Avatar of agentmanatee
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Current The Hateful eight has me inspired, whose ready for a western RP?
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@mackielars Yay! Can't wait lol
@mackielars Forgot to mention u in my post but I have her talking to Persephone if that ok
Ninke smiled nervously up at the large goatman, and thought back to the preachings of Hirisit. It was said mutants were abominations to be shunned and hated, turned aside and even sought out and destroyed in the Emperors name. She had learned in the Guard abhumans were a semi-common sight, mutants who swerved the Imperium and were usually not so different as to cause offense. Beastmen however... she had never imagined she'd ever even meet such abnormal mutants, let alone fight alongside them. She had heard and been taught such deviant forms were heretical,and deserved no better than death... yet here she stood now, a beastman in her regiment and even in the same company as she. She gulped slightly as he introduced himself, clearly not use to meeting such creatures. Her hands twitched and grew clammy, as lessons long since drilled into her mind as a proud zealot wanted to take hold. She wanted to scream for a commissar too... no she wanted to pull her side arm and put a round in the abhumans skull on principle alone... now she even almost had the authority to do so... but that would be wrong.

These particular... beastmen were fighting for the Emperor, she knew that. They were essentially fodder usually, more so than even the ordinary guardsmen. They were in first and in the worst combat zones... what did it mean for her company that most of them were in it?! Surely she wasn't valued so low as to be... equal to them... she shook these thoughts from her mind as best as she could as the goat headed man introduced himself as Khaz. She managed a weak, thin smile, "Ehm... I am N-ninke Ingran, uh Sergeant Ninke Ingran. P-pleasure to meet you", she stammered out, stifly lifting her right arm as an offer of a handshake.

"Ehm zho Persephone, vhat exactly was the difference between your old knives und our new vons? Zese are quite nice...," Ninke regarded to Persephone. Luckily they had ended up on the same transport up to the frigate so she was able to find her afterwards and now wanted to know more about her new found friend. D company in its little corner seemed extremely divided to her, like just about every regiment that had been put together into the combined one had some kind of presence here. Those... Beastmen, Hirisit, Cadians, the Wisps and others were all a part of it. She wondered where the captain who had promoted her had gone to some extent... but she was sure she'd see her again soon, for now she was happy sitting with the Wisps and talking to Persephone. She thought they were a bit odd, but they were from a whole different planet she'd never heard of until quite recently so as much was to be expected. She was on the topic of their knives as a few had been grumbling about it earlier and she wanted to know why. She had her own new Cadian standard one that she thought was quite nice, and wanted to know why they were upset about it... maybe they were special somehow?

Regardless, their conversation was cut short as the Company was called together. As a newly appointed member of the command squad... supposedly, she hadn't actually met anyone else in the command squad yet, save her CO. Regardless, she pushed her way to the front using her rank to look upon... their new captain? The man cut a rather imposing figure, in his full set of Armageddon Steel legion attire and his booming, barritone voice he was quite commanding. Ninke listened intently seeing as this was her new CO... but was quite confused by the end of his speech. She was about to ask a question when Khaz, the beastman she had met earlier, asked his own. They were... straightforward to say the least. And once he was done she cleared her throat and spoke loudly, her soft voice straining to be heard over the clamour, "Ehm... v-vhat huppened too Captain Weiss? Und... ehm vill our positons be avvected by the change in leadership?", she wanted to know if she was still in the command squad or going to be given a squad... it was a rather important question.
I'm making a vagrant

Just letting everyone know

My sheet will be up tonight
@Dannyrulx as in literally any disease lol?

Regardless can't wait to have actually interact with Angelika more than running away and throwing up XD
@Jbcool so I get lioness dussapeared... what are we saying happen ed to the good captain?
@Damiann47@Ezekial Wolffe@Sophrus@DustyOldCrow@Eisenhorn@vFear aaaayyyy clock wants too know who amongst you salty dogs is still interested!

... I dunno why I said it like a pirate...
@ClocktowerEchos I would recommend mentioning those who said they were interested to make it easier for them to see you are checking for who is still intersted
@ClocktowerEchos I'll get my character up tomorrow

Naqqash watched the arrival of each of the Gods from behind his father's old chair. It was a gaudy, ridiculous thing in his eyes, made up of every precious metal and constantly changing its ornaments. Heavy jewlery piled about it, thick strands of gold and silver woven into a rich cushion on the seat, beautifully wrought marble armrests, it was never content to remain one fine material for very long. Naqqash stood beside it, though in and of itself he thought the chair was absolutely ludicrous, he was more interested in what it represented.

Equality. He didn't care about the powers of a Greater deity, or the influence it might bring him. Naqqash wanted to be heard. For his people to have a seat amongst the highest of courts so that he and they could not be ignored and trampled upon by those lucky enough to not have had their center taken from them. Even amongst the rebellion it was only those gods who had died that had lost their centers, and their heirs deprived of them as well. Ferrum had kept his, yet had rebelled. As had Ahru, and while Naqqash felt no ill will towards either it irritated him how vehemently his appeals were rejected each time these meetings happeened. Each time Oksana would stand against him, scolding his father for rebellion and Naqqash for blindly siding with his father. Naqqash would try to argue, claiming that any demigod would do the same for their parent... but the outcome never changed. Despite his respect for Naqqash Kilgarrah voted with Oksana, followed by most all the gods on that side of the rebellion and the king said the matter was over.

And so Naqqash stood in the sahdow of a dead father, a shadow he could not escape... but perhaps now was the time. He greeted those gods that bothered to greet him. He bent down heavily, skin tearing and bones creaking though he seemed to pay them no heed, smiling beneath his helmet at her kind words and returning, "If they would ever give me the chance aunt.", and leaning back up. Janin received as good as she got, being one of the few gods Naqqash could claim to truly hate. From beneath his helmet a light snarl met her glare, the woman standing against all Naqqash stood for. She was a decadent slaver, and he could never undrestand how one as good hearted as Ahru could enjoy her venemous company.

Ki'ivara's entrance... confused Naqqash to an extent. In spite of himself, Naqqash naturally drew away from her on instinct, as if afraid to offend the Goddess of beauty with his... twisted form. He had fought her daughter during the war, comign to a stalemate with her before retreating... she had been good but like her mother made Naqqash shrink with their beauty against his sheer ugliness. Xsar... well he was Xsar. He was to... complex? No, he was too ridiculous for Naqqash to even consider him... well more than a relative. Naqqash like Kilgarrah, and gave him a slight bow, respecting him even if he often stood opposed to Naqqash. Azo'tet was always strange to Naqqash. Loss and death were a common occurrence together, but Azo'tet always seemed... lax to Naqqash. He knew little of Ilyona or Di'Myria, giving them nods of welcome.

Now Zadia... that was entrance Naqqash would not soon forget. A fellow orphan of the rebellion, similarly denied her rightful center, Naqqash had always felt a kinship with her, and her entrance surprised him. The room darkening, a ball of hate... what was that grin? she had stopped upon his twisted visage and visited some sort of... excited and insane smile. This was before she walked to take her center and... apparently the throne. For a moment Naqqash thought no one was going to stop her... before Oksana stepped in. The short bout, ended by the guardian was nonetheless jarring. Naqqash was transfixed until it ended... and decided he would be the first to speak up in the following silence. "The Guardian is right. To fight here is... disrespectful. We should discuss... and find our new king in peace if at all... possible yes?", he spoke in his wet, ragged gasping voice torn from tortured lungs and throat, as if each word pained him to speak. If such was the case, he showed it not.
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