Avatar of Alisdragon911


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9 mos ago
Current Looking for male partner to do a Assassin/Spy Rp.
1 yr ago
Looking for male partner to rp a Batman Rp.


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Jen is thinking if they get any leads they will report it to Officer Jenny. A Bailey limps over to Jen to rub up against her. I’m i
“Do we have time to see if we can help,” Jen ask as she could not help her instincts in helping people and pokemon?
Aura hit the unmute button for Jen to hear the news. “I wonder who or a Pokémon to make people go missing,” Jen said as she pets her Lucario.
“Sounds good with me,” Jen said as she is curious about the Pokémon in this region.
“Congratulations,” Jen said as she and Aura praised Smaug for winner the battle and being a good sport.
Jen nods she hopes Kurt show her how to work on the Apricorns.
Jen is amaze by the knowledge she learn from her friends. She will keep the Apricorns she already picked already.
“I would like to know more about the Apricorns,” Jen said as this is the first time visiting this region.
Jen looks at the Apricorns but did not know which Apricorns to pick. She and Aura picks every color of Apricorns. Whatever balls she will get she still can use them.
“My name is Jen and it is nice to meet you.” Jen said as Mimi and Aura the Lucario greeted Kurt. Mimi the Galar form Slowking move closer to Kurt to get a better look at her.
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