Avatar of Alfhedil


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Current This is why you shouldn't use an actual toaster to host a website.
7 yrs ago
[@Dnafein] Because people are salty about didney and have forgotten about the prequels.
7 yrs ago
*angry moth sounds*
7 yrs ago
Joke's on you Dagoth-Ur, I brought eighty bottles of sujamma.
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Four hours before the arrival of Velocity
Salt Lake City, Utah

Silence dominated the observation deck, the eighteen men and women collected there watching as one more stood before them facing out towards the city. Fires had engulfed it across the horizon, buildings exploding from the ongoing battle raging in the region. The man who stood just inches from the glass wore an indifferent expression, merely observing. To those who waited on his every reaction, this was a disaster that was only barely being kept from becoming a tragedy by the heroism of black-clad soldiers fighting block to block to retake the city. For him, it was merely another city. His eyes had taken in the burning of hundreds just like it, the only difference was that this one was his.

"It is said, that Nero played a violin as Rome burned." The sudden breaking of the silence by his calm tones shook a few around the room, concerned glances shared between them. Raymond von Lüneburg turned, putting his back to the fires of Salt Lake City, and the ongoing struggle of his armies. "Popular fiction, a lie that gained prominence due to his status as a rather tyrannical Emperor. I was there with him, when Rome burned. It was his home, and where he had lived for much of his life. Nero wept upon the balcony of his palace, watching everything that he had controlled turn to ash in his hands."

A soft chuckle passed, but he was not truly amused by anything that had transpired now or then. "By that time, my own home had already been forgotten. Taken over by insidious forces like the ones besieging humanity now, and destroyed by rival powers when we were still recovering from rebellion. How many of you have watched your homeland burned to the ground before your eyes? Your country erased from the history books and changed in the name of progress? Has a single one of you even lost a city to natural disaster?"

The tension in the room was palpable as his mood soured and turned on the collective leadership of his company and the various shells that contributed. It was a modern world, and the days of the great wars were long past. Most of the people around him were in their forties, a few in their fifties and the oldest one other than him could actually claim to have lost close to as much. Reverie stood in the corner with a bemused smirk, a lit cigar held between her lips as she understood more than any of them what was at stake.

"We are besieged by forces that seek to subjugate and destroy humanity. Creatures thought to be myth have descended from the skies and erupted from the earth to attack our cities and destroy centers of power. All across the world are reports of not just the foot-soldiers, but vast beings of power thought long gone." He knew them of course, he had once tried to make a deal with one millennia ago. "Titans. They have come back to have their vengeance."

"What are we supposed to do? You've already ordered most of the garrison to the city, and unlike some areas, we've got a majority of citizens safely evacuated. We've done the best we can, considering the circumstances."

Raymond took note of the one who spoke, a man who headed up foreign operational intelligence. He was both right and wrong, all things considered. At the first sign of attack, LIS had rolled into the city in force, deploying everything they had to secure the city and protect the evacuation convoys. Some other cities across the world were lucky to have gotten mobilized in time, and a few burned before the people knew they were under attack. Yet something bothered the former priest turned warrior, and it was not just the presence of a titan nearby. He had worked for millennia in order to prepare mankind, secretly fostering conflict in order to advance weapons technology and keep the armies of the world on the bleeding edge of preparedness. Then they were attacked and it was largely down to the resistance of the powered people to defend mankind.

He turned back to the city in the distance, seeing not the valiant defense that his soldiers were making in every street, but the failure to do enough. For all of his efforts in secret, gently pushing nations to war and orchestrating events across the globe to get to this point, one singular outside force was pushing them back on their boots. It wasn't enough. None of it was. A thought had come to him that maybe it never would be enough, that they were doing the best they could. Perhaps a little more trust in Lady Arcana and her band of heroes would be what was necessary in order to prevail. No… His hands clenched into fists, a slow simmering anger rising within at the thought of simply leaving the fate of the Earth and all mankind in the hands of a girl who was barely of age and still learning to control her powers.

There needed to be more done, and it was time to stop the act. "Reverie, gather the council." His words snapped out with authority, his daughter leaving at once with a crisp salute. Control needed to be re-established, and these games needed to end. With a wave of his hand, he dismissed the heads of his company, most of them all too eager to leave in the wake of his building rage. Just in time as well, for the moment the room was empty that lingering presence manifested itself.

"Ramman of Akkad." Melodic just as he remembered, with the tones that would have swayed lesser men to her will and broken them with her magics. Her face twisted and distorted into dozens that he had seen across a lifetime, body contorting to try and match even as her form sought out the one that would disorient the most.

"Theia." She was the one who had very nearly been the end of him twice before, enticing with offers that had been hard to turn down then, and he knew would be irresistible now. This time though, he knew her clearly as an enemy. That thought focused him and blocked out her attempts to sway him before she even started. A curious expression solidified on the misty features of her face, something that approached sadness and mischief at the same time.

"You're blocking me out of your thoughts… Such a shame, I had argued with the others that you could persuaded to join us, but your obsession with these lesser mortals has always clouded your judgement."

No more words needed to be said. They were enemies now, and with an explosion of raw arcane energies he lept towards her with a true word on his lips. He could not afford caution at this time, not with her.
December 25th, 2020 - Conowingdo Dam, Maryland

A thousand memories and feelings assaulted her all at once, tearing at her mind in two very different directions. For one, there was the older woman who had fought against the Great Enemy for nearly three decades, a battle that was being lost day by day and was left with the only option left. The other, a young woman still just a girl. She looked around in a daze as the temporal dissonance became stronger with the ripples of her monumental alteration of hypertime. Her one singular act of interference had broken every rule that had ever been written about time travel, to *never* change a keystone event. Such events were defining moments in the timestream, such as the rise and fall of Chingis Khan, the splitting of the atom, the birth of christianity and the victory of the Titans in the second Titanomachy. They were supposed to have won here on this day, break the human spirit and inspire a golden age that would follow.

The golden age that would be birthed from a bitter resistance of the survivors and the use of weapons that would later be buried along with those who had created them, all except for one. That was what she came back to prevent. To prevent the need for such a weapon to ever be unleashed and ensure the Great Enemy never came to be. Why then did she simply not return? She was supposed to fade with the severance of the previous timeline, along with everyone she had ever known. Nor were there the screams of the time-wraiths, creatures who were supposed to protect the integrity of the timeline. No, instead she felt uneasy and off-balance.

People called her name and spoke to her through a communication device in her ear that she remembered being given by Grim, and at the same time never had. She had spoken briefly with her before arriving, telling her that she needed to take care of something first, but also knew that she had been dead for centuries. All of them lingered as fond memories, of a few battles fought together, a stern lecture to use her abilities responsibly, and a very awkward introduction to the king of Atlantis. Yet none of them had ever truly met her, had they? Or had she?

Electricity crackled around her hands, the fingers clenching tight as she struggled internally, her brow furrowing while she tried to sort it all out.

"Will you be joining us?"
"Good morning to you too. Woulda been a shame if you missed out on the fun Velocity!"
"Welcome to the glory, Little Lightning Bolt!"

There were others too, drifting off to the side in her memories. A mother who was a fighter, recently severely wounded and taking a long break from field work. A grandfather who was eccentric at best, and people she knew as friends from a place that had long since been destroyed in what she knew as her real life. Only problem was that she started to question if it really was her real life. Someone was missing from this group, the real speedster who was supposed to be here. Except… These new memories that fought against her had nothing on him. There was no Celerity to her, not even the supposed identity of the man. It was the only thing that truly screamed out as an inconsistency. Everything else she could just mark off as simple temporal dissonance, but this one little detail immediately felt wrong.

More voices spoke, and there was a battle being fought overhead. There! Lady Arcana was fighting the mastermind of this whole mess and trading blows in a fight to decide who would truly decide the fate of the earth. At the moment there was nothing she could truly do, her feet unsteady as she bolted from her landing spot in this timeline, and appeared next to the other heroes. She had to play along for now, to act as if everything was fine and she truly was their Velocity.

"I'll help however I can, though with them that high up all I can do is hurl lightning bolts. A little risky with Lady Arcana so close, I would rather not zap her." Vera thought for a long moment, her eyes rapidly tracking the two at a speed far faster than any of the others would likely be able to do. For her they would be moving as if in slow motion, her mind processing every movement of their bodies and starting to anticipate their next moves. It was partly a measure to focus her mind on something else, but also to make sure that the job she came here to do was done.

"Wait!" Bouncing lightly on the balls of her feet, her skirt waved a little from the motion, her hand pointing out into the clouds. "Tank, how hard can you throw about… A hundred twenty-five pounds? Think you can hit the stratosphere?" Then she turned to Emerald Knight, a part of her thinking it amusing they were nearly of the same height. "How fast and how far could you generate precisely placed platforms, Emerald Knight?" Hopefully both of them would understand her plan of action, a flash of speed-force energy building behind her eyes as her mind raced and calculated the angle of approach and speed needed. If she could get high enough and build up enough energy, she felt like she could make a breach stable enough to end this once and for all.
June 1st, 3176 - Ankarra Breach

You're dying.

Flashes of energy burst with each stride, a thunderclap of power unleashed propelling her forward. To either side there was only the black. Endless space and the corpses of consumed stars slowly burning out. Behind her Sol burned brightly, the final beacon of life drawing the survivors to her bastion. The last few billions of mankind sheltered there, back at the cradle of their civilization among countless alien exiles. "Where did it all start?" It was always her first thought when she took to battle the great enemy. No one really knew the answer, not since The Severing so many years ago. She felt like she lost something there, but was never certain… It was just so fleeting and vague. Every Time she reached for it, it would pull away and become even more uncertain for a time.

There were others who suffered, many far more than her. With the arrival of the great enemy entire civilizations had been erased. Histories undone, reaching even into the past and destroying them before they began. Such a terrible foe had only the names they had bestowed upon it, and sown misery across the multiverse. Her companions had fought it of course, as they had done in the Great Cosmic Wars against Dominion, but this enemy was something beyond them. Perhaps that was the worst of it, and why she had to be the one. She had been there when the Lanterns died. Each light snuffed out one by one, a last stand that had united the Corps like no other threat, and killed them as if they weren't even trying.

What do you mean? What is causing it?
We don't know.

All that remained were the Seven. Seven heroes from across the multiverse, dedicated to defending it from the great enemy. Lady Arcana and herself from Earth-342, Tyrant from Earth-X, Deathstroke from Mars-36, Hawkman and Hawkgirl from Thanagar-17 and Uther. They were the last of what had once been a great Legion of Superheroes. At the thought, her fingers clenched around the chain at her waist, medallions of her closest friends hanging there as reminders of those they had lost. She would finish this. She had to finish it.


Uther's synthesized voice spoke quietly in her ear-piece. The construct didn't have an origin in any of the multiverse worlds, instead existing outside it until they had found it. An odd one, but reliable.

"Yeah, I'm nearly there."

Her leading foot found purchase upon a micro asteroid, propelling her forward towards the ongoing battle. A fleet exchanged blows with a vast entity before her, lances stabbing out into the black and piercing ethereal limbs that seemed to glimmer as they twisted in and out of every dimension at the same time. Few were successful impacts, but the Legion was determined and would not back down despite going to battle with fewer and fewer each time. She could just barely make out the forms of her companions ahead, silhouettes against the Breach. That was her destination, the great seeping wound in reality that preceded the arrival of the great enemy. It pulsed with the bleedoff of energy, cosmic threads spiraling off to spawn microsingularities which ripped apart the nearby planet and sowed chaos among the fleet as they struggled to maneuver.

All we do know, is that your connection to the speed force is connected somehow.
Are you saying my speed is killing me?
No, Verra… Just that… Well, it's not saving you like it should.

"Lady Arcana and Tyrant are preparing the vortex now, everyone else is buying you two time. Remember, you have to hit it at the precise moment of collapse at light speed."

"I know, Uther. We've run the simulations countless times, and we're all hedging our bets on this."

Tyrant spoke next, her gruff voice at odds with the face she wore. "Don't get lippy kid, you're our best shot at taking the bastard out." Despite the vast distance still to cross, she smiled as she knew there was a concerned look on the old woman's face. She had been like a mother to her oddly enough, despite her being friends with her eternally young doppelganger.

"I'll do what needs to be done, just get me a breach."

In the distance the two sorcerers were alone in the eye. A vast maelstrom roiled around them, ripping asunder Jupiter and throwing the debris of the dying planet across the solar system. Tendrils reached from within, questing into reality to try and grasp hold of the fabric of space-time. She could make out the winged shapes of the Thanagarians battling to keep the great enemy at bay, coordinating with the fleet and buying as much time as they could. It was a losing battle and everyone knew it, but they weren't fighting to close the breach this time. This time they were fighting to secure a way to undo everything. They were fighting in order to break the single most important rule imposed upon the Legion and the powered individuals within.

Everytime you go into battle, every time you run you build up speedforce within your body.
Yeah, I know. It all gets discharged as electrostatic energy.
Not all of it.

"By the power given unto me by the gods, old and new, I call upon the powers of the Rock of Eternity!" Both women spoke as one, invoking their sorcerous powers and drawing upon it with everything they had. All of their experience, all of their arcane knowledge was being summed up into this one moment. She could time travel on her own of course, but it was almost always a very temporary and limited interaction. Just a few questions here and there, finding information. Anything beyond risked damage to hypertime, the conduit that ensured the stability of the multiverse across all of time. What she needed to do required going back further than she had ever gone, and enacting a change so powerful that the ripples would echo across the speedforce for eternity.


Their call rang out across space, followed by the dual thunderclap of arcane energy flooding into them. For a split second, everyone could see the leylines of interstellar space flare, new conduits being formed directly connected to the two sorcerers. It was now that she stopped focusing on the battle at hand, and began to recite to herself the words she drilled into her mind.

"My name is Verra Valinova, and I am Velocity, the fastest woman alive."

"Verra! Remember, you're going to feel temporal dissonance when you arrive on the other side, and it will be far worse than any you've ever felt before."

"I know, Uther."

She clung to the treasured memories of this lifetime, of the last time she was with her mother. The short companionship she shared with a fellow hero. Her first time saving someone, and seeing the gratitude etched on their face. For over forty years she had been a hero with the Legion, and she was risking it all in order to ensure that there would be a Legion.

A flash in front of her alerted her to the opening of the singularity, a rip in the fabric of space-time through arcane means. It was shimmering and pure, a doorway that beckoned her to come forward.

"If I don't come back… I just want to say that you've all been wonderful friends… And that the sandwich in the fridge is mine."

Verra's foot pressed into the last solid surface of her home timeline, yellow lightning wreathed around her body as she sped past the defenders. In a single instant she was there and crossing the vast battlefield, just a streak of light aimed at the collapsing breach, and then she was gone.

December 25th, 2020 - Conowingdo Dam, Maryland

The skies above shifted suddenly, an ozone taste tinging the air as the cloud cover cleared away. Stars disappeared one by one and a clarity descended upon a vast region. It began to focus, steadily coalescing into a spiraling disk of energy, lightning crackling from the edges and striking the ground for a hundred miles from the focal point. Over a few seconds it shifted from what might have been benign to a slowly roiling vortex, then into a full-fledged singularity. The water loosed by the breaking of the dam began to stream upwards, stalling the tsunamis. Leaves were shorn from trees to mix into the updraft, drawn into the center of the black hole now dominating the sky.

"My name…. My name is…"

Verra struggled to focus as she ran down the speedforce towards her destination, feet pounding across the highway of pure energy. All around her she could see the events of her own life flashing by, memories of things that she had lived through, and curiously enough things she didn't quite remember. There were faces she didn't recognize, a woman she knew as a mother but wasn't her. A strange sense of belonging to a time that wasn't hers, and worse that the life she experienced was never meant to happen.

Ahead of her she could see reality opening up, exactly where they had chosen to deliver her, to strike the blow that would change history. Cronus was supposed to strike the blow here and now that would inspire centuries of bitter resistance. The defeated heroes would retreat back to their hideouts, laying low from a victory that had been so close at hand, yet yanked from their grasp. Dozens would die, and out of mourning the Justice League would be born in order to right the wrongs the Titans imposed upon them.

"I am…"

Everything went still. For that briefest of moment, the universe simply stopped. A building energy grew from the center of the singularity, expanding outwards and lashing out at the wounded titan to bind him into place. Chronus' rage broke the silence, sundering the fragile wonder of the event taking place. Everything fell back to the earth away from the singularity as a pinpoint of light formed in the center. Incredibly, something was exiting against the gravitational tides, and the titan's gaze fell onto it. With a flash of speedforce energy, the singularity collapsed. The shockwave dispelled clouds across the entire eastern seaboard, lighting up the sky in an artificial borealis. And at the center was a lightning bolt that struck Chronus directly in the chest, stopping his heart.

The thunderclap of the impact blew outwards, sending debris flying and briefly lighting up the surrounding area. In that moment a figure could be seen standing upon the ruined body of the fallen titan, electrical energy wreathing her as she slowly looked around herself.

"I am Velocity, the fastest woman alive."
It's alright, just trying to see if anyone else is still here now that guild is mostly functional again.
*pokes for life*
As a reminder to everyone who can actually load the page and view posts, we do have a discord to keep in contact with each other. If you're not on it yet and it's possible to keep Guild up long enough to do so, PM me and I'll hook you up with an invite. Benefits of the discord are that it's not hosted off a soviet-era toaster.
I'm still hanging around, though did have some doubts about things lol. Might be beneficial to do a fresh round of recruiting in the int check section.
@Skelm@AnnaBeth You guys got a new app, and it's been a little quiet lately. Anyone else still hanging around?
*pokes the RP*
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