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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

Danny Kingston

Location: Framework, BG3
Skills: Pyrokinesis, Hotshot

“‘ey, if I don't try, we won't know.” Danni shrugged in response to Diana. “I wonder if t'ere is a screenshot function. Hey, Arcade! If you can ‘ear me, can you like, tell me ‘ow ta take a pic? I wanna memorize t'is for after we kick your butt! Hopefully Arcade wasn't a total stick in the mud.

“Okay, so we're in a giant flesh ship and now we're on t'e way ta a mad scientist lab wit’ eldritch brain ‘orros. Fantastic, fantastic.” Danni nodded as Mads explained the situation. “I am very, very down for Leah takin’ ‘its. No offense, but I don't wanna brain foot t’in’ touchin’ me. It can't be good for my skin.” Danni scooted up behind Leah and tried to see around her, very much wanting to see the weird brain thing.
Danny Kingston

Location: Framework, BG3
Skills: Pyrokinesis, Hotshot

“‘ey, Spicy came out alright! I got ‘im a new coat and everyt'in’!” Danni protested, annoyed that they were digging into ancient history. Percy was never in any danger. And Danni intended to drive that point home but the scene changed again. Danni rolled his eyes as they settled in.

“Arcade, t'is little scene shift is cool once but twice so quickly is… uninspired, ‘onestly.” Danni shook his head, crossing his arms. Though, upon looking around for the rest of his friends…

“Omg, y'all look so cool! Arcade, t’e character design, flawless. Almost makes up for t’e borin’ level change mechanic! I gotta take a pic, Dee would def wanna see Spicy like t'is. Let me just find…” Danni patted down his pockets but paused as he realized his hands were a little different. Red scales covered his fingers and ran up his arms, and he immediately lost interest in taking a picture of everyone and instead focused trying to look at all of himself. Scales were everywhere he patted. Danni was stunned.

“Guys, guys, guys. I’m gunna freak out ‘ere. All t'is work, all t'ese years of skin care and everything is fuckin’ covered by scales? T'is so fuckon’ cool!!! I'm a dragon!” Danni cheered as his turn rolled around. He skirted around the edge if the room and took arm, bracing himself as he let loose a cone of flames towards the imps, cheering again as one caught flame and collapsed. He pouted as His other attempts failed but hey, at least he got one!

Danny Kingston

Location: Framework, BG3
Skills: Pyrokinesis, Hotshot

“‘ey, Spicy came out alright! I got ‘im a new coat and everyt'in’!” Danni protested, annoyed that they were digging into ancient history. Percy was never in any danger. And Danni intended to drive that point home but the scene changed again. Danni rolled his eyes as they settled in.

“Arcade, t'is little scene shift is cool once but twice so quickly is… uninspired, ‘onestly.” Danni shook his head, crossing his arms. Though, upon looking around for the rest of his friends…

“Omg, y'all look so cool! Arcade, t’e character design, flawless. Almost makes up for t’e borin’ level change mechanic! I gotta take a pic, Dee would def wanna see Spicy like t'is. Let me just find…” Danni patted down his pockets but paused as he realized his hands were a little different. Red scales covered his fingers and ran up his arms, and he immediately lost interest in taking a picture of everyone and instead focused trying to look at all of himself. Scales were everywhere he patted. Danni was stunned.

“Guys, guys, guys. I’m gunna freak out ‘ere. All t'is work, all t'ese years of skin care and everything is fuckin’ covered by scales? T'is so fuckon’ cool!!! I'm a dragon!” Danni cheered as his turn rolled around. He skirted around the edge if the room and took arm, bracing himself as he let loose a cone of flames towards the imps, cheering again as one caught flame and collapsed. He pouted as His other attempts failed but hey, at least he got one!

Location: Super Mario Land
Skills: N/A

The surroundings began to shift around them, which in and of itself was extremely cool to watch. Dorian was used to loading into the arenas Pre set, he never got to watch them change before his very eyes. It felt like being in one of those old movies or stories about people who first entered Virtual Reality. He now stood on a narrow platform, stretching down far with overhead blocks a few feet away and creatures even further in the distance. He'd noticed Zari was missing at first, but the wonderment of it all made that thought fade away. Besides maybe she was taking her time loading up, or using her powers to make a grand entrance. Who was he to stop a little flare?

The scene shift took Danni by surprise, grabbing on Dee with a yelp in case the ground also fell out from beneath them. “Okay, okay, okay. So what's t'is? Some oldie version of t'e racin’ game? We gunna have cars too? Bad news, I'm a ‘orrible driver. I don't even ‘ave a permitt!” Danni muttered, taking in the surroundings suspiciously.

As the music began to play, Dorian instantly recognized it. They were in a Mario game. He'd played some of them through by popular request on his stream. Using his VR to make himself Mario for Retro Night that stream, even though his outfit during the stream was from another retro game. ”Ed, er, Arcade, Chère, I'm not one to question tactical genius, but is a platformer really the best trainin’ for us to do to beat t’e Young Avengers?” He noticed Percy's clothes had changed to something more… revealing than Percy ever would have worn. Looking down he saw his outfit had [url=cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/813132… too. He had a purple shirt, black vest, black leather pants, a white ascot with a gem piece and gold and white coat that draped down to his knee high boots. A golden crown sat atop his head and his sword had been altered into a scepter.

”Woah! Am I King Boo?! Forget what I said about t’is idea. I love it now!!! Just t’e break we needed before some serious trainin’ afterwards. And the Die in Game Die in Life bit? Perfect for makin’ sure we aren't more reckless than we'd be outside of system.”

Danni loosened up as the others charged into the fight, but what caught his interest were the outfit changes. “Oooh, Cadie whipped us up some fashion too! I love t’e Princess squad look ‘ere for t'e triad. And Dee, you’re such a ‘andsome ‘auntling! Spicy, loosin’ up a bit I see, I likey, I likey. You should stick wit’ t’is once we’re done wit’ trainin’! Oooh, and a shy guy t'ats awesome! Zelds, you're lookin’ great up t'ere sweetie! I call dibs on ridin’ ‘er shoulders tho!” Danni loved the changes and he took a moment to check himself out. He had black spiky wrist and arm bands, a black spiked choker, a black tank top, grey jeans, and…

“Omg, I ‘ave ‘orns!” Danni hopped up and down excitedly. “Dee, Dee, Dee, Dee I ‘ave ‘orns!”

Dorian turned to look at Danni, taking in how his outfit had changed as well. ”Oh! King Kuppo! You got ‘is ‘orns!!!” He exclaimed in between excited giggling. ”Look at us! A pair of Kings! I'm t'e ghost king and you t'e king of t'e Kuppos. T'is is great!!! T'ough…we should probably ‘elp t'em out a bit non?” He said as he pointed his scepter towards everyone fighting the oncoming threat of Goombas. He'd fully forgotten about Percy's request to attempt a phase out, too excited for what lay in store. ”If mushrooms are still in game. Does t'at mean we can find One-Ups? Gain more lives? What's t'e rules ‘ere?”

“Oooo, well Shy Guy t'ere can ‘ave some lightnin’ so maybe we can still use our stuff?” Danni suggested, sticking his tongue out as he closed one eye and fired off a fire blast.

Or at least tried to. Instead, a little fire flower popped up with a little noise and Danni screamed, the fire going wide. “What in t’e world?!” Danni screeched, waving the flower around. “What is t’is? Like, I know what it is, don’t explain it to me Dee, but Cadie, what t’e ‘ell! T’at’s not cool, messin’ wit’ my fire!”

Dorian had intended to help Danni out with the onslaught against the Goombas. Pressing his fingers to his temples in an attempt to use his telekinetic powers that had awoken a small while back. Objects tended to go flying whenever he had a meltdown but they'd just chalked it up to his ghost powers, it's why he chose the name Poltergeist. But now he was learning to attempt to control them. Danni’s reaction, however, caused him to lose all concentration and burst out laughing as a small flower appeared in Danni's hand. He wiped a tear from his eye as he saw the flames go wide.

”Oh t’at's rich. It's a fire flower D. T'ough typically you ingest it and gain fire powers but I guess since you already ‘ave t'em it's acting more as an item or conduit for t'em. Which means…we got game rules.” This time Dorian decided to hold his new scepter out like a wand. Pointing the gem towards the Goombas to try and bind them in place. Psionic energy began to radiat in pixels with a haunting 2-bit sound around the scepter and then again around the Goombas leaving a faint ghostly green outline around its pixelated silhouette. ”King Kuppo I got ‘em! Flame on! Wait is t'at copyrighted?”

“Dee, I just told ya not ta explain it ta me.” Danni groaned, but held out the fire flower again and closed one eye to take better aim. A little bouncing fire ball blasted out and slammed into the glowing Goomba, who disappeared in a pixel burst. “We did it, we did it! Take t'at Cadie!” Danni cheered, doing a little victory dance as he waved the flower around excitedly.

”D&D 1 Cadie 0! It's gonna take more t'an Goombas to take us down!” Dorian exclaimed as he made his way over to Danni and hooked arms with him dancing around in a circle before stopping before him and putting his hands up for a double high five.

“Yeah, might as well brin’ on t'e big boss already!” Danni taunted, Giving Dee the double high five.

The Knotwood Fishery

A pillar of earth erupted next to the stumbling soldier just before the larger wave slammed into him and he managed to regain his footing. The capitan stepped forward, unimpressed with both his own men and the gangly waterbender, as the other scrambled to his feet. Two air benders and a water bender doing everything they could to defend this little ship - the intel was correct this time. Finally, someone is doing their job right.

“Fetch the girl and the air benders. I’ll deal with this one.” The captain barked, immediately striking the pillar and sending three large stones hurling at Huo from every side. The other two saluted and bolted after the air benders, hopelessly out paced but working towards finding their comrades further in town.

Lazhou Alleys

The blazing flames did not go unnoticed. Shouts echoed down the street and people surged away from the area, including the poor owner of the rug who hastily snatched it out of the fire’s reach, as smoke billowed out of the alley’s mouth. The soldiers charged the flames, shoving their way through the crowd as they tried to navigate it with the grace of a bull in a china shop.

Two of them barely paused to pull on rocky armor as they charged through the flames, breaking through the burning crates with no care for if the flames spread, while the third flipped a plate of rock on top of the blaze to smother it. The two dropped their armor as they looked around, prepared for a fight as they continued forward cautiously.

“Oye, you.” The third soldier barked at Jin. “Did you see a woman with a lily blade run through here, or the fire bender who set blaze?”

Black Eel Inn

The woman stretched as she shifted from her perch out front the Black Eel Inn. She grimaced at the awkward pop in her shoulder, but shook it off. The excitement out front the Fishery was nearly wrapped up; the total abandonment of the water bender took her by surprise. Leaving the boy to deal with a hardened military man by himself was a cruel task; either his friend was confident in his skills or he didn’t know enough about the bender to stay back. Still, her part was played it seemed and so she’d finally take a moment to relax.

“May I have this game, friend?” She asked the old man at the Pia Sho table, waving down someone to fetch her a drink. She’d barely waited for the old man’s response as she brought out her own pieces, her red Rhododendron well worn.
Danny Kingston

Location: Stark Hall - 5th Floor
Skills: N/A
Fit: Ninja Workout

Danni hummed as they made their way to the gym. Ed was a brilliant, brilliant mastermind and Danni wondered if they'd be able to sneak out for joint training sessions more often - he always liked a bigger group and this was gonna have so many awesome people! He hurried to the changing rooms, swapped into the suit, and dove right into the Framework with no preamble.

“Aw, yeah, startin’ in t'e arena!” Danni did a little wiggle and a spin to make sure everything worked right and slid right up to Beanie. “Beanie, Beanie, Beanie! Finally, some trainin’ wit'out Poisson-Pas ‘ere ta sneak a nasty surprise inta t'e route. T'ough, you t'ink Ed did t'e samet'in’? Like, maybe laced the ground wit’ landmines or ‘as invisible walls so we run face first inta t'em? Maybe t'is is all a big ol’ ruse and Ed wants some revenge or somet'in’. Oh,through, we tots need ta ‘ang out soon! I got some tea ta spill and you're gunna love it!” Danni laughed, wiggling excitedly as they waited for more.

“Oh dang it, t'at reminds me. Maaaaaaaads!” Danni skipped to her, hanging off her shoulders. “Okay, I know t'e library gave me a cool book about a different dimension ta learn ‘bout dragons, but can you ‘elp me find somet’in’ a little closer ta ‘ome it’ more info? Idk ‘ow long we'd be gone if we did all t'at travel stuff, but I don’t wanna hurt the baby and I really don't know what I'm doin’!”
Danny Kingston

Location: Stark Hall - 5th Floor
Skills: N/A
Fit: Ninja Workout

Danni dreamed about the Contest of Champions since he knew what it was. He thought about beating out the Young Avengers, he thought about the the popularity, he thought about the fun. “T'is isn't fair! All t'e superhero movies do like, a montage for training. ‘ow was I supposed ta be prepared for t'is torture routine?! T’is lack of sleep is killin’ my skin - ‘ow am I supposed ta fight crime and keep up with my socials if my skin is ‘alf way ta flakin’ off. Danni grumbled into his pillow, having pushed aside his excessive pile of homework off to the side in favor of laying face down on his bed. “And Spicy, stop bein’ so productive while you're here. You're makin’ me feel like I should like, do my homework or study or somet’in’ and I do not wanna. T'at's a future Danni problem.”

He fished his phone out as he felt it vibrate, sticking his tongue out as he typed his response.

He kicked his feet, the excitement that inevitably swept him up into better moods bubbling up, and rolled off the bed into a crouch. “Dee, Spicy, Princess and Mads are settin’ out. We gotta go! Time ta kick some virtual butt!” Danni cheered, taking a second to tie his shoes and then skipping out into the hallway. Since they had to be ninjas, he'd decided to go wear black, different shades of course because who would ever mix up pitch blank, midnight black, and ink black, but black enough that it'll look black as they're climbing the side of the building and rappelling back down in their attempts to avoid the teachers.

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Despite the festivities in the audience chamber, the back passages of the palace were deathly silent. Practiced footsteps left no trace nor sound as he passed, and those few unlucky enough to cross his path chose to see nothing. The long sleeves of his robes concealed the white knuckled grip he had on the scrap of parchment that called him to business.

Ruby in hand.

A sharp turn and a moment’s pause - listening, listening - found a passage grinding open in front of him and, after passing through, the wall shut behind him. He barely paused to acknowledge the man who opened it, and instead hurried down the winding passage. Door after door after door, plain and monotonous and just enough light to keep his footing, passed but little mattered in this moment. Decades passed since he’d last heard the blood roaring in his ears. It wasn’t a coup, but the stakes were just as high.

Light filtered under the last door in the hall. He paused, collected himself and with a deep breath, pushed open one of the many hidden meeting rooms in the palace. Standing at attention as she studied the earth kingdom map pinned against the far wall, one of his most trusted agents waited for him. She didn’t move or falter at his approach and he didn’t acknowledge her either. Instead, he settled behind the desk and brought forward one of the candles. He touched the ragged parchment to the flame and watched as it burned away. Fitting.

He contemplated the woman in front of him. Much like himself, she was eroding. She stood a little shorter, a little thinner, less the immovable mountain and more a daunting cliff face. He supposed the same could be said for himself, but the earth did not yield unless it was truly sundered and neither of them were ready to break just yet.

“The ruby has been acquired. It is time to lay the groundwork for the next phase.” The man retrieved a sealed scroll from the desk and held it out for the woman to take. “Do not deviate. Like moths to a flame they flock, but their size is yet uncertain and so we will take their measure. Be safe, old friend.” With a bow and a twist, she was gone beneath the floor, the earth swallowing her.

Spring - Waxing Moon - Lazhou, Xing Jain

At this point last year, the port town of Lazhou, Xing Jian was a bustling trade port. Visitors from both the Fire Nation and Air Nation left their mark through the blends of fashions and foods that have yet to depart from the port. But where the streets were once filled with people from various places freely intermingling were now mostly bare, the citizens doing their best to keep to themselves with eyes trained firmly ahead. The weariness was heavy on their shoulders and tired eyes, only picking up the pace to avoid certain areas. The ones that thrived were those who were willing to trade with the Earth Kingdom’s army while those who refused were harassed out of their homes. Mercenaries and swordsells were in high demand as protection services were hotly in demand as those that still had their money were determined to keep it at any cost.

The one place few would need a legit reason to go without question would be the bar at the Black Eel Inn. The ones who had finished their hauls were happy to quench their thirst after a day in the sun and others were eager to take some of the tension off with stories. Some were more eager to eat than to drink, others were sitting around and waiting for something. The place was bustling with conversation and laughter, making the troubles of the war seem distant.

In one corner of the lobby sat an old, wooden pai sho board. The old man sat at the board had craned his neck over so much he looked like he could fall onto it at any moment, grayed eyebrows knit together as his shaky hands hovered over the red boat tile. He grinded his teeth, stressed by his predicament as his eyes darted to his younger opponent. Her white and black robe rested over her brown shirt and black pants, long, brown hair resting on her back. She was much calmer, her cheek perched on her hand as she watched him.

“Don’t rush me,” The old man spat.

She opened her mouth to let out a yawn, her free hand waving in dismissal. “Everything comes to those who wait,” She murmured.

“You’re starting to sound like Old Man Bido. Keep that up, and you’ll end up like him with his dead-end fishery!” He huffed as he moved his hand to another tile.

The woman stifled another yawn, her green eyes roaming away from her opponent, though she hesitated as she noticed an Earth Kingdom soldier running past the inn. A strange sight at this time of day, especially as he decided not to stop by for a drink. She almost dismissed it before an entire retinue of soldiers ran by in a hurry. The direction they were heading in bode ill as well.

She straightened up considerably at the sight, hastily gathering her belongings before moving the old man’s hands onto the red boat tile and moving her own. “Next time, prioritize your defense, you left yourself open,” She advised, snatching up her pouch before making her way out of the inn.

Sure enough, the soldiers were heading in the direction of the Knotweed Fishery. The first had remained outside, shooing away any that decided to loiter. As the number of soldiers gathered, a middle aged man dressed in green stepped out of the building, crossing his arms as the soldiers gathered around. He looked more irritated than worried, watching as the first soldier approached him.

“We’ve received information that you’re harboring fugitives, Bido!” The soldier announced.

“Fugitives? You think even those desperate sods would want to hang around fish of all things?” Bido scoffed. “Stop looking for problems where there aren’t any and scram!”

The soldier looked back at the others and nodded. A majority of them stepped forward, getting into a ready stance. “If you don’t have anything to hide, then you won’t mind if we check.”
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