Avatar of AlteredTundra


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2 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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Hey! I'm interesting in joining (if it's not too late), but I'm also curious about what era of digivices the tamers have? Ya going with season 3 design?
In Gif the User 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

A @metanoia & @KatKook Collaboration
Featuring The Parks

Jackson had texted Miki that he would pick her up for the party, he got dressed in classic Jackson fashion before making his way downstairs, he was halted by Hyeong-in, the Park sibling’s personal butler. He looked Jackson up and down before giving him a thumbs up, Jackson smiled and did a quick bow of thanks before continuing his descent down the stairs. He pulled up his phone and started shooting texts at Miki.

To: 박미경
From: 박정해
Be there in 10

Be ready or I’m going without you.

The following dialogue is spoken in Korean.
As he turned the corner, he came face to face with his father. He gulped as he adjusted the watch on his wrist. His gaze stared deep into Jackson, his hands pressed against his back as he spoke.

"Where are you going?" The man asked, pacing his way slowly towards Jackson who was standing still like a deer in headlights.

T-The party… I-I told you about, is tonight...” Jackson replied, struggling to get through that sentence. The man then nodded placing his hand on Jackson’s shoulder; Jackson did not dare look at the man, he kept looking straight trying to avoid eye contact with the man.

"Alright..." His father said, "Knowing parties like these, I do not expect to hear from you tonight, but if I do not know where you are by breakfast tomorrow..." The man let out a smile and started walking away, "You know what’s coming to you..." After a few paces, he looked over his shoulder, "Are we clear Jeong-hae?" Asked the man, his intimidating nature was something Jackson never got used to.

Yes sir.” He replied with a nod.

"Good, now enjoy yourself." The man said before walking off. Jackson was expected to enjoy himself after that? He shook his head and looked down at his phone, he really hoped Miki would be able to make this night better. He made his way to the garage and slid in his Mercedes, he then made his way towards Miki’s house. Come to think of it, Jackson has never been to Miki’s house, perhaps the household would not be as different?

The following dialogue is no longer spoken in Korean, unless specified.

About ten blocks away from where Jackson Park lived was another Park family, but unlike the aggression felt from his father, Miki Park’s family wasn’t anywhere close to that nor was Miki herself.

Just ten blocks away, along Dublin Road, there was a massive house that sat upon over 9 acres of land. Surrounded by nothing but the greenest foliage that even surpasses evergreens. The house itself can only be reached by going down a long, narrow road that has enough space for a one-way (there is another road that one can take to leave the property).

The shadow the Lambert-Park house cast, even from far away, is both awe-inspiring and daunting. From the grass cut every week on the side of the road and the trees on both sides, its silver and blue palette accents the Columbus architecture in such a complimenting way, it’s truly a marvel of modern architecture.

And as a car pulled up and the doorbell rang, the sound it gave off was like a symphony. It had a half-second delay of three separate rings.

The door opened and awaiting a no doubt-nervous Jackson PArk was not who he probably expected.

“Jackson, I presume?”

A tall, British man in a typical black and white suit with black tie and the visage of a man would be too hard to read, stood in front of the Korean teen. His old eyes scaled Jackson up and down without so much as flinching. He took in the boy, getting a feel for him. He judged what he wore with a slight mumble, which wouldn’t tell Jackson if he approved or not. It was simply one of those habits that people of his age had and they couldn’t quite control it.

Jackson was impressed by the land that had come to view, he looked around at how nicely kept and clean the house was and he let out a huge chuckle, this Park household is completely different to the Park manor he was used to. The Park manor he was used to had vines growing all over the place but still looked intimidating and grand.

He looked at the man that surprised him by the door, he straightened his coat, then brushed his hair to the side, and pushed in the glasses that were getting loose.

(Kr)Yes-...” He replied, the intimidation of this man made him reply in his native language but he quickly collected himself and fixed his mistake, “Yes, (formal) Mkiyoung-ah told you I was coming?” He asked.

He stood there and half-smiled. “She said you were formal like that.” He stepped to the side, walking about three steps before saying: “You can wait for her in the foyer. I’m sure Miss Park won’t be long, Jackson.”

Jackson quickly followed behind him, admiring the interior of the place, is there an ongoing theme with Park families in the US having well made interior architecture. He then stood there, he scoffed a little at the man when he said that Miki will not be too long, because Jackson highly doubted that. She loves Miki to death but she does like to take her time.

Alright...” He let out, a little bit of annoyance in his voice, he did say that if she was not ready he was going to go without her… So why hasn’t he? His feelings for her really did get the better of him, and after having those talks with her over the course of a few nights, he really loosened himself around her.

And five minutes later, Miki Park made herself known to a seated JAckson, who no doubt had waited longer than most would, but she was happy that he was still here. Miki despised being stood up and even though she and Jackson had a rather new friendship, she would have been deeply hurt if he left while she was putting the final touches on her outfit.

“I am so sorry I kept you waiting, Jackson!” Miki said as the sound of her heels sounded off in the acoustic-friendly foyer. She had a rather elaborate-looking red coat that covered a Chanel, strapless crop top, and black pants. “You wouldn’t believe how hard it was to decide on an outfit. And then there was my hair, makeup…” Miki stopped herself from rambling when she saw Jackson’s stylish outfit. “Wow. Talk about hot.” She found herself smiling at him, clearly approving of his choice of outfits.

Jackson could not help but stare when miki showed herself, his eyes locked to the girl coming down the hall. He stood up all wide eyed, and after he realised he was ogling her shook his head to snap himself out of it. He examined the outfit choice and nodded as he had his arms crossed, it was very Miki to be like this.

You’re lucky I didn’t leave.” He let out, “Then again, you did give me a pretty good reason not, the wait was… Substantial.” Jackson was never going to compliment anyone to their face, it was not something he did but it was always something he implied. When Miki complimented him he scoffed and let out a quick smile before going back to the classic Jackson stoicism.

I should have gone for charcoal instead of gray but here we are.” He said, gesturing at his outfit before straightening his Jacket. He then moved to stand beside her and faced the same direction she was facing, he held out his elbow and spoke. “Can we go?” He wanted to leave but he also would not oppose staying, after all, Miki will definitely be the one taking care of Jackson after he has a drink.

“Mm,” she hummed, giving him a quick once-over. “I think you made the right choice,” she said, taking his hand as they left the room. “Harrison! We’re leaving!” Miki yelled out to her butler as the door closed behind them.

Jackson gave Harrison a quick bow of respect before leading Miki to the car, he opened the passenger seat for her and after he closed the door behind her, he got in the driver’s seat and started the car. “Your butler’s nice, I got one back home too, has he also taken care of you since you were a kid?” He asked. He then shifted gears and made his way out of the driveway of the park household.

Harrison was nice? Miki thought, looking back at the house, knowing he was undoubtedly watching them as the car took off. She had never known Harrison Wentworth be nice to anyone but her, her father, and her best friends. So she had to wonder just exactly what kind of impression did Jackson make? That thought brought her to look at him. She smiled as

She looked ahead. “Since I was a kid?” She heard herself say, humming thoughtfully, “no, not since I was a kid. I mean, he’s been in service with us for about six years now. He can be a bit stern, but he has always looked out for me and been there when daddy is working and when mama isn’t able to break free from her operations.”

Jackson clenched the steering wheel tight after realising that maybe this was not the subject to talk about, he tilted his head for a split second before straightening itself again, perhaps he made a mistake when he said something, he just was not entirely sure what that mistake was. But when Miki talked about her butler being there when her parents are out, that really hit close to home to Jackson.

I get that, Hyeong-in has been with me since I was about knee high from a grasshopper, and with how my dad is, you already know how it is.” He let out, after that sentence he stepped harder on the gas to get there faster, he really wanted to get there quicker after that comment.

Miki barely heard what Jackson said after grasshopper because the sound of the engine basically made that task nigh impossible and she didn’t bother bringing it back up. And she maintained a similar take on any further conversation. She just let herself get lost in her social media - mainly Tik Tok and Instagram. She took a few selfies of herself, geo-tagged herself - basically did whatever she could to keep herself busy.

And then at some point, as the size of Christian’s house went from a small dot in the distance to a full-sized house, she smiled as Jackson stopped about three cars behind from the front door along the side of the road. “You ready?” She asked, opening the passenger side door and chose to leave her jacket in the car. That was for Harrison’s benefit, but they were at Christian Barker’s party. There was no need to be appropriate anymore.

Jackson unbuckled his seat belt and pushed up the gull doors on the car. She looked at the house and thought of the owner, Christian. He was alright, Jackson had underlying jealousy for the man but he was not going to let that show whenever he was around him. He looked at Miki and spoke before moving out the door.

Ready as I’ll ever be.” He then closed the door and moved himself to be beside Miki, he smiled at her and held out his elbow once more.

And as she took his arm, she made sure to wrap it tightly around hers, adding that extra level of assurance for Jackson.

As they strode through the door and the energy of the party consumed them both, the music sent Miki alive with a slight excited cheer.

The Parks have arrived.

Goddamn it all!

Etoile was an inquisitor. She was the enemy. She was part of the reason he lost nearly a decade with his brother, why he lost his parents and the villagers he grew up with. The elders who often ridiculed him for being too hyper for his own good. It didn't matter Guild or inquisitor, the conflict between them made Helios the scapegoat, forced him away from his family, and, as a result, Pagonia left him with Anatoli. Sure, Zes was thankful because Anatoli Solis was the closest thing he had to a father.

But that didn't matter. She was... She was.. She fought alongside us on the barge and in the forest.

That's right. If she truly wanted to kill them, wouldn't she have done it by now? Etoile rivaled Pagonia in strength. If she wanted to turn them into the inquisitors, wouldn't she had done so when they were resting?

Yeah, like I know what means of contact the enemy has.

As he rubbed his temples, frustrated Zestasia kept his furious gaze on Etoile. She approached him and he held his fists up, tightened until his nails dug deep into the flesh of his palm. He didn't know what good that did, especially considering his weakened state. He wouldn't say anything as she stood over him. He wanted to meet her in the eyes but all he could do was stare at the emblem on her armor. Memories flooding in and out until the sharp tone of Etoile's voice brought him to the here and now.

Wind rushed up and he didn't even hear the vines approach from behind. What Zestasia did hear was Etoile's not-so-voluntary suggestion for him to worry about killing her later.

On some level, the tyrant-like quality Etoile had in her entire demeanor was working because he stood up — albeit wincing through the entire process.

A moment later, as he tried to figure out what he was going to do now that he was vertical, a strong gust of wind blew his golden locks back and was shot up. The next thing Zestasia felt was...nothing. And that proved to be strange for him until he looked up and saw a small clearing through the mess of branches above. The sun was hitting him like a solar rod of sorts. Immediately, his body absorbed the glorious sunshine.

"Woo! I'm feeling the power now!" Zes exclaimed, grinning like he had just won a big score. He took in a deep breath and felt his power returning by the second.

He let his blue eyes fall on Etoile and narrowed them. But just as he did, she fell to a knee and the whisper of her wind aura seemed to fade. And the sound of rushing vines came in.

Gritting his teeth, Zes had to put his rage on hold. Or he could just take out his frustrations on these annoying, overgrown weeds! "Solaris Palio!" He called out and his body lit up like the Helios Sun Day Festival! He took a spot in front of Etoile. "After we're done here, you're next!" He promised as he punched straight ahead and through the first vine. And then did it a few more times for good measure. "That all you got?"



Location: — Infirmary - Camp Half-Blood
Interactions — Bestest Sister @MarshiestMallow
Mentioned — Octavia @Vicier || Arthur @Zenritch ||

Vivian allowed herself to settle into something of a more relaxed position in the bed she was partially sitting up in. She relaxed her arms and shoulders, falling back until she felt the softness of the pillow against the back of her head. She was still facing Kalinda, however, hearing all of what her sister was saying. Kalinda admitted to her that she had visions too, which she knew but what got a reaction out of her was how Kalinda never had a vision of seeing herself collapsing in that weird time-paradox, Inception-three-layers-deep kind of vision.

And that's when Vivian thought about it. She wasn't feeling fatigued like she was before, so focusing her mind on her vision didn't make her head hurt as much. Truth be told, she never thought much about her visions. She always figured they were a side effect of being Apollo's daughter. Or if she didn't want to think about it being more of a curse than a blessing, she'd toss it off as being a side effect of the snake curse. She knew it made no sense, but some part of her felt it was the only justification.

"I'm sorry, Kali," Vivian muttered, her lips half-frowning. "I honestly wish I had more to tell you. I don't really understand why I saw myself falling."

As she continued to search for the answer in another moment of thoughtful silence, though unintentionally, Vivian could hear Octavia and Arthur talk. The infirmary was empty so their voice carried. She knew it was more than rude to eavesdrop and she didn't do it all of the time, but she heard something that caught her attention.

"--With the mood at camp right now, a bit of good news is quite refreshing to be honest."

She immediately glanced over at Arthur, though afraid that he'd judge her for imposing on the conversation he was having with Octavia, she withdrew her curious eyes and returned them to Kalinda. "What did Arthur mean by that? Did something happen today?" She asked her sister in a low whisper. It was loud enough to where she hoped he wouldn't hear her.

Following the short-lived praise he received from Etoile, Zestasia had been flying on a high - a high that kept him mostly out of the conversation that went down. He heard them speak words about “orders” and “lines” and something about Strategy.

Honestly, Zestasia couldn’t care less about most of what they were talking about, but that’s because he was too hungry to think straight.

Okay, that’s not true.

Zestasia could hold onto a thought or two and if directed to do something, he’d do it without question.

That’s what he was too hungry to do:


As the group walked deeper into the forest, he was reminded of his master, Anatoli Solis.

About a year before his master was taken from him, the two of them would often take a break from training and go to the forest near where they lived. It wasn’t anything like this depressing patch of greenery. It was beautiful and rich with fluorescent scents: irises and daisies, roses and sunflowers -- all of them filling the air with a pleasant aroma. Even though bees frequented the area, shockingly enough, they weren’t the types to be instant pricks. That and Anatoli would blast them if they came near him or Zestasia.

And remembering that came rich with sounds of his master being taken away. By the inquisitors. Or those who worked for them. Hell if he knew, but they were responsible for it. And no matter how many new friends Zestasia made, no matter their story - or hell, even being reunited with his brother -- there was always a part of his soul that couldn’t let go of that.

“Watch for the vines!”


Pythia's sharp tone brought Zestasia out of his own thoughts and he shook his head.

With just enough time on his side, Zestasia managed to evade the killer vine that came for him by jumping to the side. He couldn’t help but notice how Clara wasn’t so lucky as he was sent flying.

Worried, he wanted to help her out, but it seemed like Etoile had not only beat him to the punch, but she seemed to be in good hands.

Zestasia evaded another vine that came for him on the side, but he kept dividing his attention to where everyone else was, trying to pinpoint where his brother was, where Pythia was. And then he went back to Clara.

IT was a habit he should break, but unable to maintain his focus, especially in a life-or-death situation was always something Anatoli tried to help him improve. But right now wasn’t the time to focus on that. Or maybe it was and Zes was too worried for Clara.

So, with the right intention behind it, his blue eyes met where Etoile and Clara were, but this time he didn’t focus on to see if Clara had gotten hit or if she was injured. No, there was something that caught his immediate attention.

“Wait…” His became dry and hoarse all of a sudden and his heart was pounding increasingly fast. “But that’s--”

Zestasia was suddenly hit on his side by one of the God-forsaken vines, sending him rolling around in the grass, crashing hard into a tree. Through a hail mary or something, Zestasia directed whatever ignis ether he could into his back moments before the point of impact, which thankfully cushioned it for him, but that didn’t mean he came away from it unharmed.

“Yeah, that’s gonna hurt later on,” he muttered, slowly getting himself up. His back felt sore and every joint in his body had that feeling of when you sit or lay down for too long and it gets all tense.

As he stood up, even though the backdrop of the battle should have his full attention, the blond teen couldn’t bring himself to look anywhere but the armor Etoile had on. That armor with that specific design has haunted his nightmares for over ten years. The memories of seeing men and women arrive at his master’s shop, taking him away has been an image that’s haunted him since.

But why was Etoile wearing it? What could she possibly benefit from wearing their armor?

Zestasia didn’t know what her reason could be. And all he could see was red. “This is your doing, isn’t it?” He heard himself say and couldn’t stop. “You’re planning on delivering us to the Inquisitors, aren't you?” Zestasia tightened his fists, gathering his ether as blind rage made way for hysteria -- or at least he wanted to, but, goddamn it. He probably had a few bruised ribs and one of the people he thought he was running away from the inquisitors from may very well be one. To top it all off, there was hardly enough sunlight for him to help in any significant way. “Goddamn it all! We're all gonna die, aren't we? Yeah, we're totally going to die.”



Location: — Infirmary - Camp Half-Blood
Interactions — Bestest Sister @MarshiestMallow || Octavia @Vicier

As Kalinda spoke, Vivian couldn't help but focus on her sister's worried expression. She was confused because she couldn't quite understand exactly why her sister was expressing an outward concern about her vision. To her, the visions have always been part of the deal of being a demigod - at least, the part she has long since accepted. She knew she couldn't do anything about the ADHD and, lord knows trying to read anything other than ancient greek texts was like trying to understand what made the water blue or why Brandon was so goddamn hot. Those were things beyond her understanding, but she sure would love to know regardless.

But more to the point, Kalinda looked like she wanted to take her vision seriously. Maybe Viv was too lax about it? It could be a possibility. "I mean, if you want to," she said to Kalinda's request to investigate her visions further. "I mean, I've long since accepted this is just one of the curses -- well, not the snake kind of curse, but you know a metaphorical one -- of being our father's offspring. I get visions and I pass out. Not the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last." There she went with her lax approach to a serious issue that was clearly bothering her sister. "I'm sorry. You're worried and I'm making light of it..." Vivian laughed unprompted. "Sorry again. You can look into it now if you want." The blonde just smiled at Kalinda.



Location: — Infirmary - Camp Half-Blood
Interactions — Defined Jawline™ @Theyra || Bestest Sister @MarshiestMallow || Best Moon Boi @Zenritch

A few moments after Defined Jawline™ left Kalinda and Vivian alone, the blonde's green eyes lingered as he walked away. She couldn't quite place what it was about handsome boys that made her brain go to mush. She could've had all the healers in all the cabins that had them and they would never be able to understand that mysterious part of her brain that had a chemical reaction whenever she saw jawlines that could even withstand a direct blow from Zeus' lightning bolt.

No, not the one in his pants, but the one that went bzzz!

Anyway, back to what your sister asked, Vivian.

"You mean the vision, right?" Stupid question. Of course, Kalinda meant your vision, dummy! "I wouldn't say it was bad bad. Like it wasn't 'the cook ran out of pizza' bad, or even overcooking my yummy-yum-yum blueberry muffins bad.." The very thought of overcooking her famous blueberry muffins scared the crap out of her. "But I mean, I don't know how to describe it. I saw myself collapse. In the vision, I mean. Like I saw myself collapse at the very moment I had the vision and seconds later, I did." Even trying to say that made her brain hurt. "Sorry--"

Before she could finish that thought, Vivian nearly jumped for joy in her bed. Arthur, one of her closest friends at camp, walked over. Arthur was one of the few people who she could be around and not be a bumbling mess. The Son of Selene was one of those guys who didn't need to say much to lift her spirits up. And it should also be noted that he was one of few boys that she didn't get butterflies by looking at them. Sure, he was a member of the Defined Jawline™ Club, but she didn't want him to do bad things to her.

Well, unless those bad things were screwing with her sleeping schedule. Then, corrupt away, Arthur!

"Hey, Arthur! I'm okay. I mean I was just telling Kali about it," she stated. He lingered about for a few moments before going over to Octavia. "So, yeah, that's what my vision was like. Kinda weird, huh?" Vivian laughed as she looked at Kalinda.
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