Avatar of AlteredTundra


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2 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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@Hey Im Jordan @Fabricant451 @LovelyComplex

sheets fucking suck

As Colin drove, once again "borrowing" his sister's ride, he was on the highway. The window was rolled down, his left arm resting along the top of the door, bent in an almost-complete right angle, and a lit cigarette in his hand. He had Metallica's "Enter Sandman" blasting so loud that he could barely hear himself sing along with James Hetfield, barely could even hear himself think.


The music helped his mind block out those thoughts that often crept back from time to time. Sometimes it was Cosima that kept him company, her voice -- or what Colin imagined her voice would sound like now -- kept him company. He didn't know why it sounded like Stephanie, though. Lord knows they had nothing in common, but that bitch of an ex of his sure could make her way into his most protected thoughts if she really wanted to.

Or maybe he couldn't stop thinking about how she got what was coming to her. She bruised his nose and he broke her front bumper, but because most people saw the evidence of his face, she was suspended on the first day. Maybe he was the dick for being happy about that because he technically started the fight. Good thing Rosefell hadn't invested in an all-knowing super machine that could record every conversation or else he'd be screwed too.

As he pressed the cigarette to his lips and took in a deep breath, he exhaled a puff of smoke as he turned up the volume just a bit more. He wanted the Liberty bitches to know he was on his way, but more importantly, Colin Gallagher just really liked Metallica's classics. Nothing beats the classics.

As he kept driving somewhat absentmindedly, it was only last minute that he nearly missed his exit.

Swerving from one lane to the other, the tires of his sister's 93 Chevy Convertible shrieked like a banshee and he nearly escaped a fatal crash at the exit. Honks from pissed off drivers were heard in the distance as Colin sped so fast that those horns faded into the distance within seconds.

Several half-miles later, Colin wasn't in Kansas anymore, but in fact had been transported to a place worse than Kansas: the place where Liberty kids called home. Everywhere he looked, on both sides of the road, which he couldn't help but gawk in disgust, were streets that were too clean for their own good, shops that had organic and artisan in just about every name, and people walking down the street as if they didn't live no less than ten miles away from people who would get stabbed just for walking on the wrong side of the street as if they didn't have privilege written all over their smug faces. It didn't matter how late it was, Colin knew they never had to worry about that kind of danger.

"They make me sick," Colin uttered as he flicked his still-lit cig into the street and drove off.

He eventually made it to Christian Barker's house. Christian, who had asked Colin to score the goodies, was probably the rare case where not everyone at Liberty was an obnoxious know-it-all who thought they were better than everyone else. Christian, who came to Colin at lunch on the first day, knowing exactly who Colin was and who he knew, made a deal. Christian, who was a complete dumbass and looked like someone who'd smoke and snort everything Colin scored for him, also had that Liberty money.

So, of course, Colin would help out. He had help from Patrick Quinn, of course, but all-in-all, he managed to obtain everything Christian Barker asked for and then some. Sure, he pocketed some of the money for himself and scammed Christian a bit.

Like he said: Christian Barker was a dumbass, but he wasn't a bad guy. Colin almost felt bad for telling him he needed about a hundred more than what he knew Ricky charged.


To make up for scamming Christian, Colin opted out of claiming the driveway for himself but instead parked on the street. Before he got out and before he went for the jacket that was laying in the backseat, Colin reached for a special gift he bought with the money that he pocketed from Christian. Usually, he wasn't one to drink tequila. Truth be told, the taste often conflicted with every strand of Irish DNA in him, but tonight was the start of new beginnings.

And hell, when you can score a bottle of high quality Don Julio for a hundred bucks, how could he say no?

So when he walked up to the front door, the bottle in one hand and him maneuvering himself into his jacket one arm at a time, Colin let himself into Christian's house. Or at least he did after he realized the door was unlocked. He heard the bass of whatever music had been playing and immediately the vibe of the party brought a wide grin to his face. It was such a vibe that he twisted open the bottle of tequila and took a quick sip. Even though it burned, it lit him alive with a foreign fire that felt different, but right at the same time.

Colin scanned the area. He didn't know who or what he was looking for, but he caught the sight of a son of a bitch that demanded his immediate attention.

Strolling over to one of the many drinks table in sight, Colin's arm hovered over Freako Rico's neck as Colin towered over him. The arm that was to Rico's left was the one with the bottle of Don Julio. "So what's the plan tonight, Rico? Who you gonna try and fuck?"
@Hey Im Jordan @Fabricant451 @LovelyComplex

Location // Infirmary — Camp Half-Blood
Interactions // Zane, Octavia, Kalinda @Theyra @Vicier @MarshiestMallow

Vivian still felt like every ounce of her physical strength was sapped out of her body, but as a boy -- a rather cute boy, if she was being honest -- took a seat in a chair beside the bed she was laying in, she stopped focusing on how badly her head hurt. Truth be told, whenever Vivian saw a cute anybody, it was like everything else became less of a priority. Such as being in a bed in the infirmary.

"Hey, I saw you get brought in, and I wanted to know if you were okay. I may not be a child of Apollo, but I can heal whatever caused you to be brought here."

It took her a few delayed moments, all of which were spent absentmindedly blinking at him. God how his jawline could split her in half and she would thank him for it. Wait. No, that wasn't possible, was it? Vivian sat on that thought for another moment and then shook her head. "Sorry, what did you say again?" She asked him. And as soon as she did, she heard more voices and they just made her noggin feel like a ton of bricks.

"Don't be sorry, pretty sure Dad's had his ass kicked a few times. We get hurt just like everyone else, Viv."

Vivian's attention went from the boy who would probably bless her dreams for the next few nights to her sister, Kalinda. "Kaliii!" Vivian's go-to habit of impulsively screaming would be the death of her. And today, maybe it would be literal.

"What happened?"

"It's embarrassing," Vivian admitted in a low tone. She looked at Defined Jawline Man™ and then to her half-sister. "It was my visions again. I was literally about to join everyone else at the tower and the next thing I know, I'm face-first in the dirt and waking up in this bed." The blonde met her sister's gaze with her usual pout.

"I've got her Zane--"

That's his name. Had Vivian not been suffering from the worst headache and not been totally captivated by his clearly God-given jawline, maybe Vivian would remember she had run into him a few times since coming to Camp Half-Blood. But then again, maybe not. All she knew is he was cute.
Too many sheets

Location // Infirmary — Camp Half-Blood
Interactions // N/A, self, anyone around

For a lot of reasons - though not known to many outside of those who really know her - Vivian opted out of the tower challenge today. It wasn't necessarily her choice nor was it her intention to miss out on something she had been training weeks for. With all of the hours she put not only into conditioning her body, excelling at speed and accuracy training, and overcoming the fear that seldom left her alone, she was feeling empowered for many days leading up until today.

From the very moment she and everyone else was made aware of the tower event that happened today, Vivian Lucasta made sure to wake up every day. At daybreak. When the sun rose, so did she. And she took in the rays by doing yoga. It was the easiest way she could ease her mind whenever she became, for a lack of a better word, distant from her cheery self. The early morning rays, paired with the backdrop of the beach, often brought her an inner-peace that gave Vivian strength. She could even hear the words of her father slowly make their way into her arms as she took in the rays.

But just minutes before she was about to leave the Apollo Cabin and join the other campers, Vivian had one of her many nonconsenting visions. Usually they only lasted for a few seconds and she was able to shake it off after a few moments of rest. Unfortunately, this time around, not only did it linger for over an hour, but every minute of that hour gifted her the displeasure of something sapping her strength -- which sometimes did happen. It was rare, but the vision placed her in a state of dread. She saw images of it, but she couldn't see her anywhere near the tower. In fact, at the moment she fainted, she saw herself from the perspective of a bird, falling to the ground and being carried away to the infirmary.

As a still woozy Vivian opened her blue eyes, trying to focus on whatever was up, which happened to be the roof of the infirmary. She moaned as she felt her muscles ache, her stomach tightening as she tried to sit up. But Vivian Lucasta wasn't a quitter (despite the camp rumors). When she found herself in an upright position, though she still felt drained of most of her raw energy, she wasn't feeling as fatigued as she was.

A sense of disappointment set in when she realized that she shouldn't be the one in the hospital bed. The children of APollo were supposed to be the healers and here she was in a bed, sapped of most of her energy and having no signs of feeling any better. "I'm sorry," she whispered quietly. Nobody in reach of hearing her might know it, but she was apologizing to her father.
In Gif the User 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
In Gif the User 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

A @KatKook & @metanoia Collaboration
Featuring Jackson & Miki

Jackson stood there before he suddenly got taken, it took a moment to even realise what happened, but after he realised who it was he was fine with it. He let out a quick sigh and moved along with Miki so his arm would not strain if he was going to get dragged around.

"Mikyoung-a," He was still respectful in Korean even though in English he is clearly being a prick to everyone, he absolutely disliked having no honorifics and he had hoped that over the summer Miki had gotten used to him using honorifics with her name. "Was it really that bad?" he asked before wrapping his arm around her, he was pretty comfy around Miki so he was fine with doing this. Even with his underlying feelings for her she was still way too good of a friend to not be this close with. "My guide did a surprisingly good job, and I surprisingly did not hate him. Crazy, I know." As they moved, Jackson must have led her since they both ended up on the same wall just a little bit down the hall.

"At this point, I have no clue what this school is going to bring out and I have no idea what to expect. Here’s hoping the teachers are not the worst. Because I swear if these teachers are uhh… These… Teachers are… 바보 ? You know, fuck… What’s the word… They’re 바보!" He said, who knew the word ‘stupid’ escaped his mind just like that?

Miki understood her mother’s language, but god forbid if she spoke in her tongue. It would be as if she forced anyone at Rosefell to know the difference between fine dining and takeout. ”If they taught these savages, then I wouldn’t hold my breath for these teachers.”

Jackson sniggered at her remarks about the teachers in the school, he agreed with her but deep down he knew they were not all bad.

"I agree, teachers don’t feel like they’re to write home about." His eyes then met Miki’s and in total flustered fashion, he faced away, now looking at a very intriguing part of the wall, or so he made it seem.

Miki sighed out, glancing around before returning her gaze to the comforting sight of Jackson’s face. “Who did you end up getting for your tour?”

"Uhh… Some guy named Rico, guy looked like he was smoking weed ever since he was born. Don’t care too much for his last name but he doesn’t seem to be the worst. " After the red in his cheeks and ears disappeared, he was able to look at Miki in the eyes again, "How about you? Who’s your guide? Bet it can’t be worse than mine." He then wrapped his arm a little more tighter around Miki, giving everyone who was looking like they were going to shoot their shot with her the classic Jackson staredown. Works like a charm.

RIco, huh? Miki knew the name only by reputation. She could hardly say she’d be able to spot him if she was asked to pick him from a lineup. Odds were, though, they had to be someone worth knowing if Jackson had so much to say about them. “Well, I guess that depends on your definition of worse. Was mine totally unbearable? Not even close. I was stuck with one of the most plain-jane looking girls this world -- no, universe -- has known. But RIchie was there, so it wasn’t all bad.” The Queen of Liberty laughed and thought about how she was probably a third wheel, but she couldn’t say that her tour was totally useless. Ellie did give her some useful information about the Queen of Trash even if she didn’t intend to.

"Well, since you’re done already, you down to hang out?" He pulled out his phone and saw there were no important notifications, he slid the phone back in his pocket and rubbed his neck. "Well come on then," He said, pushing himself off the wall and started making his way down the hall, "Let’s walk, beats leaning on these walls, because who knows what’s been on them." He then started leading her through the halls, "Let’s find a teacher."

Miki physically repulsed at the thought of what might’ve caused those stains. She wasn’t wearing off-brand. The wrong substance could forever ruin her favorite monday Gucci blouse. “As if they would do anything about the stains. Besides, I’m fairly certain we have homeroom together. Don’t need an useless teacher to find at least that much.” Miki’s response came with an elitist giggle.

"Right, " Jackson clicked his tongue and swiveled to stand in front of her, "So what does Park-ssi want to do?" He asked rather playfully, hands in his pocket and a smile on his face. He looked behind him then back at Miki, "I’m right behind you wherever you want to go."

“I want to go home or to our school, but--” Miki let her voice carry into an exaggerated sigh as her hold on dear Jackson’s arm tightened and a needy pair of brown eyes met his. “Tell me what you did this summer, Jackson!” Her voice had a begging tone to it that always got her what she wanted, especially whenever she batted her lashy curls at the focus of her attention. And right now that was Jackson.

Jackson felt the tight grip around his arm and he flinched a little from Miki’s strength, she looked up at him and he felt a wave of emotion rush through his body. He clicked his tongue and faced the other way. "Nothing much, got more plants, watched more dramas, my dad tried to get me to model for Mercedes, and you know, it wasn’t eventful." Miki does not know about his skating but he can still trust her with most of his worries. "My dad’s still… My dad, so you know." he shrugged and gestured the makeup on his face to cover up the red mark on his face.

Miki clicked her tongue as she listened to Jackson talk about his summer. She had met Mr. Park a few times. The two of them being both from the same school and Korean, she always felt like his father approved of her because she was Korean. Personally, Miki didn’t know what to feel about him. She was always on her best behavior, courteous when she met him, polite and all-in-all, the perfect house-guest, but she can’t say she liked him.

But in that moment Miki saw the red mark on his face, she gasped. “Oh, Jackson…” she wanted to reach up and touch it, maybe make it better, but something forced her to hesitate. What she did in its stead was tighten her hold on his arm, supporting him with a tighter grasp until she manipulated his arm into a hug. The embrace was sudden for her and she held him as close as she could. “I’m so sorry, Jackson.” Miki didn’t have a lot of friends, but Jackson was one of them. And she seethed for what his father did to him, but her heart broke and she couldn’t quite understand how someone could do that to their own son.

That was it, the moment where Jackson felt like she could fully trust Miki, maybe she could trust her as much as he trusts Juno. He looked down at her and shook his head.

"Don’t worry about it, I’m used to it." Jackson replied, forcing a smile on his face, he gave Miki a quick pat on the head before changing the subject, "I know it sucks but you maybe wanna go to a place where we can sit? Standing around here feels… Gross." he let out.

Miki let her eyes fixate on Jackson for a few seconds, studying his face as though she wanted to see if there was anything she could do for him. He wasn’t showing signs of feeling sad or anything close to that. She wanted to do more, so if going to sit somewhere more pleasant was what he needed, then she’d sit with him for as long as he needed.

“You lead and I’ll follow.” Words the Queen of Liberty never thought she’d say, but Jackson was one of the few people, potentially the only person, she didn’t mind letting lead her.

Jackson nodded and gestured to follow with his head, he looked down at his watch to see what time it was and went to go find homeroom. He made his way to what seemed to be the classroom with Miki right beside him and put his stuff down on a table, he lightly sat on the table and beckoned Miki to sit next to him.

The first day really sucks.
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