Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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In Gif the User 3 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum


"The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are." Goldie Hahn



"The road to hell is paved with good intentions.



"Nanakorobi yaoki. If you fall seven times, then you stand up eight."



"The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are." Goldie Hahn



"The road to hell is paved with good intentions.



"Nanakorobi yaoki. If you fall seven times, then you stand up eight."


As the cool breeze hit the nape of Jade’s neck, she started to shiver and regret not wearing something more conservative. With just a mid-thigh-high black dress, boots that came just above her knees, her usual leather jacket that has become synonymous with Jade’s “look”, and a witch’s hat to complete the impromptu witch she dressed up as for her shift, she knew she’d regret it. She just didn’t think it would be so goddamn cold tonight.

But just put that on the list of things that Jade didn’t anticipate tonight.

It’s true, she didn’t think tonight would be as full of surprises. When she came into work around 8, she did so with the mindset she always had whenever she went to work: it’s just a normal day and nthing out of the ordinary was going to happen. There might be a few guys at Edge who might get handsy. It was the Southside, after all. Jade had come to accept that there were people among the Southside who still didn’t respect boundaries just as they should know that if you invade her personal space, she won’t hesitate to invade theirs.

But again, that was just how it was for her. Rey Rey might protect her per the Serpent and Fallen Angels brotherhood-esque bond, but that didn’t extend for everyone else who thought Jade was easy. She could be if she liked you enough, but when it came to those random strangers who saw her hand them drinks versus dancing around a pole, she maintained some professionalism with them only if they respected her enough to not touch what they didn’t earn.

Usually, that would be the extent of her day, but something more happened. After she knocked a few front teeth of some guy aptly named Bad Luck Rick, Jade began seeing...things. Maybe it was her fucked up sleeping schedule that was to blame. She recalled seeing flashes of people she knew to be dead. Old clients of hers that she mourned. Angels that she grew up with who died because of the life. She saw them at the club, raising a hand to them.

And as she found herself coming to a stop at a crosswalk, the chills that went up her spine at the moment was almost as intense as when she first saw those familiar faces. She didn’t know what the hell was going on nor if what she saw was even there. It’s also true that Jade had been relying on psychedelic drugs a lot lately. She kept having dreams about Charlie. They weren’t exactly meaningful dreams. Well, it was Charlie, so perhaps they were always meaningful. She always had dreams about Charlie.

God, how she missed Charlie. He’s been on her mind a lot lately. Even before tonight. Even before she thought she saw people from her past who were no longer alive. She has been thinking about him in the same way she’d imagine old people look back on their lives and think about their regrets. She had plenty of regrets when it came to the one person she felt she had let down the most.

And if there was anyone who could relate it was…


Speak of her soul sister and she shall appear.

Yet, it didn’t seem like she noticed when Jade waved at her.

“Wait, where is she going?” Jade questioned as if anyone else could hear her. “Poppy!” She called out, yet her sister couldn’t hear her.

As she watched Poppy move away from where Jade saw her, she decided, at that moment, that if she couldn’t get her sister’s attention, she would do the only logical thing that anyone in her position would do.

She followed her banana-cap wearing sister.

This is going to be my first year since 2014 that I will be skipping NaNoWriMo. My reasons being many, but probably the largest is that I just don't have the inspiration nor motivation to tackle it this year. As much as it pains me because despite the effects it has me after the fact (several months of writing fatigue), I do like participating in the insanity that is NaNoWriMo. It's a special kind of torture that I usually thrive in, but ever since last year, I just haven't felt that unique inspiration I usually do this time of year; all I feel is dread and stress in regards to it.

But having said all of that, to those who are doing it this year, I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope you complete it!

A @metanoia & @LovelyComplex Collaboration || featuring Marco Brady & Cat the Cat

The revved engine of a dark blue pickup came to a steady stop in front of the Godmother’s Sandwich Shop. Marco made sure to park it as close to the entrance as he could. The only downside was that his brother’s truck was lifted up somewhat, so Marco knew as soon as he stepped out, he’d feel that nice crunch of his limbs. That kind of earth-shattering crunch one always wants to feel after they’ve had an eye awakening experience.

As he watched in a painful limp, Marco found himself taking a seat at the nearest table inside. Surprisingly it wasn’t jam-packed as he assumed it would be. He didn’t know who else was seeing themselves, but Marco shrugged as he put pressure off of his left leg and was left to his own devices for a few minutes. He spent those minutes just thinking about everything his other self said. How that whole ordeal was all about his internal strife (or however the hell he phrased it). Said that he needed to deal with the external.

“What the hell does that even mean?” Marco cursed, slamming the table with his balled fist. “And now my hand hurts. Wonderful.

Looking up, Marco saw Cat hovering over him and he started to wonder just how long she’d been standing there. “Oh hey! Didn’t see you there.”

Raising an eyebrow, curious and concerned, Caterina, with painted whiskers on her face and cat ears on her head, gave the boy a quick glance over before smiling, “Oh hey, it’s a little early…” Cat looked at her wrist watch, then the door, then back at Marco. She was in her red pea coat jacket, which covered her black long sleeve shirt and pants (a budget cat outfit). She looked like she just arrived into the building, only moments before Marco came trampling in, “You’re my first customer today seeing how I haven’t opened yet.” Cat laughed to herself, realizing she must’ve forgotten to lock the door behind her. “I can fix you up a sandwich real quick. Let me guess, your usual? Irish reuben with extra sauerkraut?”

Today started awfully weird, on top of the sky having an odd hue of purple casting over their town, her kids actually sleeping in instead of jumping in excitement for the Belmonte party and trick-or-treating, Edenridge seemed… different. Gentle mist dancing throughout the streets. An unusual quiet. It felt almost magical, in a haunting sort of way, like they were stuck in a dream. She couldn’t tell why nor did she personally have any weird occurrences happen to her, but she could feel it in the air.

“Oh, and Happy Halloween!”

Marco had been lost in his own thoughts even as he sat there. His delayed reaction came in the form in an almost startled jump. “And Happy Halloween to you too!” would be the last thing Marco said as Cat disappeared behind the counter.

He could smell her make his sandwich, the smell being enough to awaken his stomach and make it almost eat itself. He didn’t know how long it’s been since he ate anything. He didn’t know what time he even woke up. He remembered it being night time when he was having that strange encounter with his other self, but maybe that was him thinking it was night time? Could have been early in the sunrise transition. It definitely felt like it was early, though. Something about the way his body felt whenever he pulled an all-nighter. That bizarre mix of hungry and sleepy lingered like a bad itch.

And smelling the corn beef brisket was more than enough to intensify that feeling.

Taking himself out of his head for a change, Marco looked up. And maybe it was just the first time him noticing, but he realized she had the whiskers and ears of a cat. “Say Cat, have you noticed anything...weird going on lately? I mean, like anything out of the norm?”

Placing his plate in front of him, along with a glass of water, Cat shrugged, “No, but I do have this weird gut feeling. Then again, I’m kind of on autopilot in the mornings. Why, what’s up?” Since she hadn’t officially opened her store yet, Cat decided to invite herself at his table, sitting across from the boy her little brother used to hang out with a lot. “Did you get spooked or something?” Intertwining her fingers together, she rested her elbows on the table and her chin on the back of her hands.

There was a vague instance where she saw her father talking to her late great uncle Cosimo in front of Palermo but she didn’t have her morning coffee yet so she didn’t think too deeply into it.

“I don’t know. Maybe?” Marco said, looking down at his sandwich. He hadn’t touched it yet and his stomach was making him suffer for it. “I still don’t know if it was a dream or not. It’s honestly so bizarre now that I’m thinking about it, but I kinda had a conversation with...myself. Minus the limp I’ve been…blessed with.” He laughed more at how crazy he probably sounded right now. Thinking about it made him want to tear some hair out and saying it out loud cemented that thought.

“Is that weird?” Cat tilted her head, wondering why this kid was beating himself up for his inner thoughts. “Sounds like you were self reflecting and maybe your subconscious just made it feel like you were talking with yourself?” Unlocking her fingers, Danny’s eldest sister leaned back and adjusted her ears, “What did you talk about? With yourself? If you mind me asking.”

Somehow Marco knew that she wouldn’t understand completely. Or maybe it wasn’t that and she was right? Could that actually be the case? Marco had no freaking idea which one it was, but that didn’t matter. As he took a bite of his sandwich, savoring both it and the time it allowed him to think on how to phrase what he was about to say, he looked up at Cat the Cat. “I don’t mind telling. I mean, okay so I guess it really was just about this...other me making sure I understand what happened to me--” He made a point to raise his injured leg up which more or less felt like dead weight, “--wasn’t my fault. And, I guess that I had to tackle my internal and external crisis, whatever that’s supposed to mean.” He laughed again and took a bigger bite of his sandwich, chewing as he thought about what the other him emphasized when he said external crisis.

In sudden passion, Cat slapped the table, “Why the hell are you blaming yourself for that fucking kid going pyscho?” Woah, reel it in Cat. Reel it in. “Did you know my daughter was shot near you, Marco? She’s given up completely on soccer, and you know what? That’s okay. Life doesn’t have a map. We don’t have this predetermined final destination. Things change, people change us. Do you think I always wanted to be a business owner? Fuck no. Originally, my dream was to become an actress. I was in my prime in high school, but shit happens. I lost my best friend and got pregnant, then I decided to use the gifts my parents gave me for a stable life.”

Marco knew she was right. His other self said similar things. So why couldn’t he bring himself to follow their line of thinking? On some level, he did blame himself even though Charlie Decker was the one who clearly was in the wrong. But as he sat there, slowly chewing on the last bit of the first half of his sandwich, he didn’t know that about Sofia. Or maybe he forgot when he was deep in his own despair and self-pity. “I’m sorry, Cat. I didn’t mean to…” He choked on his words. Even right now he couldn’t bear to make anymore excuses, not when Cat had proven that they held no merit.

And in a way, maybe this was what he needed. Not only because of the sandwich that helped satiate a hunger that lingered about, but also a sense of direction. If it wasn’t for Cat, Marco wouldn’t have been able to put the final pieces of this puzzle together. “Thank you, Cat. For the sandwich. I’ll probably take the other half to go. I think there’s something I need to do.” As he got up, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. “How much?”

“Free. It’s Halloween, kid, go enjoy yourself.” Caterina stood up and began to clean up the table. Swiftly, she grabbed him a to-go box, handed it to him, and began cleaning the table, “Listen, life is short. If I can give you any sound advice, don’t wake up with regrets. It’s exhausting.” As Marco got up, Cat paused from wiping the table and glanced up at Marco, frowning a bit, “If you get a chance, check on Danny for me? He’s been out of it since, um... our mother died.”

At the moment that Cat had mentioned it, Marco only smiled for the sake of Cat but internally he found himself truly worried about Danny. He couldn’t even begin to understand what that was like, to wake up one day and find that your mother was gone. Just the thought of not ever seeing his ma again terrified him, lord only knew what Danny might be going through right now.

He gave her a nod, holding his smile firm on his face. “I will. I’ll swing by later, I promise.” There was a sort of a conviction in Marco’s voice, the kind that seemed to say more than his words could ever.

What was Zestasia to do with this information that Etoile gave him and Pythia? What should he do with it?

As he stared at the older blonde, he tried to come up with a level-headed reaction to everything she just revealed. A logical summary of his feelings towards it all. He hated what they did to not only him, but his brother. They were the ones who forced Pagonia to leave him with Anatoli. They were the ones who captured Anatoli. And he hasn’t let go of that hatred. Anyone who was associated with them, by all rights, were the enemy.

But with Etoile, it felt like there were too many gray areas for him to think clearly. She wasn’t an inquisitor any longer. In the short time they had spent traveling through the forest, they watched each other’s back. She may have been bossy, but that’s the sort of thing that left an impression on the younger Calore.

“Damn damn damn!” Zestasia cursed a few more times, looking around (but more importantly away from Etoile’s gaze). He found himself looking at Pagonia who was with Clara. He frowned as he thought about all of the years that the two of them lost, him and Pagonia. “Do you know why I can’t stand the imperium?” Zestasia asked as his eyes remained on his brother. “There are too many reasons to count, of course: the time I lost with my brother, the death of my family, but the one that fuels my rage is when they captured my master. Two years ago the man who took me in and taught me everything I know about magic was captured and I swore to myself I’d do anything I could to rescue him.”

In what could only be described as a rare moment for Zestasia, who up until now had always had something funny or witty to say (obviously self-believed), but as he turned to face Etoile, he had a serious expression on his face. “I don’t know how I feel about you, Etoile. I’m not even sure what I feel right now, but…” There was a pause and he bit the inside of his lip, “but from where I stand, we’re fighting the same fight and I think that’s enough for me to put any animosity I hold for you to rest.” He put his hand out awkwardly as a gesture of good will, immediately feeling his face go hot with slight embarrassment. He just hoped that Etoile would accept his gesture so they could go back to acting like the band of makeshift amigos that they were before all of the revelations came down on them.


Marco seldom tuned into Mei’s podcast...thing, but as of late, he found himself doing a lot that he hadn’t normally. Not in a long time had Marco truly felt despair knock itself boldly at his door, screaming at him like the wails of anguish that he could remember screeching when Charlie Decker shot him. Those immediate thoughts came flooding back after a bad dream, those thoughts that plagued him in those first weeks in the hospital after he got his surgery. They plagued him like an illness that sapped just about every single light he had to spare.

And they were why he was up almost every night, kicking ass at whatever online game he could get his hands on. Some nights he dove head-first into Call of Duty. Some nights it was League of Legends. It always changed depending on his mood, but for some reason, unlike previous times where he’d just let himself get lost in mindless action, Marco was laying in bed on his side (the leg he got shot in facing up). He laid there on his side, his Bose headphones in and he listened to Mei Midnight speak.

Admittedly, Marco may have tuned her out at some parts. He was drifting into a partial slumber, his eyes heavy as he felt the chill of his fan hit him every three seconds as it blew the cold air around his room. He didn’t have his blanket on so he felt the chills start at his toes and go all the way up to his hair. It felt nice and as he drifted off into a dream, Marco heard a voice.


It was haunting and it kept calling out to him. The voice sounded strikingly masculine but also, as it kept calling to him, beckoning him with misty strings of light, he felt an air of familiarity within it. Not only was the light reaching to him familiar, but there was something about the way that that voice made him feel. It was confident and comforting. It didn’t just call his name but it was patient in how it waited for Marco to acknowledge it.

Around him was nothing. Around Marco was something. He couldn’t tell what it was. He glanced around in all directions. There wasn’t light nor was there darkness, yet he clearly saw the light yellow hues of light that the voice seemed to originate from. It was the only color that he could make out.

And he started to walk towards it.

Correction. Marco limped towards it.

As he walked, he felt a cold breeze touch his skin, which immediately had him shiver, reaching behind him and a black hoodie that he always wore seemed to appear and he slipped it on. No longer feeling the wind hit him in such an extreme way, Marco continued down the path the yellow mist was guiding him to. As he did, he heard sounds that felt like the revving of an engine. He couldn’t see anything, but suddenly he was able to do more than limp. Suddenly Marco felt himself able to run at speeds that he only dreamed of running.

And as he ran, the thoughts of despair came back. He couldn’t stop them just as he couldn’t stop himself from running; similarly, he couldn’t stop himself from getting shot.

All my fault, he kept telling himself. It was all his fault. Being out there after the bell rang. Being out there after knowing the bell had rang.

You didn’t know.

He heard that voice say and a wave of grief long since past came over him.

Of course I did!

Marco didn’t know what he was doing. He was carrying out a conversation as he ran, wind pressing against his face, his dark hair flowing back. And he was having a conversation with the voice of someone he didn’t know, yet something told him he did.

What sense did that make?

It wasn’t your fault!

So what? Now Marco was Matt Damon and this voice was Robin Williams? Was that even the right analogy?

Marco turned around, running in the complete opposite direction. And as he ran, he took a few lefts, effortlessly turning as he maintained the right speed. Before, he felt like he was running on what he assumed was a sensation similar to asfalt, but now he heard echoes -- echoes of his feet.


And another turn.

And then another and then Marco’s footsteps made no noise -- none that were as audible as before. Now they were muffled, like the brushing of blades of glass when hit by the wind.

Marco Brady finally came to a stop and what was a blissful feeling not experiencing any pain in his leg, suddenly it was so intense, Marco fell to the ground as he held his left leg from the ankle. There was a warm sensation. It was agonizing. Surging through his entire body was a pain that was more than physical. As he started to cry out, Marco yelled:


But there wasn’t anyone.

“Help!” He cried out again, this time screeching at it.

“Nobody is here, Marco.”

There was that voice again, but this time he couldn’t hear them in his head. The voice didn’t echo like before, but rather, as he looked up in the middle of trying not to pass out from the torture he was enduring through, he saw the shadow of someone.

“Who are you?” He asked.

The person had clapped slowly, their form slowly revealing itself. “Who am I? Do you really need to ask that, Marco?” Their question, though it was soon answered, they stepped forward and Marco soon found himself with more questions than he began with.

“You’re —”

“That’s right,” they said, smiling, “I’m you. Or what you could have been.”

Shaking his head, Marco suddenly didn’t feel excruciating discomfort in his leg. It was just the normal discomfort that had him forever limping. “This can’t be happening. This is all a dream…”

“Is it?”

With a gesture, the other Marco smiled and soon the devoid of color that Marco thought he was running in was to be revealed that he was back at the school. Specifically, Marco was in the soccer field and where he stood was exactly where he was shot.

And now he was even more confused than ever. Was it a dream? Was this real? MArco was on his bed listening to Mei’s stream. She talked about...she talked about -- oh, God what was it again? The elder tree or something like that? He wished he didn’t drift off when she was supposed to be explaining the origin of that tree or that he knew more about it.

Every inch of Marco’s mind right now was being spent trying to figure out he was looking at a fit version of himself, brandishing a soccer/Eruopean football uniform and he was on the ground, no longer in immense pain like the cripple he always felt like. Nevermind the fact that he thought he was running, but as he looked behind him, his brother’s truck was there, parked at an angle no less than three feet from where he was laying on the ground. How was any of this possible? Was he dreaming or was he awake and just couldn’t process any of it?

“So if this is all real--”

“Never said that--”

“Okay,” Marco said, getting annoyed a bit with his other, better-looking self. “If this is a dream--”

“I didn’t say that either.”

Marco narrowed his eyes at himself. Just looking at him made him confused and everything that was happening was enough to make him seriously consider checking himself into a mental institution, because it was clear as day that he was going insane if he was having a conversation with himself as he laid on the surprisingly lukewarm grass.

“So then what is going on? If this isn’t real and it isn’t a dream, then what?!” Marco’s voice got a bit intense as he slammed his fists on the ground.

“Marco, it’s alright, okay? I’m not here to cause you confusion or anything close to that. I’m here because there’s something you need to get off your chest.”

“I think I’d know if I needed to get something off my chest,” he retorted back, mumbling something inaudible under a fake cough.

The Other Marco raised his eyebrow at him and knelt down. Marco looked at him with an uncharacteristic jealousy at how easily he was able to do that without groaning. “You are here for a reason. Tonight didn’t happen because you were feeling blue. I know you because I am you. I know you have moments where you can’t keep it together for the people who love you. I know this because I am a projection of your psyche. As I said, I am what you wished you could be, but do you want to know something, Marco?”

Marco tried not to scowl, but he kept his eyes on the other him. “What? You’re going to rub it in my face that I could have been walking if I wasn’t out in this field practicing?”

The Other Marco stared at him, shaking his head with a heavy sigh. “No. I’m here so you can tell me why you still think that was ever your fault to begin with. I’m here so you can say things that you can’t to those you wish you could.”

“Such as?”

“Such as Danny Belmonte. Such as Charlie Decker. Such as everyone you feel looks down on you because you are -- what did you call it? Cripple Castillo?” There was a laugh from the Other Marco and he earned a scathing glare in response. “Remember--”

“Yes, I know. You’re me, so you’re laughing at my--”


“Right. Our pain.”

It took Marco a few minutes to think. In that time, he saw his other self standing there patiently. That was something they didn’t have in common, so maybe he was a version of himself that he wished he could be. Deep down, he knew everything that perfect version of himself said was the truth. He had a list of things he wished he could say to Danny. He wished he could tell his ex how he truly felt and how he wished they could be together like they used to, but in public as well as private. He wished he could corner Charlie Decker, make him look him in the eye and ask him why he decided to shoot everyone. He wished he could walk without having to limp half the time. MArco wanted so desperately to be able to live that dream.

But he couldn’t. Damn. Damn. Damn!

Why was tonight so special? And why, of all things, did some projection of what he wished he could be show themself to him?

“So what am I supposed to do? Just start listing things? Is that how this process works?” Marco asked as he stood up. The pain surged through his body and his other self held him steady with their arms until Marco was able to support himself. “Well what am I supposed to do? What should I say? Tell you how I hate this. How much I…” As he hesitated, his lip began to quiver and he bit it just hard enough to stop himself from succumbing to the breakdown he knew was well on its way. “...How much I fucking hate being a burden to everyone? Is that what you want me to say?”

The Other Marco stood there, looking at MArco. Watching him lean forward and his hand holding his left calf to keep himself from falling over. The pressure was on his right leg so it didn’t cause immense pain in his bum one. In his eyes, he could feel the feeble Marco’s anguish in every word he spoke, the way his voice cracked with emotion. It hurt him because it hurt Marco; and because Marco hurt, he didn’t have the words to provide him with an answer.

Of course, The Other Marco knew that he felt this because he was Marco. Even if he didn’t show it, he was a projection of Marco Brady’s mind. He was the hopes and dreams that Marco Brady still clung to. In his darkest thoughts, he was the light that brought comfort to him and when he needed a reason to get out of bed, more often than not, he was the one that Marco could visualize and everything would be okay. But of course, this only worked if he didn’t let himself drown in the despair that stemmed from the reality of what could never be.

The Other Marco was this reality that was no longer possible. Marco Brady wouldn’t be like how he was and that was a fact. Charlie Decker took that away from him. And it was Charlie Decker who..

“You need to let go, Marco. But in order to do this, you need to see one more person.”

“Another? Who?” Marco asked, his voice still ripe with emotion, his voice cracked and his eyes puffed up from him trying -- and failing -- to hold back a sob of tears. “Who else is there to see? I thought you were the only person I needed to see. Isn’t that what you said?”

The Other Marco shook his head. “I am the ghost of you, Marco. All the pain you feel, while it is phenomenal that you have made it so far, it is just the internal strife you confronted. What you must face before this night is done is face your external strife. The horror that you know you have to come face to face with, it’s closer than you think.”

“What does that even mean?”

Even though Marco’s plea was genuine, his other self smiled and pointed to his heart. He pointed still until his form faded in the same bright yellow smoke that presented itself to Marco when he thought he was asleep. And even when he was left alone, Marco was still confused about many things. What was happening tonight? What did this have to do with the Elder Tree? And what did his other self mean by the external horror?

He was so confused, but it was something. Marco had something to go off of, but he couldn’t do this on an empty stomach. Somehow, through all of that pseudo-running he did, he had literally worked up an appetite. Maybe it was real or maybe it wasn’t, but all he knew was he could go for a Reuben sandwich right about now.

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