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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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James Kingston

Location: The Green Lagoon
Skills: N/A

“Welcome back, Ben! I’m glad Echo didn’t manage to scare you off for too long.” James laughed, returning Jack’s wave as he spoke into the air around Casper. James’ eyebrow rose at the other conversation going on at the table and how it turned into Sunshine’s thoughts about what Echo did and didn’t want but he was fairly certain he didn’t want to ask. He still laughed at it though, the combination of the Mutant Underground always keeping the table interesting, before pulling his attention back to Casper.

“Do you have any plans right now, sweetheart?” James asked, fingers drumming nervously along Casper’s shoulders. “Because, uh, Destiny said the weirdest thing after the meeting and you remember how we talked about maybe starting a family? She suggested that now was kind of the time so if you aren’t busy, I would like to talk about that? If you’re still okay with that, a lot has changed and the attack wasn’t long ago and I know everyone is still recovering so if you don’t want to I totally get it but we could talk about it at least cause all those kids who lost their parents need homes and the timing is just really good and… yeah?” James cut himself off before he continued rambling more and making himself seem like more of an idiot.
James Kingston

Location: The Green Lagoon
Skills: N/A

James listened to the music floating around the Green lagoon as he reached it, pausing to scan the area for everyone. It didn’t take long―the former members of the mutant underground were a motley crew that stood out like beacons in the dark―and he found himself smiling for a moment while he watched. If someone had told him a year ago that the Mutant Underground crew would be sitting around a table comfortably out in the open without worrying about being assaulted, he would have laughed, thanked them for the joke, and brushed it off. He let himself enjoy the warm happiness that washed over him at being wrong in his hypothetical situation before he pushed forward towards the group.

He raised an eyebrow at the shattered remnants of the plate and waffles just sitting in the middle of the table everyone had gathered around as he made his way to Casper’s side. “Hey there, precious.” James tilted Casper’s face up to kiss him and then shifted so he stood behind him, content to rest his chin on Casper’s shoulder while his boyfriend sat. “What crime did the poor plate commit to deserve this fate?”

It took every ounce of willpower not to pretend none of this was being discussed like an eight year old, hands firmly over her ears and shouting loud enough to drown out what she didn’t like. She wasn’t certain if she felt like crying or laughing at the idea of practicing with her Crest. Maybe a little bit of both and a heavy dose of nausea to accompany it. How did someone even begin practicing the sin of her forefathers and failures of bloodline? It wasn’t like the Crest’s ability was unknown―everyone knew the nature of the Crest of the Beast. It’d change her into something violent and uncontrollable and like Maurice, she’d find herself unable to change back when the Goddess saw what she’d become. Absolutely not. She’d been handling her Crest’s power just fine, kept locked tight inside the stronghold of her faith, duty, and devotion and she had no interest in exploring it’s potential or learning to control it in any other fashion.

At least she wasn’t the only one with the same sentiment. Derec for whatever reason seemed as upset as she was, if not more so, and she wholeheartedly agreed with his desire to leave this awful speciticale behind. She made a mental note to catch up with him once his discussion with Professor Roland concluded; if not to offer a bit of solace, then at least to learn the answer to his question because she’d rather not attend these Goddess forsaken classes if she didn’t absolutely have to. And if Derec wasn’t offered an easy escape then it wasn’t like she was afraid to speak her mind. In fact, she had a great many words she’d like to say to Professor Lysander Roland before the day was out and each was sharper than the last. Euphemia had already admitted to not knowing the full extent of their histories and that meant that her brother was likely briefed to the same degree but she wasn’t naive enough to think that the one whose job was to oversee these events had such a narrow view of the truth.

The jostling from her said drew her out of her irritable musings and while she couldn’t bring herself to return the quick flash of a smile from her friend, she did smack him gently in reproach. “It always comes back to Crests in the end, doesn’t it?” Clarissa sighed bitterly. “Professor Roland will be getting an earful about this when he completes his conversation with Derec. Besides the personal relationship each of us have with our Crests, catching us unaware with such a blunt proposal as experimenting with us and our abilities is the pinnacle of disrespect. This Unit is composed of individuals whose experiences in state and military outstrip their apparent age and that alone should have earned us a modicum of respect, not to mention the expected reciprocity from an institution so revered. Instead, they march us in, inform us of how a sensitive issue will be handled, and are surprised at the negative response! Could you imagine the Church using this tactic on the Roundtable? Walk into a meeting and dictate how they want to handle the expansion of the Church into Alliance territory? They’d be laughed out on the spot!”

Her irritation grew until it was fury and she shoved herself to her feet once more. “Actually, I think I’ll go have that conversation now. They’re probably bullying that poor boy into taking this class he clearly doesn’t want to and frankly after this debacle, I don’t think they deserve the dignity of a private conversation.” Clarissa decided, storming towards the exit once more.
James Kingston

Location: The Grove -> The Green Lagoon
Skills: N/A

James waved goodbye as he and others left the Grove. His mind wandered as he found some time alone, thoughts of the festival predominate in the beginning. He’d never put together something this large so he’d have to rely on the experience of others to get by probably. It went without saying he’d have to get some idea of an outline and find people most interested in participating and asking what they would like to see and do but those were broad directions with lots and lots of little parts that James hadn’t even considered. But it couldn’t be any more difficult than trying to get a bunch of M-Pox riddled mutants out of a purifier raid while tear gas was pouring in from every direction, right?

James just shook his head at the thought. What had his life become that he was comparing setting up a festival to death defying escapes? But now they could put that behind them because they’d found somewhere that didn’t need people to protect them from Purifiers, didn’t need people to fight to provide them basic human rights, didn’t need people to shunt them from one run down safe house to another and damn, if that didn’t make James so incredibly happy. He hadn’t even been with the Underground for long―the others had been involved way longer―but the exhaustion that came with made it seem like it had been years. The constant struggle just to survive, not including keeping their wards alive and well, must have aged everyone well beyond their years.

But that was okay because they finally stopped running. James hadn’t really dared entertain the idea that they could actually have something stable but here he was, slowly building together that life he always thought he’d have. Maybe it isn’t back in the United States surrounded by familiar neighbors, friends, and family but here he was on his way to pick up the man of his dreams, go pick up their son, and take him home. He felt himself tear up at the little bubble of happiness that surged in his chest. It may not have been what he imagined (he highly doubted anyone could have imagined this) but he loved it all the same.
James Kingston

Location: The Grove
Skills: N/A

“Absolutely.” James responded to Reeva’s request, eager to jump into a new project. It wasn’t that he couldn’t sympathize with those who opposed the idea but from personal experience, he didn’t handle shitty things well when he didn’t have something to occupy him in the aftermath and he was certain there were plenty of others who were the same way. He didn’t know how to help the others who needed support in other ways but hopefully this way he’d still reach them by showing them that the future could still be hopeful and bright even as disaster lingered on their heels. They needed to rebuild their sense of community and safety and he couldn’t think of a better idea than this at the moment so he would put everything he had into it.

However, James was startled out of his thoughts on the festival when Destiny called his name. It took a few moments for him to register what she said because he hadn’t realized she’d been aware of their interest in adopting one of the children from the disaster but he’d learned that unless he was directly involved in the situation, he should just assume Casper told everyone everything at all times. Though now that he thought about it, James wasn’t entirely certain they’d had a conversation about adoption beyond the brief moment before they went to sacrifice themselves in D.C. He stared at Destiny for a few moments, pondering the thought, before shrugging it off. They’d just been attacked by technologically advanced mutants from another dimension; someone knowing his interest in a family wasn’t really a problem in comparison. He gave her an appreciative smile.

“Oh, thank you very much!” He quickly amended, making up for the fact he wasn’t certain she could see in a mask with no eyes. He turned awkwardly back to the others at the Summer table. “I’m going to go get Casper and head over to the mansion. If you have ideas for the festival, let me know so I can plan them in. See you guys in a bit.” James waved as he left The Grove to go hunt down his boyfriend.
James Kingston

Location: The Grove
Skills: N/A

James returned Veil’s look with a shrug. The best friend of the love of his life was a ghost and as much as he hated to admit it, Selene’s brand of crazy was just a little more intense than Casper’s. She definitely creeped him out after the whole eating ghosts thing in the mansion but the skull really was just another tuesday. Dr. Sinister’s suggestion barely got a reaction out of James because if that idea had gotten even a bit of traction, James knew the entire summer table would have revolted on the spot. He narrowed his eyes at the mischief in Selene’s excitement but it was dismissed when the proposal was officially put forward. James fiddled with the locket around his neck as he contemplated the idea.

“I lost my dad when I was 18. There wasn’t a reason for it, just a bad spat of luck. Electrical fire grew through the building, dad was stuck, and now he’s in the ground. My home was gone, my family was gone, my peace of mind was gone and if someone had the balls to suggest I attend a party barely even three days later, I would have introduced their face to the concrete as fast and painfully as I could.” James spoke softly, opening up that wound unpleasant. The sting in his eyes suggested he wasn’t nearly as over it as he thought he was but he tabled that thought for the time being. “I’m not outright opposing it. Something lighter than what we’ve been dealing with would be a nice change of pace but just throwing a designer party isn’t going to help. In the Underground, we saw people who’d had their entire lives turned upside down as the friends and family they’d loved and trusted all their lives turned on them, hurt them, and turned them into the authorities. It was a frustratingly common experience and it didn’t just strip them of hope, it stripped them of their sense of safety and security.” James explained, his fingers drumming on the table as he spoke.

“We should expand on the concept. The people of Genosha have had their sense of safety and security stripped from them and the best way to start healing is by fostering community support. Instead of just a gala, we should host a festival put together by various parts of the community for everyone to enjoy. It would give everyone a hands on distraction that lets them celebrate life and the best parts of those we lost. We can use the gala as a sort of tie off to the day but a fancy party planned by others isn’t enough to give back what people lost. They need a sense of ownership and pride in the face of despair.”
James Kingston

Location: The Grove
Skills: N/A

Waking to Esme’s summons wasn’t exactly how he planned to spend his day but he wasn’t about to ignore the Quiet Council, especially after the tragedy the Children of the Vault inflicted on them. Healing, rebuilding, and burying the dead over the past few days took a toll on the island. Grief and sorrow still hung heavy in the once mirthful atmosphere despite the attempts to help everyone. This wouldn’t just blow over like a summer storm, James could attest to that. The number of full night’s rest since the attack has been exactly 0, the nightmares leaving him restless and sobbing and clinging to Casper in the middle of the night as he repeated who he was and where he was over and over and over again like a mantra. He’d considered reaching out to someone about it but when telepaths featured heavily in his nightmares, he couldn’t overcome the nausea that rolled in his stomach at the thought of someone in again.

When they’d arrived at The Grove, James couldn’t help the smile on his face as he looked around the room. It was a beautiful space but he turned his attention to each of the members seated as Reeva explained their summons. It was a strange combination, the callousness of Selene and Mr. Sinister versus the stately composition of Magneto and Reeva, not to mention the casual detachment of the others. But it must work to some degree, he supposed. Otherwise Genoshia probably wouldn’t have gotten this far.

“Of course I will.” James replied, following the others and taking a seat. “The Mutant Underground has always helped mutants in need. This is just a different kind of help. Hopefully, we’ll prove as helpful as you think we will.”

While Clarissa wouldn’t find much issue with sitting for another indeterminate amount of time, she did grumble at the summons. She’d already planned out the rest of her day, carefully drawing out time for chores, a walk around the greenhouse, and some studying in the library before the lanterns darkened for the evening. Nowhere in her schedule was there room for an unexpected lecture but it wasn’t like she would turn it down, even if she could. It simply sat poorly with her. Clarissa did sit further back than the first row however. Getting out sooner might make it so that she could reclaim some tattered remnants of her former schedule.

Although all thoughts of schedules and duties trickled out as concern replaced them, a brow raised in Professor Roland’s direction at his strange introduction. A quick head count confirmed that all the Professors were in attendance so what was so important that the Archbishop wanted to personally involve himself in the situation in addition to everyone else? Especially if they thought it necessary to have a nurse on standby? What in the Saint’s names was going on?!

A strange buzzing filled her ears after Professor Roland revealed that each member of the Rose Unit was a Crestbearer, specifically selected for the Unit because of that one simple fact. She could feel the tension in her muscles, her posture painfully stiff, but she didn’t recognize it as her own. It felt distant and muted, much like Professor Malachite’s voice as he droned on and one beyond the initial revelation. Nothing he said registered as she focused on the drawing of the Crest of the Beast. The damn thing taunted her, staring right at her even as she’d escaped to the highest and holiest point of the land. She could already hear her mother’s condescending voice whispering in the back of her mind. She had been careful not to mention her Crest, avoided the subject the best she could, and yet the people she trusted were sitting here, ready to throw all her hard work back in her face with not a care in the world!

If looks could kill, Professor Roland would have been dead on the spot. Fear and hurt boiled into frustration and fury in record time, palpable in the way it sloughed off her shaking shoulders. She jumped to her feet and swept away towards the exit, ignoring the Kalonics as she attempted to storm her way out of the classroom.

“Clarissa, the lesson isn’t over,” Euphemia told her, frowning.

“Then let it continue without me.” Clarissa snapped.

Euphemia was shocked by Clarissa’s sudden response. She looked back at Tomai fielding questions for a moment before placing her hand on the doorknob. “Give us a moment,” She told her brother, opening the door to let Clarissa out. She wasn’t about to let her escape, however—as soon as the door closed behind them, the woman promptly stopped Clarissa from running.

“I’m surprised at you, I thought you would enjoy this,” Euphemia said. “Whatever could be the problem?”

Clarissa glanced around for any sort of opening past her Professor but Euphemia would outpace her in a heartbeat. She could feel how her teeth ground together as she considered the options. “How much do you know about each of our Crests?” Clarissa ground out.

Euphemia scratched her cheek. “We were told this was the only unit to be comprised of solely Crestbearers, but beyond that we aren’t told much,” She admitted.

Clarissa gauged her reaction carefully, settling a little at the response. “My entire life has been defined by my Crest. From the moment I drew breath, from the moment my eyes opened, from the moment I could even understand what a Crest was, my mother was far too eager to list in full all the long, awful ways our Crest has brought our family and our loved ones to ruin.” Clarissa began, just shy of shouting as she paced. “The Church was a prison in the beginning, the only way for me to atone to the Goddess for our bloodline’s long and extensive history of sin branded into our family with this damning Crest. It took me years to escape that, blood, sweat, and tears to kick my way through the shame and the- the- the bullshit that came along with all this. I came here with the express intent of delving deeper into my faith and connecting with people without the looming dread of them discovering my Crest before I wished.”

“But now thanks to this,” Clarissa stopped, gesturing at the Black Eagles classroom as her volume continued to climb, “Now, I can’t keep that to myself. This administration so neatly stripped me of my autonomy over this decision without so much as the courtesy of a warning that I’m not ready for the consequences. I wasn’t ready for people to know and now I don’t have a choice! Clarissa hissed through gritted teeth. “Is that a problem enough?”

Euphemia’s face softened as Clarissa explained the source of distress, letting out a quiet sigh once she finished. “I had no idea…I’m so sorry that you’ve been put in such a position,” She sincerely apologized. “This class is meant to help, not harm, and it’s meant to be something that can bring people together.”

After a small pause, she looked back to the door. “For now, don’t you think it would be best to give Professor Malathice a chance? He’s a Crestologist, so maybe having some understanding could be of some comfort.”

Clarissa’s shoulders slumped at the suggestion, the apology enough to put out the worst of her anger. “I have been told at every step that this Crest would prove too much for me to free us of. If I’m told the same thing here, I don’t know if I’ll be strong enough to handle it. Not here, not after I’ve come this far.” Clarissa admitted quietly.

The blonde seemed to sympathize with Clarissa greatly. “I understand. This class is merely an introduction–a lecture. How about you sit in and listen, and after this class I’ll talk to Professor Roland and see what I can do about excusing you?” She suggested. “I’m sure we can come up with some sort of compromise.”

Clarissa turned it over a few times before hesitantly nodding. “I suppose that’s a reasonable beginning.” Clarissa agreed. She took a breath and squared her shoulders, displeasure still apparent on her face. With a quiet word of appreciation, Clarissa stepped back into the classroom and returned to her spot, pressing a little closer to Jorah than before.
James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

James clicked his tongue in frustration as the exhaustion of the night finally caught up with him. With how much trouble he’d encountered with Andy, he should have figured he was running on fumes but he’d hoped he could pull off a little more. “Shit, I’m sorry Sunshine. It’s been a rough fucking night. I’ll try again in a little bit.” James sighd a apology, rubbing at his face in some half hearted attempt to wake himself up a little more. They were nasty but they didn’t seem to be life threatening and he’d rather not take the risk of exacerbating her injuries any further right now. Maybe it would be worthwhile trying to hunt down coffee if he wanted to be of any serious use to the medical teams.

“Don’t forget his special talent for setting things on fire.” James teased as he entered the conversation, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend’s cheek instead of audibly worrying about how long he’s had Kris manifested. He gave a critical look over the group around the apparition, still in the process of goodbyes and conversation, and clicked his tongue again. “We’ll figure it out at another time. Barely anyone is in any condition to do anything more than rest for now so let’s make sure everyone is back on track to recovering.” James guided Max to tuck his staff under his arm and support one end with his forearm as James coaxed Max’s good arm over his shoulders to act as a sturdier support.

“We’ve got our hands full again it looks like. I’m going to head out and see if people are starting to show up now that things have calmed down and the Manor is still in one piece.” James addressed the group as he started guiding Max out. ”If you need medical attention, stick around and relax before you throw yourself into something dangerous please.”
James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Omega Level Healing

James bowed his head at the announcement of the death toll. 198 died because even here, in a land meant for mutants to be safe from bigotry and persecution, someone else thought they were superior. It was the same fucking thing, just a different shape. Was anywhere safe for any of them or were they going to be forced to hide and run every time they thought they’d found something worthwhile? He supposed right now, in the aftermath of all the violence, it didn’t particularly matter. Right now, everyone outside of these halls needed help understanding what happened, needed to put a reason to why their loved ones were cut down and slaughtered like animals in the dead of night, needed direction amidst chaos in the aftermath of the attack.

“It’s not your fault, Reeva. It’s not anyone’s fault but theirs. They decided to attack and if they were sending scouts, they probably would have done so no matter what you put in their way. They murdered our friends and family and we can’t let ourselves carry the responsibility of their actions. Blood is on their hands, not ours.” James denied. It wouldn’t do any of them any good blaming themselves for a tragedy. “Mourn later. Just because the Children are dead doesn’t mean this is over. 198 dead means plenty more alive, injured, and confused and they need you and the rest of the Council to help them through it. Now is the time for living.”

James knew it was indelicate to push them to get moving after what they’d been through but it didn’t make it any less true. It felt strange, the familiarity in the aftermath of the attack. The Mutant Underground had been nothing but the aftermath of one catastrophic event after another and while the past bit of relaxation was nice, James knew even more now that it could never last for them. He took his leave of this room, no more emergencies for him to deal with and headed for the others who had given chase to the cyborg.

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