Avatar of Alfhedil


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7 yrs ago
Current This is why you shouldn't use an actual toaster to host a website.
7 yrs ago
[@Dnafein] Because people are salty about didney and have forgotten about the prequels.
7 yrs ago
*angry moth sounds*
7 yrs ago
Joke's on you Dagoth-Ur, I brought eighty bottles of sujamma.
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7 yrs ago


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@AnnaBeth Honestly wasn't entirely sold on the lightsaber colors either to be honest, just went with what sounded suitable for them at the time. Might end up changing them at some point, but will let you know if and when I do.

As for the force powers, for Requiem and their shared abilities, I did kind of bulk out the list with rather generic powers that every Jedi should have. There are exceptions of course, like Solace and her own lack of ability when it comes to the force, but I don't expect any of them to be an issue for you or anyone else. That is mostly because I don't really intend on putting either sister up against another player seriously, as PvP isn't my thing :v Only concerns I could see, are Requiem's Tutaminis power, and Solace's Spear of Midnight Black. Requiem is skilled enough in the force that she could grab an active lightsaber, but considering she would be half-crying and asking the person to please stop, I think that solves itself lol.
@AnnaBeth I don't suppose you've had a moment to review the CS I posted?
@TheUnknowable It's possible, though at this point in the RP it hasn't been smacked around yet. Assuming you can dodge the Imps, might be able to get one for yourself :v
Right, finally done. I think. Biggest thing to note, is that their actual names are not known widely, and that few would have that information. Other than that, just ping me with questions, comments or concerns, I'll try to be awake enough to provide input lol. I'm sure I've probably forgotten something, or to elaborate further on something or another.

@AnnaBeth It's been patched up for sure, repainted, and has all the little nooks that a cargo ship should have, since that's what they used it for when they got it. This does make things a lot easier in my search for ships lol.
@AnnaBeth Yoooooo, you think a Consular-Class cruiser might be a bit too much? Having trouble trying to pin down a ship for the twins, and about all I have right now is that it's one big enough to be their home, and that it was fairly old and run down when they acquired it.
@TheUnknowable I'm unsure on this as well, as I think it has been mentioned here and there that Kyber crystals are the lightsaber crystals, but didney is vague on whether or not there are others viable. I've gone ahead and made mention of the Legacy crystals in my CS, but I think it's up to our GM as to whether or not that's alright with the canon of the RP.
I made significant progress while at work, but am still not near done and not comfortable with posting my wip. Can say that I've got the important parts done, such as the shared background and the appearances of both sisters. I'll see about working on the rest tomorrow, but should not that I did decide on making them Jedi Knights.
I would figure that in OOC/CS we would use BBY for ease of reference, while using the setting's calendar IC.
@TheUnknowable Looking at the timeline between where @AnnaBeth said this was taking place(4BBY) and the Jedi Purge(19BBY), I think it fairly safe to say that they would both be Jedi Knights in some respect. For however much that matters after the fall of the Jedi Order :v

So potentially, or at least they would be a little more inclined to work together with your character and try to keep him out of the Empire's sights. That being said, one or both of the sisters are being hunted because they killed an officer of the Empire a few years back, so probably not the best company :v

On a side note, they will be using some non-standard lightsabers and crystals. Notably a lightsaber pike and curved cross-guard lightsaber.
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