she was okay. He just needed reassurance in some form, in some manner, that not everything was fucked over. The entire way to their new apartment, he’d randomly hug her just to remind himself she was there and safe and not back in the fucking hospital, locked away with poison trapped in her veins.

Maybe that was why everything was… rough after that. That need to know that everything was okay, that the only other person to come out of that was still alive, drove him to hover and he knew Sunshine hated it, he knew, but he was just so worried. He barely slept for the first month, nightmares obliterating any hope at a steady sleep schedule, and so instead he focused on her. Making sure she ate, making sure she was okay and maybe pushing a little too much to open up (that conversation still ate away at him. How could she feel guilty?!), voicing his concerns about the violent friends she’d integrated with and suggesting other ways to go around feeling better. He knew it wasn’t healthy for either of them. Their coping mechanisms were garbage, that was fact, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop hovering. It was infuriating that he could see it, objectively and apathetically, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop even now.

But that was ages ago. He still had nightmares, of ice and mist and bombs, he still fretted over Sunshine and her friends but he’d made some friends himself, learned more about his abilities, and found ways to relax that didn’t involve running the situation over and over and over and over, trying to find something, anything, they’d missed that could have helped them. He found little things that let him reclaim some sense of control over his life and he’d been doing better. Not great, maybe not even good, but better.

And now, everyone was waking up. When the doctors told them the rest of the Mutant Underground would need an omega level mutant healer to safely escape cryostasis, James lost hope. He hadn’t known at the time what omega level was but the fact that it wasn’t readily available on an island full of mutants made him believe it would take years, if they were lucky, to find someone. He certainly hadn’t thought that he’d be the one to wake everyone up.

As the first few people roused, James covered his mouth as he fought back another round of tears. The process had been intense but he’d put the island’s Academy to good use; they’d had some fantastic ideas of how to help develop his regenerative abilities and, more importantly, do so in others without exhausting himself in the process. And it had all paid off, watching as Veil shook off the cryostasis.

Casper’s voice snatched his attention away and it took everything to keep himself calm and collected as the man he’d never thought he’d get the opportunity to hear again woke up full of energy. Something always settled dark and heavy in his stomach whenever he visited Casper here. Casper was energetic and loud and bright, demanding every moment of your attention in whatever way he could get it. Seeing his face blank and shuttered felt so deeply unnatural that it’d become a regular feature of his nightmares.

But here he was, gripping onto Renegade as he wobbled, still weak from months of sleep, and James’ heart lurched at the sight. James all but ran as soon as Casper called his name, drawn like a moth to the flame, and he felt tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. He ignored Dr. Nemesis, he ignored Renegade (which he would apologize for later), and just focused on the feeling of wrapping his arms around Casper again as he stepped in to help Casper stand.

“Morning, babes.” James’ voice cracked, heavy with emotion, as he soothed a finger across Casper’s cheek. “Give me a second to get you functional again.” James pressed a soft kiss to Casper’s lips, indulging in the feeling again, as he sunk into Casper’s heartbeat, James syncing up to his favorite rhythm as his healing factor soothed away Casper’s cryostasis aches and pains. He’d get to everyone in just a moment, Dr. Nemesis having kindly explained what the sleepers would be experiencing, but for now, he let himself drown in the man he loved again.

January 7th - 10:30pm

Mage Classes

Vampire Classes

James Kingston

Location: Lincoln Memorial
Skills: N/A

Anyone who said things moved in slow motion at the end was a fucking liar.

James had let out a sigh of relief when Sunshine managed to send the X-Cutioner reeling. It would give them a few seconds to shut his bombs down and disarm him even if it didn’t completely neutralize the threat. Thank God for Sunshine’s lack of impulse control because they’d gotten bogged down by a gaggle of the group claiming that there was no point in doing anything because their plans sucked. Everyone walked into this knowing there was almost no chance of survival but they had to do something and talking in circles and shutting down things with no alternates was the opposite of helpful. But Sunshine fixed that and now they had to act.

Of course, it wasn’t that easy. The X-Cutioner shrugged off whatever Sunshine threw at him and James felt his blood run could. He pushed out the conversation, wracking his brain for any idea that could possibly help them out of this god forsaken situation. He glanced around, noting Sapphire and Max’s absence, and that sparked a thought. He wasn’t entirely sure how Max’s portals worked but if they could create a pressure differential…

He hadn’t realized the Mutant Underground were already making their move. His head snapped up at the tell tale crackle of electricity, the EMP pulse racing towards the X-Cutioner, and everyone knew, there was no lingering doubt: They’d lost. James felt like he was suffocating as he saw everyone he’d worked with, suffered with, cried with since the beginning of this whole ordeal, gathering around their certain death and he didn’t have enough time, he couldn’t let them die dealing with this bullshit. But he didn’t have time as the X-Cutioner detonated the bomb.

He didn’t think, he just did. He latched onto Casper, knocking him to the ground, and hunched over him, covering him as best he could. He distantly registered the cold, bitter and harsh, as he did his best to memorize the face of the man he loved, to apologize for not taking him up on his offer, to let him know that he loved him with everything he had until the every end and he’d never want to change him for the world, as everything came to a frigid halt.

He wished he had more time.
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