Avatar of AlteredTundra


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2 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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Finally got my Kaz intro up! Sorry if it held anyone up! :)

Yoyogi Park, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo - 21:36

"Come back here!"

The sounds of whistles and hollering security guards were becoming less ear-blaring the further Kaz ran through Yoyogi Park. The darkness that the night provided clouded their view of him. The clouds overhead hid the stars, which in turn also hid the light they'd provide. Even though the lights of the park may have allowed for some light to reveal parts of the park, what those idiotic and nearsighted guards didn't anticipate was on Shodo Kazuma's natural athletic ability - or at least as natural as one could be when that feeling of getting caught passed through his entire body.

Just about fifteen minutes earlier, Kaz had the brilliant idea of sneaking into the NHK Broadcast center. It wasn't a bright idea, that much Kaz realized now, but at the time of deciding it, he was neck-deep into half of an idea of trying to see if he could find some different Digimon there. He had found most of what he could around the neighborhood and even on the outskirts, but he never went inside the broadcast center.

So he figured why not? What's the worst that could happen?

As it turned out, a couple of by-the-book security guards would take that very literally.

And now he found himself hiding out up in one of the cherry blossom trees as the two security guards talked amongst themselves.

"Gah! He must've run off somewhere!" One of them said. He was an overweight Japanese guy with what appeared to be dark hair and an affinity for sweets based on his gut.

Yeah! Really top shelf security, aren't you, big boy?

"Come on, Takeda. We should get back to our post. Boss will have our head if we don't."

Yeah, Takeda, go wheeze somewhere else. This branch is starting to climb up my ass.

They went back and forth for a few minutes and eventually, Takeda came to his senses and Kaz watched them as they left the park. And he couldn't have felt any prouder for how he not only escaped them, but managed to climb his ass up in this tree.

Letting out a sigh, he made an attempt to adjust himself so his legs were hanging off the thick branch he was sitting on. "Alright! In one, two thr--"

Hel-! Young Ta--er, can --ou hea-- e?--


Whether it was the slightest hint of static or what he figured was a girl's voice, Kaz was distracted and hadn't caught himself in time as he fell out of the tree and his ass broke his fall. "Goddamnit!" He cursed, feeling all sorts of numbness and soreness course through his waist and lower back. It was as if the force centered around there and he knew he was going to feel that in the morning.

As he got up, he looked around. "Whoever said that is gonna pay for my comfort rice ball! I mean it! I like mine jelly-filled!"
@FilthyWeeb Ohhh okay gotcha!
@FilthyWeeb So, would it be safe to assume that our characters, whatever they're doing, should be hearing their digimon call out to them in some regard? How much freedom do we have with it? I mean, should we stop at just the voice or could they appear from some kind of portal, too? Also what stage is ideal for them to show up?

Sorry, just thought I'd get all the questions I had out right now rather than ask them further down the line.

As much as he tried, Hunter couldn’t bring himself to be as excited for this party as the rest of the boys were. Sure, if you put a drink in him, he’d probably smile, or if you gave him a joint, he’d probably relax more, but the truth was, his mind was too busy entertaining how fucking dreadful the week had gone one for. The truth was that Hunter kept thinking about how his ..what? Summer romance? Yeah, that’s what you would call it, not only went to his school, but thought he was ashamed of them.

Niki thought I was ashamed of them.

Well weren’t you? Aren’t you?

That was a question that Hunter asked himself repeatedly throughout the week. And repeatedly his answer wasn’t good enough to satisfy him nor his conscious. And after the hundredth time of revisiting it, Hunter decided not to ask himself anymore and focus on trying to enjoy his time with his bros.

Okay, one more time wouldn’t hurt: are you ashamed of Niki?

“No, I’m not,” he uttered quietly as the music muffled his voice from the others.

As they entered Christian Barker’s house, Hunter immediately side-stepped himself away from the boys. “Got a text--”

Liar, but go off.

“--I’ll catch up with you guys in a few.”

Hunter took out his phone just in case the others were seeing if he told the truth. He actually did go to his apps -- mostly Instagram. Specifically, Hunter checked his Wade account, wanting to see if maybe Niki had messaged him at all. Of course, per how life usually fucks him over after a strong couple of months, there was nothing.

His mind kept replaying that entire moment over and over again in his head. It was a broken record, a cow that was milked dry, but that didn’t stop him from obsessing over. Had he really been so caught up on the double life he lived as Hunter and Wade that he didn’t think once they’d collide, shit would hit the fan?

“Apparently I did,” he muttered.

His head was pointed down, eyes glued to his home screen. He didn’t see the person he bumped into until his chest collided with what he had to assume was the back of a shoulder because he felt himself tumble slightly forward and soon the sound of a glass bottle crashing to the ground caught his attention.

He groaned in a low, somewhat hoarse tone. “Sorry,” he said a bit louder, meeting the rather short brunette in the eyes -- well, he had to look down about nearly a foot as she was a lot shorter than he suspected. “I should have paid more attention.” Hunter couldn’t stop but gaze at her for a few. Old habits must die hard, because Hunter’s were already vertically tracing the girl from head to toe. Something about her seemed familiar, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. “Let me get you another beer. It’s the least I can do.”

Before she could respond or get a word in, Hunter took off into a brisk walk and went over to the nearest beverage table and grabbed not one but two bottles of beer. He capped off the bottle of both as he made his way back to the girl. “Here,” he said, extending his left arm forward so she could take the new, yet-to-be-destroyed beer in his left hand.

@Crimson Flame Eyyy more Tamers representation! :D

Also sidebar, I never realized that Taruiemon was the champion level stage. What an interesting design it has.

Oh, sorry I should have specified on several things.

Yes, Digimon: Tamers' World is an international success. In grand Digimon fashion, all of the MCs are Japanese. Maybe half-foreign.

As for the Digivices, they're more or less transformed smartphones (like these, sans crests).

@metanoia Approved. Just know that he's going to be greeted with "Kazuma, Kazuma!"

Kazuma Kazuma accepts this and will embrace his new identity as KazKaz.

EDIT: Also edited Kaz's digivice description to reflect the new info bout our digivices.



Location: — Infirmary - Camp Half-Blood
Interactions — Bestest Sister @MarshiestMallow
Mentioned — Erin @Vicier|

Hearing Kalinda explain what happened was a lot to take in. At face value, she was thinking about Erin. Vivian never did get along with Erin that much. It wasn't because she disliked her or anything of the sort. Erin was intimidating and there was always something about her that made Viv want to steer clear. Perhaps it was because of her personality and how different the two were. Or maybe it was preconceptions because she's Hades' daughter and Vivian was Apollo's.

But that didn't change her opinion that this wasn't right.

It just wasn't right. "She can't do that!" Vivian's voice rose an octave. "I mean, sure Erin isn't my favorite person. Some days, she scares the sun out of me, but I just can't get behind the ...well, the bullshit theory that she stole a dove from Aphrodite." The more she spoke, the more annoyed she was becoming.

"Okay! I'll do my part, Kali." Vivian's voice was uncharacteristically stern in the way she spoke. "Seven days is a long time from now and we'll be ready for whatever the Gods throw at us!"

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