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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Location: Dorm
Skills: N/A

April was not good at confrontation. The only person she had ever really screamed at or fought with had been her sister, and that didn’t count. Everyone yelled at their siblings. But when it came to her best friends, and the radio silence she had received all day? Her confidence failed her. She thought about rushing into Dorian and Danni’s room, demanding answers… but the truth that they had gotten bored of her, that their friendship was over… And she was not ready to face that truth. There were a lot of truths she wasn’t ready to face - some of them deep inside of her.

So as she knocked on the door to their room, she wasn’t here for a fight - to express her feelings or anything. No, she was there with one of Danni’s hoodies. She had borrowed it from him last year, and it had ended up coming back to D.C. with her instead of New Orleans with him. This was just her returning it. It didn’t change the way she felt sick to her stomach, or the way she had a death grip on the fabric. ”Guys? I have Danni’s hoodie, I wanted to drop it off - you home?” April called out, before knocking on the door again.

What if they were ignoring her? What if they were avoiding her? She swallowed thickly, doing her best to breathe evenly.

Dorian heard the knock at their door. He hadn't been doing much of anything at the moment, bored out of his mind as the idea of getting to play Hookey had already lost its appeal. After all, it was hardly as much fun to get out of classes when everyone else was still stuck in them. It wasn't like he could whisk himself away to another country and enjoy the sights while the others studied hard on their first day. So as soon as he heard the knock on the door, he rushed over and swung it open with such force that the spring stopper began to rattle. "Ugh you're finally out of class. I t'ought it would be anot'er eternity until you were set free!"

Dorian hadn't noticed her soured mood, walking swiftly past April as he pushed her in from behind and closed the door. Using his foot to gingerly avoid the broken porcelain while slowly closing the door behind him. "We got t'e day off from school. Firestar wasn't 'appy at all wit' 'ow our first day went. Apparently it's bad form to blow up your students. Coffee?" He asked as he began to make his way over and pour himself his third cup of the day.

Danni frowned as Dee opened the door for April. The brewing ugliness in his chest had finally started to calm down - he'd convinced himself that she just needed some space, that she was upset about the situation, that she would respond before the end of the school day even though she knew how being ignored made him feel. And then she just waltzed right in without even so much as a sorry, or a crazy adventure to excuse herself with. Nope, just a hoodie to return, probably ready to flaunt in their faces how cool her team is, how much better she was without them.

"Yeah, Poisson-Pas tried tearin' us a new one wit' a little C4. T'en Beanie told us how much we all suck as a team, but always figured we'd 'ave a different set up. Kinda got off on a shitty foot wit' your sister when we tried ta convince Poisson-Pas ta swap her out wit' you, but guess we can't get far when you don't even wanna text us back." Danni could feel the prickle of tears at the corner of his eyes, so he didn't make eye contact with April. "Guess your 'appy wit' your team then, huh."

April had a death grip on the hoodie, as if letting go of it would cause her to collapse into a puddle. The coffee in Dorian’s cup froze solid, as did the rest of the coffee that hadn’t been poured out just yet. Any skin care products that were unlucky enough to be in the room as well would find themselves partially frozen, and a thin layer of water condensed on the windows. ”I-I… I didn’t get a text?” April stammered out. She could barely feel her hands. ”I must’ve missed it, I’m s-so sorry. Um. I’m glad you… you didn’t get blown up. Or die. I… I can get going now, then, I’m sorry, this is… this is weird and I… yeah, cool, great.” She then turned around and started for the door, completely forgetting to hand over the hoodie.

Dorian watched as the coffee in his mug froze solid, the steady stream of liquid gold solidifying right before his very eyes like one of those pranks toys meant to look like a spill. He looked between Danni and April, confusion clear in his face as neither of his best friends had mentioned they were in a sour mood with the other and now suddenly they were fighting around him. He placed his mug onto a counter, the pot still frozen to it as it floated in the air when placed down. "OK time out. What is goin on 'ere?" He said as he beat April to the door and leaned against it. If they were fighting they needed to hash it out now.

Danni rolled his eyes at April's theatrics. "What's goin' on 'ere is someone didn't care t'at we, t'e t'ree best friends who 'ave done nothin' but dream about winnin' the Contest of Champions toget'er, aren't toget'er and couldn't even bot'er ta respond ta her best friend's text w'en 'e told 'er 'e wasn't gunna take t'is shit lyin' down. Probably 'cause she was havin' too much fun wit' her new friends. New year, new 'er, and fuck Danni and Dee, even though we fuckin' missed 'er like 'ell over the summer, am I right?" Danni snapped sullenly.

She couldn’t help it as the tears started to fall. She couldn’t bear to turn her head to look at Danni. Each accusation felt like a lash. But April hadn’t received a text message - she was almost sure she hadn’t - but she felt like such a mess that she didn’t reach into her pocket to produce the phone. She didn’t feel capable of removing her death grip off of the hoodie. ”You both have been ignoring and avoiding me all day!” April finally cried out, feeling like she had removed a dagger’s blade from her heart.

”I-I didn’t get a single text the entire time, a-and if I missed it, I just said I was sorry! You tw-two get to do the dream together without me - you probably don’t even need me anymore. I’m the fucking third wheel. I-it’s like those shows when you see three characters and one of them is just cl-clearly not it and the other two want them to leave and I get it now, you two hate me, it makes sense. Why’d you even want a girl hanging around all the time? I-I’ll go, it’s fine, you can - you can invite Zelda over or something or the rest of your team and I bet you’ll do great and y-you’ll win and…” To be fair, April did have a tendency for over-dramatics. But she was feeling all of this deeply. And having Danni snap at her like this… it only fed into the thoughts she had, the thoughts that Danni and Dorian were done with her.

”I-I’m going to g-go, c-can you step aside?” she asked Dorian.

Dorian froze. It felt like what he imagined dial up was like. His brain couldn't compute with anything that was going on and the words quickly began to fade away into the background. This wasn't how they were supposed to act, none of this was in the script. Sure a few things went pear shaped earlier today but this was when it all got resolved right? The fighting just brought back harsh memories of when he was younger and hot tears began to form in the corner of his eyes. "What t'e 'ells are eit'er of you talkin' about?! I didn't send anyt'ing because you were in class all day and I didn't want to get you in trouble, and you…what?! he looked at Danni incredulously.

"Avoiding you?! I am t'e clingiest bitch in t'is group, and you think I'm avoidin' you?!" Danni jumped up from the bed, furious. "Your sister doesn't want shit ta do wit' us 'cause I demanded, in front of her, that we swap her for you! We told Poisson-Pas ta 'is face t'at 'e made a mistake on t'is dumb piece of shit. Danni waved the team letter around in April's face before setting it on fire in a calm, controlled burst. "And I texted, verbatim, "Don't worry Princess, we'll get us back toget'er". And t'en nothing. Does t'at sound like we 'ate you, 'cause it sure as fuck doesn't ta me! Miss me wit' t'is t'ird wheel shit - we text, call, and phone bomb your ass while we're apart. You don't get ta say t'at shit when we're t'e ones t'at stood up for t'e t'ree of us while you go fuck off with your new lays!"

April had turned around to look at Danni, and she flinched, as he waved the flaming paper around - even as a small part of her wanted to praise him for the control he was showing. But then, things got worse. Her eyes widened. She hadn’t told Dorian and Danni yet about making things formal with Leah - and Sabine. She wanted to tell them, of course, but it had basically just happened and she hadn’t had a chance yet. And it seemed like something that would need more than a text, especially when her replacement phone had a dinosaur of a keyboard, making individual words a pain to type out.

”I didn’t get a text!!!” April screamed, like it was a shield. She could hardly see, the tears were falling so fast. ”I didn’t get a fucking text from you!!” She said it like a prayer. ”A-and m-my lays??? I’m a fucking virgin, Danni, you KNOW that! And i-it like JUST happened with L-Leah and S-Sabine and you KNOW I would NEVER end our friendship or abandon you for s-s-some chicks!! I’m not the fucking devil! I’m not the villain!!”

Dorian just watched as the pair of them went at it. His head swiveling back and forth from one to the other as their screaming match had continued on. More and more he was being put back into the role he had played when his fathers had fought. His chest tightened, his heart quickened, and it felt like he was about to black out. The frozen coffee mug went flying off the shelf, slamming against a wall as it shattered and the pot fell harmlessly on his bed. The chairs screeched and groaned as they pulled closer towards him and the lights began to flicker from his oncoming panic attack. He couldn't speak, he couldn't say anything, he just slid down the door slowly, hands against his ears like a frightened child as he closed his eyes and sat on the floor.

Danni recoiled as if he'd been slapped, angry tears finally falling. "Beanie and Leah? What the fuck, I was talkin' about your team, not your relationship? What the 'ell, Princess. 'Ow t'e fuck are we just findin' t'is out now? I was gunna fight Beanie yesterday over you, now you're with 'er?" Danni's head was whirling. Beanie and Princess were like… secret, undercover lovers weren't they? He literally spoke with Beanie about this the other day, and then Princess was kissing Leah, and now all of them are together. How the fuck did that flow road go?! The temporary distraction faded quickly though, as he sidestepped a moving chair.

"Fine, you didn't get a text from us, sure. Then why didn't you text us, huh? Why didn't you stand up for us? I noticed you haven't mentioned anything about that. Or did you just-" Danni paused. Moving chair? He stared at it for just second before the flickering lights caught his attention. Danni looked at Dee, something mean and vicious and sharp on his tongue about why he wasn't upset too, when it died at the sight of him on the floor. Danni barely registered the thud of his knees hitting the floor as he wrapped around Dee as best he could.

"Oh no, oh fuck. No, no, no. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's okay, we're okay, everything okay." Danni rocked Dee, the argument with April already a distant thought.

”It happened, like, like last night! Like after we’d all talked! And I wanted to tell you all in person, so I was going to tell you now!” April sobbed. ”I didn’t stand up for you? What does that even mean? Stand up for you where? I-” she stopped, the words suddenly cut off. Danni wasn’t paying attention to her anymore - her rebuttals didn’t matter. It wouldn’t matter if she explained she hadn’t texted because they hadn’t texted her and it had terrified her, terrified her that they didn’t need her anymore, that they were always going to be a pair and she was just going to be an extra.

But Dorian was on the floor now, clearly in pain. The room had come to life, like a haunted mansion. And April couldn’t help but blame herself. It was her fault. She shouldn’t have come over here. She wanted to reach out to help Dorian, to soothe him and cuddle him, but she was afraid that Danni would snap at her if she did so. Instead, April lowered herself down, sitting back on her knees. She was still crying, but the tears were silent now. ”D-Dory?”

Dorian hadn't heard any of it. He'd blocked the noises out, muffling them as he sat there with his hands at his ears and his knees to his chest. He knew he wasn't the cause of this fight, yet he still was helpless. He couldn't prevent it, couldn't help. He could feel the vibrations of them yelling, like punches to his ribs. Then suddenly he felt pressure. Someone had wrapped their arms around him. His eyes shot open to see who it was, half expecting to see one of his fathers. His eyes a ghostly green as his powers continued to rage on. Tears fell down his cheek, though as they hit the floor they seemed to phase away.

"Please. Just…stop fighting. Stop yelling. Just…" He could feel his back wanting to give way. To have him melt into the doorway so he could escape this scene. He tried to relax himself but only ended up closing in tighter. His glowing green eyes looking towards his best friend's pleadingly as he felt the grip in his chest threaten more.

"We're done, we're done, we promise, don't we Princess? It's okay, don't cry. 'ush, Little 'auntling, don't say a word cause you probs wanna murder me for callin' you t'at." Danni sung off key, pulling at April's leg to get her into the cuddle pile. Why she was hesitating so long, he didn't know, but Dee needed love and affection damn it.

April bit her lip. She still felt incredibly upset. But she nodded anyways, as Danni asked her to. “Y-yeah, it’s all good, we’re totally fine!” April lied. The cognitive dissonance going on in her head was leaving her feeling untethered. She twitched slightly at Danni’s hand pulling on her leg, but she complied, putting her arms around Danni and Dorian, feeling like they had just put a blanket over a bomb in hopes that it wouldn’t explode.

The second he felt April's arm around him, Dorian launched himself towards his two best friends, tossing them both to the floor. He sobbed quietly with them in his arms as he pulled them in even tighter. "Can't we just solve t'is peacefully or wit' a pillow fight?" He said I between gasps for breath. He didn't care for confrontation, less so when there was yelling involved. "I don't know what you two are on about but I love you bot' so much I don't want to lose eit'er of you."

"We're not on about anyt'in', Little 'auntling. I just wanna know t'at Princess was fightin' for us ta be together like we did, but she isn't sayin' anyt'in' about t'at and just comin' in and sayin' t'at apparently we 'ate her even t'ough we chased her sister out tryin' ta get her in." Danni grumbled as he pinched Dee's cheek, avoiding looking at April. "Shoulda run off Spicy instead. Total prick."

She didn’t know what to say. Dorian was so clearly distressed about them fighting, and April was worried that anything she said back to Danni would just inflame the tensions again. She wanted to say that she didn’t even know how to fight for them to be together as a team - or that she had assumed the lack of texts from them meant that they didn’t even care. She hadn’t known anything about what was going on with Zelda - it vaguely occurred to her that she probably needed to check in on Zelda, or she was going to really get it from her parents’ if they found out. ”No one’s going anywhere, Dori,” April said soothingly. Her own tears had stopped, mostly because she had run out.

Dorian slowly let go of the pair, his eyes back to normal as a few remaining floating items fell down to the floor with a clatter. He looked past the wall where Percy's dorm was before looking back at the pair. He spoke through sniffles as he said "Percy's not all bad. Even Beanie said so. Doesn't help that I made 'im vomit and pass out on 'is first day after you lit 'im on fire." Maybe a lot of the animosity was their fault, between the attacks on Percy and bad mouthing Zelda to her face, it was no wonder the team was falling apart. "Poisson-Pas said we can't swap anyways. Where'd you even end up? We got a judges team but it's been radio silence from you all day. So spill, who'd you get stuck with?"

"Ugh, and Beanie didn't even want ta team up toget'er! I'm still kinda hurt by t'at. You t'ink she'd wanna stick with 'er friends, but I guess she did win by droppin' us, huh?" Danni sighed, resting his cheek on Dee's head as he talked. "Ugh, too much depresso, not 'nuff espresso. Yeah Princess, tell us who…" Danni trailed off. He really, really wanted to make a snarky comment. Like, really really. But damn, Dee just had a panic attack and honestly, he was such an ugly crier.

"Yeah, who uh… who are you paired with?"

April shifted uncomfortably. Dorian had seemed to calm down, but the tension was still palpable. ”I got put on Lady Nimue’s team - she’s… kinda intense?” April explained. Nimue was new to the Margaret Carter Institute, as she was replacing Agatha Harkness as the new magic instructor. ”It’s me and Mads, which is fine - and then this freshman, Mary Sue, I kinda know her as her parents are friends with my parents… And then there’s my… aunt, Andy… from my dad’s bio side,” April said. She looked away from the two of them. She didn’t think much of the weird nickname they had given to their coach. ”There was supposed to be another girl, I think, but she never showed.”

"Did she try to blow you up wit' C4 bombs too?" What was it with this year's batch of judges? Or were the judges teams always like this? Maybe this was why the Young Avengers were as good as they were, because they'd been facing actual life and death scenarios since Freshman year. He paused for a moment as something April said finally clicked in. "Wait, did you say retro-chic is your aunt? 'ow in t'e world does t'at work out? She's younger t'an you are…I t'ink?"

"Wait, wait, wait. You got stuck wit' Nimue? I 'eard from Aggie t'at Nimue was a Sinister clone! You gotta be careful, or Nimue's gunna do wierd experiments on ya. Get Beanie ta look into Nimue's 'ead; maybe she can give you a 'eads up on t'e plan!" Danni supplied helpfully. Apparently as long as Dee was sandwiched between them, he wouldn't get to pout at April for not sticking up for the trio and he was itching to tell her to pull out her phone, but they had to play nice. For now. "But speakin' of Beanie… got yourself a two'fer, 'uh? 'ow'd t'at come about? I'd only 'eard about Leah, and kinda maybe t'ough you were doin' somet'in' downlow with Beanie after pur first day back with how y'all were actin'!"

April’s eyes widened, as Dorian mentioned casually that their coach had tried to blow them up with C4. ”What? No! She did make us fight the questing beast from Arthurian legend, and Mothman, but not C4… Although I guess that’s probably worse?” Or maybe it was better? April couldn’t decide. Either way, it was reckless and dangerous. The coaches she had had before hadn’t done anything like it. ”A Sinister Clone?” April then repeated, completely shocked. ”I thought she was just, like, some sort of Arthurian legend sort of person - y’know, the sort of stuff that Captain Britain deals with…” She bit her lip, trying to think through anything Nimue had done that might seem sinister - which amounted to most of it, really.

”Umm, so like, I kissed Leah - and Leah had already started something with Sabine, so then I guess Sabine must’ve liked me or, like, not hated me or something? I don’t know. I def didn’t have anything on the downlow with Sabine. But now… well, it’s super new and I’m like not 100% sure of everything, but we’re testing it out, and I guess we’ll see if this triangle arrangement works out.” She was blushing deep red. This was all new territory to her. She was happy and excited, but scared and nervous at the same time.

"Wow, that's a lot of new stuff goin' on! Mothman sounds fun though… Do you t'ink Poisson-Pas will let us fight somet'in' cool, or do ya t'ink he'll just keep blowin' us up? I'd like ta do some fightin' rather t'an just survival exercises over and over but Poisson-Pas seems like 'e kinda wants us ta like, live or somet'in'." Danni spoke with false cheeriness, bad at keeping his emotions in check but trying so fucking hard for Dee when all he wanted to do was cry at the thought that Princess wasn't going to have time for them anymore. "And wow, when's the first date Princess? You guys got anyt'in' planned yet?"

"Ugh I 'ope so! I can 'andle beasts and Mot'man no problem. But a bomb?! What am I supposed to do wit' t'at?" Dorian said, a bit exasperated. Sure some heros had to deal with those kinds of threats, but he wasn't expecting to be one of those heros. That was more of a techies problem than his. He hadn't said anything about April's relationship yet. Still unsure of what to say in the first place. She managed to bag 2 people at once and he managed to make his cosmic love vomit in front of everyone. Great. "Oooo yeah when's t'e first date so we can wear fake mustaches and spy from t'e corner."

April nodded again - she was pretty nervous, mostly because all of this was so new and she was scared about messing things up. But she was happy and excited - the drama of the encounter with Danni was just continuing to stress her out, causing her mood to swing dangerously between extremes. The smile on her face was both genuine and a lie. “Um, not really? My phone’s kinda busted so texting has been really hard… I need to call my parents and ask for a new one,” April admitted. She pulled out her phone and flipped it open, pressing a bunch of buttons to navigate to a chat with Leah and Sabine. “I tried earlier and, well…” she showed it to the two. Most of April’s messages were complete gibberish, random letters and symbols without any meaning. “To be fair to me I was texting in class so I couldn’t look at the phone.”

Danni nodded along, biting a wobbling lip as his eyes started tearing up. So that's what happened. She started a new thing with Beanie and Leah and now Danni and Dee were second best. Texting her new besties and ignoring them. The ugly feeling in his chest grew heavier, sinking into his stomach, and he couldn't hold back a sniffle as he tried not to cry. Dee didn't want them fighting, Dee didn't want them fighting, Dee didn't want them fighting so he just had to learn to hold it in. Yeah, he could do that. Totally, 100 percent, no problem.

"Dang, yeah, gotta do t'at stat. 'ow you're workin' wit' t'at dinosaur is crazy." Danni laughed, ignoring the crack in his voice and pushing past the hurt in his chest. He disentangled himself from their little pile, scooching away from them. "Make sure ya keep us in t'e loop t'ough so we can plan 'angouts round your dates and all our practices."

Dorian didn't miss the crack in Danni's voice. Nor did he miss the way he moved himself apart from them. This whole situation was really hurting him, and neither of them would make the move to prove the other wrong. "Oh, if you 'ave a new phone you're goin' to need to a new wallpaper for it." He said with a half chuckle as he pulled out his phone. He opened up their group text, noticing the lack of message from Danni.

Instantly Dorian knew this wouldn't be good, but he also knew this would never be resolved unless it was shown. So instead he picked a photo from his gallery that had all three of them, a particular pic that depicted one of their happier moments together at AA from years passed. He hit send, both Danni and April's phones chirping to life as the image went through and more importantly, the chat would be shown where Danni had never sent his message.

April bit her lip, seeing the physical rejection from Danni, as he scooted away from them - and she caught the way his voice had cracked, the sniffles. They were both pretending to be okay, for Dorian’s sake. It probably wasn’t healthy. But April was fine with pretending - she pretended to be okay all the time. She pretended to be the perfect student, the perfect daughter, the perfect friend - the sort of person that could always be relied on, that was always there to help, never asking for anything in return. She did her best to give and give and never take.

Her clunky phone buzzed twice, as Dorian’s message came through. She had managed to get her phone number switched to this phone - which had taken about an hour or so to figure out, unfortunately. ”It’s loading,” April said, as she opened up the message. ”Might take it a while,” she admitted sheepishly. But on her phone, she could see the chat - the messages that were sent - and that Danni had never sent her one. The guilt and shame melted away - not all the way, but at least partially. She looked at her friend, not saying a word about it. She couldn’t find her voice.

Danni's phone went off, an upbeat song that he would let a call ring to the voice-mail just to dance to. It was awkwardly out of place and Danni fumbled it even though Dee had given them heads up; it took him a few seconds to open up the message. Even though he was upset, he still smiled at the photo - all three of them crowded together and smiling after… gosh, was it a test they'd all been stressy spaghettis over? Ugh, he didn't remember but he chuckled at how happy they all looked together. It was such a stark contrast to where they were now, this bundle of hurt, angry, soggy potatoes, and that thought slapped the smile off his face real quick.

Well, fine. If Princess wasn't going to admit she was wrong, he'd just prove her wrong now. He backed out of the picture, scrolled up to the message he'd sent, and… He frowned at what he saw though. There weren't any messages from today before this picture. Danni backed out of the chat and opened it again, scrolling it once more to see if anything had loaded. Still nothing, he scrolled up faster, checking each and everyone of his good morning texts that he sent every day, even when they were apart because he loved his friends and he wouldn't deny them the amazingness of his perfectly planned good mornings, but he still didn't find one from today. The date above the photo Dee sent sat there, irrefutable proof of one thing and one thing alone.

He fucked up.

And oh, did he fuck up big. He could feel his entire face heating up as the realization hit him, embarrassment making him want to crawl in a hole and die. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears and he opened his mouth to speak, to apologize, to scream, to do anything but he could barely breathe, let alone speak. His vision swam and dark spots clustered around the edges of his vision, and his phone shook, his fingers aching and white.

What now? Scenarios flickered through his head, unbidden and unwelcome. April only staying friends with Dee, April ignoring him, getting a message in their chat saying she blocked him, April on dates and never telling Danni all about them. Years of friendship gone because he hadn't sent a text, because he hadn't double checked, because he… he fucked up. Something gross and unwelcome boiled in his, making him want to scrub his skin off his bones, set fire to himself and everything around him, anything to get rid of it and he wasn't sure what it was. It wasn't embarrassment - he'd been embarrassed before but a quick joke and a laugh made everyone move on. Now this was worse and he just wanted it to stop.

"I… I never sent… a t- text." Danni managed to croak out, he hesitantly looked up away from his phone, He couldn't bring himself to look Princess in the eye. "I coulda swore I did. I didn't even send a good mornin' text? I… I always send a good mornin' text. It's like my t'in' cause I always want ta talk ta y'all first every day. 'ow did I not send a text? We… we were walkin' ta trainin' and t'en before we went in, I wanted ta send y'all a text so we could all make t'em fix t'e mistake cause we were suppose ta be on a team toget'er. No one… can stop us if we were toget'er but I didn't send t'e text. 'ow did I forget ta send t'e text. It was important." Danni let his mouth run, not knowing what else to do.

"And t'en I… I… God, I'm so sorry!" Danni sobbed, all but launching himself at Apri with hugging intent. "I was scared and upset 'cause you said you didn't fight for us ta be toget'er but I never even sent ya anyt'in' and I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I just… it sucked so much, I missed you so much, it was fun at t'e time even wit' a teacher blowin' us up but after I just felt empty since we weren't wit' you and I was angry and grumpy and I didn't double check and please don't leave me, please please please don't stop bein' my friend! I'm sorry!"

April’s body shook violently - not from fear or surprise or anything along those lines, but more as a release of tension and stress. She didn’t try to hold it together for Dorian’s sake anymore. The tears came readily, and her shaking arms wrapped around Danni, trembling as she could barely hold onto him. A part of her was relieved - she hadn’t missed a text from him, she hadn’t been the one to mess up here. But then another part of her was sad - he really hadn’t sent her anything. He had meant to though. The other thing though filled her with shame - she hadn’t texted them. She had been so consumed in her own inner monologue of morose sorrow that she hadn’t reached out to her best friends.

”I’m sorry too,” April mumbled into Danni’s neck. ”I-I should’ve reached out. I was just so sad and scared and thought you two… that you didn’t need me anymore. A-and that something must’ve changed over the summer o-or that maybe I did something wrong and I’m not good enough anymore to be your friend,” April admitted. ”L-like ten years from now you’d be off in the stars having adventures and shit and you’d go oh remember that girl from school, wh-what was her name, June? a-and I’d be in some shitty town like, I dunno, San Jose and I’d be alone and… Sorry I should stop rambling, I think I’m getting off topic anyways…”

Dorian wrapped his arms around both of them, squeezing them tightly. "We've all been so stressed about auditions and team placement of course somet'in's get forgotten at times. It doesn't mean any of us love any of t'e ot'ers any less. We need to see the positive 'ere! We each made a judges team!!! After t'ree years we did it!!" He squeezed them again before planting a kiss on each of their over dramatic cheeks.

October 9th, 528 - 1:15am

Safe House

Valafar offered Lyra an apologetic smile as the Commander tromoed his way to the cabin, waiving off the other's assistance. "I am stationed here short term at Headquarter's command. I'll be returning to run an operation I was relocated from." Valafar explained as diplomatically as possible. "A rescue mission this risky does call for some support, though it is the first time I've been stationed as a stand by rather than spearheading a team myself. However, it seems I'm entirely uncessary and isn't that great! You survive an Inquisitor's holding facility, rescued two of our own, and came out without a broken bone. A pretty successful first command, huh?"

Valafar's cheerful smile turned sharper. "So, how many of the bastards did you kill? On your way to catching up to me yet?"

The safe house was a cozy little thing as the Commander and company make their way inside. The old woman, drapped in comfortable shawls and nursing a cup of hot tea, rocked slowly on the front porch and watched Dylan with a still, unblinking stare. When she spoke, it came out crackling and dry like ancient parchemnt. "A mercy, blood spilt. A storm's fury brews, a mind sundered; no Life salvages such devestation." The woman croaked, nodding stiffly at the prone man. She spared a glance at the two following - Roan she overed a cursory inspection but there was a glint of recognition as she inspected Quinn, followed by a huff of laughter before she returned to her unblinking vigil, gaze carrying far beyond the edge of the woods around them.

Inside the sent of fresh bread and warm stew wafted around the rustic interior. Bowls, plateses, and utensils were piled up next to the stove, where a modest size pot sat covered and a loaf of bread sat on a wooden cutting block. A modest dining tallble sat in the center, under plants hanging to dry. A man in simple clothes, barely standing at 5'8, was washing his hands in a sink and turned to smile at the entering group.

"Welcome back and good job." He greeted them, laughter lines deepening as he offered a kind smile and nodded at one of two doors leading out of the kitchen. "Diana is in the living room for whoever needs to be cleared by a mind mage. Anyone who has an injury that needs tending, I'll be happy to help. Dinner finished just a bit ago so once you're healed up, you can grab a bite to eat." The man explained, patting his hands dry on a dish towel.

"We've got another outside. Helga thinks he's already dead. Fix up everyone else up and then check on 'im. If we can't piece him back together, we'll give him his last rites after sun rise." Agreve grumbled as he slumped into a chair. The life mage sighed and patted Agvere's shoulder. "Roan, mind mage now. So long as she clears you, you're good to return and we'll debrief once everyone has a decent meal in their bellies."
Danny Kingston

Location: Training Room B
Skills: N/A

The tension in Danni's shoulders grew tighter and tighter as more and more people entered his vicinity. Each person was another pair of eyes, each person another witness to how awful he felt and all he wanted to do was strip these rags off, scrub the skin off his bones, and wrapped himself back up again so he could feel like something other than the ugly piece of crap he was right now. Danni could admit he might be a teeny, tiny, itsy bit vain but your appearance was everything: people liked you when you were visually appealing. How much you talked, how loud you were, how often things blew up around you… just fell away when you were pretty enough to look at. It was like a get out of jail free card.

But gross, ugly, and disgusting like this put Danni on edge. He could feel the heat fizzing up under his skin, and he wrapped his arms around himself, squeezing like it would help hold it in. His discomfort was growing and he was around a lot of people that were… not so fireproof. "Yeah, uh, you know, t'at's probably a bad idea, Beanie. T'ink I'll just go over myself since Poisson-Pas doesn't wanna just nifty fifty and jimmy me over t'ere. On an entirely unrelated and not at all worrisome note, I s'ould be alone. Like, right now and definitely not near any skin, hair, or flammable valuables! So yes, bye, t'ank you for comin' ta my TED talk, or well Beanie's TED talk, and yet, great ide-" Danni bolted, his tolerance for people right now in absolute shambles as he fought burning humiliation and frustration and anxiety…

At least, he hoped that's what that feeling was.

October 9th, 528 - 1:00am

Hasgad Holding Facility -> Safe House

The fireball crashed against the enemy's defenses, the flash and heat of roaring flames giving their front line just enough pause to have their back line slam against them. More than a few mages hit the floor in a mad scramble, more focused on preventing the rebels from escaping than paying attention to their allies. The door between them shut firmly, wedged shut by transmutation magic, and the rebels would have a bit more breathing room, if only by a minute.

Extraction hadn't been thoroughly covered - a simple command: Get to the treeline. But this wasn't an oversight. Those with the company long enough knew the Commander's magic and it was on full display as the escapees broke into the dense woods surrounding the holding facility. Writhing and twisted, shadows casted by moonlight shifted underfoot and the Commander's voice seemed to echo from everywhere as an indistinguishable chant cleaved shadow from tree and bush and gathered it around the escapees. The world lengthened and stretched and shadows filled in the spaces between matter until only darkness, deep and frigid, remained. Silence reigned, even snatching voices from those ensnared in the spell, and yet the presence of others was tangible, the hairs on nearly everyone's nape rising.

Until the world snapped back into shape and the forest they'd left behind was replaced by sprawling prairies and a quaint stone cottage with a wrap around porch. An older woman, wrapped in a deep green shawl and nursing a steaming mug, watched the group with mild interest as she rocked in a well loved rocking chair. The Commander stood, sweat on his brown and a deep frown of concentration, fifteen paces off the house with his shadows retreating beneath him. His chest heaved with the exertion of transporting so many people and his hands shook violently as he took a moment to lean heavily on the younger mage next to him. The mage offered them a sunny smile, all dimples and neatly coiffed hair, and a wave of his gloves hand.

"Welcome, friends, to… Well, here! This place shall be unnamed until we've had an opportunity to shift through our new friend's heads and confirm they aren't imperial spies meant to identify us, betray us, and slaughter us in our sleep!" The new man explained cheerily to an irritable grunt from the Commander. He just laughed, smoothing out the black trench coat as the Commander elbowed him sharply in the ribs."And in the meantime, the others we did pull a few strings to get a Life Mage here so go get checked out inside and then feel free to grab some stew on the stove."

Commander Agreve shoved himself off his cheery counterpart. "We debrief as soon as these two chucklefucks are cleared by our mind mage. Central command…" Agreve's eyes flickered to Lyra and back. "Procured some additional supplies for a halfway decent meal after this so enjoy. Vamps, you got a bottle on the counter too if you need it. Apparently, it's from some dead, snooty nobles supply so I guess it's good? Don't fuckin' know, don't fucking care. Drop the unconscious one on the ground, Roan follow me. Agreve barked his orders out, still shaking but shoulders straight and his stride even as he headed back for the house.
The Snakeburrow Woods

16th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Night - Overcast skies

"Hm, hm, hm. Wilderness cults?" Cerric pondered, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Thought they were all scared off, honestly. Uh, there are those strange self-proclaimed nature guardians lurking through Snakeburrow but they don't command any real power. A handful can tweak a few wisps of aether, but most are disgruntled farmers and urchins looking for a way to feel larger than their lot in life. The truly devoted ones are solitary, feral things and the ones Melanar favors are… well, I'd rather be on the wrong end of a dull Buscanian blade in a dark alley."

"We ain't mean no harm to you and yours. Let us go, and we'll be right on past you and forget you in the process." Jar promised.

A little further away, Esvelee rolled her eyes at the conversation happening just out of camp. "Bah, these damned cults. Should let the bandit run them through. Always being a bother to the farms just outside of Soft Haven's reach, you know. Claiming they're acting on Melanar's behalf. Bunch of thieves, the bastards. If Agitha still had her legs, she'd have 'em grovelin' in snap."
Danny Kingston

Location: Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Danni let out an unholy screech as Firestar fucking appeared right after he said he didn't want to be seen. "Okay, okay?! Do you see what t'is- t'is- t'is monster did to me, to my clothes?! Of course I'm not okay! If I'd 'ad even t'e tiniest of inklin's Poisson-Pas wanted me ta suffer, I'd 'ave worn somet'in' t'at would 'ave fallen apart pretty, not turned ta ash and rags!" Danni waved his arms around as he spoke, gesturing at the garbage hanging off of him. "T'is is abusive! T'e bombin' I can forgive. We're gunna be 'eroes, comes wit' t'e territory. But give me some damn warnin' and I'll dress appropriately!" Danni grumbled at their instructor.


Especially when Poisson-Pas nonchalantly tossed out a shower like Danni didn't want to scrub this filth of his skin right fucking now. "Poisson-Pas, I wanted a shower t'e second t'e bomb went off and if you tried ta make me walk out t'ere lookin' like t'is, I'd prank t'e 'ell out of you for t'e rest of your life. Take me away so I can fix t'is mess."

Danny Kingston

Location: Training Room B
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, let's do t'at! Gotta get t'is whole flyin' t'in' under control. Takes too much outta me right now." Danni agreed as Dee made his way into the door he hadn't heard anything behind. He leaned on the door frame as Dee headed over to the bomb and fiddled with it. Danni closed his eyes, resting his head on the door frame as Dee handled the boom boom machine. God knows if Danni got his hands on it, he might accidently explode it! So much fire, so much fun…

He was lost in his imagination of what he could do with that much sudden fire when Dee's shouting startled him back into reality and he opened his eyes just in time to watch the boom machine go, well, BOOM! His scream was lost in the roar of the bomb.

Danni pushed off the door frame as Dee flickered out of this plane, Danni very, very jealous in that moment as he scrambled away from the explosions. His legs felt like lead despite how hard his heart was pounding in his chest. "Whoever fuckin' said lettin' kids fuck around wit' bombs is a God damned idiot!" Danni screamed as he tried to dive for the table but the force of the explosions threw him off balance and he fell harder than he wanted, doing everything he could to protect his face. Time traveler or not, Danni would set fire to Poisson-Pas's mustache if his perfect face had a single blemish on it after this.

He curled up as best he could as the heat came next, engulfing him in a matter of seconds, and Danni braced himself for the pain. But it never came. It felt like walking out into a warm day after being in a slightly too cold room, a sense of… defrosting, if that made any sense. Damn, this was nice. Maybe Poisson-Pas really did know what he was doing…

"Ah shit, my ears." Danni grumbled as he pushed himself to his feet and suddenly found himself spinning in Dee's arms. Danni wasn't certain he knew what was happening but he squeezed back, laughing as he was put back on the ground. Danni followed Dee's gaze as he inspected him, and Danni sucked in a sharp breath. His clothes, if these disgusting rags could even be called clothes anymore, hanging off him, tattered, torn, and smoldering.

Was the air in the room thinning? He felt like he couldn't get enough, his head spinning and his chest hurting, and he felt the tell-tale sting at the corners of his eyes. He tried to speak again and again but only a strange sort of strangled noise came through. He grabbed at Dee, he could see him talking, could hear him talking but the words wouldn't stick.

"Dee." Danni managed to choke out, panic rising quickly as he clung to his best friend like he was the only thing keeping him up. "I didn't brin' a change of clothes. I can't… I can't… T'ey can't see me like t'is! What do I do?! I can't go back like t'is!"

Danny Kingston

Location: Training Room B
Skills: N/A

"It's okay, it's okay. I got t'is." Danni pushed himself up as Dee shifted the vines around like the cool cat he was. The handhold now visible, Danni leapt at them and started climbing. One hand up, one foot next, hand, foot, hand, foot, hand… "Oh my God, Dee what t'e fuck." Danni wheezed, his arms shaking and his lungs burning as he struggled up the wall. It went on forever and his jealousy at Dee's effortless ability to fucking fly with basically no repercussions skyrocketed. "What sick asshole gets off on torturing children like t'is? I am a minor and t'is is cruel and unusual." He could feel his heartbeat in his fingers, his knuckles popping angrily in protest.

Eventually, he dragged himself up the over the edge, flopping onto the floor, and gulping down air in his burning lungs. "Never. Again. Gunna get t'is flyin' shit down stat." He panted as he lay. Once he felt under control again, he pushed himself up once more and opened the box. Danni wrinkled his nose at a tooth sitting inside the box with photos nearby. What was he supposed to do here, figure out which one of these creeps the tooth belong to? That was impossible, so there must be another way to figure out which door to go through.

"Whelp, let's take a little look see at these doors shall we?" Danni asked as he walked to the left one. He examined the door in full, hoping there was a code or secret message that would help them bit when they found nothing, Danni shrugged and banged furiously on the door. He paused, put his ear to the door but didn't jear anything. Seemed safe enough. He repeated the process with the next door and instead heard a wierd whining. "Okay, def not this door. Not vibin' wit' t'e whole noise stuff so let's go t'rough t'at door!" Danni decided, pointing at the first door he knocked on.

October 9th, 528 - 12:30am

Execution Level, Execution Chamber - Hasgad Holding Facility

The blade acted as a lightning rod, lightning twisting out of Hasgad's control and coursing down Roan's arm, searing its spindled path into his forearm. The blade struck true, the inquisitor's screams turning into a hacking, blood cough. The lightning flickered as it faded away, Hasgad grabbing at Roan's wrist uselessly as the light faded from his eyes and the hatred in his face melted away as with one last spit of blood, the Inquisitor slumped to the ground.

Chadwick's blade passed smoothly into the vampire's back, a scream cut short as the creature fell unconscious. The other vampire hesitated, his foot holding open the elevator doors, and decided it wasn't worth the effort. He pulled his foot back and slammed a button inside, throwing his weapon at Chadwick as the Inquisitor hit the ground. However, the mages paused where they had been charging down the hallways and changed tactics. Shields covered the hallways and bolts of lightning and ice flew haphazardly down the halls, the ones that missed crashing safely against the other group's shield as they turned every bit of magic against the rebels.

The other door opened to the outside, a long dirt road leading down into the forest. There didn't seem to be anyone outside and the quiet of the night was only broken once the facilities alarm started screeching. Along the edge of the woods, a shadowy silhouette separated from the pervasive darkness and the faint moonlight revealed Commander Ryan Agavee making the universal hand signs of Get the fuck out of there!
Danny Kingston

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Pyrokinesis

Danni flashed his friend a thumbs up as he ghosted off. "Yeah! You go spooky t'em a bit, tun t'em 'round 'til t'ere too tired ta run t'e race!" Danni cheered. He turned his attention onto the obstacle course, and realized this was his first time really looking at it. A canoe suspended over a chasm and a thorn wall seemed very out of place in this environment. What did Poisson-Pas do to grow a whole wall? Danni considered he could have planted it, but seemed like a waste when a bunch of teenagers were probs gunna raze it down.

"Whelp, t'is is certainly a tricky t'in'." Danni said at the end of the drop, eyes following the rope suspending the canoe. Again, just a weird choice. [color =E948FC] "Okay, rope. Rope, rope, rope. Flammable so maybe I should just like, climb across. But will my noodle arms get me t'ere? Hm… No, definitely not."[/color] Danni sighed after checking his muscles. Fire it was!

Danni gave himself a running head start and jumped with a loud whoop!. He was gunna for it! Long jump Danni wins agai- He hit the peak of the arc must earlier than expected, so palms down, fire out got him just enough momentum to catch the edge of the canoe and pull himself in. "Aw yeah, go Danni, go Danni! Didn't set t'e canoe on fire whoop whoot!" He celebrated, doing a little wiggle from excitement.

[coloe=E948FC] "Okay Danni round 2. Over t'e wall. No fire walls, even if t'ey'd be cool as shit."]/color] Danni muttered, pumping himself up. Once again, he left but instead of landing, he was fully reliant on his fire. He didn't catch the weariness until it was too late, an awkward pain in his wrist, a droop in his eyes, but he hit the ground hard and he stayed there for a moment, sucking in air that was punched put on him.
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