Avatar of AlteredTundra


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Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
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Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
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How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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A collab with @metanoia@KZOMBI3@Danvers

“Hah! Suck on that, posers! House wins again!”

Jackson Drake’s party had been in full bloom for close to half an hour and in that time, the number of people had nearly doubled almost to the point where it was starting to appear like a full house. Beer Pong tables were spread all around because if there was one thing Heracles knew about the company he kept, it was they cared more about getting buzzed off of warm beer touched by a golf ball than they were about any form of solid food. After all, it wasn’t a Jackson Drake party if a few dozen kegs weren’t part of the main investment.

Jackson’s fifth beer pong match was about to begin. He was up to bat. His opponent was one of his mortals that spoke to Heracles on a personal level. He was as, if not slightly more, rowdy than Heracles could be on a good day. His energy had levels that not even Hermes nor Dio could rival. The way he lit up a room when he entered could easily put Apollo to shame. But the most important thing about Trevor? He was terrible at beer pong, which made him the ideal candidate for a show-stopping shot.

“And to the victor goes the spoils.” Heracles shot Trevor a sly grin. “Or in this case, you better drink up, Trev. You played Russian roulette, so now you’ve got a minute to drink every drop of all nine cups or that beautiful Porsche is mine!”

“You know, sometimes you can be a real ass, Jack.”

Trevor’s discontent was well received but as he consumed the putrid cocktails of warm booze, Jackson was on a high. Or rather, he was literally high. He took something about ten minutes ago -- something crafted from those wild cats over in the Egyptian Pantheon. He hadn’t the faintest idea what was in it or how nasty the effects would be, but he was feeling it. The room felt like he was in a rave as the music pounded heavily in his ears and every inch of his well-toned body felt like it was on fire -- but in the good way, not like how it felt getting blazed by Hades’ Hellfire back in the day.

As he turned back to the table, he saw a minute passed and Trevor gave up with three cups left. “What a shame! Guess that makes five wins in a row.” Yeah, maybe whatever he took was starting to affect his personality. Oh well. “Will nobody be able to stop me?”

It was almost too easy to spot the host standing above his subjects which he promptly destroyed once more in the game of Beer Pong. The foldable table, stacked with colorful solo cups and filled with cheap keg beer, was calling out to Comus. Stroking the embers within her chest, coaxing her true nature from her.

Shouting out above the music, and the heads of the party-goers between the two friends, she took up his challenge with a determined twinkle in her eyes. "You're going down Drake~!" there was a timbre to her voice that commanded attention to flit from one opponent to the other. Upon coming closer to her friend, and soon to be loser, she made a very wide show of presenting Hebe's presence.

Nudging the god of the people on the sternum she gestured with a nod towards the brunette sidled up beside her, in all her flower crown and tie-dye glory. "Drake, you remember my cousin. Hailey riiiiight~?"

His attention was equally divided between Coco’s usual bold bravado and her complete opposite. How she could go from proclaiming something that was unlikely to happen (especially considering the victory streak Herc was on) to making way to reintroduce him to her cousin. Yeah. Cousin, that’s a nice one..

But of course, he knew her. There hasn’t been a day in this world, not before the pantheon’s descension nor in the mortal life would Heracles ever forget that face. Laced with the purest beauty in all of Olympus, Hebe was the only one that Heracles could ever recall not being tainted in any sense, which considering the torture she endured at the hands of the hateful queen who sometimes pulled the mother card, that was saying a lot. Demeaning her to the role of the cupbearer, he always had a soft spot for her. And in all of the mortal years that have passed, that soft spot was as plush as a sponge cake.

“Of course I remember her!” Jackson flashed Hailey a smile, saving face for all of the mortals who probably shouldn’t hear anything about god names. “Really dig that crown. It fits this whole hipster chic vibe you got going on. Super dope!”

At his words, Hebe peeped round from behind Comus, have been trying (and failing) at stopping her from dragging them over to the table. She wasn’t ready...she needed at least one drink first! Yet when he spoke, the goddess of youth was unable to stop the small smile that tugged at her lips, fingers coming up to delicately adjust said crown. “Oh, thanks! I er, I made it myself…” She could feel her heart hammering furiously in her chest. Of course, they didn’t age but Hebe was still surprised at how perfect he looked. It instantly took any intelligible words from her mouth, leaving her to nervously stammer the first thing that popped into her head.

“I-I like your…shoes?” She blurted out, immediately cringing at her own stupidity. She hadn’t even looked at his shoes for gods sake. “I mean, I-” Trying desperately to push back the blush that threatened to bloom on her cheeks, Hebe nervously chewed on her bottom lip as she looked for something, anything else to talk about…

Oh, beer pong. Right. That’s why Coco had come over here. Walking over to the table, she picked up the winning solo cup, delicately fishing out the ping pong ball. “So…you’re pretty good then?” She smiled gently as she glanced over at Herc once more, finally managing to get out a full and coherent sentence. It had been a while since she’d played but Hebe figured she still might be able to give the demigod a run for his money. Maybe. Hopefully.

Heracles shrugged. “I guess I am, yeah.” He wasn’t going to deny it. And why would he? It was clear he ruled this game and nobody could touch him. With five wins under his belt, he was feeling pretty damn invincible. “You seem like you know a thing or two around the table. Or do you just want to watch as I show Coco here just how the pros do it?” He shot an arrogant grin towards Coco’s direction as if trying to get under her skin.

“Oh no, I wanna play!” Hebe proclaimed, the briefest hint of a childish pout gracing her features. Nerves momentarily forgotten, the goddess was practically bouncing on her toes in her eagerness to take part. No way did she want to miss out on a game! “Me and Coco can be on a team. Right?” She looked over at Coco eagerly, before grabbing her gently by the elbow and pulling her over to the other side of the table. “Um...we could do girls vs. boys?”

"YES! Great idea Hay!" The look that passed between Chaos and Man seemed to have gone unnoticed by the mortals and gods among the throng of party-goers in the immediate area. But not to them. Herc was trying to intimidate the sable headed woman, her homemade crown of flowers drooping with the fast actions being thrust upon them, and with the way his surefire cockiness soared this night might have been cause for her to be wary of his party game prowess; but then that wouldn't be in Comus' nature. She was party personified. 'Well, sort of...'

Coco did, however, manage to catch the silent back and forth playing between the two love birds besides her and could do nothing more than exclaim in excitement the fact that the tie-dye queens would be playing teams. "Prepare yourself Drake for utter embarrassment." To drive the taunt home with a wink and kiss was nothing out of the usual for the frat squad and all the baseless and idiotic shenanigans they seemed to create for themselves. Though tonight, Coco was playing for something much more important than a fucking Porsche.

"You win you get a one of a kind Coco favor; anything you want that I can provide... is yours," the smile on her face was telling. It was an open invitation to have and get whatever the holder so chooses to request of her. A way to hold her in limbo until it was time to call upon the chaotic energy and cash in the favor. Which, honestly, she hated the idea of being at the beck and call of anyone, but this was for a good cause she keeps telling herself and waits for his answer, looking up into his face searching for the acceptance she knew would be coming.

Whether it was the confident high that he was feeling from his past wins or the fact that he didn’t think Coco or even Hailey -- no offense to her, of course -- had what it took to dethrone him, he snickered victoriously. “As if I could pass up the chance to have a freebie favor owed to me. You’re on!” He shook Coco’s hand with a grin on his face. “And because I know it would be unfair for me to have a teammate, you two can gang up on poor old me!” The arrogance was climbing at an alarming rate and he wasn’t showing any signs of stopping.

Whilst the two came to their arrangement, Hebe had been quietly making her way around the table, carefully setting out new cups (because who knows where the old ones had been) and pouring in whatever type of beer Herc had chosen for the party. Her eyes twinkled with uncontained delight as she topped off the last one, hands moving to place the can alongside the rest of the empties. “Done!” She announced to no-one in particular before skipping back over to her place next to Comus. Her drinks had always been significantly more…potent than most mortals, and gods, were used to; and she hadn’t been able to resist the temptation of making this just that little bit more fun. It was a party after all...

Hebe's attention moved back to the others when Herc said he would play alone, a small frown darting across her face. ”But that doesn’t seem very fair…” Her voice trailed off at the heavy air of self-confidence radiating from the god in waves, realizing that he would have it no other way. Hebe tried to remember if he had always been like this. She supposed he probably had…though it had been a very long time since they’d last seen each other. “Well…then we can at least let you go first.” The goddess concluded with a small smile, holding the ping-pong ball out to him.

Coco tried to shush Hebe and her tender nature. There would be no 'going easy' or complaints of sides being imbalanced. He was a big boy, he said it was fine himself. Besides, she wanted to win. More than that, the daughter of Dionysus wanted to crush the son of Zeus. Not for any other reasons besides not wanting to owe any favors to the degenerate that was Heracles not like she was any better but because she wanted her winnings to go towards setting them up on some dates and reignite that wild flame that had been brutally hacked down to small kindling. Hebe and Herc were made for one another, everyone knew it. Back before the Fall, and everyone within close proximity to them now knew it. It was fate, and who was Comus to fuck around with fate? When it didn't profit her When it dealt with familial issues... This was for noble and romantic reasons! Comus wouldn't do anything to take that happiness from her best friend. And Herc too, she supposes.

But that can only happen if they mop the floor with his smug face. Once Hebe has passed the small, white plastic sphere to the man she is yanking Hebe by the elbow to their side of the table. A small gathering has taken up residency around them, a lot of the mortals favoring the side of the host - as to be expected. Though the sandy-haired goddess was a model it wasn't like they were going to be as easily recognizable to the social media king. "Heebs," the whisper came out a tad harsher than she intended, "You do remember how to play right? Because I could have sworn you were something along the lines of 'sorority champion' in the nineties..." a wide, all-knowing grin was set in place upon Coco's face as she watched her attire twin produce a sly and cheeky grin of her own.

"This," she started turning back towards the table and those who were awaiting their next move, her body alight with a buzz she couldn't get from mortal consumption. No, this was a high she could only obtain from the types of situations that called to her on a more primal level. A duel between Gods, as it were. Stakes and bets were laid out before them, it was only a matter of time before the victors were crowned and Hebe and Herc would be well on their way to coming back together as the cutest couple Olympus could produce. "This is gonna be very exciting."

”That’s only if you can win!” Heracles snickered through his potentially premature grin as he approached the table.

The table tennis ball was on his side. He picked up, rolling it between his fingers. Not only was ‘Jackson Drake’ the ruling champion at Acropolis when it came to the pong, but he had a certain flair that made every experience a memorable one. That same flare always ended with him acting a little cockier than his usual self would allow. As he took a quick look at the girls and then at the table, he aimed his shot. Arms were bent as though he were on a basketball court. He aimed for the middle cup and he squinted his eye so that only it was in view.

And then the ball launched into the air, suspending itself for a few seconds before unspecified alcohol splashed into the air, it’s mysterious contents signaling the equivalent of a swish. “And that, ladies, is how it’s done!”

Soft brown eyes had been watching the god uncertainly, only flitting to the ball when it hit its target. "Nice shot He-Jackson..." She smiled gently, quickly correcting herself as a hand moved to pick up the losing cup. Her nose scrunched up at the smell of beer, suddenly regretting making the drinks so strong. It had seemed like such a good idea a few moments ago too. But Hebe, not wanting to subject Coco to her creation, still chose to quickly down the drink herself, a small shudder running through her body at the taste. "So gross..." She muttered quietly, sticking her tongue playfully out at Coco before her focus moved back to the table.

“Oh, shall I go now? Erm…one second.” Pausing, Hebe took off her flower crown, placing it next to an extremely drunk mortal who looked like he would struggle to remember his own name. “Would you mind looking after that for me?” She asked sweetly as her hands came up to tie her long locks into a high ponytail, either ignoring or oblivious to the fact of his heavily inebriated state. “Thanks!” The goddess chirped as she picked up the ball, gaze briefly glancing over at her opponent before trailing back down to the cups.

Taking a small breath, Hebe prepared to shoot. She didn't have the same showmanship as Herc but her body still moved with a well-practiced ease, arm rising to easily sink the ball into one of the back cups. It took her a moment to realize what had happened and when she did, the goddess jumped up excitedly, pulling Coco into a hug with a loud squeak. "I did it!"

The sable blonde returned the embrace with a quick squeeze and cheered along in tandem, "Aiight Drake, drink up." The once smug grin that occupied her facial features for the idea of crushing the son of Zeus beneath her Hebe exploits was quickly making way to one of a more genuine enjoyment. The revelrous momentum the party was building only added to the excitement she felt coursing through her veins and she was sure she wouldn't be able to contain herself much longer.

“So you did,” came Herc’s surprise in the form of a congratulatory smile. His tone was flat and full of intrigue. He wouldn’t have thought the passive Hebe he remembered from before the fall and was at the mercy of her mother, who didn’t have so much as a backbone in her body, had acquired such a deceptive poker face in addition to having quite the keen eye. And even as he consumed the putrid-smelling cocktail that got worse with every sip, the only thing that had stopped him from puking it all up was trying to solve the mystery surrounding Hebe and his own desire to know what other secret talents she was hiding behind that smile of hers.

As he took the palm-sized ball into his hand, he knew he might want to take them a little more seriously, so he took his shot. He aimed for the cup at the front. When he released the ball from his hand, it tipped off the rim and fell into the cup. “Nice!” He self-congratulated with a self-five.

”Lucky shot,” Comus joked in good spirits, even more so now that she tasted Hebe's very own renowned inebriant. The liquid flowed like water as she threw back the plastic solo cup, emptying the contents in one go. Eyes wild and twinkling with a mirth that had been building up since the games began. A heavy and steadying sigh escaped her as she tried to focus on the cups and what the winning goal was to be. 'Herc can't win, cause then imma hafta owe him something fuckin' dumb... do this for Heebs.' Excitement lighting her skin on fire she took aim and tossed the lightweight object across the table, sinking into the center cup filled with the elixir of the gods.

A hoop and a holler a beat later and she was inciting a riotous chorus of "Down in one, down in one, down in one!" All eyes were now on their fearless, charismatic leader and Jackson Drake was never one to back down. Coco eyed him as if daring him to not heed his loyal subjects' chanting. He wouldn't dare dream of such a thing and that is what she was counting on. A few more plays like this and Herc was bound to slip up.

“You want me to do it one go?” The showman Jackson Drake looked at everyone who was chanting and they responded with a resounding ‘yeah!’. He repeated it two more times, his voice getting louder with each round. It was at the point that Heracles was starting to really show just how deep into his party-boy persona he was. He grabbed the red solo cup and didn’t even think. He sent all of its contents into the bottomless pit that was his stomach and furthered the feat by grabbing an empty beer can from the ground, crushing it with ease against the center of his forehead, and let out a deep, noisy belch. ”WOO! I’M FEELIN’ IT NOW!”! His primal yell came with loud holler.

Whilst the others watched the demigod in all his glory, the look of excitement that had been etched across Hebe's face suddenly dropped away. It was instead replaced by uncertainty, eyebrows pulling together in a brief moment of confusion. Her fingers came up to play with the ends of her ponytail, nervously wrapping themselves through the brunette strands. She definitely did not recall Heracles being like this. Not that there was anything wrong with it…but the goddess suddenly remembered why she had stayed away from frat parties these last few years. It was too close...too much. His face suddenly swum in front of her vision, threatening to pull her back to that ever nearing precipice.

Shaking her head, she turned to Herc, forcing herself to focus on him instead…even if she wasn’t entirely sure who he was anymore. “I think it’s your go…” Her voice was barely audible over the noise as she picked up the ball, carefully tossing it over to him.

Regardless of the adrenaline surging through her from the raucous nature around them, Comus was extremely in tune with Hebe's new switch in demeanor. As perceptive as Coco was, which wasn't very, even she caught wind that it had to have had something to do with Heracles and his display of machismo that put off the goddess of youth.

A defensive measure took root in her in the form of aggression, because there aren't many things that Comus approaches without some kind of wild abandonment. This called for a delicate touch she just didn't possess. A small, genuine smile was thrown Hebe's way, a hug and a kiss to her temple Coco pulled away to gaze into her eyes. A deadly glare was sent towards their gracious host as she downed another cup of the ambrosia liquor. With a well-placed wobble, a show of throwing her arms up and above her she played her part of 'messy white girl wasted' well. Footing slipped beneath her sending her balance off-kilter and causing Coco to knock into the beer pong table, sending plastic cups flying into the air and scattering on the floor and even atop her cousin's outfit. "Hayyy! I'm soooooo sorry, like, for real! Drake!" she had to pat herself on the back for her awfully accurate depiction of trashed mortal women.

"Here! Go get cleaned up! Drake, go with her. I'll hold down the fort for ya! Byeeee!~" Coco was adamant on getting them alone together, and hopefully with him away from the limelight he could deflate that big ego of his. For just a moment at least.

Welcome to the Guild!

A @metanoia & @NeoAJ Collaboration
Featuring Mr. Unlucky & The Payed Piper

Under normal circumstances, Nicholas might say he was having a good time. The times of playing spin the bottle might not be so clear to him when he thought about it, but the feelings of nostalgia were present in the giggles and prevalent feelings of entertainment enhanced his own enjoyment from it.

The games were fun. Leo knew how to play it well. The boy was a gamemaster and he had all of the cheat codes in how to effectively make even the most unlikely of people fall breathless. It wasn’t present in Erica who retained much of her fire when her kiss with the King Alpha ended, but poor Cassie wasn’t so lucky. She wasn’t the only one who observed everyone. Both she and Nicholas watched others and he knew there was something between her and Leo. The latter wasn’t aware of it, but the way she perked up when his spin landed on her and how she trembled when their steamy kiss ended, it was clear the blonde hadn’t been honest with even herself about how deep her thirst for Leo’s everything ran. But if Nicholas could see it, it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume everyone else would too -- Leo included.

And as she excused herself, Nicholas chuckled mostly to himself. He didn’t know whether to maybe excuse himself and go comfort her or not, but before he could, his eyes followed the bottle. And as it stopped, his reaction was the polar opposite of Leo and generally everyone else.

Visible disgust. Absolutely vile, atrocious disgust became Nicholas’ face for the next minute. He didn’t want to watch it nor did he want to even imagine that, of all people, Leo Brooks would find a predatory home on his sister’s lips. The part inside him that was Billie’s go to response nearly took over. His older brother instincts wanted to rip Leo off of his sister and pound the life out of him, showing him what happens when the swan is cornered.

But Nicholas remembered this was a party. Nicholas remembered that it was all fun and games. Yeah until my sister gets involved. That one reminder had allowed the boy to calm his growing ire and turn away. The least he could do was not have the cursed sight of his best friend (probably debatable but friends were hard to come by these days) and Leo lock lips like a couple of sex-starved animals.

When it ended and Nicholas’ faith in the big guy upstairs was restored, it was Tyler Jane’s turn to spin. He wouldn’t say he had hopes it would land on him because he would never allow himself to appear that desperate, but at the same time, he felt like one of those animals who were deprived of their most primal instincts. He would be lying if, should the bottle land on him, that he wouldn’t give Tyler Jane a kiss she’ll never forget, both in his technique and how forward he might go.

As it twirled around, Nicholas felt every weight on his shoulder raise up, the tension releasing itself as he prepared to lean forward. But this was only to crush him all over again when it landed on Griffin Pierce, of all people. Immediately, his eyes shot sharp dagger-like glares at both of them, but specifically at Tyler Jane. If she thought he didn’t notice what she was doing, then she clearly didn’t know him at all. But that wasn’t the only thing that was getting under his skin. Her kiss with Griffin aside, it was the way she had been behaving all night long. Not that he was innocent, but there had been times where she went two steps beyond teasing him or making him reach out instead of her being the one to. It was frustrating past the point of acceptable and her kiss with Griffin was just another example of this.

And when it ended and she excused herself, he remained and watched the steamy and rather intriguing kiss that Sol and Savannah shared. It acts as a palette cleanser to the bitter note that TJ and Griff left. He found it enticing enough to have an idea. It would require mostly luck and hoped the big guy upstairs was looking out for him because Nicholas needed some of his magic in order to make it happen. Maybe it was going to be cruel but, honestly, Nicholas was in that kind of mood.

“I suppose it’s my turn.” He smiled as he leaned forward and reached for the bottle. He gripped it tightly, twisting his wrist and giving it a rough spin. It swerved on the floor and almost bumped into someone but about five inches away from them, it finally stopped. And by the literal grace of God, Nicholas met Savannah’s eyes with a smirk with one of them purposely giving Tyler Jame a quick look.

He rose up from his seated position and crawled closer to Sav, who sat across from him in the gathered circle. He wanted to be close to her enough so he could prep not only her for what was about to happen but also for himself. Nicholas was a tender and affectionate lover, regardless of the circumstances. He brought his left hand up to caress her right cheek. He first twisted his wrist so that the outside of his hand was facing Sav and felt the softness of her skin against his. It was a bit drawn out compared to others, but Nicholas was something of a magician in foreplay and if this was really going to work, he needed to put in the extra effort.

As their gaze lingered, Nicholas leaned close to her, bringing his lips close to her ear and whispered, “I do hope you saved enough energy for me, Savvy.”

Sober Savannah would have been doing cartwheels at how the bottle spin had landed. This would have been the culmination of many prayers and lit candles to get a shot at kissing Nicholas Grey. She would have swooned at the words in her ear like one of those middle-aged moms at a Justin Bieber concert.

Sober Savannah wasn’t home right now.

Instead, Payout almost shuddered from the feeling of Nicholas’ hand on her cheek. Compared to Sol’s rough foraging through her hair, this felt like an attempt at coercion. Like she was expected to just bend the knee at this gesture of romanticism from a man. Payout didn’t play that.

She let out a deep breath that she didn’t know was being held and looked the Robin Hood that managed to land this bottle shot in the eye.“Just make this quick, Romeo,” she told him matter-of-factly.

“Quick?” He repeated back as though disappointed. The entirety of the makeshift plan he mapped out in his head was reliant on the reaction that he normally received when his hand gently caressed the cheek and he whispered into the ear. It was his signature move, but more importantly, the usual reaction would have done wonders for his real plan to make TJ jealous.

Maybe Nicholas pushed his luck too far. Or maybe he went about it the wrong way. Something in her eyes and how...bored she was, produced something of a delayed reaction on his part. He wasn’t usually like this but Nicholas understood. Sol had ruined his usual plays; in a sense, Nicholas was cockblocked by Shady.

“I normally don’t do it quickly, but there’s no choice, I suppose.” With a sigh, Nicholas didn’t allow time to elapse so Sav could get a response in. He grabbed both sides of her face, looking her into both of her eyes with a daunting stare only he could produce. It was the kind of stare that always let the other person know they were the only one who mattered for however long the fixated gaze lasted.

And then he went head-first into her lips, commanding them, seizing them for himself. His passion couldn’t be contained and after a few seconds, Nicholas felt the need to claim more. He pressed against her body as the skin under their shirts touched. The grip around her face tightened as though he was pinching her skin (just enough to enhance the experience). Nicholas was getting lost in it all, forgetting that there were other people in the room, forgetting that it was meant to be a game, forgetting that he had Tyler Jane watching him. The only person on his mind was Savannah Payton. She consumed him like he was her. What Nicholas hadn’t realized was that he was craving more and that was a dangerous point.

So he slowly pulled away, a deep breath of desperation and forced restraint leaving his lips.

There was a brief moment in which it seemed like Nicholas may have succeeded in his attempt to sway Savannah from still visualizing how Soleil or Talya would have tackled this moment. To be fair, she already had real-world data on Sol. And she had to give Nicholas credit. He attacked with gusto. He looked at her as if she was the only woman left in the world.

However, after their lips parted, the events of the day caught up with her, and she couldn’t stop a yawn from escaping her lips.

“Hah… sorry, Nicholas. No, that was great, dude,” she offered, trying to help him save face, but it was clear from her tone she didn’t mean it. “Still, way behind Sol though.”

Nicholas refused to believe she was sincere. Even Dwayne was more receptive to his advances long before Nicholas ever made the first move. Whatever game that Savannah was playing was not only uninteresting but it was, quite frankly, getting on his nerves. “I don’t understand you, Payton. You were all over me last week. You even risked that friendship you hold dear to catch my attention. And finally, when I give you it in its entirety, you brush it off like I’m yesterday’s trash?” It was clear Nicholas was offended and he had every right to be. “Maybe I was wrong about you and there was nothing unique about you, at least, nowhere as special as Tyler Jane is.” His voice was maybe just a little louder than intended, but at this point, Nicholas had lost all interest in caring.

A snort could be heard. Savannah rarely let herself get to that point, but the alcohol made it clear that any filter on herself was long gone. She wanted to slap the shit out of this cocky asshole, but she steadied herself for now. It wouldn’t have the effect that was necessary. “Well, I think a lot of people were wrong about you, bucko,” she started. “You aren’t worth a friendship like the one I have,” she motioned to TJ as she stated that fact. “You aren’t worth the time I spent playing this game, and you aren’t worth the 20 cents of gum I’m going to need to get the taste of you out of my mouth. I don’t know who the fuck you think I am, but you are fucking nothing to me. And if you fuckin’ dare think you’re something you are not, I will fuckin’ swiftly remind you of who you are. Comprende, fuckwit?”

As he looked at her, Nicholas couldn’t help himself but feel pity for Savannah. Pity that she didn’t get to experience him before Sol ruined him for her. Pity that she needed to be buzzed up to finally be interesting. Pity that not even on her best day would she ever compare to Tyler Jane. Nicholas knew it and, if everyone looked behind the surface, they would see it too. She wasn’t interesting. She wasn’t special. She wasn’t worth ruining her entire career.

And when he was able to be content with that, he let out a sigh, glancing over at TJ. Has it worked? Did Nicholas get what he wanted from this? Or did he set himself back again? Honestly, he didn’t know whether or not his plan worked. One thing was for sure, though. Savannah Payton was officially off the list forever.

“It’s too bad. If you were this outspoken all the time, maybe things would be different.” Nicholas allowed himself the benefit of her face one last time before he excused himself from the circle.

“Do I care?”

Her words fell on selectively-deaf ears. Nicholas didn't need to deal with her right now. The only thing he needed was space and an unspecified amount of shots. And maybe, after he was slightly more buzzed than he was right now, would he have the tolerance to deal with literally everything -- and everyone -- else.

Mentions // Leo @Melissa Billie @HaleyTheRandom

When lips met lips, her cherry scent was overpowered by whatever Leo Brooks’ flavor of the day was. And it was hard for her not to let him take full control of a situation that Cassie hadn’t the time to think about, hadn't the time to process that her spin landed on Leo Brooks.

She knew how it must’ve looked. She was the weird girl with the camera. She was the person, if she was ever discovered, watching others through the lens of her camera as they lived out moments in their confined life at San Agustin. And that was something she never had a problem with. She adored watching those moments when they were unsuspecting and truly themselves. It was something rare and especially for those who might hide certain aspects of their true personality from those closest to them. But never did Cassie envision a scenario where one of the most observed would ever press his lips against hers like it was imagined in those nights she spent alone in her dorm.

When it happened, time slowed down. Froze. Every bone that could tremble did when she felt his passion. A whimper of sorts had been muted when his hand caressed her cheek, relaxing every part of her body - inside and out. And when it was over and he had moved on to his turn, again, Cassie’s mind had fled to a place not of this realm, only thinking about Leo’s lips and how she yearned to feel them again. In all of the what-if scenarios she played out, if she ever got the chance, she would do more than just let him take charge. Cassie would allow herself the benefit of alerting him to just how deep she felt for him and how much she admired his jawline.

Instead, when Cassie returned to Planet Party, she was petrified when Leo turn had landed him on her best friend and watching them kiss crushed her. She knew it was a game, but that didn’t matter.

To avoid making a scene, especially not to make it obvious that his kiss had done more to her than it should to anyone, Cassie made a bullshit excuse. Something to allow her the freedom to crawl into the nearest bathroom and let nature run its course. “B.R.B., gotta pee!” She would announce in the middle of Billie and Leo’s kiss, ignoring most of everyone and she made the quickest beeline for the bathroom, locking herself in it.

The running water from the faucet, whether or not it did her any good, had allowed Cassie to think in peace. Something about the running water hitting the sink reminded her of something that she once found relaxing. Something about it brought her to the image of a spa, which, of course, was strange because she had no memory of ever being at such a place. Nevertheless, it calmed her down enough to keep her from going over the edge. But it wasn't enough to quell the bizarre feeling deep in the pit of her stomach.

“Am I...jealous?”

Mood: Confident with a dash of freaking the fuck out

Nathaniel Blake was known for a lot of things. His reputation of being a student at Meadow U for three years had afforded him the often-unfortunate “motor-mouth” moniker that may or may not be part of the reason behind his over-reliance on weed. Through that, his tendency to ramble on for multiple minutes was as impressive as it was pointed out to him -- on numerous occasions, at that -- annoying. It’s probably another reason why he went with the flow and laughed at himself before anyone saw the chance to. It’s true what they say about laughing at yourself so bullies can’t.

But being eerie quiet for several minutes as shots ordered by Dee that were put on his tab came to their table was, unfortunately for all of the thoughts coursing through his mind, thinking of ways to utter even a single word, wasn’t something Nathaniel Blake ever did, yet there he was just sitting in the awkward silence. The chatter and hollering of the football players at the bar became white noise as Nate’s mind circled around the blunt approach Dee had into helping him, all the while Mandy’s advice replayed against it as if fighting a gang war inside his own mind.

Maybe Dee has a point. Whatever it was that was between me and Jasper, I know it’s there. Does she, though?

Of course she does. Or why would she still be here?

Nah, maybe she’s just here for the booze. Yeah, she definitely is still here for the booze.

Okay, you really need to stop letting that voice in your head win, Nate. Or at the least, listen to their positive twin sister.

He shook his head and forced any whisper that was anything but positive into the deepest parts of his mind and let out a random, if not short, battlecry and downed his shot without even thinking about it. The rush he experienced from the alcohol and added flavorings was enough to wake up Nate’s senses. He felt the most alert he has been in a while and that caused his legs to repeatedly shake with a sensation of excitement that was foreign to Nate. Something inside him had awoken and maybe it wasn’t just the rush of alcohol that tickled his throat and made everything south of it burn with a fire not felt in a really long time.

And the fire in his eyes lit up when he faced Jasper. For a few moments, however short they were, lingered a speechless gaze until Nate coughed a dry cough. “Dee, despite her strange ways, has a point. I mean, I know I fucked up on Monday but a person very dear to me said that I shouldn’t let that or anything else ruin the potential for me to have fun tonight. This same person made me put on my best shirt and my best pair of jeans and try and have some fun.” Nate and the point weren’t close associates, but now would be a good time for them to get to know each other.

And then Nate remembered something very important about himself. He wasn’t good with words. Nate liked to ramble on more than most preferred him to, so he wasn’t able to get his message across clearly.

Nathaniel Blake was a man of action.

So he took it by grabbing Jasper’s face with an impulsive grasp, hands on both sides of her face, and stared into those inviting eyes. Blue dipped in a pool of black that he wanted to get lost in until he did and leaned forward, the moment taking full control as their lips locked. His heartbeat increased nearly tenfold but it was relaxing and exciting and dangerous all at the same time. Nate hadn’t thought about it -- he just did it.

@Melissa Here's my boi finally!

A @metanoia // @HaleyTheRandom Collaboration
Featuring the Dynamic Duo of Stargazer & Picasso


For as long as the party came into its full swing and those who went in before she had mingled, Cassie stood off in the corner, hiding behind the ferns that were placed in a weird position off to the right. She desperately wanted to go in, but barging in wasn’t in good manners and she had always tried to adhere to some sense of proper etiquette. That and where she stood, she had the perfect vantage point to snap some opportune pictures of those actually enjoying the party and everything it had. She saw TJ and her friends enjoying a game of beer pong and how Nicholas wasted very little time indulging in what seemed like a like-minded, master of opportunity act as he approached them.

Raising her camera, she noticed Savannah being especially stationary. In the past, when she would be lurking behind a tree or a wall, Savannah was always so graceful but she was also kind of active. Or maybe it was Cassie always moving that made it seem like that. “No, that’s not--"


The tiny blonde found herself jumping at least a foot into the air, knocking over one of the fern plants, the clay pot it held the fern in falling over and smashing. The sound it sent off was thankfully muffled by the music playing from inside the party, but what couldn’t be muffled was the feeling that Cassie had when she jumped for joy a moment later as she saw Billie. She immediately hugged her bestie for dear life. Literally.

"What are we waiting for? Go in!"

“I was waiting for you!” Cassie nudged her friend, holding onto her arm with a wide smile that would light up any dark room. And then her eyes fell onto Billie’s outfit. It was no secret that Cassie had a wandering eye and she had no problem admitting when her best friend that lit up her world was looking so good tonight. “Love the outfit, Beej!”

”But are you sure it’s okay for tonight though? I mean, back home I would have done the full face of makeup and a tight little dress and ---” With a sigh, Billie waved her free hand dismissively. ”You’re right. I look amazing. And so do you!” she said, playfully tapping her friend on the nose with her index finger. ”Now tell me love. What all have you noticed going on so far?”

She giggled when her nose was booped and hummed thoughtfully, trying to recall everything. “Wellll, the party got into full swing. People have danced, Leo roared proudly and just roared like he always did. But the most notable thing I noticed, well outside that Tane and Sol arrived, looking a little more extra than usual--” She was referring to Tane, of course, “--your brother went straight for TJ and her friend, Sav.” Cassie was more than aware about how Billie felt about Nicholas’ whole obsession with Tyler Jane. Well, she was certain Nicholas wouldn’t call it that, but both of them knew it was a light obsession at least. “And that’s basically everything I’ve been able to spot so far.”

Raising her eyebrows in a form of surprised approval, Billie was glad to hear that Sol had arrived. What she wasn’t glad to hear was that Nick had beelined for little miss ballerina. ”I don’t see why he’s so obsessed with her,” she scoffed. ”Like seriously. It’s fucking disgusting. He knows he could have literally almost anyone that he wants and he wants to be with that…. That… thing. I can’t. I literally fucking cannot.” Arms crossed, brows nit, Billie glared at TJ through the window. ”On the bright side, they don’t know I’m coming to their little party.” Her expression lighting up, Billie turned back to her friend as a wicked smile spread across her face. Now let’s go make some people regret everything.”

With a smile and one action of hooking her arm with Billie’s, the two girls waltzed into the party — albeit uncharacteristically silent.

Snooping from afar had been one thing for Cassie. It was the sort of delightful thrill she often experienced whenever she had caught some of her friends with people she didn’t think they liked to be seen with. And perhaps the moments photographed were meant to be private. It’s not like Cassie would ever divulge them intentionally. She cherished those moments because it allowed her to see them for how they truly were: vulnerable, exposed, real.

A lot like how Cassie felt right now after being pulled from her comfort zone from behind the ferns.

But she wasn’t going to say that. At least, she would embrace her new surroundings as openly as Billie was.

“So what do you think? I feel it has a nice energy about it,” Cassie noted, looking around. “I mean, as far as private-not-so-private parties are concerned.”

Nose upturned ever so slightly in disgust, Billie tried to keep the ever-growing need to grimace from appearing on her face. "It's okay, I guess. At least they managed to score booze."

Another thoughtful glance around the room, Billie shrugged her shoulders. "So what do you wanna do first?"

“Hmm...” Cassie hummed thoughtfully. It wasn’t until she spotted the unoccupied drinks table did a lightbulb appear above the tiny blonde’s head, which was followed by a single clap. “We should get some drinks!” Without warning, she tugged on Billie’s hand, jerking her in the direction of the table. In the span of about five seconds, not only were they standing in front of it, Cassie poured them two solo cups full of whatever alcohol was on the table. “There! Now, uh, what should we toast to?” Again, she hummed.

As her body was pulled forward, Billie's feet did their best to catch up. She had no idea what Stargazer had just poured into their cups, but it was alcohol so it didn't really matter anyway. "I say that we toast to us. Our friendship. Our good looks. Our charm. And last but not least, our ability to turn heads no matter where we are." A shining smile on her face, Billie raised her cup up high. "To us," she shouted a little too loudly. "And to all tonight has to offer!"

She found herself giggling past the point of control when Billie’s voice did little to hinder their position away from those dancing. She was confident that, by now, those who were supposed to be here, had to have noticed the girls helping themselves to the drinks. “Well, so much for blending in.” In a rather ‘fuck it’ moment, Cassie raised her glass high up too, clinking the plastic cup against her bestie’s.

“Spin the bottle and 7 minutes in heaven starts now! If you want to get lucky tonight, come join either one of the games next to the pong tables…”

“Oh! That sounds like a blast” Cassie’s delightfully curious voice, and by extension, eyes, found their way over where she saw the party host and her bestie’s twin. “What’cha thinking?” Curious Cassie asked, sipping the rest of her drink as her eyes kept a fixated gaze on Billie.

”Mmmm…. We could do spin the bottle… but seven minutes in heaven would mean we could make out with people. But if we do good enough at spin the bottle then there could be more making out later… let’s do that, fuck it.”

Ask anyone who knew her, multiple-choice was not Cassie Lucasta’s strongest subject. Every time there was a test or anything that had her choosing more than one thing at the same time, she froze right then and there; and even now she is sweating on the inside. But she didn’t want to alert Billie to this sudden development, so she gave her one and only Picasso a bright, I’m-actually-sweating-balls smile. With her hand tightly clasped her ride or die’s hand and took a seat at the area by the closet, where she the forming circle for spin the bottle was at.

“I have a good feeling about this!” She was lying but Cassie was, if nothing else, an optimistic person.

With a wide grin, Billie took her seat beside Cassie. ”Oh this is going to be great! Especially since I have zero idea how to play this.”

Cassie giggled, nudging Billie’s shoulder. “It’s like you said!” She looked at her, brandishing a slightly more confident smile. “You get to kiss someone And I bet there’s gotta be one here that you want the bottle to land on.” As she spoke, the blonde couldn’t stop her wandering mind, which also was often paired with her curious eyes, from fixating on that one person she hasn’t been able to stop thinking about. Every butterfly that has been released from the cocoon since she spotted them were flapping their wings away, hoping that mating season was nearing.

”Maybe,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. ”Maybe not. Guess we’ll just have to find out.”

And that was the last thing either of them said as they took their spot at the top of the circle, seeing all of their friends and some not so friendly gather around. Nicholas made a crack at Tane, which he probably didn't appreciate. Cassie didn't know and she saw that Billie was too in her zone to notice, either. All Cassie could do is wonder what could happen if she took a slight chance. "Oh my! I'll go!"

Cassie was rarely ever one to take initiative like this. Being one who was always on the sidelines, always snapping photos of people in situations like this. Whether it was Tyler Jane dancing until her artistic heart was content in the art studio, Dwayne enjoying a relaxing night in the common area, or that one time she saw Nicholas weak at his feet for Frankie, she never put herself in such a position where eyes were on her.

But as Cassie Lucasta bent over since her small frame didn't allow her to secure the bottle in her tiny hand, she gave it a spin and watched as the pendulum had swung back and forth. Every moment passing brought her closer and closer to cycles of heavy breathing. It really wasn't until it stopped and her eyes had slowly trailed up, she was breathing abnormally and her heart rate increased when she came into Leo's gaze. Every part of her that could tremble did, rendering the usually quick-to-speak Cassie into a frozen statue that wanted to move but nothing but nerves of glass existed.

Oh god! It actually landed on him. It really did!

InteractionsTyler Jane // Tane
Mentions@Melissa @BrutalBx

The party had barely gotten started and already Nicholas was starting to feel like he always did when bad things weren’t far from happening. That familiar sensation surging through his body, the thoughts he had that often set him back several steps -- basically everything that Kaleb had advised him to not do. He felt all of it and, yet, he was the most amused he’d been in quite some time. Amused in the sense that Tyler Jane had directly addressed that “almost” moment they had.

“I remember,” he muttered, curling those satisfied lips into a smile.

Indeed, thinking to that moment in how every time he thought she’d back away, Tyler Jane proved him wrong that not only could she hang at his level, but convinced him that he wasn’t raising the bar enough for her. So, of course, he went further than he ever had with her (or anyone for that matter). They had gotten so close that Nicholas could still hear the way her heartbeat accelerated when they were inches apart. He had the clearest memory of how the slightest movement might’ve disrupted the moment.

Nicholas remembered a lot of things and especially recalled how they were so close in exploring their connection on an intimate level. That Godforsaken door creaked open a moment too soon and now, as he could only watch her direct her attention to everyone around them, announcing some games were going to be happening soon, he let out a sigh that quickly shaped itself into a sly smile.

“Only time will tell who we get lucky with.” Playing the games he invented, Nicholas made sure for TJ to hear that as he took a seat among those who chose the poison of Spin the Bottle. It might’ve been childish and simplistic in its origin, but with a bit of lady luck shining on you, Nicholas knew this was the primo spot for maximum fun.

And he was all smiles until he spotted Tane sit across from him. Nicholas wasn't sure if it was his ability to immediately irritate him the minute he walked in his general direction or how, for a party meant for casual enjoyment, he chose to glam it up with a suit, but that wasn't what bothered him most. No, it was Tane's entire attitude. His whole existence reminded Nicholas of a faint, though still very foggy, memory of...someone. He couldn't describe it but it was like Nicholas saw someone that seemed familiar to him.

"Hey, Tane," he spoke up, making sure Tane heard him. "Ted Bundy called! He wants his suit back."
Let's get lit!

Divine Protector

When his surprisingly productive workout with Ben ended and he dropped her off at the Seattle U campus, Heracles’ day was primarily spent preparing for tonight’s party. The same party that all of his main contacts, which for Jackson Drake, meant any influencer in their 20s with at least 500K followers. Between drives and uploading teases of his booze run, food, and the like, Jackson was live on Instagram all afternoon. He entertained those who plugged in, which was around five thousand of his…devoted followers.

Around 6:30, when Jackson finally made it back, he wasn’t alone. The sound of over ten cars -- all ranging from classic muscle cars to BMWs and Yakuza Motorcycles crowded the driveway and street. This was soon followed by the cries of Influencer Privilege as anyone who was anybody in Seattle was here and they were ready to...help Herc set up the party.

Nearly an hour later, what was usually messy, but a presentable home for some frat boys was transformed into the epicenter of a crowded mess of young adults and 20somethings, all who responded to Jackson’s open door invite. If you were even remotely close to any of his fifty closest friends, some of which were his own kind, then you knew where to be on this particular Saturday night. Tables were spread throughout for beer pong and refreshments, a local DJ who was also one of the more expensive kind was handling the music, which was a playlist hand-selected by Heracles himself, a bar with a paid server making drinks the right way: with flair and style, and certainly not least, just the right amount of party favors to keep anyone happy and hopefully calm.

It was going to be a good fucking night.
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