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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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James Kingston

Location: The Apartment -> Hellfire Mansion
Skills: N/A

James scrambled upright as the message blared in his head. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears as he pulled his hand out from under the pillow where he’d reflexively tried to grab a gun that wasn’t there. James relaxed as he realized Casper wasn’t in any immediate danger and snorted at the childish bickering going on next to him. “En route to Hellfire Mansion in five.” James replied as he reached out to soothe his fingers through Casper’s hair, scratching his nails gently across his scalp. “Come on, baby. We gotta get up.”

James swung his feet out of bed and stood, stretching as he did. Who the fuck had the balls to launch an attack on an island full of mutants led by some of the most powerful of them? Purifiers, another government? Well, James supposed it didn’t really matter at this point and in reality, determining that was above his pay grade at the moment. “What’s your plan for this, sweetheart? You and Ben would kick a ton of ass out there but if you want to come shelter at the mansion, I’d understand. There are probably going to be a lot of ghosts hovering around during this and I don’t want you to get hurt because they don’t have anything better to do than be a bunch of dicks cause you can see them.” James asked as he got ready, pulling on the first things he grabbed that fit him. Honestly, he’d prefer Casper at the mansion with him so he could keep him safe but he couldn’t deny Casper and Ben would be helpful in almost any situation, from combat to rescues.

Interacting with: @Hero

“Men find such an atrocious degree of joy in combat. I’ve often wondered if they just see it as high risk roughhousing. I understand the necessity of training but I agree, I’ll never understand the pleasure he sought from it.” Clarissa agreed. She watched Lienna enter the bath, choosing to find a quiet spot by herself rather than seek out conversation. After the disastrous display the Blue Lions put forth and the intensity of their training, Clarissa couldn’t fault her. She made to call Lienna over so she could distract her from whatever thoughts had her staring into the water like that but Imogen got to her first. There wasn’t any better distraction than the chaos that the other Deer seemed to revel in so Clarissa let them be and turned her attention back to Veronica.

“Considering the ordeals of the day, I think we can do away with worries of formalities, Veronica.” Clarissa laughed, slipping down a little further in the water so she could rest her head on the edge of the pool comfortably. “I’m only here for my recovery and good company and personally, I think I’ve found both so I’d loathe to sacrifice either of it over propriety for the moment. It has it’s time and place but I think it best we leave that at the door with our clothes after a long day of being repeatedly and violently introduced to the ground.”

“With the water around me, it’s easy to forget I’m half a world away from home. I didn’t think that was what I’d miss the most but I miss the ocean most of all. Even when I’d travel as a child, we mostly stuck along the coast between our home and Derdriu. It’s been a strange change of pace not to wake up to salt in the air and the sound of waves lapping at the pier.” Clarissa spoke with her eyes closed, relaxed. “Is there anything you miss from home being sheltered away up here at the top of the world?”

January 7th - 11:45pm

Mage Classes

Vampire Classes

Casper, James, and Havok

Skills: Mediumship, Kickboxing, Plasma Emanation & Ambient Energy Conversion

Havok was seeing red. "Polaris has had her mind fucking whammied by Magneto's douchebags before, he brainwashes tons of people to make them join him! If your bitch boyfriend had suddenly upped and gone to join Magneto, you're just going to let him go? You aren't going to fight to get him back?!" Havok shouted. The alcohol pumping through his veins caused his vision to blur slightly and the world was swaying, but he was beyond angry. "I didn't kidnap Polaris, I was helping her! And I never got to have Glimpse check on her mind to make sure that her choice was really her choice! He'd brainwashed and kidnapped her before, and he's an abusive jerk! He cuts people down to build them back up in his own fucked up image! So yeah, fuck me, I'm a dick, but at least I'm good with the choices I made. I'm not in bed with these literal nazis. You can go to hell, James, I'm sure you'll make lots of fast friends there! I'm done!"

Havok then turned and started heading off - heading in the direction of the shore. There wasn't currently very many ways off of the island, but he wasn't thinking straight and he wasn't going to ask Max for help. Casper's blood was pumping quickly. He loved drama, drama gave him energy, but he hated hearing Havok talking to James like that. "Wait, kid Cyclops!" Casper shouted.

Havok turned on his heel, unsteady on his feet. "What?!"

"Eat shit," Casper said, before swinging as hard as he could and punching Havok in the face. Casper's punch was sloppy, his form was weak - he had curled his fingers around his thumb, so when he punched Havok, it hurt Casper almost as much as it hurt Havok. Havok's nose cracked and Casper whimpered in pain, swearing as he shook his hand out. "Oh fuck that hurts! Fuck fuck fuck!" Casper said, hopping slightly.

"What de hell?!" Havok shouted, his voice sounding odd due to the broken nose. "What's wrong wid you?"

"What's wrong with him?! What the fuck's wrong with you?! Do you really not give a single fuck about the consequences of what you did?" James screamed incredulously. It'd taken him a moment to react, caught off guard by Havok's rant. Not at the vitriol or the accusations or the way he spoke about Casper (though James was definitely not pleased with that) but it was the easy way Havok admitted he was okay with the fact people nearly died for his stupidity. James couldn't tell why he was shaking, whether the outrage or the horror was the root, but either way, he charged.

Havok managed to catch the knee sent to his groin but he wasn't fast enough to block James fist and he huffed out a bitter laugh as satisfaction surged in his stomach. He grabbed Havok by the shirt yanking the drunkard close. "First and foremost, I catch you talking about my man like that again, I'm going to tear your tongue out, regrow it, and tear it out again so you can remember to hold your fucking tongue with both hands. James all but spat at Havok. "Secondly, this I'm a dick bullshit sounds a lot like you don't give a fuck that these people you've shared a roof with, shared meals with, shared all this horror and discrimination with put themselves between you and the fucking God damned Brotherhood with Magneto at the helm and they only got out with their lives because Magneto decided we weren't worth killing. Maybe your alcohol addled brain forgot that little detail but we marched out without a fucking hope, Havok! And yet people still ficking did it and you can't be bothered to give a fuck! And thirdly, you aren't a good guy! Have you thought maybe, just maybe, that Polaris decided she didn't want a dick for a boyfriend?!" James pushed Havok away, fury pounding in his ears.

"I get it, you're going through some shit. We've been in the shithole since even before the whole Polaris bullshit and you haven't had a chance to deal with losing her and then you wake up on an island controlled by your enemies after thinking you were going to die only to find out the only one who died is the one who dropped a half assed love confession on you before you could even hear it! You're hurt and overwhelmed and you have every right to be but stop with this self destructive coping crap! You have a whole group of people who put their lives on the line for you without hesitation so stop pushing them away and let them help you! James snarled.

"So now that I've said my piece, I'm giving you three options, dickhead. James counted them on his fingers. "One, you take a swing at me and then I kick your ass up and down this island until you decide to pick a different option. Two, you turn around and walk off and I call someone to let you know you're a danger to yourself and we need to intervene. Three, we go back to the apartment, we get you in bed, I put out water and painkillers for you, and in the morning we tall this through and make a plan to help you!"

Some of Havok's blood had stained James' shirt. Blood was gushing down from his nose, as the injury had only been made worse by James' punch. He had an unhinged look in his eyes - maybe from the alcohol, maybe from James' chilling threat of ripping out his tongue and then causing it to regrow. His pupils looked unnaturally tiny, like in a cartoon when a person lost their mind and their eyes shrunk down dramatically in size.

"I say you go for option one, James is very hot when he's beating people up, and you low key deserve it," Casper commented.

"Casper!" Ben protested. He didn't know why he bothered trying. Casper had the emotional maturity of a baby raccoon. Maybe that was an insult to baby raccoons though.

Havok coughed, spitting up some blood onto the ground. "How about the option where I kick your ass and then you leave me alone so I can get off of this godforsaken island?" Havok suggested. He flexed his chest out forwards, unleashing a red circular blast of his powers. It was weak and pathetic, given his intoxicated and hurt state, but still managed to slam into James and knock him to the ground. Havok fired off another one at Casper, even weaker, but Casper pretty much had the integrity of a noodle and he hit the ground as well, falling on his ass.

James wheezed as the blast caught him unprepared and he found himself on the ground. This really wasn’t the option he’d been hoping for but he supposed if he wasn’t open to it, he shouldn’t have offered. James pushed himself back to his feet, taking a moment to look over Casper and confirm there weren’t any major injuries, and then laughed, unable to take Havok seriously when he looked as beaten and unhinged as he did. “Let me elaborate on the door you’ve opened, Havok. We’re gunna go at it until you give up because I’m going to heal just as fast as you can hurt me. Then, I’m going to pick your ass up, piece you back together, and beat your ass again over and over and over until the alcohol is long gone and you realize just how bad you fucked up.” James sauntered back to Havok, the traces of his laughter fading into a cold expressionless look.

“And while I can’t wait to get to that, I do have a question. Do you care about any of them? About Veil or Sunshine or Callie or Max or Jack or any of the Underground? How about Sapphire or Cayden or Luna?” James demanded, searching Havok’s face for anything other than his usual douchebaggery. “Because I do. I’ve spent day and night keeping water and electricity running, keeping the roof from collapsing over our heads, doing my damndest to keep these people comfortable while they were dying of m-pox. I’ve patch wounds and healed major injuries and for some, I’ve experienced their last moments with them. I’m very attached to this family and up until recently, you were included in that. But people make mistakes. I’m not sure how many make a mistake that would cost all their friends' lives and then make peace with that but let’s move on. So Havok, do you give a shit about any of them?”

"Are you seriously asking me if I care about them?! OF COURSE I FUCKING CARE ABOUT THEM!" Havok screamed. They had attracted a crowd by this point. Patrons from the nearby tiki bar had formed a small ring around them, gawking at the fight between the saviors of Genosha. Not too long ago, they had been chanting and singing their praises - now there were quiet whispers. "I've bleed for them long before YOU came around! I was there before you even knew who Sapphire was! And I seem to be the only person who gives a shit that she DIED! She bled for you, James, and you couldn't do shit to save her! You act like some saint, patching us up, just to send us off to die again. And unless you're in your perfect little circle, you don't care. You never cared about Polaris. You never cared about Sapphire. Hell, if Max poofed himself into a black hole, I think you wouldn't bat an eye!"

Havok thrust his hips, sending another blast of energy off towards James, but James' skin adapted as James turned into solid metal, strong enough to withstand Havok's attack.

James looked at himself and then looked back at Havok, unimpressed. “I just told you I took six rounds to the chest because of your little stunt, Havok. Why do you think that’d do something?” James sighed, feeling the anger receding now that he’d gotten all that off his chest. “My feelings on Sapphire are more complicated than whether or not I liked her. She was an awful person honestly. I tried to like her. She honored the hippocratic oath to a fault but that was about the only redeeming feature I found in her. She drove two people to the Hellfire Club because she treated them like garbage and no one brought their foot down on it. She gave her life to save us, that’s true. I’m thankful and grateful and I always will be but it doesn’t change the fact the way she treated people was terrible. And now she’s gone and any chance of reconciliation is gone with her.” An emptiness spread inside him as the anger receded and he looked around at the assembly with the same unimpressed stare he gave Havok.

“Bleeding for people doesn’t mean you care, Havok. The sacrifice makes you feel strong, empowered, bold but who would ever want to see someone they care about bleed? It’s selfish and shitty but considering everyone seems to have a martyr complex, I’m not surprised you think that’s a healthy way to express it. As for our audicance,” James raised his voice, cocking an eyebrow as he made sure to catch everyone’s attention. “Clearly, we aren’t perfect people. We’ve been through a lot of traumatic situations in a very, very short timeframe and there’s a lot of unresolved issues but we’ll wrap this up and finish this discussion somewhere more appropriate. I’m sorry we bothered you all.” James apologized to the group, turning his attention back to Havok.

“I’m not a saint and despite how I may feel about some people, I’m still always going to try my best to make sure everyone is taken care of and healthy. I’m going to ignore your Max comment because you’re drunk and a dick but frankly, I didn’t know Polaris well enough to have any significant feelings either way about her. It doesn’t change the fact I wouldn’t put a single one of you guys in danger simply to get anyone back. I’m sorry that I blew up on you, especially while you’re like this, and that I didn’t try to get it back under control once it got violent. I’ll leave medicine, food, and water out for you if you decide you want to wait until morning to figure your way off the island.” James informed Havok before hurrying to Casper’s side.

“Sorry about the wait, babes.” James gently took the hand Casper threw punch with and pressed his lips to the knuckles, healing the pain. “I’ll listen next time you tell me to ignore someone if I’m angry with them. Still on for cleaning up and getting back to our date or did I ruin it?”

"Babes, you remembered," Casper said, feeling touched. "And you couldn't ruin any date. Each one is magical and shit - and watching you kick his ass was amaaazing foreplay for me at least," he said with a smirk.

Havok didn't know where to begin to respond to James. Sapphire's body (from his perspective, at least) wasn't even cold yet - she had just died and here James was, calling her a horrible person. This was all happening next to Casper too. "If you really wanted to reconcile with her, you can - he can bring back the dead," Havok pointed out, pointing at Casper. Casper feigned ignorance. He didn't like summoning ghosts - and he was pretty certain Sapphire's ghost had wandered off to ghost Hawaii or something by now. Havok opened his mouth to scream something else, only to stop suddenly.

The Three in One - the White Queens of Genosha - stepped into the midst of the circle. The onlookers hadn't moved away from James' words, more intrigued than ever before with what was going on. It was like watching a car crash and they couldn't look away."I think that's enough of this," Esme Frost said.

"Definitely," Sophie agreed, scrunching up her nose.

"Even his mind smells like booze," Phoebe chimed in.

"We've got this from here," the three then said in unison. "Come along, Havok. We'll take care of you," the girls said, each of them putting a hand on his arms as they gently started to guide him away. Maybe he was too drunk or sad to protest - or maybe they were using their powers. It was hard to tell.

James took a steadying breath at Havok’s suggestion. Everytime he opened his mouth, Havok validated James’ dislike of the man. Why the fuck would James ask his boyfriend to do something he loathed, especially when it was apparent to anyone with two eyes Casper hated ghosts? He shouldn’t be surprised because Havok’s entire world revolved around himself and he should have known better than to expect any sort of emotional intelligence from the asshole. He just ignored him, thanking the Three in One as they took control of the situation (even as she shivered once they turned away), and looked at Casper, confused.

“I don’t think there was something to forget?” James asked slowly, not quite sure what Casper meant. He smirked back at Casper, pulling him close as he pulled his boyfriend to his feet. ”Then, it’d be a shame if we let all that work go to waste. Let’s go get dessert before we clean up.”
Casper, James, and Havok

Skills: Mediumship

Casper had dressed up in his finest clothing - which really wasn't saying much, given that he didn't have a lot. His mother had surprised him though, perhaps sensing that he'd run into a situation like this. She had gotten him a form-fitting sparkly black dress. He felt like a princess with it on and now, he was ready to be doted upon by his prince. "Okay, Jamie, where we going?" Casper asked his boyfriend, excited and eager for their first real date in aaaaaages. "And Ben, you can come but it's $20 to watch."

"Eww, gross. I have better things to do."

James gave himself one last look in the mirror, feeling oddly nervous. Maybe giddy was a better word for the butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling but he felt like he did on their first date to the boardwalk carnival. Maybe it would have been stranger if the Mutant Underground wasn't in constant danger but it was such a welcomed relief to not feel the dread of impending doom that he didn't care. Everyone was awake, he was going on a date with the love of his life, and even though things were still a little tense, finding normal was looking more and more likely.

James hadn't spent much time before now considering his wardrobe. He was pretty sure he could count the number of different outfits he wore since waking up in Genosha on one hand. Clothing and style and all that hadn't ever been something he really cared about but he'd taken sometime to get something a nicer than his usual fair. A new button up shirt, a nice leather jacket, new jeans, and a pair of boots that weren't his usual steel toed ones he used to wear at the Underground or his current, worse for wear sneakers.

"Well right now, I'm trying to convince myself to not to drag you back to bed. Who said you were allowed to look so damn pretty." James reminded himself to do something for Renegade in return for getting Casper this dress. He satisfied himself with only a kiss though. "Let's go grab a bite to eat first. I want to show everyone how lucky I am to have the best boyfriend in the world before I drag you off. Sound good?"

Casper smirked, very pleased with the effect the dress was having on James. Casper's sense of fashion was all about what he wanted to wear, but it was an added bonus when it was something fun for James as well - almost like a two for one special. It was definitely worth putting up with Ben's grouchy nagging over. Somehow, death had only made Ben even more boring, a feat that Casper hadn't even realized was humanely - or mutantly - possible. "Hmm, only one problem," Casper said, pausing for dramatic effect, "I am the one with the best boyfriend in the world - one with an ass that would put Captain America to shame even."

James laughed, heat prickling at the tips of his ears. "Putting America's ass to shame? High praise." He threaded his fingers into Casper's, kissing the back of his boyfriend's hand, and led him out the door. "You know, I was thinking about making funnel cakes as a cute little throw back to our first date but then I realized considering my limited culinary skills, it was probably better than I didn't try to speed run that process." James chuckled.

Casper's eyes started sparkling, as he gasped. "Babe!!!!" he gushed, positively dazzled at the idea of James making funnel cakes. He adored funnel cakes - almost as much as he loved waffles. They were up there in his top food groups. "Maybe we could try making them together? And maybe I could use my funnel to give you some cake, if you catch my drift," he said teasingly.

“We might end up having dessert before dinner if you keep saying stuff like that babes.” James warned with a chuckle. “Making funnel cakes together sounds fun. We’ll just have to try and make sure not all of it ends up like last time we had them. I’d like to actually eat a few, not just start a food war even if it was a delicious one.” James let go of Casper’s hand for the moment, booping Casper on the nose in a way reminiscent of the beginning of their food fight at the boardwalk. He slid his arm around Casper’s waist after, pulling him a little closer and relishing the warmth of their sides pressed together. He’d missed the casual physical affection most of all; everything else about Casper was amazing but the ease with which Casper indulged James in his need to be touching him as often as possible made him fall in love with Casper a little more every time.

"What's wrong with having dessert before dinner?" Casper teased. "You know I have a sweet tooth - and a sweet dick," he said more bluntly. He would have continued with some more rather naughty talk, if it hadn't been for the person who just came into view, wandering out of the Tiki Bar, clearly beyond wasted - the resident asshole himself, the duke of dickery, Havok. "... Wanna bet on how long till he falls over? Or accidentally blasts a hole through a tree?"

James sighed. He should have known. Anytime this asshat was in the general vicinity of people enjoying themselves, Havok showed up to ruin it. It was like some fucked up sixth sense. "I'm surprised he hasn't blasted something already." James grumbled. He chewed the inside of his lip, considering. Nothing had happened yet. As long as Havok stumbled on home and passed out, James didn't need to intervene but could he really trust the walking TNT stick to get home?

"I’m calling faceplant in 30 seconds." James offered, unimpressed with Havok’s inebriation.

"If you're wrong, I get a kiss," Casper said, more or less setting the terms of the bet. "I'm thinking.... Twenty nine seconds, I'm Price is Righting you," he boasted with a snicker. Unfortunately for both of them, Havok kept his balance - and ended up walking straight up to James and Casper. Whether or not Havok had meant to come up to them was up for debate of course.

"You should make sure he gets home okay," Ben advised.

"Ben, shush, I'm trying to have fun!" Casper whined.

"Hey, bros..." Havok mumbled, swaying on his feet.

“You can get a kiss either way.” James shook his head fondly even as Havok approached them. James held his hands out as the drunkard swayed in front of them. “Alright dude, what’s going on?” James gestured at all of Havok. He wasn't really invested in whatever drove Havok to the bottom of a cup but he would feel a little guilty if he didn't make sure the guy couldn't get home safely.

"Don't dude me, we aren't dudes," Havok mumbled, before falling forward, into James' hands.

"This is what you look and sound like when you're high," Ben pointed out, much to Casper's shock and disgust. "I do not look like a dudebro, Ben!" he whined. "Look, Havok, I'm sure it's very hard... being straight or whatever, but we're kinda on a date right now, so unless you're going to make us some waffles, maybe go find someone else to bother?" Casper suggested somewhat selfishly.

James had to keep himself from flinching, like when an insect unexpectedly lands on you. He'd had his arms up in case Havok needed a hand to keep him upright, not to invite him to launch himself completely in James' arms and he made no effort to hide his own annoyance with the situation. He absolutely agreed with Casper and if Havok hadn't been completely and totally wasted, James wouldn't have given him a second thought but James hadn't ever been able to tell someone who needed help no before and just because it's Havok won't change that.

The first part of Casper's statement made him huff in amusement but he fixed Casper with an earnest, pleading look. "We can at least get him back to the apartment, right? He might be a total dick but he's going to collapse out here and I'd feel awful leaving someone out here like that." James asked, hoping that if he pouted enough Casper would let him off the hook for delaying their date to help someone neither of them particularly cared for. "I'll make you waffles in bed tomorrow to make up for it?"

Casper sulked slightly. He knew it wasn't too far to get back to the apartment, but he really hadn't been imagining a drunk Havok as being a key part of his night. He had been envisioning far more intimate and creative activities with James - hell, Casper should've been the one leaning on James for support, not the Summers douche. "Do we have to?" Casper whined, giving James puppy dog eyes.

"M'fine," Havok mumbled.

James felt guilt churning in his stomach as Casper turned the puppy dog eyes on him. He really wanted to give in to Casper and just dump the asshole on the side of the road so he could have an uninterrupted night with his man but he'd feel just as guilty, if not more, if he left Havok to fend for himself while he was defenseless and even more so if Havok lost his temper and decided to get all blasty on some poor unsuspecting people. It was all but guaranteed that James was going to help Havok home the second they crossed his path. Hopefully, Casper wouldn't be too upset at the delay.

"You know you're the cutest person in the world and even more so when you do that but of this was you and someone ignored you just to go on a date, I'd be fucking pissed." James replied as apologetically as he could. "We just have to drop him off on the couch and we can go out again, okay? We'll be back on track in no time, baby."

"Jackie did it all the time!" Casper insisted - whether or not he was lying or stretching the truth was another question. However, his shoulders slumped slightly in acceptance. "Fiiine, we'll help the straight," Casper grumbled. "But we're drawing on his face with a sharpie," he then decided, as if that was some sort of huge win in this little negotiation.

"I heard that," Havok said, before taking a step back and promptly faceplanting into the ground. He let out a pathetic little whimper. "... I miss Polaris... She was always here for me... And now she isn't and this stupid island ground is here for me instead... And it's not even my favorite island..."

"Okay, babes. You can draw on his face if you want." James grunted as he pulled Havok to his feet. James set a path back to the apartment, rolling his eyes at the absolutely inane whining. Irritation bubbled in his stomach and he couldn't keep himself quiet, plenty of months of festering anger taking the opportunity to seep out. "Havok, you're whining to the wrong person. Just because I don't want to abandon you on the side of the road doesn't mean I give a shit about the bullshit in your head." James snapped, hoping the jackass would just stay quiet.

"... Oh shit, he snapped!" Ben exclaimed, torn between excitement over the drama and concern for James' wellbeing. Casper must have been a horrible influence on him. Even Casper was surprised, seeing the anger come out of his boyfriend. And if he was being honest with himself, it was a little bit hot. He liked seeing angry James. Casper, if he had more shame, would've been wishing he wasn't wearing such a tight dress at the moment, but Casper was Casper so he felt no shame. Maybe that was his real mutation. "Is there anything else you want to say to Havok, babe?" Casper asked.

"I don't want the bullshit in your head either!" Havok snapped back. "You act like I'm some sort of... some sort of monster, but I'm not. I'm a good guy. Why can't she see I'm a good guy..."

"A good guy? Is that how you really fucking see yourself? You haven't once, just once, looked in the mirror and realized how much of an asshole you are?" James demanded incredulously, sending his boyfriend a flat look at the obvious egging on. James did have quite a bit to say to Havok and now that he'd started he doubted he could stop. All the irritation and frustration after the whole situation combined with all the unpleasant feelings he'd bottled during their slumber were too much of a train wreck to stop now.

"Let's review. You kidnapped a girl who left because she wanted to and turned the entire MU, the people who have had your back and have supported you, into your accomplices, fully painting a fucking target on our backs. Then when Magneto literally threatens to being a building down on us and mobilizes the entire brotherhood against us, you hide behind us like a fucking coward and send us to fight them. You sent a child, one that'd barely been with us a few days! I watched Pyro wrap one of us in a fucking flaming snake and if I hadn't the mutations I did, I'd be six feet under with a full fucking clip in my chest!" James shook with the emotions spilling out as he marched them towards the apartment, jaw aching where he spat words from between clenched teeth. "And Harry, the brother of Veil who is the only reason I bother to tolerate you, was nearly paralyzed. It took Sapphire, Luna, and me to make sure he could still stand and here you are, head up your fucking ass like always and going on about how you can't get hour god damned dick wet! Where in that equation is there an iota of good? Because I can't fucking see it!"

Interacting with: @Hero

Oh dear Goddess, was this what was in store for them every time they visited the arena? Clarissa felt what little enthusiasm she had left ebbing away at the thought. She’d found herself gulping down air early in the exercise, the burning in her lungs arguably as awful as the Professors’ sadistic beatings. She’d been confident at the beginning; after all, she sparred with her father regularly, she was no slouch of an equestrian, and no one could claim she idled around long enough for the occasional sweet to find any serious purchase on her and here she was, leaning against the arena wall, struggling for breath as if she’d never lifted a finger in her life. She’d read about the effects of mountain air, how it became more difficult to breath the higher up you climbed, but dear Goddess, she’d figured they’d spent enough time to have acclimated! Between the ever present chill and the burning in her lungs, Clarissa believed that one of Jorah’s crude expletives could best capture the essence of her feelings at the moment.


She could feel her blood pumping where Professor Michail landed blow after blow after blow without concern or care. The man moved like lightning and Clarissa wasn’t sure she actually learned anything. How could you learn how to avoid something you couldn’t even see coming? At least Professor Malathice had the decency to warn them and guide them through the process and she was ever so grateful that her House’s leader had mercy. Clarissa may have still struggled to anticipate Professor Euphemia’s blows but at least she couldn’t still feel the sting of them. Who in the world believed Michail made a reasonable Professor? Between his indolent attitude and lack of restraint, the man was a brute through and through.

Clarissa all but sobbed in relief at Professor Simeon’s suggestion. A hot bath would soothe the aches and help ease the mountain chill in her bones that she could never seem to chase away. She’d always known she’d disliked the cold but learning that it returned the sentiment was an unwelcome discovery. She trudged across the arena, unconcerned with anything other than putting one foot in front of the other without the exhaustion pulling her face first to the ground, and was more than happy to bid the arena grounds goodbye as she passed through the gates.

Once she found her way to the sauna, she practically threw herself into a shower, intent on cleaning herself quickly as possible so she could soak in the warm water for longer. The first time she’d come to the bathing area, she’d been hesitant. Of course she needed to bathe but it felt particularly indecent to be as open as this space suggested. She’d never been interested in exploring public bathing like this offered and she’d never come across anywhere that demanded she did. As the only option however, it wasn’t like she could turn it down. The first week had been awkward and even now, she still felt the twinge of indignation but frankly, she needed some form of relief and the open bath was so inviting.

As soon as she found herself clean, Clarissa passed into the next room and took a deep breath. The scent of eucalyptus in the warm air already had the tenseness in her muscles loosening and she barely paid any attention at all to the others in the room as she sunk into the bath. The relaxing drag of moving water immediately started soothing away the aches and she let out an appreciative sigh, eyes closed as she leaned her head back against the side. She soaked for a few quiet minutes, listening to the sound of the waterfalls in the background, before fully submerging herself. She came up shortly after, massaging she fingers through her hair as she took a moment to look around.

Three others shared the bath. Two girls she vaguely recognized vaguely from around the grounds and one she knew far better: Veronica Berenike von Gerth, future princess consort of Adrestia. Despite her early decision to do so, Clarissa had yet to find an opportunity to introduce herself to the Prince’s bride-to-be. And while this was frankly a subpar opportunity, it was an opportunity nonetheless! She just had to grab the wyvern by the horns and deal with the unusual circumstances. How in the world was she ever going to explain to her family that her first one-on-one meeting with the future princess consort was in a public bath?

"Goddess above, today proved more challenging than educational, didn't it? I wished I could say equally but considering Professor Michail's lack of instruction, I'm not certain I can." Clarissa laughed, offering Veronica an easy smile. "We haven't been formally introduced. Clarissa von Edmund, heiress to the Margravate of Edmund. I'd offer you a curtsy but I believe my body may seek vengeance if I demand much more movement from it."
James Kingston

Location: The Apartment
Skills: N/A

Before he could apologize, she was gone. He’d been so focused on not separating Havok’s head from his shoulders, James had apparently missed a crucial part of the conversation. Fabulous. He’d make that a point to get to before the end of the day, at the very least, but right now he was feeling emotionally wringed out. He leaned his head on Casper’s shoulder, chuckling as Casper rambled on about a waffle shack. “I haven’t been on the lookout for magazines, hon. But we can ask around when we’re out, if you want.” James replied, pushing himself to his feet and offering Casper a hand up.

“I’m good to go whenever everyone is.” James replied to Echo, glancing over where a little group hovered near Zari. Whatever was going on didn’t seem life threatening so James wrote it off as nothing with a sense of relief; he’d just gotten everyone back on their feet and he wasn’t eager to see anyone else need his help. “Oh, babes let’s get your-” James blinked. “I was going to say let’s get your stuff situated in our bedroom but I guess we probably should get you some stuff first. We can do that today too if you’re not too worn out once you get some food in you.”

Clarissa quickly assembled a small plate of cookies and a cup of tea from the refreshments and snacks left near them. Maintaining a stable runic composition while increasing the rate of production certainly took a toll on her and she was grateful for the break. She’d failed more than once but failure was the mother of success and she had no doubt that with a little more practice, she’d find herself closing the gap Professor Malathice noticed at Luin between her Heal and Nosferatu. She let out a pleased hum as she nibbled at one of her cookies as she waited for everyone to settle.

In the meantime, she considered the assignment. Her Housemates were an interesting lot but one thing held true: they certainly got along much better than the other Houses. Her eyes wandered over to the Blue Lions, their conversation dissolving into a mire of petty insults and childish tantrums with no regard to the others in their vicinity. But she supposed that, if Lienna was any indication, most of them were uncomfortable in their situation, thrust into a role where excelling meant admitting personal failure and shortcomings, and their vastly different experiences and personalities meant they would need to learn to trust that everyone had each other’s best interests in mind rather than looking to tear each other down.

“Group evaluations! What an exciting exercise.” Clarissa broke the Deer’s silence, no doubt due to the close proximity of food. “I suppose there isn’t any point in delaying this and I hope we can all recognize we’re here to grow as a Unit, as a House, and as individuals and that anything said is intended to reflect in the manner that Professor Michail said: constructive.” As she spoke, she pushed her tea and cookies to the side, folding her hands in front of her and she considered each Deer seriously.

“Jorah, I don’t remember a time we weren’t in each other’s lives. I’ve seen you practice with your bow until your fingers bled, I’ve raced you down widing cliffs and through treacherous forests on horseback much to our fathers’ chagrin, and I’ve discouraged your ignoble behavior for as long as I could recognize it. I’m certain one ear is longer than the other purely because of how frequently you give me reason to pull it.” Clarissa joked briefly. “You certainly have a grasp on practicing with your bow and Professor Machail already extolled your quick thinking and your leadership potential but your greatest area for growth isn’t on the battlefield, in the arena, or on the back of a horse. Rather, it’s in the lengthy meetings leading to the battle, discussing layouts and logistics. It’s in the library, pulling references and studying enemy tactics of old in preparation to meet them on the field again. You excel when you’re in the moment; pressure and excitement, the good and the bad, push you forward, keep you on your toes, but its when its quiet that you lose focus, that your mind wanders, and you feel the need to poke and prod until you’re satisfied, distracting you from important lessons and information that could save your life and others in the future.”

“Isolde, before now we barely had an opportunity to meet. I don’t recall that you ever made a formal debut but I’m pleased that the Goddess has granted me an opportunity now. Your actions on the battlefield, from your technique to your bravery, spoke volumes of your character: determined and dedicated. You saved a man’s life when you made the decision to join us and even though I do not know him well, I’m grateful there is one less ghost to haunt us.” Clarissa paused for a moment, considering how to word her next statement. “But you lack overall conviction and it shows. You shroud yourself in your isolation, clinging to it like a comfort blanket, and you wear indecision like a second skin. Your inclination to hesitation hinders you on the battlefield and there may come a day that it may cost you more than you’re willing to part with. The only true remedy for that is deciding who you are and what you want and forging ahead with all your power.”

“And finally, Imogen. You’re a wild card, reckless and unpredictable, and endearingly straightforward even if I’m not quite sure I understand your thought process sometimes. It makes you a wonderful ally in tough situations. Your instincts are reliable and oftentimes that can be the difference between tragedy and success.” Clarissa had the least to say about Imogen, mostly because the extent of their history was Garreg Mach. Clarissa knew little about Imogen and her background and she felt a flicker of regret that she banished with the resolve to get to know her Housemate better, even if it would more than likely result in a headache. “That being said, there is a reason why so many people have dedicated their time to studying and analyzing these situations. Skirting by on instictint alone may serve you well in the beginning but it’s only with careful consideration that you’ll be able to overcome the greatest challenges. Learn to balance the two and I have no doubt that you'll find that not even the sky isn’t your limit.”
James Kingston

Location: The Apartment
Skills: N/A

If it hadn’t been for the fact that he was pressed up against Casper, James would have lunged at that self important douchebag. Before attempting to sacrifice the entire MU for a chance to get his dick wet, James didn’t have an opinion on Havok. They rarely interacted, James would throw him the occasional hi, but at the end of the day, James was focused on building and maintaining the various systems they’d managed to scrape together for power and running water and all the fun stuff for basic hygiene and Havok was off scaring children for fun or whatever assholes did in their spare time. But now, after watching days old members fight against the fucking Brotherhood, after Harry’s serious threat of paralysis, James couldn’t tolerate anything that came out of his mouth. If anyone else in this room suggested they’d been influenced or changed by an island full of telepaths (still something he wasn’t really chill with, if he was being honest), he’d understand. Telepaths were terrifying and ones working for or with the Hellfire club were even worse. But Havok didn’t have that right and all James wanted to do was slug the fucking asshole across the face and revel in the sound of the jackass’ jaw breaking.

But he didn’t. Sure, he could feel his jaw clenching and unclenching with the effort not to lunge at Havok but he kept himself in his seat and just let out a sigh. James pressed an appreciative kiss for the support to Casper’s hand once he’d recaptured one and leaned further on his boyfriend, his attention drawn by the talk of food. “We have some stuff here. Nothing fancy, sandwich stuff and other stuff that’s easy to throw together, if you want to stay in after all that. I figured that now that we can actually get real food consistently, I’d get everyone’s opinions on a grocery list and make a run tomorrow.” James offered. “But if you want to get out some more, there’s a pretty good place down the road. It’s laid back and relaxing; Miranda and I grab drinks there every so often.”
James Kingston

Location: The Apartment
Skills: N/A

James traced a simple pattern over where his hand rested on Casper's. He gladly sank into the couch once they were shut away from all the commotion and he smiled contently as Casper joined him. He took in the sight of everyone in the apartment and he felt himself choke up a little bit, tightening his hold on Casper. It was one thing to see everyone up and about, talking and moving and breathing, but it hit differently seeing them in the space he called home. It was the final confirmation and it took a lot to keep himself from weeping in relief that at least one nightmare hadn't crept into reality.

The relief twisted into resignation as Veil brought the conversation around to something he wasn't ready to discuss. He understood, he really did. They just woke up from a five month coma, stepping from their last day at the Underground right into this strange situation. It wasn't unreasonable that all of the survival instincts they'd developed at the Mutant Underground and beyond were screaming. They hadn't had time to process or explore their issues and new environment. It was to be expected.

And at the end of the day, James agreed. A terrorist group ran the island and he wasn't naive enough to believe this would satisfy the Quiet Council. Magneto alone aspired to global power, considering Princess Wanda’s reality. It'd take very little to whip the mutants of the island into a frenzy if he decided to actualize that reality and with all the frantic motivation of a homeland and new, experimental power combinations behind them, Magneto would turn the world on its head. And that was just what he knew; with the ethical limitations of their brand of freedom fighting non-existent, any number of dark, underhanded plots could be boiling in the Council.

As the inevitable and endless bickering started up, James couldn’t help but chuckle at Max’s outburst. “Don’t worry, Max. One in four dudes suffer the same problem. Stress has that effect sometimes.” James offered before turning to more serious matters. “Guys, it’s been all of two hours since you’ve woken up. Yes, the Hellfire club runs this place and yes, they have a nasty habit of violently ruining everything for us eventually. But can’t this discussion wait until you’ve had a few days to process and relax? I know it's not a luxury we’ve had but Sunshine, Jack, and I have been up for three or four months already and we’re not being manipulated into anything, we’re not being forced to do anything we don’t want to, so I think a few days of just downtime isn’t unreasonable. Anything you decide on is going to be based on what you woke up from because for you guys, that was yesterday but the situation has changed, where we are and what’s going on is entirely different from the terrorist act we tried to prevent.” James sighed.

“And we went for a long time honestly believing you guys would never be able to wake up. I bothered them a lot about the process, about the cryostasis, about the challenges of maintaining you guys and waking you guys up. I’m grateful they were as honest about it as they were but until a month ago, maybe a little bit less, I honestly believed you guys were never waking up. It was just dumb luck that you guys did.” James stared around the room, his fingers tapping anxiously. “I just think everyone needs a moment to get their feet under them. Do whatever you want, check out the island or hide away and sulk or just chill and talk, but everyone should have a chance to take some time before any decisions are made.”
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