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Current Looking for male partner to do a Assassin/Spy Rp.
1 yr ago
Looking for male partner to rp a Batman Rp.


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Aura clap her paws together to prey with the other Lucario to give her respect the passing of the Elder Lucario. Aura hugged Mai as she know her family will be there for her and her friends. ”What dose the color of aura of Jen’s Aura flowers? Liam and Shiranui have a destiny to ful filled maybe Jen can figure her destiny out.” Aura said as Jen wipe her eyed as she wonders if Aura will help in the next step in the Aura flowers.
Jen and Aura tear up as eye Elder Lucario passed on by they know his aura went back into the Aura flowers.
Jen and Aura stop dancing as they admire the beauty of the scenery of the flowers that bloom from their aura and the emotions that came from their hearts.
Jen and Aura copy the dance moves from the Elder Lucario as they return the aura back to the aura flowers, they wanted the aura flowers to thrive for many years.
Jen and Aura know Mai can help Liam in someway. It is so cute to see Cammy and Aura bonding with each other as Jen tries not to get distracted by their cuteness.
Jen and Aura meditated as they sense the flowers bloom before picking their share of flowers.
Jen know Liam and Shiranui have dark and sad aura but they are not bad people. She know Aura can see her aura does not tell her. She and Aura are ready to collect aura flowers.
“How many flowers do we need to pick,” Jen ask as that was not a complain she dwanted to leave some doe the Lucario?
Jen and Aura follow as they see the blue aura from the flowers. They both smiles about their bond as grown like a flower.

“Thank you,” Jen said as she and Aura hug Cammy back tightly as they are honor to be part of the Lucario tribe.
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