Magic is a natural phenomena that has proven a difficult subject to study, let alone master. While it has always been present through the world’s tumultuous history, cultural differences proved insurmountable until the formal establishment of the three kingdoms of Othard and formal institutions dedicated to delving into the secrets of magic the more traditional methods were incapable of reaching. Through dedicated work and an incredible number of unfortunate mishaps, these three institutions discovered a number of things about magic.
Aether is the energy of Magic
Aether is an intangible, invisible energy source that overlays the world in its entirety. Unfortunately, attempts to develop instruments to measure aether have consistently ended in failure but wielders of the mysterious energy agree that aether, while not accessible by all living organisms, is an energy source that is somehow directly correlated to the density of living organisms in any particular location. The most popular theory is that living organisms are drawn to places of high aetheric density, such as Wilree, the capital of Finnagund, the deepest part of the Serpentine Forest, and the top of the Gods’ peak in Dranir. Unfortunately without better instruments, exploring this idea has been difficult at best.
Only the Aetherborn can manipulate Aether
As mentioned previously, not all living organisms can manipulate Aether. The process of manipulating it takes determination, focus, and a certain natural quirk that can’t be taught. These people have come to be known as the Aetherborn, comprising about 15% of the world’s population at any given time. Experts aren’t sure what circumstances cause a child to become Aetherborn but the phenomena surpasses class, race, creed, and nationality.
However, all Aetherborn display an unusual physical trait that marks them as an Aetherborn from early on. Most Aetherborn display small differences, like unusual or impossible eye and/or hair color, but there have been a notable few that stick out among the rest. The founder of the Wilree Royal Academy, Princess Imris Evanwood, had translucent eyelids and was incapable of moving her eyes, forced to turn her entire head if she wanted to see anything in her peripherals. Torfin Glassmail boasted a pockmarked body from birth, the scars glowing red in the dark.
All three capitals boast highly advanced centers of magical study: The Wilree Royal Academy in Finnagund, the Mage’s Consortium in Reflin, and The Ruby Forge in Dranir. These three places of study are difficult to gain entrance to and usually require incredible sums and the right connections to enter. As a result, many Aetherborn instead apprentice to other aetherborn or simply experiment on their own, which significantly increases the risk of injury or death.
The Will, the Word, and the Wave
Manipulating Aether, or casting magic, is a deeply intuitive and personal process. There aren’t structured rules and regulations on how to cast magic, no specific incantations or spell matrices to memorize. Aetherborn cast magic through sheer determination, focus, and purpose alone. In order to achieve a given effect, an Aetherborn must consider the three W’s of casting.
First, the Will. Aether is a difficult energy to manipulate, prone to strange fluctuations and flares, so an Aetherborn must be 100% committed to the casting of a particular spell, remain focused on the outcome of that spell, and see it through in its entirety. Failure in this area can end as simply as nothing happening but will more often than not cause something called a Mishap, an effect different from the desired outcome. Mishaps show a wide range of variety and can range from something as simple as missing your intended target to something complex as sending half your brian to a random part of the world. Casting a spell should not be taken lightly as any break in concentration or determination can result in disastrous consequences for the Aetherborn and those around them.
Secondly, the Word. This is the only part of a casting that isn’t absolutely necessary; although, it is ill advised for anyone other than a master to do so. The Word serves as a way to help concentrate on the outcome and reduce the chances of a Mishap. It’s entirely personal and even though two Aetherborn may cast a similar spell, what they say as part of the Word may be entirely different! It doesn’t have to be a single word either; a phrase, a song, a joke can be used just as well so long as it keeps you focused on the end result.
Thirdly, the Wave. When casting a spell, an Aetherborn draws Aether directly into themselves and then out, serving as a refining tool for the raw energy. In order to stabilize and finish the spell, an Aetherborn must physically manipulate the Aether as it passes from them. Gestures don’t have to be complex- these can range from the flick of the wrist to send a gust of wind into a ship’s sails or an outstretched hand to block an incoming attack. The more skilled with aether, the more subtle the Wave becomes, until a twitch of the fingers is all an Aetherborn needs. However, be warned- if an Aetherborn’s hands are restrained, they’ll find themselves struggling to safely cast a spell.
The Types of Aetherborn
Originally, it was believed that an Aetherborn could manipulate Aether into whatever form they wished but as Aether and the Aetherborn became the subject of academy study, it was determined that how an Aetherborn manipulate Aether is entirely predetermined in the same way that that they are chose to manipulate Aether in the first place. There is no known reason why some Aetherborn can produce some effects that others can’t but they have managed to place them into three classifications: Primordial, Genesian, and Animas. It is important to note that manipulating Aether in any manner is physically and mentally demanding.
Primordial Aetherborn are those with the ability to manipulate one of the four primordial elements: Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. The reason behind this alignment still eludes aetheric scholars today but they can confirm that all Primordial Aetherborn do not draw on their own aether to do so. Primordial aetherborn convert ambient aether into elemental effect, either channeling it through existing material or drawing it directly from the aether itself. As a result there is some important distinctions between these Aetherborn:
- Fire Aetherborns are capable of producing flame using aether as all the necessary components of fire. This occurs by actively aggravating the aether until it finally burns or combusts, depending on the intended purpose, and is a relatively fast process. As a result, Fire Aetherborn may find it difficult or even impossible to harness their ability in places with low aetheric density and even when they do, find their fire smaller and less destructive.
... - Water and Earth Aetherborns use a system similar to Genesian Aetherborn to create new sources of their elemental affinity but unlike them, this change is permanent. As such, the time it takes to create this material is significantly longer and much more physically and mentally demanding.
... - Air Aetherborns have their element around them at all times and nearly never need to create it, though follow the same trend as Water and Earth Aetherborns. However, Air Aetherborns are capable of producing lightning by creating a localized, severe aetheric imbalance between two points. Producing this is no easy task and even those considered masters of the technique sometimes find themselves overwhelmed by the discharge of a failed attempt.
Since these aetherborn do not manipulate their own aether, they do not suffer the effect known as Aetheric Exhaustion (although manipulating aether is still a physically and mentally demanding task). Aetheric Exhaustion refers to a point at which an individual has depleted their own aether completely and suffers severe headaches, disorientation, and may even collapse unconscious. However, Primordial Aetherborn run the risk of another phenomenon known as Resonance. Resonance is a point at which a Primordial Aetherborn loses control over their ability to convert aether into elements and finds spontaneous, explosive events occurring around them without guidance. A sudden flood, a gout of fire, a dust storm or earthquake, and a sudden blast of wind are all examples of what can happen during a Resonance event. Resonance events occur most often when:
- A Primordial Aetherborn is experiencing a heighten emotion of any kind,
... - A Primordial Aetherborn has manipulated large quantities of aether over a short period of time,
... - A Primordial Aetherborn is physically exhausted and mentally exhausted.
It is important to note that because Aetherborn are not naturally protected from the effects of their abilities, Resonance can often be fatal.
Genesian Aetherborn are those that can manipulate their own aether into objects and energy in two ways: Alteration or Creation. An Alteration aetherborn infuses their own aether into objects through touch, changing their properties and exerting control over them, allowing them to move even if they normally couldn’t under the command of the Aetherborn. Creation Aetherborn weave their aether into complex arrays, creating aetheric constructs of weapons, creatures, and items to help them in their tasks.These aetheric constructs behave just as if they were regular versions of themselves, except under the command of the Aetherborn. Genesian Aetherborn are prone to Aetheric Exhaustion simply because of the intense aetheric demands placed on them by their abilities.
Animas Aetherborn are those who can exert a limited amount of control over another living person’s aether in the following categories: Mental or Physical. Mental Aetherborn change the way their targets perceive and interact with the world, making them see, hear, or feel things that aren’t actually there, changing and overlaying memories, and even changing their opinions on subject matter. Physical Aetherborn manipulate the body of living creatures, capable of healing, harming, or even exerting some degree of control over their actions. Many of their abilities overlap; however, the method by which the effects occur are vastly different.
It is important to note that the two different Animas Aetherborn suffer the opposite challenges. Living creatures have natural resistance to these Aetherborn based on the amount of natural aether they have. The higher the aetheric density, the more resistant they are to Mental Aetherborn and the less resistant they are to Physical aetherborn, and vice versa. For example:
- The Children of the Wilds and Magical Creatures have high aetheric densities, making them more susceptible to Physical Aetherborn but resistant to Mental Aetherborn.
... - The Children of the Land and most normal creatures have low aetheric densities, making them more susceptible to Mental Aetherborn but resistant to Physical Aetherborn.
... - Aetherborn all have higher aetheric densities compared to their racial tendencies but in comparison to other aetherborn, follow the same trends.
Creatures resistant to physical aetherborn (excluding aetherborn of that race) will find that magical healing from a physical aetherborn is often not enough simply because they do not have enough aether to fully heal.
While Physical Aetherborn healing is advantageous, it does rely on the living creature’s aether and so pushes them towards aetheric exhaustion.
Aetheric Awareness
Aetherborn have the inherent ability to sense the available aether for them to manipulate. Since each aetherborn category manipulates a different source, their ability to perceive aether is different as well.
- Primordial Aetherborn manipulate ambient aether and thus, are able to tell the aether density of the area they are in to some degree. Areas with a high aetheric density will be easier for a primordial aetherborn to function versus an area with low aetheric density, where a the same aetherborn may exhibit fatigue, headaches, and bouts of dizziness until they can acclimate to the density changes. In areas of extremely high aetheric density, these aetherborn may find themselves giddy, unusually energetic, and prone to Resonance. In areas with extremely low to no aetheric density, Primordial aetherborn will find themselves struggling to sleep, suffering from vicious migraines, and even falling unconscious for long periods of time.
... - Genesian Aetherborn have an innate sense of their own aether reserves, similar to how someone is aware of how much energy they have. As such, they are aware when they are manipulating their aether versus someone else doing so. It's important to note that while they have an understanding of how much aether they have, a genesian aetherborn doesn't instinctively know how much aether they need to infuse or create something without trial and error.
... - Animas aetherborn have an instinctive understanding of the aetheric density of others around them. Much like ambient sound, the awareness of others is always present and while it can be ignored, it can't be turned off. Those with unusual aetheric high densities create an intense pressure in the back of an Animas minds and those with incredibly low aetheric densities may not even register to the Animas Aetherborn.
Aetheric Items
Aetheric items are tools and other inanimate objects specially treated to act as aetheric conduit to produce wondrous effects. The process of creating an aetheric item is long and tedious, requiring meticulous planning and execution. Even developing the process was dangerous, many aetherborn suffering intense Mishaps just from touching early prototypes. Today, the process has been stabilized and many are working on streamlining development.
Aetheric items channel an individual’s aether in order to activate their effect, meaning that while this means anyone can use aetheric items, they do contribute to aetheric exhaustion. Modern day aether smiths are attempting to develop aetheric items capable of drawing on ambient aether instead but most attempts have been unsuccessful.