Avatar of Alfhedil


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7 yrs ago
Current This is why you shouldn't use an actual toaster to host a website.
7 yrs ago
[@Dnafein] Because people are salty about didney and have forgotten about the prequels.
7 yrs ago
*angry moth sounds*
7 yrs ago
Joke's on you Dagoth-Ur, I brought eighty bottles of sujamma.
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7 yrs ago


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@Bishop I have a feeling the interaction between our characters will be entirely filled with barely constrained tension, vaguely harsh words and probably a slap or two depending on how long Genevieve has been in the bar and whether or not she's had her drink :v
@HushedWhispers Glad to see you haven't fallen completely off the face of the Earth :v I'm still pretty firm on remaining in this.
@Themerlinhawk Present, though as a junior hunter of sorts and an outlier with the faction even then, not sure I can be of much use shoving along their plot :v
@Alfhedil- Needs to clarify her naval rank. There is no way she went from Non com to Lieutenant. She would have had to be commissioned as an Ensign and then she never would have seen combat. It needs to be like Chief Petty Officer or at most Warrant officer. Other than that the CS is good.

That's a derp on my part and why I really prefer to do that kind of work with an internet connection lol. I'll go and correct her rank to CWO2, as it should be. For some reason I had the ranks switched around and thought an LT was lower than it actually is.

Edit: Corrected CS.
@Themerlinhawk Looking forward to the comments on the character sheets, and how that date goes o.~
Alena was certainly an odd sort, becoming so uncomfortable with her presence and the light contact between them. At least it was light in her own opinion, quite used to the more personal interactions between people back home and having had to remember to keep a respectful distance from others since coming to this country. Still, there was no real reason for her to be quite so nervous in her opinion, but as she looked up at her taller dance partner she started to feel a bit remiss in having her go through such a thing even if she had been the one to offer. At the very least it seemed her powers of sway on those around them had lessened since she advised her to focus on her, the steady warmth from that pull making things quite a bit more enjoyable than they would be otherwise.

"Do not worry too much about it, Alena." The shorter woman said softly, staying close through the dance and keeping pace quite easily. "It is quite enjoyable, though if you wish perhaps next time I'll have a back to the dress." Devi flashed a smile, brilliant teeth showing between those full lips before the next comment had her blushing and taking on a more bashful expression. True enough, Alena had made such mentions before and with the same nervous blush, but here on the floor with so many others around it sounded different. Perhaps it was the extra influence of the woman's voice working her, or maybe that she just hadn't really been paying attention before then, but she retreated a little bit internally and only returned a shy smile and mumbled thanks.

Devi had little doubt in the woman as she dipped low, feeling herself slowly lowered through one of the more showy moves of the dance. She was quite light after all, and not to mention her sense of balance was on point as she had shown through the little endeavor. As fun as it was though, the music had been winding down and while the next song was starting it was a good opportunity to take a step back and let both of them breathe for a moment. Perhaps even let Alena relax and not deck anyone else on accident.

To that end, Devi took the lead this time "We can, though it seems he's got a new friend and is heading out of the main hall." She mentioned on the way to the side of the dance floor, wanting for the moment to just get out of the way of those moving in to take their turn and those still remaining. "But yes, it was rather fun. Did not think it would be quite as easy, though maybe I just had a good teacher." Again that disarming smile she had, trying to ease the light tension while she found a couple empty seats and sat down. Her hand gently pat the one next to her, inviting Alena to join her.

"Do you wish to go in for another dance once we've had a moment, or is it maybe time to head back to the room?"

Nah, not suggesting anything of that sort. Just mentioned that she's probably still sick and that while we wait could finalize characters and get primed to start posting when she does return, or maybe get people interacting a little before she drops a plot on us like a ton of bricks.

@Bishop That would be pretty neat, and I'll admit that even with my currently cynical view of the emerging technology, I would absolutely spend weeks in VR if it got to that point. Especially full neural rigs like we see in some near-future sci-fi and anime.
Circumstances are a little grim at the moment as I'm not seeing Hushed anywhere. I'm waiting, but I don't think I could be a driving force if we do have a case of AWOL (quite possibly relative to one of, what, close to a half dozen disasters now).

You guys got at least enough to start us off after characters are cleared? Last I saw of Hushed was that she was feeling pretty sick, but that was several days ago. Not sure how much planning was done between the three of you, but I suppose proper course of action would be reviewing sheets in the mean time and clearing people.
Ignoring the garbage message in Starset-Monster, if people invented a VR of such a high quality that it was indistinguishable from real life and it was actually affordable people would get addicted to it just like junkies, lying on the street with the headset on like common drugs users.

It took me until a moment ago when I re-watched that MV that your comment was directed at me, and that I used it as one of Genevieve's themes. Man, I just kind of fall apart on the approach to the weekend .-.

But yes, the song's message aside, people would probably fall into VR in such a manner if it advanced to that point. Until then it's largely a gimmick that's playing at being a legitimate facet of the gaming industry.
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