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7 yrs ago
Current This is why you shouldn't use an actual toaster to host a website.
7 yrs ago
[@Dnafein] Because people are salty about didney and have forgotten about the prequels.
7 yrs ago
*angry moth sounds*
7 yrs ago
Joke's on you Dagoth-Ur, I brought eighty bottles of sujamma.
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7 yrs ago


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<Snipped quote by Alfhedil>

In that case, Frankie just found a "mini-nuke" launcher laying around...


Sure would be a shame if it was the prized possession of a Supermutant Behemoth.
@Apocalypse I don't mind anyone adding skills or items to their character sheets, as long as there's some notice of change first.
@Apocalypse Would depend greatly upon the context, but she's not the type to start something unless provoked. Have to remember she's also partly cybernetic now as well because of that last sortie.
@Alfhedil Thank you !

I guess our characters will kinda hate each other, eh?

Institute and BoS don't see things eye to eye usually😂

Not yet. BoS has only done a few scouting missions in the Commonwealth up to this point in the timeline and I don't think they've made hard contact with Synths or the Institute yet.
I finally finished my own CS, and managed to review every CS so far. Here's the verdict:

Accepted characters - @cunfuzzler@HamakazeKai@Polaris North@Searat@Dread@Apocalypse@Ghost Shadow@Cuddles 1438@Thecrash20

@Seltak I wasn't sure if you were changing anything or not in yours, so I'm waiting for now, but so far it seems okay to me.
@Scallop Yes, we're still recruiting as long as the green light is on. Even after the party gets moving I have ways of bringing new people into the group as well, so no problem there :>
Unsure on the prison thing, it's not really explained in setting if anyone other than the NCR way out west bothers with prisons. I feel like most just feel it's a lot easier and uses less resources to just put a bullet in someone or declare them persona non grata. There's probably ways of doing those things and getting away with it, just a matter of knowing what happened. Entirely likely that after the BoS soldier was killed and Warrick escaped, they simply couldn't be assed to pursue beyond their immediate territories.

After all, who has time to care about anything other than their land and what happens inside it? lol
I'll be out for most of the day today, still plugging away at my own CS. Doesn't help that character sheets are my bane lol. In the meantime, I did set up a discord for the RP. Link here and in the OP.
@Dread Wastelander probably works just fine unless she's associated with one settlement or another. I know it's a bit of a clunky section, and I'm not too particular enthused about how it works, but it works nonetheless lol.

I have read over most of the sheets so far, and not seen anything that has given me pause, but I'll wait until I'm fully awake and capable of making decisions before I give actual feedback on them. Some bit of clarification though, as I do recall being asked on the current time in the RP, and that's December of 2286.
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