Avatar of AlteredTundra


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Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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A @metanoia & @GhostMami Collaboration
featuring Hunter Quinn & Niki Zabrecky

Hunter waited behind the line, patiently but also getting his phone out as he checked to see if Niki had replied. They didn’t, but maybe they were busy. He didn’t want to bug them too much, but that guilty feeling in his stomach persisted and it only got worse the more he thought about how easily describing that pixie’s body to Colin came to him. He was back in his natural habitat and the safety of summer was gone, which meant he couldn’t hide behind a screen anymore.

He pocketed his phone and rubbed his forehead. The crowd cleared away and Hunter politely squeezed past some people. He looked down, trying to find his nametag. “Ah, there it is,” he commented, reaching for his nametag. He still couldn’t get over the goofiness of the kind of nametag the school chose. But at the very least, he wasn’t going to make a big deal about it like Colin did.

Hunter smacked the red and white nametag on the right side of his jacket. And then as he brought his head up, he thought he saw a ghost. He was having the worst out of body experience as the familiar face he spent the entire summer staring at, simping over, being everything that wasn’t Hunter Quinn, walk towards him.

And like a coward, Hunter turned away, facing the opposite direction. He didn’t care how cowardly it was nor did he give a damn about what people around might’ve thought. They were here. Niki.

But why? Are they from Liberty?

No, they couldn’t be.

But then again…

Okay, just keep it calm, Hunter. It’s not like this is the end of the world or anything; only that it was. His lives were blurring together: Wade and Hunter couldn’t be separate anymore.

He tried to calm himself down and practiced a few breathing techniques he read online. Deep, three-second breathes. Rinse and repeat.

It was working. Hunter was walking away from the edge in his mind and his heartrate wasn’t going a million per second. It was still high and his chest felt somewhat tight, but at the very least, he regained some form of control over himself.

But now what? He was calm now, but that left the little task of his next move. He could try and walk away while facing away from them. It was a pussy move, but at least he wouldn’t have to face them -- at least not yet.

Yeah, that’s a solid plan. I’ll just do that!

Moments into a step, Hunter heard his name being called. Usually, it wouldn’t make him freeze, but that voice made every bone in his body stop moving, muscles froze, and his heart and stomach all sang in a symphony of butterflies.

He smiled and he couldn’t stop it. Niki had always called him Wade, but hearing Hunter flow from their mouth and into his ears was something he longed to hear but was understandably afraid to let it happen because Wade was a secret and someone unknown to the masses, but Hunter? Hunter Quinn was one of the Rosefell Knights. Hunter Quinn was best friend to Rico and Spike, football player, a hothead asshole.

But now the barrier was gone. His Berlin Wall fell as his legs allowed him to move and he turned around, facing them. Video and pictures be damned, Niki was without a doubt the most gorgeous person he’d ever laid eyes on. Pixie, Minty, even that busty redhead Juno -- none compared to Niki.

“Heyy…” His voice came out slow and delayed and a waving gesture matched. His smile was awkward and reminiscent of a grimace. He had no other words, no romantic comment, no line stolen from SPike or Rico. Hunter had only the tight feeling in his stomach that limited the availability of words.

Having been turned slightly away from the sign-in desk to go find Fiamma, Niki only heard Hunter’s voice. Wade’s voice. It was unmistakable. Niki had spent nights over the summer with headphones in, laying in bed, listening to voice memos that Wade had left them on repeat. They knew that pitch, that timbre. Nik felt their blood freeze up in their veins as they stopped dead in their tracks.

Were they hearing things now? Was this a new symptom to report to Dr. Halstead? Something to do with their anxiety? Niki’s grip tightened like a vice on the straps of their backpack as they fought against their rapid breathing and increasing heart rate.

Look around you… find 5 things you can see.... 4 things you can touch… 3 things you can hear… 2 things you can smell… 1 thing you can taste…

Niki ran through the steps of coming down from a panic attack. Grounding themself in the here and now. Just turn around and face it, like a child afraid that there is a monster under the bed, there is never actually a monster there. Niki gripped their backpack straps tight and turned on their heel to confirm —

Time stopped. Niki froze, eyes wide as a deer caught in the headlights of a semi-truck. The truck wasn’t stopping. There ARE monsters under the bed! Niki’s mouth hung open for a moment before they managed to utter out the faintest whisper in disbelief: ...Wade?

“Y-yeah..” He forced himself to smile. Hearing his name, that middle name of his that brought him so much joy and serenity during the summer, was now a vulnerable weak spot. He was conflicted, to say the least, but in the midst of all of this, just seeing them was almost enough to make him forget it. Almost. “I mean, yeah, it’s me.” His voice was almost as low as theirs was.

Nik hadn’t realized they had managed to speak until Wade responded. Watching in awe as they realized the boy they were secretly in love with, was standing right in front of them. Actually here, not a figment of their imagination. Not a symptom of anxiety. Not a text on a screen. The flesh and blood version, live, and staring back at them expectantly.

“Hey…” Niki echoed back Wade’s earlier greeting, with just as much awkwardness as he had said it. It was then that a second wave of anxiety crashed over Nik. This was unfamiliar territory, they had no idea how to do… this. What was this? Dating?! Boyfri— girlfri— special friend.

“Hi… uh…” If Niki’s grip tightened any further, they might snap the straps of the backpack entirely. “This is… a lot.” They admitted, biting at their lip in response. They were used to being so open with Wade, but this was different. It felt so much more vulnerable.

“Yeah..It really is,” he found himself saying, scratching the back of his head. “You were the last person I expected to find here.” He felt like he was going around in circles, but honestly, that’s because he was.

Hunter felt like a fish out of water who had not only been flopping around on the deck, but was kicked in the tailfin for good measure. In the hours he spent texting NIki and joking around with them, flirting, feeling happy and like himself, that painful realization of ever meeting them never seemed like that because he assumed it would be on their terms.

“But I guess the universe had different plans,” he said with an awkward laugh.

“Same… yeah.” Niki replied with a weak laugh and loosened his grip slightly. Their hands were clammy with nerves. In the process of looking anywhere but directly into Wade’s eyes, Niki caught sight of his nametag. Hunter. No way, that was… more than just the universe having plans. That was uncanny, unbelievable.

“Your name…” Niki murmured before a flicker of realization came to light in their eyes. All of the joy and excitement and lust came crashing down like a wrecking ball, weighing heavy in their stomach. “You… lied.” The accusation was laced with pain, betrayal, and confusion.

“Why?” Niki had asked the question, but already had taken a step back away from Hunter out of fear of the answer. They took another step back until they felt that their back was literally against a wall.

When their voice had came out sharp, Hunter wanted to explain, but every half step he took, Niki took a giant one back. So he put his hands up in surrender, looking around to make sure nobody was giving him any looks. “I didn’t lie to you, I promise. My name really is Wade, but so is Hunter,” he said, but it didn’t seem to do any good. “ I was born Hunter Wade Quinn,” he clarified, hoping it would be enough to make Niki feel like he didn’t intentionally withhold information from them.

Niki processed what Wade— Hunter was saying. The brick wall behind them was giving them little else options other than to stand and listen, when all they wanted to do was bolt and smoke the fattest cigarette. So this is what it felt like to be a caged bird.

“Oh… okay.” Niki nodded slowly, trying to understand. Niki technically didn’t go by the name on their birth certificate either, maybe it was just something like that. “So… you don’t like your first name, then?” They asked, doing their best to steady their breathing.

Hunter found it difficult to answer it as plainly as a yes or a no response would, because it wasn’t that simple. He wished to God that it was because that would mean he could ease Niki’s mind. If he could, then maybe Niki wouldn’t look at him with a panicked expression on their face. But the truth was he couldn’t. The truth was it wasn’t that simple.

As he took in a breath, he said, “It’s not that I don’t like my name. It’s that...here -- at Rosefell, I mean -- people know who I am. They know who Hunter Quinn is. They know that I act a certain way, but Wade? He’s unknown. I can be who I want as Wade and I like who I am as Wade. But now..” He partially looked away from Niki, once again checking if anyone was paying any attention to him or Niki.

And there it was, crashing down like a pile of rubble on top of Niki. Hunter was ashamed of them. Hunter didn’t want his friends to know that he liked the trans freak. Steeling their emotions behind a wall that Niki didn’t know they were capable of, aside from the time they had to do so with Caspian, they cleared their throat.

“Well then. I think I’m going to go… outside, for a bit.” Niki stepped to the side and looked up to face Hunter once again, facial expression blank. “I won’t be needing that tour, by the way. Niki… is a shortened form of my dead name, Nikolai.” Without waiting for whatever response Hunter Wade Quinn might cook up next, Niki turned, and quite literally fled. It was time for the cigarette now.
Thanks to whoever sent me a CC. Now to figure out who it was.

Okay got my two babies reserved. Whenever a cs sheet becomes available, I'll get to work on them!

Definitely excited for this one, though!
Joanna Penelope Hart || Female || FC: Amanda Arcuri || Pink Cabin || some soft purple color
Nathaniel Harvey BLake III || Male || FC: Grant Gustin || Green Cabin || some green/bluish color
Jackson Torvald Drake || Male || FC: Evan Peters || Red Cabin Counselor || some red color that's not crimson

After he made certain that Rico hadn’t lost his mind, Hunter shook his head at how quickly Rico was acting like himself. From the outside, it might seem like he hit his head at some point in his life, but this was just how Enrique Nunez operated. Whether it was a fight, his guitar breaking, or nearly getting ran over, for as long as Hunter knew Rico -- which was a long time compared to how long he’s known his other best bros at Rosefell -- he knew his friend was fine when he started putting on that frequently annoying charm of his.

And as he watched Suave Rico take control of Enrique, he not only saw the way he took the girl’s hand and kissed it, but spouting a smooth as fuck line in Spanish. If it weren’t for Rico teaching him some Spanish, Hunter would emulate visible confusion in any Spanish-speaking conversation. And at times like these, he wished he didn’t understand any words or phrases from that language.

With a heavy sigh, he approached Rico from behind, patting his friend firmly on the shoulders, and smiled at the girl with the colorful hair and awfully short dress. Even he couldn’t help but allow himself the benefit of a prolonged look. Remember Niki, Hunter! He had to firmly remind himself.

“Right,” he made a mental note and backed off, walking a few feet away. “I’ll leave you to it, then, Rico,” he said, turning around. He gave the colorful girl one more look, giving her a light wink. “Adios amigo~”

Hunter stood at the entrance for a few moments, seeing the colors of the banner. He muttered something under a breath, which was directed at the Liberty High colors. He didn’t care to linger about and stepped inside the familiar halls. No amount of the cheap Febreze knockoff that the janitor used could cover up the scent of aged gum and dried up shit. In a bizarre way, that smell brought a small smile to the boy’s face.

He kept walking until he saw a crowd gathered around where he assumed the nametags were gonna be. A few feet away from it on his left, he saw another one of his friends and he immediately laughed at the name tag. “Why hello, Colin! It really is a pleasure to meet you,” he said with a gutty laugh and Colin Gallagher just flipped him off.

“Fuck you, Quinn!” He nastily replied.

The two boys, who stood at equal height, laughed and smiled. They greeted each other with a clapping handshake, and a pound hug, shoulder pumping and each patting the other’s back.

“So what’s up, bro?” Colin asked, returning to his slouching posture against the lockers behind him.

“Just got to school. Ran into Rico moments after he almost ran over.”

Colin had about ten seconds of hard laughter that forced him to cough a few times. “Shit, poor Freako!” His laughter continued but, as he stopped, Colin blink-stared at Hunter. “Wait, you said almost?”

Hunter nodded. “He’s a lucky guy. The chick behind the wheel stopped before he met his maker.” Hunter began thinking about Rico’s comments after. “But you know Rico. When he saw a pretty girl, he was more focused on that than he was about how close he came to death.”

Colin snickered. “Well was she?”

“Was she what?”

“Hot! Surely you looked, too.” Hunter shrugged and Colin hit his shoulder jokingly. “Yeah, you did. Describe her man! I need the visuals.”

After a few seconds of uncertain hesitation, Hunter caved. “Pink hair, pale face, a dress that would probably get her suspended if this school cared about decency. And her hips man -- she’s got them Kylie Jenner hips.”

Yeah okay, Hunter might’ve taken in more than he should’ve. He honestly felt guilty about how much of that pink-haired pixie’s body he took in, especially with Niki in his mind. His stomach tightened up as if to physically remind him that what he did was a bad thing.

He heard Colin let out a whistle and stroke his chin with a smirk. “I’ll have to be on the lookout for this chick. Might have to introduce myself.”

“Bro, aren’t you with Spice?”

Hunter’s question didn’t seem to matter to Colin as he gave his friend a shrug. “Hey, what Steph doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Besides, not like she’s innocent of fooling around with people too, ain’t that right?” From the way Hunter glared at him gave Colin enough reason to cool it.

“Yeah, whatever man. Anyway, I gotta find my name tag. I’ll hit you up later.”

“Lit!” They bumped fists and gave each other a quick pound hug. “Be sure to bring me some of your dad’s powder. I’m almost out!” Colin called out as Hunter gave him a thumbs up.

As Hunter laid in his crappy twin bed, he stared at his phone and ignored his alarm clock that had been blaring in his right ear for nearly three minutes. He was staring at his Instagram profile, but not his main one that had regular comments from Spike, Minty, Dee, and everyone he knew from school. He was in a daze as he couldn’t peel his eyes away from his secret account, FreeWadey.

Over the summer, not even three weeks after his relationship with Minty ended, Hunter went through a phase of just not caring about who he hurt. There was a lot of people who were just used for sex and for a while, he enjoyed it. When it all came down to it, he was feeling better by filling the void by whatever thot fell for the cheap lines Spike told him to use. Double dates and flings came and went, but that empty feeling didn’t. It persisted like a sprained ankle and it wouldn’t go away.

It’s why Hunter retreated to the internet. It was easy and being whoever he wanted to bring him some fulfillment. So he made the second Instagram account. Hardly anyone knew his middle name and nobody would think twice if he used a photo of him from three years ago, dressed in a killer whale costume. It was stupid but it gave him the secret identity he needed.

He spent a week just going around some artsy accounts, taking in that side of Instagram. Secretly, he had a thing for art. Half the time, he didn’t understand it, but he enjoyed looking at it. But then he came across one profile that drew him in.

Throughout the entire summer, Hunter spent it filling a void with someone he felt a connection with. Their name was Niki. He didn’t need any more than that. They were beautiful and, in a time when he needed something different and a reason to not feel so shitty, especially when his home life was shit, Hunter found a sanctuary in their eyes, feeling safe, feeling captivated. Niki was the person he could divulge some thoughts he never could tell anyone.

And admittedly, Hunter’s own confusion about who he was attracted to has always been something he struggled with. Niki never made him feel like he had to pretend.

“But now, it’s back to the real world.” He sighed out heavily.

Hunter stood up and finally shut off his alarm.

With a stretch, he dragged his feet across his dirty floor until he heard his phone go off. As the light lit up and he checked the notification, he saw it was for his second Insta. He read it and he smiled.

Thank you! ♥ I hope yours is amazing as well! Text me if you ever feel it’ll be too much, okay?

As soon as he responded and sent that message, his stomach was the epicenter of a swarm of butterflies, fluttering inside him, lifting him up and filling him with the right amount of serotonin to make whatever negative thoughts he had disappeared. Such a simple gesture, yet Hunter’s mood had taken a complete 180. He was moments away from letting a sour expression carry him all the way to the kitchen and into his car, but now, as he grabbed a protein bar from the cupboard, snagged his keys from a bowl by the door, and drove off in his Eclipse, Hunter wasn’t feeling depressed or anything of the sort.

He was smiling and ready to face the day in whatever it brought.


Hunter lived close to Rosefell, so getting there was a matter of not driving too crazy in the seven minutes it took him to get from his house to the school. The problem, of course, wasn’t him but rather the backed up traffic. He was less than thirty feet away from the parking lot and he found himself proceeding like a snail. The time he spent honking at the quote-unquote “excellent drivers” went wasted after the first seven. Even someone as impatient as Hunter knew there was no point.

So he allowed himself to relax. He turned on some Underoath and blared his stereo. It was chaotic and noisy, but it relaxed him. And he definitely had his reasons. If nothing else, Liberty High shut down and the students who were expected to attend their fancy school were now going to join those who didn’t get a say in which high school they attended.

When Hunter first learned of this, he didn’t know what to feel. He didn’t have anything against anyone from Liberty. He remembered a few of them when Rosefell would kick their ass at state and how they also beat them one year. The rivalry was intense but healthy. Hunter sometimes took it too far, but it was all in the name of fun. Despite this, Hunter couldn’t help but think about the rest of that email and how the Rosefell students had to serve as tour guides for the Liberty students coming in.

Hunter glossed over the list of the others, but he memorized who he had to show around.

“Nikolai Zabrecky,” Hunter said aloud.

The name didn’t mean anything to him, but then again, he didn’t know many people at Liberty. A few friends and some acquaintances he met at parties. And Juno. Can’t forget about the redhead he hurt the most. But he didn’t know this Niko person. He sounded like some Russian spy or something.

Hunter laughed at the thought of one of Vladimir Putin’s agents attending his high school. It would, at the least, make things interesting.

He sat with that thought as he pulled into an empty spot in the parking lot. After a few minutes of enjoying some music, Hunter grabbed his bag from the backseat, hoisted it over his shoulder, and got out. He took a few moments to straighten his shirt and jacket because even Hunter Quinn cared about his appearance. Satisfied, he briskly walked across the parking lot. When he was about to cross the street, he saw Rico just up ahead. As he was about to call out to him, he saw his friend have a close brush with death.

“Holy shit!” Hunter ran over to the Spanish romancer. “Jesus, Rico,” he stopped by his side, looking at his friend, concerned. “You okay, bro? Looks like you let your guard down. Almost met your maker there.”


“Is she at work again?” Colin’s youngest sister, Kirstin, whined before he even managed to step out of the door of his messy room.

“Why the hell are ya asking me?” He spat back as he shoved his way past his sister. She was petite and tiny, so it was a feat easily achieved.

Colin walked down the hall, dragging his feet along the tiled floor, which felt colder than they usually did.

You’d think, for it being still technically summer, that it would be at least somewhat warm, but when his siblings often ganged up on him for control of the thermostat, which always had the AC at a minimum of 73°F, Colin had no choice but to suffer in subtle coldness until he could feel the brush of the morning summer heat hit him in the face.

Somewhere between him getting to the fridge and his lips touching the jug of orange juice, a sensation that made him think about whether or not the juice was bad, Colin heard his sister from behind again.


He rolled his eyes and, with a frustrated sigh, set the jug of OJ on the counter and turned around. “What now, Sin?” His attempt to give her his full attention was barely half as his smirk annoyed her more.

“How are we going to get to school? Mom usually takes us and it’s our first day!”

“I guess you’ll have to take the bus as everyone else does!”

Without looking, Colin heard the puffing from Kirstin’s mouth. If he was looking at her, he’d say that her cheeks were puffed outward in that pouting way that her “idols” did and with her arms across her chest. Not that it would work on him, but Colin made her sweat for a few moments and turned around.

“I’m kidding!” He wasn’t, but if he let her do that any longer, she would have a permanent pouting bitch faceand nobody around here wants that. “I’ve got the keys to Rhonda’s--”

“So, that’s where they went!”

The boy chuckled, amused, as his second younger sister came up from behind him. She intentionally shoved him and this would only further his expression to the point where he took a large step forward and flicked the back of her head as he passed her.

“Asshole!” She exclaimed as she took a seat at the kitchen table, grabbing a red apple from the bowl that had an assortment of fruit. As she took a bite and Colin took a seat opposite of her, she said, “I guess you can drive if you want!”

“Oh, how kind of you!” His response resulted in Rhonda sticking her tongue at him in a charming way unique to Colin.

As Colin sat there, trying his best not to feed into his worst impulses and further antagonize Rhonda by kicking her under the table, Colin ceased after a few minutes and let his mind wander into thought. He thought about how their mother worked consistently during the week and the only times he saw her was when she had her evening show, but other than that, she was out the door early for meetings. The weekend was the only time any of them saw Caroline Brady in person.

Not that Colin gave two shits one way or the other. He knew she had to work and didn’t blame her for that. But, somewhere deep down, he might even admit he resented her a little bit for it.

But that’s not something he’d like to think about right now.

“Alright! Eat up and let’s get going, or else the traffic will be a bitch.”



Even before they had pulled up to the school, Colin knew there would be a bit of a line. It was to be expected, of course, because of the influx of Liberty asswipes infesting Rosefell. Just the thought of those people roaming the same halls as him, being in his class, eating at his table, being anywhere near him, made Colin want to thrash them. Even the mental image of those royal wannabes made him take a hefty chug of his “water”, which really, was vodka in an Aquafina water bottle.

As the honks behind him came in furiously and the pace in which the cars in front of him progressed was slower than the turtle vs the hare, Colin kept honking at the cars in front of him, which in turn made them yell back at him.

“Yeah, like that’ll make the cars go any faster,” Rhonda commented. She sat in the front passenger seat.

He didn’t feel like appeasing her ego with a response, so he just glanced at the mirror and saw the twins in the back. And, as it was expected, while Sinead had her face glued to her phone, snapping selfie after selfie, Shea was glued to the book in his hands. He couldn’t process just how different both were from each other, but he also didn’t question it. In their own right, they were about to find out their place in high school.

And looking at them, knowing they were going into high school without any baggage, Colin just couldn’t help himself. That masochistic habit of his to painfully remind himself of Cosima at least once a week took its sweet time slithering up his back, chills spreading throughout his arms and up to his neck.

She would have been eighteen by now. The thought came as the line was moving and Colin pressed on the gas pedal.

Contrary to how Colin usually was in the mornings, he didn’t speak. He didn’t respond to Rhonda, didn’t bother taking the time to look at them. He just got to the parking lot, parked in the closest available spot.

As he got out and popped the trunk open, he grabbed his backpack and waited until his siblings grabbed theirs. The trunk closed and he gave them all a stern look. “Be here ten minutes after the final bell. And, if it can be helped, don’t cause too much trouble, yeah? I’d hate to get detention for kicking someone’s ass in your defense.” He noted as a joke, which was only received with mixed reactions. “Geez, I’m kidding. Just have a good first day, okay?”

As he pulled his shades, which were hanging from his Chicago Bulls jersey, and put them on, Colin walked through the big red doors and immediately a sense of pride passed through his face. He took a quick sip of his vodka, shaking it as he realized his breakfast was almost gone.

“Shit,” he cursed. It was rather telling in the tone of his voice that he didn’t think he drank so much already. “Might have to get some more during lunch.” He noted under a breath.

It took him a few seconds to redirect his mind and clung to the walls, leg against it as his foot was flatly placed against what felt like the fake steel lockers. He stood there trying to remember if he read that Email or not. He remembered there had been one, but between his mom barely being around and him not giving two shits to check his school Email, Colin wasn’t in any position to remember who he had to show around. He just remembered there was a mention of Rosefell students serving as guides.

Yeah, it made him want to throw up, too.

“Oh, what-the-fuck-ever!” Colin cursed his way over to a table and after letting his eyes survey the table for half of a minute, he found his nametag.

He grimaced with the expression variety of Johnny Depp when he saw the cartoonish kind of name tag they chose. It was cheap but the fact it read “pleasure to meet you” at the bottom made Colin roll his eyes. “This is so lame,” he muttered, eying one of the teachers who absolutely heard him (maybe that’s because he intentionally spoke loud enough for the asshat to hear him).

As he walked away and made sure the sticker stuck to his jersey, he was at least grateful that the nametag matched his red jersey and dark pants. But really? Hello, my name is Colin, pleasure to meet you? Talk about fucking lame.
What are your ratios at, @Aewin? I may be able to join, but I don't want to throw things off too much.

Not a gm but this is the rough estimate I think I can confidently speak on.

I'm not sure how updated it is, but this is the rough estimate of the ratios:

Female: Fab, Ken, Bee, Michi, Komo, Kiki

Male: Jordan, Ozzo, Kiki, (Talon?)

I also know there are maybe one or two people who haven't stated what gender role they want.

At the moment, the accepted characters are at an even ratio but I know there are a couple of female spots on the way and one male. I'm sure @Aewin and @Melo might be able to officially state what the ratios are at (if they're any different than the above).

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