Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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”Johnny Donovan.”


”Johnny. Donovan. Cease and desist!”


As Johnny Dash sat in his room, on his bed, fluffy body pillow propped against the plain wall, pushing the scarab that was latched on his spine against it, which wasn’t so much uncomfortable as it was annoying because the scarab was hissing and clicking inside JD’s head.

So to fix that, JD had the brilliant idea of blaring Twisted Sister’s best song, We’re Not Gonna Take It, as a sort of act of rebellion against it.

This was the common dance the two tangled and has been like that for almost a year now. Ever since Johnny had found the scarab, they never got along. They always fought and then argued. And yes, there’s a difference. Arguing just meant a bout of conflicting personalities, but when they fight, unlike a usual brawl, for which Johnny could win, the scarab played dirty. He’d activate the armor and take control out of spite alone. It was annoying and frustrating. And, if Johnny D was honest, it earned a tiny amount of his respect. Growing up on the streets, sometimes you had to fight dirty to survive.

But back on point.

That clicking and hissing that was mentioned before? Yeah, it was starting to ruin Johnny D’s good vibe.

“Would you stop that already? It’s a cool tune dude. Just lighten up!”

I certainly will not “lighten up”. It is outrageous how you humans can stand that unforgiving mix of sounds as relaxing.

Johnny scoffed. “And you obviously don’t get the power the 80s had, man. Fucking epic hit after hit. I seriously wish I was born in the 70s so I could have experienced it as it was happening.”

Your consistency at being bothersome is frustrating, Jonathan Donovan.

That would be the last thing that the scarab said, but it didn’t matter. As Johnny D was in the climax of the song, arguably the best part of it too, it was sudden, but the entire room went black. It was blacker than being inside a dumpster at night time. Johnny was used to it, so that’s why he didn’t flinch. Being homeless for so long, you grew used to rolling blackouts. The poor side of Coast City, which was where JD spent most of his days, had random blackouts all the time.

“I guess Jules is--”


“No, it’s no--”

No it’s not is what Johnny was going to say before the scarab, like many times before, took full control. From the middle of his spine to his arms, legs, and eventually head, the Blue Beetle armor had consumed his entire body. Wrapped up in it, Johnny felt like an unwilling passenger with a chaotic driver in the middle of a road rage incident. He saw what was happening but could do nothing to stop it. Worse yet, that hissing and clicking asserted itself until Johnny was the voice in the scarab’s head.

An energy cannon took shape on his right arm and scarab pointed it at the wall.

And from inside, Johnny screamed bloody murder.

“No, you’re not going to.” Johnny heard the cannon charge up and he freaked even harder. “Don’t you fucking blast through my--”

And then a blast of blue-colored energy shot through Scarlett Johansson’s perfect face and pierced a hole straight through the wall, a breeze from the Seattle evening flowing into Johnny’s room.

And after another slow, anguishing moments that left Johnny D utterly devastated. Nevermind any world-ending hypotheticals, that poster was the first thing he bought when he joined the team a few months ago. The leftover money he had from his last day on the streets went into purchasing it. It might not have been much, but he took pride in it. And now it was ruined because this scarab thought they were attacked.

And then the lights came on. And then the armor retracted, the clicking and hissing growing less aggressive, asserting itself to its normal volume

We are safe--

“You fucking dumbass!” Johnny cursed. “We weren’t in any danger. It’s called a blackout -- A BLACKOUT!”

While he was furious, he sighed out in defeat, glancing once more to the hole in the wall. In the back of his mind where the scarab hadn’t penetrated yet, he was thinking about how Jules was going to be on his ass for this. The building was run down already. Not everything was fleshed out or repaired to the point of being suitable for superheroes-to-be. And he just knew that he was going to get reprimanded. Or something that resembled punishment like he was a child.

Yeah, the only child is this thing on my back.

The clicking got louder.

“Yeah, so you heard that? You want a fucking trophy or something?”

Well, Johnny figured since his mood was shot, he’d go and maybe grab something to eat. Getting pissed at scarab always worked up an appetite. But he has to change his shirt first, because someone decided to go Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on him.

Location:Communal Kitchen // Edge Tower // Seattle
Interactions: @Deja @Sep @Stormflyx indirectly

Johnny had made his way out of his room with a full wardrobe change. With a Nirvana shirt replacing the Metallica one he was wearing prior to the...incident, Johnny was confident enough to waltz proudly out of his room, proving he wasn’t a hermit like he assumed most thought he was. He made a straight a-line (not beline because that made it seem like it was his second choice) for the kitchen. Like mentioned before, when dealing with pissy on his spine, Johnny Dash needed to eat his anger away.

But maybe that would have to be put on hold because he saw his three favorite people all huddled nearby.

And of course the source of his frustrations started to click and hiss again and again.

Johnny D didn’t acknowledge him as he slinged his arm around Kevin. His regular sparring partner was a few inches shorter than him, but JD never pointed that out. No need to get this regular spitfire to all hot and bothered anymore than he always was.

“Why not just wear one of those hazmat suits, Kev?” Johnny suggested with a grin, mostly kidding, of course. “Or you could always fight in the nude. That way you don’t have to worry about burning through outfit after outfit.” That was another case of Johnny D making a funny.

Damn, Johnny Dash is freaking hilarious!

@Stormflyx @Deja @Sep You kosher with me throwing JD into the interaction?
Procrastination sucks ass

A @HaleyTheRandom, @NeoAJ, and @metanoia Collaboration
Featuring Raven, Alina, and Hunter


Seeing Theo had clearly shaken Raven.

Completely floored by the thoughts running through her head, and the feelings coursing through her veins, Raven did her best to focus on Alina’s caring gesture. Standing there with her bottle of tequila in hand, Raven did her best to breathe.

Deep breath in, deep breath out. You’re fine. You’re fine. You’re fine.

Eyes darting back and forth between Alina, Hunter, and the crowd that was quickly forming near them, Raven felt her chest tighten even more. Forcing a smile, Raven reached for a few more items from the array of party favors.

”C’mon kids. Grab what you need and lets get the fuck out of here. I have an idea.”

Alina nodded and looked over at Hunter. She didn’t exactly know what she needed from this assortment of bottles but there had to be something that worked. She grabbed something she recognized as Sprite and something she didn’t recognize but hoped it was some sort of hard liquor in order to follow after her savior that needed saving. As well as a cup. Jumping to straight booze sounded like a bad plan. [color=]“You heard the lady. Take some things you think we’ll like and we’ll take this somewhere else.”[/color]

Hunter wasn’t often the first one to play follow the leader. Growing up, he led people into bad decisions, not allowed himself to get bossed around. But this wasn’t like being picked in his childhood by the neighborhood bully, Elijah Berg for being too small. Raven was nearly a foot shorter and she didn’t seem all bad, so Hunter wasn’t worried one bit.

As he grabbed a few unopened bottles of Jack Daniels and his twin cousins, Captain Morgan, Hunter also managed to snag a 2-liter of coke under his long arms. He followed the two girls away from the beverage station, away from the chaos of the party. Even as they went further away, Hunter heard the party getting louder behind him. He had half a mind to turn around, but he didn’t. He thought that whatever was happening back there wasn’t his top priority.

“So where are we heading?” Hunter asked, struggling somewhat to maintain a secured grip on all the bottles and liters in both of his hands.

Head held high as she led her Merry Band of Misfits, Raven was careful not to pay too close attention to what was going on around her. Afraid that she’d spot Theo once more, she kept her focus on the task at hand.

”The lake,” she simply stated. ”The Bakers have one in their backyard.” Both Raven and Alina had been to the Bakers’ house multiple times, and Raven had actually had the chance to get to know Christian’s parents. The young woman knew the layout of the Bakers property probably better than she did her own.

”I’m thinking twenty-one questions. Any other ideas? Objections?”

Alina looked at Raven, who she knew wouldn’t be the type to tee her up in such a game, but would be willing to scope out this new boy pretty quickly. “Yeah, I think I can handle it. Take a drink every time one of us laughs at an answer or something?” She turned her gaze back at Hunter. “Sound fair?”

Hunter gave a laugh, but then shrugged. “Sure. Why the hell not?” Another shrug. “It’s been way too long since I’ve played it. And, really, how could I say no when with beauts like you two?” Hunter knew Rico would have been proud of him for that one, which was probably why he found himself smirking like that crazy Spanish Casanova.

Still walking in the direction of the lake, Raven smirked as she listened to the two people behind her talk. It wasn’t a very long walk to the lake, but there was enough distance between them and the party to where Raven felt like she could take a breather. Not that many people were over by the lake, and the ones that were there were spaced out. Taking a seat at one of the picnic tables by the edge of the water, Raven sat down and took another drink of her tequila.

”So who’s up first? My vote is for Hunter.” As both Hunter and Alina looked at her and each other, the dark haired girl shrugged her shoulders. ”I mean, he’s the only guy here, so it made sense in my head?”

“Makes sense to me,” Alina confirmed, as she started to pour her acquired liquids into the red solo cup she held tightly to the table. She was no mixologist so her ratio of Sprite to… not Sprite, looked to be a bit off in favor of the not-so-bubbly drink. “Democracy rules, Hunter. Start us off.”

“Democracy, huh?” Hunter muttered in a breath, smirking at the two girls as he would take a preliminary sip of the bottle of whiskey in his hand.

He noted that the two girls each had their own poison. Raven opted for tequila. A solid choice for her sudden shift in mood. Earlier, Hunter had noticed she was on edge but still relaxed, if that made any sense. But something happened. Hunter wasn’t sure if she saw someone she didn’t want to see or if she just didn’t like him. He wanted to say she wasn’t against him and Alina talking. But who the hell knew, right?

And speaking of Alina, she stuck to her guns: Red Solo Cup Surprise. Anything could be in there and the thought made Hunter crack up in a chuckle.

“All right. Since it’s clear ladies first doesn’t apply, Raven!” Hunter’s dark eyes fixated on her, though relaxed mostly. “Since you’re the one who took us on this journey and even decided the game, what is your honest opinion of me? And no, Alina, don’t say anything about how sexy I am, because I know I am.” On some level, Hunter could just hear the two sets of eyes rolling after he stated that, but he stuck to it with a proud smirk. “So go on. I’m dying to know. Really, I am.”

”You’re really going to stand there and act like you aren’t flirting with your Tramp of Choice?”

Nicholas rolled his eyes at his sister, not reacting either way to her comments about the breathtaking girl he chose to spend his time talking with. "First off, that wasn't very polite of you, Billie," Nicholas stated. He smirked at her with the full knowledge that he knew that she hated being called anything other than Billie Jean.

But then she came at him with a zinger. Oh what a wonderful observation she made: saying he had chosen below what he was worth as if she chose absolute winners. But Nicholas wasn't as jaded as his sister was. Nicholas wasn't the type to use those she chose to spend her night with against her. This was because Nicholas Grey was a well-mannered young man. This was because Nicholas Grey didn't antagonize. Most importantly, though, Nicholas Grey was having too much fun doing the bare minimum and he still managed to receive exactly what he wanted.

So as he watched his sister made "I'm going to murder this bitch" eyes at the remarkably cute redhead, a low, surprised "oh" left his lips as she snapped back at his sister.

Normally, he would be up in arms to go to his sister's defense.

Yes, normally Nicholas wouldn't be the idle observer role he was playing right now. He hated to admit it, but Billie Jean did have a solid point she raised earlier. Whenever he did turn up the charm and intended to seduce any redhead, he favored them over everyone else. But there was more to that right now.

As he listened and watched, he contemplated what he should do. What would have been a simple matter of him talking his sister down off the ledge she was committing in pushing them both off, when the object of his attraction so accurately stated her opinion, he found himself conflicted. He wanted to see this to the end, but in doing so would create complications. His sister wasn't the type to quickly forgive. Even if the person she was to hold a grudge over is her twin brother. On the other side, she's certainly overreacting and being dramatic just because she wants attention.

What to do? What to do?

Nicholas pondered for a few moments. And when he was finished, he stepped between the both of them. "That's quite enough." He glanced at his sister. "Relax, Billie Jean. It's not like before." Oh, it totally was, but he wasn't about to let her know that. He wanted to see where this went with her before he tested the waters. "Besides, why fight when we can drink?" He laughed and kept his eyes on his sister. "Or, in the middle of your rage, did suddenly decide you hate drinking more than whoever I take an interest in?"

Apologies for my lack of a presence. A mix of mood swings and procrastination really set me back. But I've read all the posts and they were lovely. Next thing on the agenda is to roll relations out and finally post and maybe do something about not just being a lurker.
But uh..
<Snipped quote by Sep>

aw ;-; Conor <3

to be on topic, or promote a discussion -

What kind of music does your character enjoy? What would their theme song be?

This is the easiest question I think I can answer bout JD. He's a lover of 80s and 90s rock/music in general, so you can catch him rocking out to Twisted Sister, Nirvana, and if he's feeling it, you might hear California Love blasting from his room. As for his theme song, that's hard to pick, but I think @Sep picked a solid placeholder. Deff fits his vibe and overall demeanor: showy and obnoxious but totally dope at the same time.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

You sure about that? I mean just trying to decipher the code usually takes longer.

Also, I don't forsee Conor joining in anyway, but he definitely won't if you decide on Harry Potter.

sorry not sorry

And this is the perfect segway to say that I'm slowly making my way through relations. Though not up yet, I've got about four written up so far.
Had a long day today that kept me mostly away from the guild. I promise I'll get a Johnny D post up tomorrow as well as updating relations!
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Yeah same. I'm patient and obviously rl comes first. I just hope OG is doing okay.
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Pretty good. Think we're all just waiting on a Charlie post.

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