The Soft Haven Bounty House
14th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Mid morning - Clear Skies
It was a short trip from the edge of the bridge to the front door of the Bounty House, up a barely noticeable slope and a few short steps. With the new angle, one could see that the House was built far more forward that appeared from the shore, leaving a sizable amount of land further beyond. A section along the left side of the House had been cleared and beaten down into nothing more than dirt. The ground was heavy distrubed and there were several indents where something heavy had hit the ground hard. A glance to the right would reveal a well manicured garden running the length of the patio that wrapped around the building, flowers still in bloom as they entered the end of their season.
The doors of the Bounty House continued the same diamond pattern present on the bridge, four interlocking diamonds carved into the rich, dark wood. The doors were unlocked and pressing past them would reveal what seemed like an entirely different building. While the stairs and the large fireplace on the right were still the original stone; stone bled into wood in much the same manner as the lanterns along the bridge, creating a strange display of aetheric construction. The right side of the main floor held scattered couches and chairs around tables, plush rugs scattered for comfort as the nights grew cooler, and a piano, currently belting out a jaunty tune at the fingers of what appeared to be a blue skinned elf in similar colored finery, at the far end of the room next to a door that presumably led out onto the porch. Heavy tapestries interspersed the windows that looked out over the sprawling garden.
The left side of the room boasted fewer windows and furniture, only a handful of desks that were mostly unoccupied at this hour. Further towards the back, a stairwell headed beneath the main level and another door beyond that along the back of the House. One man did occupy a desk, quill scratching quick notes across one of the various pages of parchment as he consulted a ledger book. Older with heavy set wrinkles in the forehead and eyes, the half elf regarded the interruption of his morning work with a simple glance over the half rims of his glasses, pulled out a long piece of leather, placed it in the ledgerbook before closing it gently and carefully sliding it into the desk he worked at. In its place, another, larger book came out, opening with a heavy thud.
“Welcome to the Soft Haven Bounty House. I am Aleka Doneka, facilitator for this establishment on behalf of Veraz Althma and Lord Malcer Mystralath.” He introduced himself, offering a half bow. Aleka wore a heavy black cloak over a simple but well made gray and white tunic and breeches. He was incredibly monotone, his voice flat and entirely devoid of emotion as he spoke.
“If you are looking for work, there are a number of documents you must complete. If you are not literate, I can assist you in this.” There was one major oddity that stood out from everything else. At the base of the stairs that led into the second and third floors, a large stone circle, large enough for two or three people standing shoulder to shoulder to fit, sat flush with the floor but rimmed with gold. Strange markings, slightly faded, were connected by lines and circles and the stone was clearly of different origin than the outside of the House. It was a chaotic addition to an otherwise warm and inviting interior.