Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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Oh shit talk about a flashback!

-Dibs Listening now lmao

I think someone forgot to read the op

But it's cool. I'll do Ghost's

Dreaming of — FOALS 7/10

I enjoy some of their other songs and this isn't a bad one at all. Decent instrumentals and definitely a chill vibe overall! Vocals are what I expected and I was not disappointed in the slightest.

EDIT: I stand corrected. . One moment and will edit with a rating of yours as well

Northwest Passage — Unleash the Archers 7.5/10

This was a real treat. I enjoyed the lyrics and the instrumentals, while expected, were great (same goes for the vocals). And speaking of, they have an impressive lead vocalist. Her range is insane!
Silver Lining — Sons of the East — Burn Right Through
Someday You Will Be Loved — Death Cab For Cutie — Plans
The Magikarp Song (A Pokemon Shanty) — Random Encounters (feat. Peter Srinivasan) — Random Encounters: Season 2
Terrible Things — Mayday Parade — Valdosta (EP)
The Idea of You — mxmtoon — Plum Blossom (EP)
The Power of Love (Huey Lewis and the News Cover) — Josh Krajcik — The Power of Love
Everything I Could Never Say (To You) — LovelyTheBand — Finding It Hard To Smile
The Night We Met — Lord Huron — Strange Trails
Mother’s Daughter — Miley Cyrus — She Is Coming
Peacemaker — Iced Earth — Plagues of Babylon

Zestasia was experiencing a feeling he hadn’t felt in quite some time.

As the group approached their destination, the presence of magic felt thick and it filled him up in a unique sense. Every hair on his body felt like an individual trigger that could explode upon his command. He felt hot, like all of the heat inside his body wanted to concentrate at the edge of his fingertips, as if they wanted to circulate in the palm of his hand. Zestasia felt like every impulse that was usually suppressed and controlled by a conscious wanted to disobey everything within him and rain fire on anything that threatened him.

For the first time in nearly five years, memories flooded his mind of a time where control of his emotions was just as likely as him having a good idea were.

Though he found it difficult, Zestasia stuck close to his brother, finding comfort in the man. He always had. Even if the memories were tainted by the many battles that plagued Hellion, Zestasia held onto the cherished moments spent with Pagonia, spent with Ouranós. That in itself was enough to keep the fire in his belly under control. For now.

His anxious hands dug deep into the pockets of his sapphire-blue jacket and he simply kept silent, which might be a first for him. Truth be told, he just didn’t want to annoy anyone and risk losing any semblance of control he had momentarily gained, but when Pythia had asked about the plan, she presented two options. Had it been any other time, he knew which one he preferred, but recent developments turned Zestasia’s go-to as the worst-case.

“We should try and be cautious about this,” he said. What he really wanted to admit was how afraid he felt right now and that standing next to his brother wasn’t enough to fully contain the unrelenting feeling in his gut to set anything and everything he saw ablaze in golden fire. “At least until we find who we’ve come to kill and roast that bastard alive!”
I figured since it has been a few years, we are all due for an upgraded version of the headers! So, I've taken the liberty of doing it for all of us!




Too Drunk to Fuck — Dead Kennedys — Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death
For You I Will (Confidence) — Teddy Geiger — Underage Thinking
To Build A Home — The Cinematic Orchestra and Patrick Watson — Ma Fluer
Somebody That I Used To Know (Gotye Cover) — Walk Off the Earth — Revo
Super Sonic Samurai — Victorius — Space Ninjas From Hell
Love is in the Small Things — Flora Cash — Baby, It's Okay
Asleep (2011 Remaster) — The Smiths — Louder Than Bombs
The Funeral — Band of Horses — Everything All The Time
The Hardest Thing — Tyler Ward — Covers and Co-Writes
Eastside — Benny Blanco (feat. Halsey and Khalid) — Friends Keep Secrets
"What's your Subway order?"

Usually depends on what I'm feeling but I really do like their meatball subs. Even Subway can't fuck up something as simple and easy as meatballs, sauce, and cheese on a french bread 6" roll.

A @metanoia & @Rosalia Collaboration Post
Featuring! Kavi Salvador & Santiago Fernandez

When Kavi had accepted Chrissie’s offer to be her date for the dance, he wasn’t sure how he would feel about it after the fact. And even now, as his 2018 black BMW convertible rounded a corner with the Lambert house in sight, he still wasn’t sure how he felt about it. This was mainly due to how conflicted he found himself feeling about it all. He still held rather strong feelings for Ariel and there was a part of him that knew he would always feel this way and maybe he just couldn’t grasp that they were over, regardless if it was a temporary thing or not.

Taking a moment to stop near the driveway (though not yet pulling into it), Kavi allowed the sounds of whatever was playing on the radio to drown out his thoughts. It was working until the station decided to end the song he was vibing to and the next song that came on made Kavi sigh.

“Of all the--”

Kavi silently cursed as the song resounded in his BMW, the chorus ringing true for him and this particular truth made him instantly turn the volume down and proceed to drive forward. His foot hit the gas pedal enough so that he could turn right and into the driveway. But as soon as he was about to, a mix of anger and panic set in, which wasn’t hard to believe since Kavi was starting to descend into one of his down spells, his brown eyes caught the sight of a flashy red-almost-crimson Lamborghini and the atrocious sounds of someone so obnoxious as the person driving the car that took his spot.

Angrily, though trying to put on his best face, Kavi pulled up next to Santiago’s pricy car, sighing as he pulled his key out of the ignition. He got out and, as he leaned against his clearly superior car, he stared Santiago down as though he was trying to force the candy man’s brain to pop and he did it all while wearing a striped pink shirt, white pants, and a white blazer. So safe to say what he was doing just looked like a human strawberry going through a bad fit of constipation face.

Lost as he was between his phone and the obnoxious, loud music booming through the Lambo’s sound system, it wasn’t until he saw a familiar car out of the corner of his eye that Santiago’s attention was diverted. A questioning eyebrow was raised as the devil momentarily wondered why on Earth Kavi Salvador would be pulling up at Stella Lambert’s house when his friend clearly had another date. Of course, it didn’t take long for Santiago to remember that the girl’s cousin was also a resident at the house- which explained the other man’s presence.

Shrugging, Santiago watched as Kavi exited his vehicle and took to leaning against it instead, glaring at him like he was a pigeon who’d just taken a big shit on his freshly-cleaned windshield. A part of him wanted to throw in some remark about how terrible his wardrobe choice for the night was. But that would be playing along with childish, passive-aggressive games that he wanted no part of- and the young man was determined to not let anything ruin his mood. Instead, Diablo turned down his music, rolled down the window and began his attempt at a cordial conversation with Kavi.

"You here for Chrissie?" Santiago asked, trying his hardest to not laugh as he took a glance at Kavi's Créme Savers outfit.

Kavi didn’t say anything but instead glared at Santiago. And that lasted for all of five seconds when he realized it was stupid of him to do that. “Yep. Just waiting here,” Kavi stated with arms folded across his chest. He had never been one to enjoy small talk when it came to Santiago but he didn’t want to cause a scene. “And you’re here for Stella, or are you here because you just love showing off that obnoxious Lambo of yours?”

In regular circumstances, the cynicism in Kavi’s voice would’ve rubbed Santiago the wrong way. But today, it only made the young man snort instead. "Oh yeah, definitely just showing off this bad boy. It's like a dog, y'know? Gotta take it on walks around the neighborhood to keep it healthy," he chuckled, yet it didn't take long for his laughter to fade away into a deep sigh and a somewhat sad expression. "I've put it up for sale, so I'm taking every chance to enjoy it while I still can."

Kavi had a lot of things he could probably say right now. Maybe rub salt in that wound or make some off-hand comment about how nobody would grieve when it was finally gone. But the longer Kavi stood there and met Santiago with how… well, honestly how sad the guy looked, Kavi felt bad. And that’s what really surprised him. Not that he didn’t speak his mind but how this car actually meant that much to the great Candyman of Crown Heights, that the Devil of King’s was actually feeling so depressed about it that anything Kavi said would be moot.

“Well, I’m sure Stella will like it. She’s always been a fan of shiny things. I can’t tell you how many tubes of glitter she’s gone through over the years,” Kavi laughed as he tried to count how many of those tubes she went through when they were younger. “So, why are you selling it anyway?” Kavi asked.

The gray-eyed boy raised an eyebrow. The answer, Diablo thought, was obvious to anyone with half a brain. “Not exactly a lot of space for a car seat in a two-seater Lambo, is there?” the young man answered with a smile and a small shrug. “It’s fine, though. I’m getting something a little more practical- like this custom 4-door Charger I saw the other day. Then whatever’s left I’ll put away in a savings account for the girls.”

Kavi remained silent for a while. He let Santiago ramble on but mainly because he had no earthly idea what to say. ‘Oh, I’m sorry about your incredible loss. I couldn’t imagine what you are going through' wasn’t something Kavi wanted to say. To be honest, he didn’t want to talk to Santiago. He wanted to get Chrissie and take her to the dance. He wasn’t trying to make small talk with Santiago, but here he was, hearing about how poor Santiago Fernandez was gonna depart with his unattractive car.

Or maybe Kavi was putting his own frustrations on Santiago, who by all rights did nothing to Kavi.

Kavi put his hands inside his pants pockets, his gaze shifting away from Santiago for a short, somewhat awkward moment. “So, a daughter, huh?” Kavi spoke as if he didn’t know. With him being friends with April, he knew. “That’s cool, I guess. I hope to have a couple of those myself eventually,” Kavi admitted with a half-smirk.

‘If only you knew how daunting it is to think that our future daughters could be or meet someone just like us, you wouldn’t even fathom having more than one…’ is what Santiago so desperately wanted to tell Kavi. But that would make him seem like an asshole, which he was trying hard not to be. So he settled for something that wasn’t hostile.

“I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you this, but hold off on that front for a bit, will you? Learn from my mistakes,” he chuckled again. “Don’t get me wrong: I’m excited for it. But I’m not gonna lie to you, man: it’s fucking terrifying at the same time. Wondering what she’ll be like, if she’ll make it here safe, if Lils will be okay, or if I’ll be able to take care of both of them right… It drives me crazy sometimes.” Santiago had no idea why he was being so honest about his struggles with Salvador of all people, but there was a sense of relief in voicing aloud the thoughts that had been consuming him for months now.

“Yeah, I bet.”

Well this was awkward. Last semester, Kavi and Santiago couldn’t be near each other without some sort of verbal fight breaking out or one of the boys trying to egg on the other. So, Kavi was thrown from them going from that breed of hostility to...whatever this was. Kavi, who usually always had something to say regardless how appropriate it was, found himself not only able to say anything but deep in his gut and slowly rising to other places, he had this feeling that maybe things between him and Diablo never were ‘bad’. He didn’t like him, of course, but this was probably the first time either of them had had any sort of conversation that didn’t involve them saying things to each other that were mean, cruel, and absolutely said with the intention of getting on the other’s nerve.

But now, even as Kavi thought about doing it, he didn’t have it in him. “You have every right to go crazy. I obviously don’t know anything about this, so you can accept it or not. Kavi’s eyes landed on Santiago and he took a breath. “My advice is just relax, don’t worry about all these what ifs until you actually get to that point, y’know? It’s like I tell my kid sister all the time: unless you know for certain, there’s no reason to drive yourself up a wall.”

Huh. Who would’ve thought that Kavi Salvador would be able to provide him with good advice and any sort of comfort in a situation like this? Not the devil, that was for sure. If you would’ve told Santiago at the beginning of the year that he and Kavi would have a calm, honest conversation of any kind without any insults or offensive remarks, he would’ve asked what cocaine you were snorting. Yet, as strange as it was, this was probably the best example of how far he’d come in his journey to self-improvement. If he was able to make peace with a guy who had, at some point, been the biggest threat to his relationship, then he’d be able to take on anything else life threw at him.

When he and Santiago sort of laughed at the interesting, pleasant turn their conversation took, whatever either of them were going to say next had come to a complete halt as loud, hostile screams came from inside the Lambert house. It immediately caused both boys to direct their eyes from each other and feel a gravitational pull towards the closed doors. They heard screams. They heard shouting. They exchanged curious looks as they heard the obvious escalation of some kind of altercation between two voices that only took moments of identifying who they belong to.

“I wonder what’s--” Kavi began to speak but had been interrupted as Chrissie came out huffing and puffing. Stella wasn’t far behind her, though she stood in the doorway, waving to Kavi, smiling as though they didn’t hear obscenities being thrown out for the entire world to hear.

Kavi waved back but immediately found himself in one hell of an awkward position as Chrissie aggressively entered the passengers side of his BMW, slamming the door with nearly as much force as she opened it. “I HATE HER!” Kavi heard her scream, his eardrums likely bleeding because of it.

Rolling his eyes at the uncertainty he felt in his gut about how difficult this night was gonna be, Kavi offered Stella an apologetic expression. Taking one final moment to center himself, Kavi got back into his car and drove off.

As the black BMW pulled out of the Lambert driveway, Stella said her goodbyes to her mother and father and walked her way over to Santiago’s chrome red Lamborghini, smiling at him. She got in the passenger seat and sighed, yet put on a smile. “Hey,” she greeted Santi simply, “How much of that did you actually hear?” She asked, looking somewhat embarrassed about how far things got between her and Chrissie. It wasn’t so much that things were said that shouldn’t have been said but more that the neighbors and others had to hear it that got to her. “Actually, forget about it! I’m just ready to have as much fun as I’m able to!” Stella nodded more for herself than Santiago and leaned back into the leather seat as her date pulled out of the driveway, taking the opposite route Kavi and Chrissie took (for good measure).
<Snipped quote by metanoia>

What a coincidence. I'm about halfway through The Blinding Knife myself. Absolutely engrossed in it too, which is pleasing because I've been finding it hard to get into books lately.

Brent does a great job of making you feel like you're in the world he's built! Andross Guile is my favorite character to hate but I love it when he does his shit!

A @metanoia & @spooner Collaboration featuring Jackson “Sonny” Drake & Julie MacMillian

As he pulled into the driveway of the MacMillan Manor, even though he had been here plenty of times before, Sonny still couldn’t get over the sheer size of it. Compared to his parents’ house, it was massive. But then again, what else should Sonny expect from a family whose name in the fashion industry was equal to that of his father’s in the sports entertainment business or his mother’s in the overall business. They were fashion royalty and here Sonny was in his new Audi TT, sweating up to his neck hairs about to walk up the yellow brick road about to ring the doorbell and take the queen to the ball.

And while that sounded too stress-heavy than it actually was, that’s because it’s not as serious. Truth be told, Sonny wasn’t thinking about how nervous he was about fucking this up. He wasn’t thinking about how he was going to treat Julie tonight or even how he had a flowery surprise for both of them.

None of that was on his mind. What was stuck up there in his barely-utilized brain was something that happened less than twenty-four hours ago that honestly threw him and still gave him butterflies. Yeah, could you imagine? Is Sonny Drake actually getting butterflies from someone other than his girlfriend? Well, don’t tell Marisol that. The last thing he needed was another Victoire Bailey incident.
Date: Wednesday, February, 13th, 2019
Location: The MacMillan Manor, Crown Heights, Palm Beach, Florida

Sonny had spent most of the week traveling from his house and Julie’s house. Some days were spent with her going through his wardrobe and others were them shopping and finding a color that pleased her enough (Sonny was an innocent and willing participant in this experiment). The end result was a total repurposing of Sonny’s style, a makeover that cost more than his allowance of the past three months, and the sort of rigid, assertive, coordinated assault on his way of life that he expected from his own mother. And in a lot of ways, Julie MacMillan and Viola Banks mirrored each other in personality and the way they got shit done.

But Julie had one thing about her that Sonny hasn’t seen from his mother yet: empathy for his suffering. So, after some last-minute double and triple-checking were finished, Julie, on Wednesday, which was going to be the last day they would meet up before Saturday, in what Sonny could only assume was her own guilt eating at her (or at least that’s what he told himself), he was treated to the Sonny Drake’s Favorite Food Variety Hour. Between the diner styled smash burgers, homemade potato wedges, twice baked potato skins, and a ribeye steak with a spicy dry rub, Sonny felt as phat as he knew he was.

“That was honest to god the best meal I’ve had in a really long time. Mom never lets me eat all of my favorites like that.” Sonny laughed, coughing and belching at the same time. “Never thought my bar food favorites could taste so...luxuriously!”

Julie just giggled as she re-folded the napkin that had been resting in her lap.“Well you know sometimes you just need to add that extra touch! Do you want to take the leftovers back with you?” she asked, smiling before turning to face Claire, the MacMillan’s personal chef. She signaled that they were done and for her to start to pack up.

Glancing from Julie’s blue eyes to the spread of all the food that still remained, Sonny had to admit it was tempting to dig into some more of it but he was full from what he had just eaten. “Yeah, that would be great!” He smiled at the redhead. “This is way too much food and too delicious to go to waste and you don’t strike me as the type who would eat this as much as I would,” he laughed from his gut, so it was much deeper and louder than intended.

A pleased smile spread across Julie’s face as Sonny spoke. “Great, I’ll have Claire pack you a bag.” she chirped. The slender girl stood up pushing her chair in after her. “Do you want to sit down in the sunroom?” she asked, walking past the boy and into the other room without waiting for his answer. The sunroom was where Jason MacMillan had made his makeshift home office. It was a room with open high windows, letting in the Florida sun with the large white cotton curtain fluttering in the breeze with its ocean-scented air.

There were form fitters with samples for the MacMillan Fall 2020 collection spread across the room but in the corner stood a set of plush brown leather sofas and chairs surrounding a big oak coffee table. When they had settled down Julie crossed her legs and looked fondly at her friend “Would you like an after-dinner drink? Whiskey perhaps?” she asked, gesturing with her hand towards a cabinet filled with crystal bottles with various liquids in them.

As the boy settled into the seat opposite of Julie, he relaxed and immediately his senses became overcome by the scent of the salty sea. Between that and the gentle rays of the winter sunlight, Sonny could get used to this form of luxury. “Sure,” he said, answering Julie, not even he remembered exactly what she said. He was too fixated on feeling like he was at a spa or something.

She took her time picking out what to pour for her friend tapping the ornate bottles with her nails. Finally, her hand paused at one of them filled with an amber liquid from which she poured a small amount into an equally ornate glass and handed it over to Sonny. Julie then poured herself a glass and settled back down. She lifted her tumbler as a salute and took a sip. “Quite good, right?” she mused smacking her lips.

He wasn’t used to whiskey or even hard alcohol as a whole, so when Sonny took his first sip, the alcohol smacked his throat aggressively with a strong burning sensation, causing him to cough a few times. Once it subsided, however, he took another sip and he tasted what Julie was asking about. It was strong and maybe Sonny’s palette wasn’t as refined as it should be to pick up on the deeper layers, but it was good. “Oh yeah!” He nodded and held the glass in his lap. “I haven’t tasted hard liquor this smooth. My only experiences were when me and Drea snuck my dad’s whiskey when we were younger but it wasn’t nearly as smooth as this is.” As he spoke, Sonny took another short sip, suddenly feeling sentimental about Drea, which showed as his smile inverted itself into a slight frown.

“Are you close to your sister?” Julie asked carefully sensing the shift in tone. “I bet it must be nice to have her around when she comes home” she smiled “I and my sister Iris are very close... “ Julie paused “It’s pretty hard now that she’s never really home anymore. Right now she’s in Europe doing fashion week, and before that, she was in Shanghai doing a campaign.” she offered a weak smile. “So I haven’t seen her physically in like a year.” she let out a small sigh.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to..” Sonny glanced down at the caramel-colored liquor in the glass that was in his lap. The way he saw it brought a memory forward and he smiled. “I can relate to what you’re feeling. Drea doesn’t live with us. She’s in New York, studying to become a journalist. I haven’t seen her in a few months. And there are times where I wish she was still down the hall. I,” Sonny, again, paused and looked up at Julie. “I took her for granted when she was still living at the house. I got so annoyed with her cause she always left her makeup lying around and she had this bad habit of leaving her curling iron on.”

Remembering how much they fought and how he grew to it being a regular thing, when it was suddenly ripped away from him after she had left for college, that’s when Sonny started to miss it. And maybe without Drea around, Sonny felt a piece of his life was missing. “What’s Iris like?” He asked Julie.

“Funny how that is… not knowing how good you have it until something goes missing.” she mused. The redhead re-crossed her legs as if getting ready to tell a story. “Well we’re pretty similar I would say… Well, you see daddy was always pretty busy so me and Iris had to pretty much take care of each other since my mother is pretty much… out of the picture.” she fell silent. It wasn’t many people she would discuss her mother with but she kept going “But Iris is the one that taught me to be rougher around the edges.” she let out a little laugh. “Without her, I probably would have never slapped Kavi at school” she pursed her lips at the memory.

“I miss… you know having her at a minute’s notice. But I talk to her every other night on facetime.” Julie took another sip of her whiskey before putting it down on the coffee table. “And I have Chanel who has always been like a sister to me, April has re-entered my life now… And I have you right?” She shot him a genuinely warm smile.

Her last comment caught him off-guard and it was evident with how surprised he was but pleasantly so. There was something about Julie that reminded him so much of Drea, well when D wasn’t being infuriating. She was comforting, compassionate, yet told him the blunt truth when he needed to hear it. That was something he appreciated about her and was eternally grateful that he had a friend like her. “Right!” He smiled, giving her a rare and genuine smile only so few have seen from him.

“Let me go look if Claire has finished packing your food.” Standing gingerly, she smoothed her dress before floating out of the room back towards the dining area.

Sonny stood in front of the twin glass doors and took in a deep breath. He didn’t know why he was so nervous, but he was and he had to shake off his nerves. Before he rang the doorbell because there was no way his sweaty palms were going to ruin the clarity of the door, he double and triple checked that he had everything. “Keys, wallet, phone, gift....” Sonny patted every part of his jacket as he counted them aloud.

And so, as his right index finger pressed hard on the doorbell, he stood as straight as he was physically able.

As the doorbell rang a soft voice could be heard calling from the second floor “Daddy! Could you get the door? I’m not ready yet!”. Jason MacMillan was usually at the office this close to revealing his new collection, but he couldn’t miss seeing his youngest daughter walk in one of his most precious creations.

Within a few seconds, the large man was at the front door slowly opening it. Jason had a reputation of being quite the intimidating man and he was living up to it tonight. Towering over Sonny as he looked down at the young man. “I expect you’re Sonny?” he asked stepping aside so that Julie’s date could enter.

Okay, erase every reason Sonny had to be nervous about, because as soon as he saw who opened the door, this became the source of why he was having an internal panic attack.

Sonny walked in, side-stepping really, and stood about two feet away from this tall, clearly well-built man who, if he wanted to, could snap Sonny’s tiny form like a twig. “Y-yeah! That’s me!” He tried to regain some composure. “Sonny Drake, sir,” he managed to say without stuttering.

The man looked Sonny up and down before giving the boy a small smile and shaking the trembling boy’s hand “ Jason MacMillan“ he gave Sonny’s hand a tight squeeze before commenting “Nice suit.” he winked before retreating back into his office. At the same time, his daughter was descending the marble stairs wearing a one of a kind MacMillan dress and her red hair done up in an extravagant hairdo.

When she reached her date standing at the landing her face went from excitement to worry when she saw the look on Sonny’s face. “Are you ok? You look like you’ve seen a ghost” she whispered.

Oh, just a large man with muscles the size of boulders. Nothing too serious. Sonny met her gaze, shaking off his entire body. “No, it’s fine. I’m okay.” Yeah, now he was.

As he calmed his nerves, the teen was just now realizing how ...stunning Julie looked. He remembered how nice the dress was when she had originally shown it to him but the way it naturally complimented her skin tone and the curves of her body, and in addition to the way her hair was styled...Sonny wasn’t a beauty guru - he left that to people like Chanel and Stella - but even he knew when someone had put in the work and Julie certainly did. “You look...breathtaking!” He found himself saying. If Sonny was speechless, man, he knew Rye was going to have a difficult time speaking simple words.

“Oh you’re too sweet.” Her eyes sparkled as she snaked her arm around Sonny’s. “Shall we?” Julie asked as she tilted her head in the direction of her father's office. “Bye Daddy! We’re leaving now!” She yelled out.

Hurried steps could be heard from within the other room. Jason stuck his head out and with one look at his daughter, the stern-looking man softened. “Have fun kids! Try to not do anything stupid. I don’t want to pay for another wing in the library!” He laughed at his own joke as he once again retreated back into his work. Julie just huffed and rolled her eyes leading Sonny out of her house.

He remained quiet until he knew the door was closed. The closer they seemed to be to Sonny’s car the more relaxed he became. Truth be told, Sonny was still reeling from the feeling of dread he got when he saw Julie’s father but her smile helped him calm down. Before they would get inside his Audi TT, Sonny stopped a few feet away from it and turned to Julie. “I have something for you.” Sonny reached inside his jacket pocket and pulled out a small, transparent box with an elegant decorative ribbon on top of it. The box had one white rose corsage and boutonniere inside it. “I know it’s not traditional and this isn’t like a prom or anything formal like that, but,” Sonny’s cheeks shined light pink as he tried to find the right words. “But you’ve been so wonderful and kind to me this week that I wanted to do something nice in return!”

Her perfectly painted lip pouted and a small squeal left the girl. “You’re so cute!” Julie exclaimed as she grabbed the small box. As she put the corsage on she inspected it. Normally this was nothing she would wear but since it came from such a good friend, an exception was made.

“Perfect!” Sonny nodded, smiling proudly.

Before they entered his car, Sonny rushed around the front and opened the passenger door for her. Even though he knew she was one of the more independent girls -- young women -- at King’s and she had plenty of feminist energy to spare, Sonny wanted to treat her as well as he knew she deserved. This was a friend date, yes, but Sonny was dead set on treating her as properly as he knew she deserved. That and somewhere not-so-deep down, he feared if he didn’t do this, her father would manhandle him for not being a true gent. And fear a hell of a motivator.

“Thank you” she whispered as she entered his car. “Hopefully this won’t be as big of a disaster as homecoming” she said as she carefully buckled her seatbelt so as to not create any creases in her dress. “But I’ve probably just cursed it haven’t I?” A small laugh escaped her as she settled in her seat.

Sonny laughed as he went over to the driver’s side and clicked his seatbelt. No way did he want to get a ticket or attract any unwanted, legal attention. He wasn’t Kavi. “I wouldn’t worry. Everything that could have happened already did. I’m sure it’ll be a fun, reasonably-eventful night!” Sonny did his best to reassure Julie but as he slid the keys into the ignition and the German luxury car’s engine revved up, at the pit of his stomach, past the dread of Julie’s father, was an uneasy feeling slowly churning that maybe it was going to be like Homecoming.

Oh, I sure hope not… Sonny thought as he pulled out of the MacMillan driveway, setting his sights on the open road and the country club.

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