Avatar of Alfhedil


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7 yrs ago
Current This is why you shouldn't use an actual toaster to host a website.
7 yrs ago
[@Dnafein] Because people are salty about didney and have forgotten about the prequels.
7 yrs ago
*angry moth sounds*
7 yrs ago
Joke's on you Dagoth-Ur, I brought eighty bottles of sujamma.
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7 yrs ago


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@AnnaBeth Probably working on my second part over the weekend, though do have a post for another RP I'm needing to make lol.
@Apollosarcher Requiem would know of him for sure, and he would probably remember her as well. She's always been a bit of a social butterfly, so would have easily made connections with her fellow younglings, padawans and Jedi in general. Solace probably not as much, unless they had a run-in during sparring sessions, and even then only if he was skilled enough to put her on her back :v
Thought it best to post up what I had, and continue working on their exit from the station with my next post. After that they'll be on their way to Jedha.
- Unregistered waystation, Outer Rim

The constant patter of blaster fire rained down against the durasteel of crates and hull, mere debris earlier and now life-saving cover. On either side of the hallway two women of remarkable similarity sheltered behind it, one grimly checking the readout on her blaster pistol, seemingly unconcerned with the sheer volume of fire. The other was just a little more concerned, holding her hands over her lilac-hued hair and sitting in a tight ball, the occasional whimper sounding from her corner. Staring across, the more resolute of the two sighed and sent over a telepathic signal across their shared force-bond.

++Sena, stop crying.++

Her sister's panic was clear, even without that connection, as she had only seen actual combat once. That was a subject they tried their best to avoid, though it seemed always eager to find them. A gentle warmth against her back and the acrid stench of scorched durasteel emphasized that their cover was quite temporary, though where they could go from there was incredibly limited. One end of the hallway was blocked by the dozen-man squad of stormtroopers actively trying to kill them both, and the other was the bulkhead door to the hangar. So close, yet so far away.

Requiem spoke out at that moment, calling back to the troopers in yet another vain attempt to persuade them against their current course of action. "I-if you guys would b-be so kind as to please stop shooting at us, that would be greatly appreciated!" The obvious response followed, an increase in the hail of blaster-fire against her side of the hallway, more than a few whizzing past and striking the bulkhead door. Her sister cried out, pulling tighter against herself and trying to put as much of the barrier between her and their assailants. If only she could shake herself free of this panic, then she could use her force-abilities to at least distract the troopers, if not take down a few. At the moment though, that was easier said than done.

Solace grimly rubbed a pair of fingers at the corner of her right eye-socket, it sitting empty of the cybernetic that normally occupied it. She wondered which would be worse, actually surviving this and having to shell out the credits to get a new one, or dying in a nameless space station in the middle of nowhere. Those eyes were pretty expensive… At least she had a spare pair in the ship, but that still meant getting to it. Oh well, better to go down in a blaze of glory than unremembered...

- Three hours earlier…

The Absolution drifted lazily towards the dock, maneuvering thrusters firing to gently coax its bulk into the hangar. A few of the mechanics looked up, some making signs of warding as they saw the pock-marked hull and stark gunmetal grey color. Sure, she had been beat up a bit in her long life, but the ship was reliable and had gotten her owners far in the short time they had been together. With an agonizing wheeze, the ship set down on its landing gear, everyone jumping slightly as it shifted a bit and looked dangerously close to hitting the deck. From the cockpit Solace looked over the controls, her force-sight easily interpreting not just the read-outs but also the environment around them and what the sensors didn't say.

"Do you have the list?" She called back, though she didn't have to turn around to see that her sister wasn't there. A sigh followed, and she gently tapped into the force to determine where she had gone via their shared link. It was sometimes an inconvenience, especially when her sister was in one of her moods, and she knew that often enough her own emotions transferring over weren't entirely appreciated. Yet neither sister could imagine what they would do without the other, and that bond let them always have a connection, regardless of where they were.

It had taken only a moment, but Solace found her, right where she had expected. This was a relatively out of the way station, the coordinates shared between Free Traders and Bounty Hunters. As such, it was unregistered with the Empire, and didn't see too many of their kind. That meant that it was safe for Requiem to follow along, as she rarely disguised her heritage as she did. Sometimes she felt like the elder sister, always looking out for the younger and more innocent one, but as they were twins, that didn't quite hold.

++When you're done, make sure to put down hydraulics for the landing gear on our list.++

Another benefit of sharing a bond through the force, she didn't have to shout across the ship at her sister. All she had to do was strengthen the link enough for her thoughts to transfer, allowing them to telepathically communicate. It had been weird when they first learned of it years ago, and very awkward for her more pure sister on those rare occasions, but with some control they learned not to overshare.

++Okay Verra, I'll put it down. Oh, can we pick up some more of those fruit things?++
++You mean the melons we got from that smuggler? Those were pretty expensive Sena…++
++Ye, but they were pretty nice…++
++... Fine, I'll see if one of the traders on station has any. Just make sure you get those parts!++
++Of course! You're the best Verra!++

Solace grumbled, getting up from the pilot's seat once she had acquired clearance to disembark from the dockmaster. Regardless of being out in the middle of nowhere, she still didn't like to linger, and would have rather made this an in and out trip. Yet once again, her sister had convinced her to let her stretch her legs a bit and get off the ship. It wasn't exactly what she preferred, in that Requiem really wanted to be out with her when they stopped at each planet, but it was for her protection. She didn't seem to understand that the galaxy was a different place now, and that their people were not welcome in many areas due to their affiliation with the force and the Empire. That one stung a little more than it should, the thought of other Miraluka out there willingly working with the Imps.

She shook those thoughts from her mind and focused, this was a rare chance to relax a little bit, and if her sister was going to take that opportunity, then so was she.

Sights and sounds surrounded her at every turn, the bright flash of signs detailing wares from the menial to the illicit and everything in between, as well as the calls of merchants seeking a sale from their fellow traders. It was a peculiarity among its kind, a waystation between trade hubs, but one that did its best to stay under the radar. As such it was a haven for smugglers and bounty-hunters, with facilities eager to service on the downlow. For one such as Requiem though, it was all the more amazing, as she experienced so little of the galaxy since they had gone on the run. Each face that turned to meet hers found a smile spread from ear to ear, the woman greeting nearly everyone on her little journey to collect supplies. She was a curiosity even before her boundless enthusiasm made itself present, as her eyes were covered by a tightly bound cloth, the emptiness of the sockets quite evident.

Not too many of her kind made their way beyond their home, especially with the Empire in control now. It was a bit of a double-edge sword in that respect, as it meant that most simply assumed her a blind human, but those who did recognize her species for what it was, did their best to refrain from associating. She didn't mind them, and understood why they did what they did. The Empire was pretty scary, and she didn't want to get them in trouble just for talking to her. So she simply smiled and waved as she passed, drawing confused looks all the way.

Most of the supplies they needed were for the ship itself, their home among the stars, and she had them taken to the mechanics there to undergo installation. Other things such as foodstuffs and home items were crated up and sent to the hangar. Solace would probably put them away in the cargo hold, she was fairly strong so she didn't worry too much about it. If she needed help, then all she needed to do was call, she was always around to answer. Speaking of which, Requiem had just taken care of the last item on their list, plus the assorted clothes she found, a couple ornaments for her room, and a perfume for herself as well.

++Verra~ I got the list of the list, it's all in the hangar!++
++Understood, I'll take care of it and meet you in the cantina.++

She truly felt her sister was the best, always doing most of the work in taking care of them. A thought came to get her something nice while they were there, but a glance into the small purse at her hip showed little in the way of credits left. Perhaps she should have been a little more reserved in her personal spending… Oh well, it was done now. Besides, she really liked the colors on that jacket. Not worrying too much more over it, the idea was gone the moment she turned around to get her bearings again. She brought a hand up to brush her lilac dyed hair out of her face, though it was a pointless gesture since she saw through the force. The station's layout slowly formed in her mind, a path showing from her current location to the small bar in the central areas. With a smile on her lips, the young woman was on her way again.
Oh hey, another Miralukan. He might know of the twins, considering Miraluka aren't that common in the order :> At the very least, because of his affiliation with the Medical Corps, he might have heard of Requiem and her healing hands.

Side note, got a good bit of a post already done, still working on it.
Weekend is coming up, which means work, and that means I can probably reliably work on a post without distraction.
Working out a post, likely going to have the twins finish up their business on the outer rim station and then detour to Jedha for "reasons".
How's everyone doing with the holidays?
I thought it might be helpful to put up a changelog above my CS, in case anything needs changed. I went ahead and changed Solace's lightsaber color to something a little more normal, though Requiem still has the vibrant one :v

Oddly enough, I thought it was a little out there as well until I discovered that someone else actually had a magenta colored lightsaber in the EU.

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