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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Danny Kingston

Location: Kree Spaceship
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

Zelda backing away from him didn’t go unnoticed and at first, it kinda hurt his feelings. Like, here he was just introducing himself and she just ignored him and was doing everything just shy of actually running away from him to put distance between them. He was fully prepared to pout his way into a response, when April chimed in with a frustrated groan, and he remembered there other people who like him and his presence, like this new girl here - the feisty one who yelled at them in the line for food. She thought his fire was really cool. Zelds should be more like that!

“Oooooh, I was close! Sue and Susan!” Danni congratulated himself after Teddy introduced the pair, but he gave his attention to Ardere for the time being. “It's so cool! I like ta make t’em into little butterflies and ‘ave t’em fly around, t’ough sometimes t’ey explode and ot’er times t’e fire just dissolves into not’ing! Never really sure w’at t’e world’s goin’ ta give me when I try t’at trick. And duh Diana, of course I learn. I just learn ‘ow not ta get caught when I fuck up!” Danni replied cheerily to Diana’s teasing, the incident no longer taboo now that he wasn’t on the verge of tears. “I can show you some more cool stuff later, Ari!” Danni offered, always down to feed off of positive attention and willing to do silly little tricks (his favorite kind!) for it.

With everyone clamoring over how strange Teddy was acting, Danni couldn’t help but turn to pay attention to the gentle giant turned leaning post. As Diana flicked his nose, Danni reached up and felt his forehead. And if he went on tip toes for dramatic effect, no one could blame him.. “‘eeeeeeeey Teds, you doin’ okay? You wit’ us buddy?” Danni frowned when he didn’t feel anything he thought was unusual, but frankly, he’d have no idea. “You know, t’is is really only ‘elpful if I know t’e bear t’in’ didn’t fuck wit’ your internal temps, and I don’t so let’s call an expert! Maaaaaaaaai, stop doin’ your flirty t’in’y and see if Teds is okay!” Danni shouted and waved, despite her being right there.

Of course, that’s when he saw it. A new shiny accessory sitting there nice and pretty on Beanie’s hip. All thoughts went out the window as he pointed at Beanie’s sword and shouted “What is t’at?!?!” He skipped over to his favorite fashionesta and Leah by default where she was leaning over Beanie’s shoulder, drawn to her sword like a magnet. “OMG, it reminds me of She-ra! Are you a fan too? ‘ow could we not talk about t’is?! T’is is such a cool cosplay accessory! When did you buy it? ‘ow much did it cost? Is t’e person takin’ commissions because I’d love ta get somet’in’ made and put it in my dorm. Do you already have a cosplay? Are we doing a group cosplay? Omg t’at’s so cool, we get to do a group cosplay! Oh gosh, who would everyone be? We should
 Dee! Where’d you-”

Danni clapped his hands over his mouth. He was a distraction. He can’t out the secret that the birthday boy was sneaking about cause he didn’t want to talk to a bunch of people. Sometimes Dee just didn’t feel like it and it was his job not to tell people. “Uh, yeah no ‘e’s not ‘ere right now, so ignore that! But seriously, She-ra cosplays? We’re doing it for ‘alloween t’is year! Good idea, Beanie! Now we just gotta figure out who is who.”

Danny Kingston

Danni looked between his two partners, nodding. “Aight, aight. Wingin’ t’is by t’e seat of our pants, I’m down for it! Improv is our best skill anyways. Besides galactic fashion ‘cause we are, and always will be, fashion iconics here on t’e Excelsior. Oh, maybe t’at’s what we can do wit’ 15 million! We can start our own fashion line and shows, and everyone will be ‘ella jealous wit’ just ‘ow awesome we are!” Danni exclaimed, bouncing on his toes as the hanger fully pressurized and the lights turned on. A few other ships, moderate sized merchant vessels, occupied the hangar but most of the available landing zones were empty. “We can call it
 oh, w’at did you say back t’en? Space Sluts? Star Whores? Somet’in’ like t’at!”

With the flip of a switch to disengage the locks and a firm push (and a toe kick, but trade secrets and everything), the loading ramp extended and the exit slid smoothly open. The hangar was massive, capable of holding twenty ships three times the size of the Excelsior comfortably. Large, flying droids carried heavier parts and cargo while little hover carts zipped back and forth on the ground, carrying cargo and passengers the length of the hanger and beyond. A little six seater pulled up next to the Excelsior, the driver an elderly man with long hairs growing out of his ears and chewing a foul smelling sap. The only other passenger was a green skinned Kree, typing away furiously on his data pad and paying little to no notice to the group.

“‘ello, ‘ello!” Danni said cheerily as he clambered in, “T’ink you can swin’ us down ta Kol’kill? Dancin’ t’rough t’e Belt leaves a fucker t’irsty as hell, you know?” Danni grimaced as he sat, touching his temple softly as a headache stared brewing there.

The man scoffed, spitting out a wad of foul liquid that steamed slightly on the hangar floor. “Ya ain’t flew no Belt. And if ya did, ya’d be dumber than a sack of rocks. Though, guess you look it.” The man rolled his eyes. The display on the back of the driver’s seat displayed his name as Wen. “‘nother sucka for Kol’kill, eh? If ya lucky, that mountain witch’ll be singin’. Easy on the eyes and the ears, and not so soft elsewhere, if ya know what I mean.” His chorkle dissolved into a coughing fit as some of the chew slid down his windpipe.

Meanwhile, a strange shimmer appeared at the edge of April’s vision, lasting just a moment in a strange pyramidal shape and then vanishing.

Danny Kingston

Location: Kree Spaceship
Skills: Pyrokenises
First Day Fit

Spoons? Sporks? Where did the cutlery come from? Danni felt that, despite being literally between them, a conversation had passed right over him because how in the heck did sporks and spoons fit into tech? Maybe they figured out how to communicate telepathically and hadn’t looped him into it yet. Maybe they didn’t even know they could do it and were switching between verbalizing and thoughtlizing accidentally! Should he say something? No,no, no they would definitely be embarrassed, after the day they’d had. With Beanie clocking something wrong with Princess and Dee already breaking down once today, Danni had to stay strong and resist the urge to pester them with questions about their new found telepathy, including when he would be allowed into the club because Danni did not appreciate being left out and he will cry to get his way. But being a good friend meant sacrifices must be made and so he graciously held his tongue on the subject.

Danni was half a second away from demanding April tell them anyways- the teachers didn’t care if they said some weird stuff because they’d probably heard worse- but Dee jumped in with Star Whores and Danni cackled at the name. “Could you imagine, a big bad ass alien ‘avin’ ta admit t’eir ass was kicked by t’e Space Whores.” Danni wheezed, tearing up a little as he laughed. “10/10, would recommend. T’at’s it, t’at’s t’e t’eme of t’e name. Horrible, terrible t’in’s our enemies would ‘ave ta admit w’en t’ey went ta prison.”

April’s panic brought him back to the situation at hand. “Whaaaaaa? I t’ought your sister was like a toddler or somet’in’, not a real, whole human bein’!” Danni exclaimed, obviously staring at the goth girl apparently related to Princess. Cold and off-putting, she was exactly the opposite of April. And even though the white streak in her hair was nice, how cliche could she get? Sticking with the black and white contrast that, while classic, was just too goth to really be good goth anymore. He really wanted to go meet her and he bounced on his toes as he tried to keep himself from going over. Especially with Teds and Diana and ooooh, even that meanie fresh meat who yelled at them earlier! What a fun little group!

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Birt’day boy, you wanna see t’e ship, you’re gonna see t’e ship!” Danni insisted. Dee’s birthday has been a little rough, filled with shitty people being shitty, and he wasn't going to let his best friend compromise on another thing. “If it makes y’all feel awkward talkin’ ta t’ese people, I’ll run interference. I like talkin’ ta people and everyone likes talkin’ ta me! And so many new faces ta bother! It’ll be fun!” Danni decreed, whirling away from the pair and sliding right up to Teddy to

Danni stared at Teddy’s hulking figure. “You know, I had t’is whole t’in’ where I was gonna prop my arm on your shoulder and make a big scene ta enter your conversation, but I did not t’ink about t’e size difference.” Danni admitted as he considered how to change his approach. He shrugged,and just leaned on Teddy anyways. “Well, who's all t’is? I know Diana, t’e big boy ‘ere, and Viks over t’ere in passin’, and t’is feisty freshy,” he gestured at Ardere. “But t’ese two I don’t know. Let’s see
 Gothie gal I also know! Hi Zelds, ‘ow’s it ‘angin’? I’m Danni, Princess’ favorite fashionista. Totally didn’t t’ink you were like 5, btws. And t’en t’is ot’er one
” Danni sized up Mary Sue, “I’m saying is a Susan. Anyways, nice ta meet y’all! I’m Danni, or HotShot if you’d like!” Danni waved his hand in greeting, trailing wisps of flames coming from his fingertips as he did.

Danny Kingston

Location: Agitha’s Tent -> Kree Spaceship
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

"Bye y'all! Make sure you brin' whatever it is over if it's cool and we can do photos!" Danni blew kisses as Mai and Beanie wandered away.

As the group lost people two by two, Danni reached out and snagged April’s hand again now that he had two free hands and what was better than being in a hand holding chain with his favorite people in the world! “Since birt'day boy wants two more people, guess I'll need enough for five t'en! Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!" It didn't even cross his mind that Dee might want to hang out with other people than them for his birthday, so he assumed Dee wanted to invite two more. At least that meant they could fit in a dorm room! The amount of people who were invited before would have had to practically lay on each other!

"Geez, w'at a day so far! I missed us all together and all t'e craziness t'at follows us around." Danni giggled as he swung April and Dee's arms, uncaring of how close he brought them to hitting other students. "Summer was fun, but I missed t'is. Being together is my favorite t'ing, you know? We didn't 'ang out enough over t'e summer, cause phone calls and video calls never seem like enough and t'en school starts and I just wanna chill wit' everyone but teachers are all over us if we "slack off" because "t'e future will be 'ere before you know it" and all t'at dumb

Something tickled the back of his mind, something about the future. It was there on the tip of his tongue, but he just couldn't put his finger on where it was in his brain. "Gah! T'at reminded me of somet'in', somet'in' t'at I needed ta ask and now it's gone! It was t'ere, right t'ere, and I just can't
" Danni grumbled. It was going to bother him all day now, and he'd remember it as he went to bed or something and then he'd wake Dee up and then Dee would be grumpy and probably tell him to go back to bed and then he'd be tossing and turning until the sun came up. Danni made a mental note to wait until after midnight of his hypothetical situation so Dee couldn't be extra grumpy about his birthday and sleep and stuff. "Well, shit. We all know it's comin' back at t'e worst time so brace yourselves!" Danni laughed, and then his attention finally turned to the Kree ship.

Now, truth be told, Danni wasn't anymore of a space kid than your average guy, but he couldn't help imagine where they could go or what they could do if they jaded a ship like that. "We could do anyt'in' we wanted! Who'd be able ta catch us, except all t'e ot'er people in space but still! I'd bet it'd be fun flyin' t'rough an asteroid belt or seein' if Star Wars is real and if t'ere are space whales with t'at poof t'rough space! Wouldn't t'at be cool? We could be like space 'eroes or somet'in'!" The thought spilled out from thoughts to words, no context given for the sharp transition but Danni barely even noticed, entirely enamored by the day dream coming together in his head.

Danny Kingston

Shields: 40% - Hull: Mild damage sustained - Turret: Mild damage sustained
Engines: Mild damage sustained - Life Support System: Oxygen Recycling at 90% - Sensors: Online

“No, no, no. If we’re filt’y rich, I am not hangin’ around inside the Belt. We’re gonna ‘ave a nice place, take nice vacations, ‘angout at expensive places ‘cause we can and we’ll give all t’e fancy snobs whiplash when we show up. I do not want ta make t’e ball pit of doom ‘ome.” Danni shudder, the aches and pains fro just running through it protesting any potential future where they went through the Belt on a regular basis. Danni did offer the purrgills a lazy wave as the hyperdrive computer calculated the jump. “Though I gotta agree with Princess on this one, Dee. We can grab that weird meat substitute they have on Titan. Terran meat is too expensive since they gotta ship it off world. We are swingin’ by Sandix’s place. Wanna sell off the Nav data before someone else comes lookin’ for it.” The hyperspace computer pinged, announcing it was ready to launch.

“Alright everyone, buckle in and ‘ope t’at’s all t’e purrgills we find.” Danni announced, as he pushed himself back into his chair. The last of the purrgills slipped out of sight, down below the ship as Danni primed the gravity generator and the life support stabilizers. Inside the Ravager’s pouch was a credit stick with 23 credits, a small silver ball with a blue button on top, and a bottle of fine silver sand. Danni slammed forward the hyperdrive throttle. “Next stop, 15 million credits!”

Danny Kingston


Titan seemed to appear out of thin air as The Excelsior dropped out of hyperspace. Atmosphere still heavily yellowed from the high concentration of nitrogen and methane, dark shapes were visible in the gaseous clouds as freight and passenger ships passed through. Although originally used as only a launch point to explore claims of precious metals in Corvu’s core, nitrogen farming had quickly followed the miners in order to supply the artificial farms built in the wake of Terra’s mechanical transformations with a regular source of fertilizer. It was the second biggest business on the moon and special freighters flew in and out of the planet with hundreds of thousands of pounds of pressurized gas canisters.

Danni eased the Excelsior down through the yellow haze of the upper atmosphere until they broke free of the heavy clouds. The Fallow Biome sat on the edge of the Silvered Sea, the largest body of liquid methane on Titan. Massive terraforming structures, resembling oil rigs, alternated between drawing gasses out of the atmosphere and pumping oxygen into the air via long metal shafts protruding from the top. Low altitude transports skipped between the terraformers and the biomes, transporting people, supplies, and gasses.

Beyond that, the Fallow Biome loomed. A gargantuan iridescent metal sphere, Fallow dominated the local space. Its space port could house up to 250 freighters and an additional 50 personal ships in a complex array that stretched out towards Corvu along the moon’s surface. Kilder Co. defense systems were in place, towers half the height of the Biome stretching all around the space port, each equipped with top of the line ground to air ion cannons that could reach a few miles beyond the atmosphere. The installment of the towers was less than a Terran year ago, completed despite widespread disapproval when the money could be used to improve the conditions inside the Biome.

“Fallow tower 1331, t’is is T’e Excelsior requestin’ permission ta land, SSIC 2038923.” Danni called over the comm as they approached the Fallow Space Port. Silence stretched for a long moment, Danni cocking his head in confusion as he prepped the landing gear.

“2038923, this is Fallow tower 1331. Please identify your cargo.” A smooth robotic voice replied. Danni mouthed the word cargo over and over. They didn’t have any cargo, besides themselves, their weapons, and food, right? Cargo, cargo, cargo
 Oh shit!

“Oh, shit, I mean yeah, cargo. Uh, actually, we found it abandoned outside of t’e Belt and we took a bit of a beatin’ so we brought it as spare parts? Please don’t tax us on it - we aren’t selling it!” Danni explained quickly. He wasn’t sure what vendor fees were, but he did not want to find out what they thought docking a second ship was worth. There was silence for a while.

“Due to the quantity and location of the spare parts, you will be required to land at Dock 36 - B. No import fees will be applied so long as it does not leave the hanger.” The voice responded. The monitor displayed a credit request and Danni sighed. It was 25% more expensive than normal since they were in an oversized hanger rather than the normal one, but at least there weren’t import taxes as well. Danni approved the transfer. “SSIN 2038923, you are cleared for landing. Sending coordinates now.”
Danni slowly lowered the ship into the landing area with a small jolt as the landing gear made contact. The hanger ceiling sealed shut and the Nav displayed a small timer as the hanger pressurized. “Okay, okay! Team meeting at t’e ‘olo table!” Danni yelled over the comms before racing out of the cockpit. “We gotta do some plannin’ right? Cause we’re gonna ‘ave competition and we gotta know ‘ow we’re gettin’ our dough! I say we ‘ead ta Kol’kill, sell off t’e nav data for whatever credits t’e Val’shin are willin’ to part wit’, see if Sandix knows anyt’in’ about t’e situation, and go from t’ere!” And it definitely wasn’t so he could take the edge off his nerves with a drink or three. Between nearly dying in the belt, and the absurd amount of money they were banking on, Danni was keyed up, on edge, and alternating between ready to take on the world and crumple into a mess of despair.
The Snakeburrow Woods

16th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Evening - Overcast skies

A few drops of rain threatened a downpour, but the sky still held true and the rest of the day remained uneventful. Cerric’s seemingly endless chatter had him jumping from the current state of Relfin politics to the best names for dogs to the possibility that an air aetherbone may have touched a star. Even Esvelee was losing her patience with the man, having run out of words and care for whatever mindless shit was streaming out of the energetic half elf’s mouth, and she couldn’t sound more relieved when she announced her intent to pull off the road at a waystop for the evening. Not that it stopped Cerric. He kept a hearty one-sided conversation up until Esvelee all but shoved him off the cart and shooed him away so she could tend to the horse. Her eyes fell on Kyreth’s horns and for a moment a sneer curled at the corner of her lip, but she looked away quickly to focus on her task.

“Now, before we call the day done and gone, let’s discuss the day. Nothing terrible, but a lot happened and based on what I saw, you don’t know enough to understand how dangerous what happened earlier was.” Cerric piped up from where he was putting another log onto the fire. He gave them a few moments to pull themselves from their conversations and their thoughts before continuing. “I doubt anyone here is ignorant of Rot. A nasty colloquialism, but an apt one, Rot is an affliction in which a living creature, or a corpse, suffers undeath. It is a perversion of natural aether, warping a creature’s very biology until they are no longer a mortal creature. Food, drink, air, and the pleasures and tribulations of life are no longer their concern, stripped away in the unrelenting crusade of hatred and despair. They become lifeless, violent creatures with only the intent to spread their vile disease, as we saw today. How rot happens, I’m not particularly sure, only that it does and when you encounter an undead, you give it wide breadth and let it pass or you put it down from as far as you can.” Cerric startled as the log slipped from his fingers and sent a whirlwind of embers spiraling towards him.

“You were discussing a puppet master during and in the aftermath, but little was spoken about the consequences of Eila’s injuries. While yes, the beasts’ saliva clearly contained concentrated Rot, who is to say it couldn’t have been transmitted through the claws? Rot is an aetheric sickness and as our mental Animas friend here knows, its afflications and manipulations can be subtle and unseen. This means Eila is now a potential security risk to the operation, and to each living creature she comes in contact with, until we can be sure she isn’t at risk of turning.” Cerric explained, drumming his fingers on his legs he thought. “Normally, I would recommend putting her out of her misery-no offense Eila, but it is the most merciful thing to do rather than letting you suffer-but truth be told, she likely knows more on the subject of Rot than I do so I’ll leave that decision in the hands of her peers unless it becomes undeniable.” He patted Eila’s shoulder before continuing.

“Furthermore, your
 teamwork.” The pause was palpable as Cerric struggled not to include a colorful description. “I would also recommend you talk about that because yes you successfully defended the caravan, but you won’t always have an Animas aetherborn around to patch you back together. You each wield powerful abilities - talk strategy so the short term, you come out in better condition and the long term, you have an idea of what supplies and tools to purchase as stock supplies.”

October 9th, 528 - 12:20am

Execution Level, Execution Chamber - Hasgad Holding Facility

Over the crackling of electricity, shouting echoed down the hallways and the elevator whirred to life. Reinforcements were on their way - with Quinn isolated.

The air mage swore as the room shifted and someone else wisped the magic of her spell away, the damned gravity mage clearly intent on making her life hell. She was less concerned about the advancing vampire, planning to slip away from him once she was airborne, but she hadn’t anticipated the trick. What should have sent her breezing past Donivan just out of reach, instead sent her face first into an electrified field. She spasmed and the skin on her face blackened, adding to the smell of burnt flesh, and she rolled over onto the floor, barely alive and unconscious.

Meanwhile, Hasgad’s crazed grin didn’t leave his face even as the first blow struck, slightly too slow to avoid the hit. However, Maxwell Alderman didn’t tolerate fools. For all his insanity, Hasgad had clocked the threat, thanks to a certain brutal Grand Inquisitor sharing an affinity with the gravity mage killing his soldiers. The metal calmed as all the lightning in the room coalesced into a crackling ball in front of the Inquisitor that he let out in a wave powerful enough to stun the brutish vampire bothering Hasgad, but instead of exploiting the opening, he vanished in a bolt of lightning that raced out the open door.

Hasgad reappeared behind Quinn, hand wrapped neatly around Quinns throat.
“Now, now, now. That was a creative little trick you pulled there. But you won’t do that anymore or you’ll die, and your little friends won’t do anything anymore either or you’ll die!”
Hasgad cooed, lightning already arcing in his other hand. “Now, I thought I was quite civil. The least you could do is offer me a response. Your call here, little Lyra. Either they all live and you stay, or I kill him now, kill everyone else, and then capture you. What do you think?”
Danny Kingston

Location: Agitha’s Tent -> Kree Spaceship
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

Out of sight, out of mind was Dee’s running motto and honestly, Andy’s comment would have bothered him if he didn’t already understand why she was acting like that. He got it - there were lots and lots of new people and it was too much for her to take in. Zar-zar got so antsy ‘cause she knew Andy wasn’t handling the crowd well and well, fight seemed like her default mode so it made sense. Danni could work with that! After all, Dorian, Princess, and Beanie got a little overwhelmed by the people sometimes too and he was besties with all three of them! He hummed a happy little tune, plotting how to endear himself to the pair. They seemed like a fun pair!

However, Princess put it into the universe that Dee might ask that prick to movie night. Danni audibly gasped, shocked that it might be a possibility. “Absolutely not allowed. No, no, no, I can’t do that. Not allowed! I would rather let myself sit our first test naked t’an let t’at munchkin ruin Dee’s day anymore.” Danni announced, emphasizing his statement with a stomp of his foot. Thankfully, the universe seemed to agree as things exploded (without his help, Danni would like to add!) with the mean freshie. Danni didn’t know what a para-why-u-hulk was but with how spicy the freshie spat it, he couldn’t imagine it was anything good. He gasped in shock as he clutched at imaginary pearls, just in case.

And then, Danni gaped at Dee as he just let loose. Dee was a crier, an internalizer, but to get him angry enough to react? Yeesh, the freshie had fucked up. Danni could count the times Dee had-after the powers stuff and the x-mansion of course cause that was a whole ‘nother nightmare-that Dee had actually raised his voice like that and Danni was usually asked to leave him the fuck alone for a while. Well, at least Danni knew any potential invites were dead on arrival. “Ew, Mads, what kind of advice is t’at? We swear blood oaths over grudges ‘ere, silly goose. T’at freshie is a dick and he deserves whatever shitty t’ing Aggie is goin’ ta reveal ta him.” Danni announced in response to Mads suggestion, fully ignoring the fact that even when he is angry, he basically forgets about the issue once the next day rolls around. “And I don’t know about you guys, but I have a dragon and t’ere was always a chance I turn into a massive flaming ball of death so you know, silver linings right?” Danni played it off, waving Dee’s concerns away like he wasn’t genuinely terrified of burning everyone around them alive because hero’s didn’t get scared!. He reeled in his favorite dope, kissed his cheek, and used his free hand to awkwardly shape his mouth into a smile.

“Gotta turn t’at frown upside down! Cause guess who still ‘as presents and cake and ‘is favorite dinner made by ‘is favorite person?” Danni beamed, “It’s t’e birt’day boy and t’at’s you! So let’s go see
” Danni thought really hard about all the conversations that had been happening around him. Gods, there was just so much. Dee mentioned something, something
 “Oh! ‘he spaceship! T’at was it right? Everyone walk and talk, walk and talk, lovelies!” Danni grabbed Dee’s hand and started walking, “But Beanie’s right like always, gotta make t’at list now so we can text t’e right people. And just for the record, unless someone is about ta port me home or like, I dunno, ‘ave some groceries delivered, only birt’day boy and whoever he wants ta give it ta get special birt’day dinner. I only brought enough for like four
ish?I don’t remember but you better get t’at noodle cooking!” Danni commanded as he took off from the tent. They were going to have a good time! Agitha and the freshie would just have to deal with it!
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