Avatar of AlteredTundra


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Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
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Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
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@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
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How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
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tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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place your bets

location: olympic club
interactions: Melinoë | Phobos | Hercules
mentions: Apollo

Princess of the Underworld. Maiden of Madness. Bringer of Nightmares. Melinoë was all these and more so this little game of theirs should be in the bag. It should be simple to score a win. She was going up against Phobos afterall. ’He couldn’t scare his way out of a school house full of children… her internally bashing of the object of her desire just moments ago came to a halt as she bumped into her first mortal prey.

It was too easy to get inside their head, especially as the poor boy couldn’t help but try to look anywhere but her. It proved difficult on his end. A light caress of her hand across his chest, resting on his shoulder, a whispered word or two in his ear and she was staring up at him, his tray of drinks plucked from his slipping grasp. Before long they would have wound up on the ground and she couldn’t let the booze go to waste. One thing Hera got right was not skimping out on the quality of libations.

His nametag read “Austin” and she thought it was a fitting name for someone like him, lanky and tall, but not unfit. His long face only grew longer as the moments ticked on and his body caught up with his mind. Melinoë didn’t doubt that it was something utterly delicious that he dreaded, that he feared. One thing she wished she still had domain over was what the mortals would see when she came gliding through the night to pay visits. It would truly make her life on earth that much more enjoyable.

Instead she stood there, glass in one hand, tray in the other, waiting for the inevitable drop that would soon come. Luckily, she didn’t have to wait too long before his face contorted in such a way that she was guaranteed a scream soon and she was correct. Placing a hand to his mouth to prevent himself from spewing projectile at a patron he scrambled to get around the corner and to the nearest lavatory. His muffled screams alerted anyone in the immediate area to come to his rescue and check on him. For now Melinoë just walked on by, catching Phobos eye from across the room, mouthing, “One for me~” as she searched for the next victim.

“You’re a hard person to track down!” Hercules exclaimed walking towards the Ghost Goddess, a bright, typical Herc-like grin on his face. The kind that spelled cheer for all on the receiving end of it. Hercules was historically bad when it came to reading the room and that’s exactly what he didn’t do. He was solely focused on his new possible, very likely new roomie that everything else that was going on wasn’t a priority. “We need to talk and stuff!” Herc went to grab for Mel’s hand.

Jaw clenched, fear glared back at madness. He couldn't help it. She both infuriated and thrilled him at the same time, but regardless, he was not willing to suffer the fate of losing to her. Phobos braced himself as his gaze was briefly diverted by the sight of Hercules approaching Mel, inwardly rolling his eyes. Of course… Rolling his shoulders, his sharp blue gaze darted away from the pair to the mortals scattered about the room. It would be easier to target those who were already feeling uncomfortable and it wasn't long before he felt the gentle lapping of fear drawing him in. Turning, he smiled softly at a prim looking woman holding a clipboard stuffed full of papers. Perhaps involved in the organization of this overly extravagant luncheon? It was no wonder she was on edge, his grandmother did not like mistakes. Strolling over towards her, he placed a hand gently on her shoulder, directing her to a collection of cushioned chairs to their right.

"Sit." He commanded before taking a seat beside her. The woman seemed unsure but did as she was told, hands already visibly shaking as fear began to strip away her autonomy. Leaning towards her, forearms resting lazily atop his legs, he turned back to matters at hand, directing his annoyance at his fellow gods towards the mortal instead.

"You're going to fail." Though he spoke conversationally and the words themselves were trifling, Phobos twisted at the primitive fear deep inside of her, pulling it to the surface, leaving no room for other more inconsequential emotions. "Ms. Montgomery does loathe ineptitude." Phobos voice was low whilst he spoke, akin to one whispering to a lover. "I would..." Noting the tears that were falling across her cheeks, smearing clumps of mascara over her skin, he stopped. Too easy. Inwardly he sighed, trying to ignore the small part of him that felt some guilt for hurting this mortal. For causing pain when she had done nothing wrong. It was subtle if observed by anyone else in the room but he knew inside, she was anything but okay.

And just like that Melinoë was yanked away, dragged at the mercy and strength of Hercules. To be fair she didn't believe his intentions to be malicious in any way, it was Herc for crying out loud, but it did take her by surprise. Especially since she wasn't expecting him to show up out of nowhere.

Digging her heels into the ground as much as she could in order to slow him down she pulled his attention back to the present, "Herc. Stop, slow down," It would take a brick wall to stop him, "What did you need to see me about? I'm in the middle of something–," Eyes flicking between the back of Herc's head and Phobos sitting alone with a woman. A mortal, but a woman nonetheless.

With a dramatic sigh that would make Dio proud, Hercules let it drag out for a few seconds as he met Mel at her eyes. “Do you not rememberrr!? You texted me. You want to live at Acropolis, don’t you!?” Could have Herc waited until she was done? Yeah, maybe. Maybe he could exercise a little patience, but why wait? He was here and she was also here. No time like the present!

Her face fell as she snapped her attention to the utter man-child before her. That's right, she was kicked out of her place this morning, how could she have forgotten so easily? With a sigh of her own, that resembled more of a groan, she rubbed her face with her free hand. "I do remember, thanks. Yeah, got the notice this morning, need to find a place to stay and where better than with you? You've got the space still, right?" She wondered if this arrangement was going to come back and bite her in the ass, though with his high energy completely encompassing her she wasn't able to dwell on the thought for too long.

Hercules was as excited as he was impatient, so he nodded rather eagerly when Mel asked about the space. “Well obviously! One room to be exact! The one room to rule them all!” Truth be told, Herc couldn't remember where he heard that saying from but it was growing on him. “It’s yours if you want it. Or have you made other arrangements since…an hour ago?” He asked, blinking curiously at Ghost Girl. It would royally suck if she did because then he would have to look for someone else to help make rent.

Truthfully, Mel hadn't given any arrangement much thought. Too preoccupied with getting swept away by Sunshine and then Fearsome. Important thoughts flooded her mind and it wasn't anything to do with lodgings. It wouldn't be terrible to live at the Acropolis. Sure there were going to be ragers constantly, and the occasional breaking of property… the more she pictured it the more Melinoë had her reserves. "Who else lives with you there," her questioning was cautious, as if treading on shards of broken glass.

Since her run in with the golden boy madness hadn't spotted her opponent in this little game of theirs and she wondered what he was doing. How he was doing. Was he beating her? No. No way.

Herc let out a curious humming noise, taking a moment to think. “Well, of course there’s me. And Apollo, too. Dio crashes from time to time whenever he’s in town, so one of the rooms is pretty much reserved for him. Other than that, we don’t have anyone else really. There’s a revolving door of people who just crash on the couch but not, like, permanent residency like me and my boy have.”

At the mention of sharing a living space with Apollo, Melinoë's blood ran cold but her body flushed with fire. Had it really been so long since they were in each other's company, in more than passing, that the mere thought sent her nerves haywire? 'Pathetic,' she thought of herself. 'He left you. Abandoned you. And for what?' No reasoning as far as she could remember.

Perhaps staying so close to him wasn't the best of ideas. No telling what kind of irreparable damage could be done if the wrong words were passed between them. Her body language must have spoken volumes for even Hercules had been examining her a bit more closely than he was before. To see him quiet in thought was a terrifying sight indeed. He was unpredictable and Melinoë supposes that's why she didn't mind his high energy at times. There was always something a little bit more when it came to him.

"Not so sure your boy would enjoy my presence at the acropolis 24/7…" she mused aloud, finishing off the last of the flutes from the tray she swiped from Austin. Did Hercules know of her dalliances with his friend from long ago?

"Given up already?" Phobos smiled coldly at the pair as he suddenly interrupted their clearly private conversation, arms crossed sullenly across his chest. He'd had to prise himself away from the last mortal, who'd begun clinging onto him after she'd hysterically started weeping. And now it appeared that Melinoë had never actually intended to take part in this competition of hers. "It's okay." He waved a hand dismissively, "I understand that you'd be nervous about losing."

She had to crane her neck to be able to look back and up at his sour face. An equal look of her own plastered across her face no doubt. "I didn't give up, I was interrupted with some important, personal business," Melinoë didn't know why she felt the need to argue with him, just that that was how it's always been between the two of them. Muttering on about how she was only at one mortal to his probable more. It was embarrassing. Her own game and she wasn't even participating anymore, though not by choice. A pout formed in her lips because of it, arms crossing over her chest in annoyance.

"Yes it did look very cozy over here..." Phobos muttered as he looked down at her, eyes flitting to the hero god for a brief second. "Oh don't sulk Mel." He smirked, pleased that she appeared to be lagging behind...and put out by it. It was a rookie mistake to be so easily distracted. Yet something in him was swayed by that pout and, despite knowing it would be extremely fun to gloat, he couldn't bring himself to. "I really don't have that many yet anyway." Phobos lied, casually shrugging his shoulders.

At this she perked up just a bit, a look of confusion crossing her features more so than glee. Was his heart not in it? It was a stupid game after all and Phobos wasn't known to partake in games joyfully. "Cozy isn't the word I would use," Melinoë instead turned her mind back to the object at hand, "He's just helping me find a new place to live," She explained the situation as briefly as possible not needing everyone to know her business of potentially becoming homeless. Maybe it was because she knew Phobos, or maybe it was because she was expecting of him that she divulged that information to him. If she were to be honest with herself she didn't think she could live and conduct her business comfortably within the confines of the Acropolis. But what other options did she have?

"You don't have anywhere to live?" Phobos frowned, unable to mask the edge of concern that creeped into his voice. "Well...you'd better not screw her over." His eyes narrowed as he finally acknowledged Herc, wondering what the golden boy had promised her. "She's whiny when things don't go her way." He quickly added, cursing whatever part of him was unable to shut the fuck up.

"Hey!" Her pout deepened as a blush dusted her cheeks.

Hercules had remained silent during the whole time Mel and Phobos were talking, his eyes darting side to side, looking between both of them. If he was being honest, he didn’t quite understand what they were talking about. Something about a game? It all fell on deaf ears. Then when Phobos had turned his attention on him, Herc perked up, shaking his head. “No I promise I’m not screwing her about anything! I put it out there we had an extra room and she texted me about it. Didn’t know it at the time it was Mel but I said we’d talk about it and here we are.” It wasn’t that Hercules was necessarily fearful of Phobos, but he was acting very aggressive towards the Divine Protector, so he had this natural instinct of slight anxiety.

Looking solely at Mel now, his smile half-shrinked into a frown. “I’m not sure what happened between you and Apollo, but Acropolis is pretty big! Like not to brag or anything, but we did pretty well for ourselves. It’s huge and spacious enough that, yeah you’ll technically be roomies but y’all don’t have to see each other if you don’t want to.” Hercules understood how that sounded but it was the truth. Another truth was how he genuinely didn’t know who would answer the offer he put out there. The fact that Apollo’s ex (?) answered, tt really was a small world. “You need a place and we have an extra room. I’d be more than happy to have ya live at the crib, but I totally understand if you wouldn’t want to.”

Melinoë was touched at Hercules' honesty but nonetheless looked up at Phobos to gauge his reaction to it all. She was nervous, to say the least, at the commotion it would cause, her presence in the house. But she couldn't exactly say no…

"Why are you looking at me? I don't care who you choose to live with." Phobos bit back as the goddess stared up at him, his own gaze straying off to the side. He could feel the trepidation that flowed from her. Once the rumours about Sunshine and Madness had been rife...and unavoidable. Maybe those feelings were still there and who was he to dictate how she lived her life? "Just don't come crying to me when you get yourself in trouble." He muttered coldly. Pulling the packet from his pocket, Phobos began to draw out a cigarette, feeling a strong desire to be alone.

His words were cold and distant, a complete contradiction to his earlier actions and it pained her to be on the receiving end after what she believed to have been progress. But some things never change, how harshly she was reminded. "Right, of course. Why would you care,” her own words muttered and dripping with venom. Why would she ever believe that there was something more, something other than just madness and fear between the two of them. It was folly to hope. Hope brings nothing but disappointment and heartache. Melinoë had learned that from the beginning.

Ignoring Phobos, she turned her gaze and body back towards the Protector, it wouldn’t be that bad living at the Acropolis and Fear made it all that much easier to decide, "Just let me know when to move my stuff in,” and without giving a final look she pushed past the son of Ares and stalked away, tendrils of madness leeching off of her like smoke, needing to find someone to torture in order to make her feel better.

Hercules just stood there, diving his eyes one last time between the two as Mel left. Maybe he was missing something but it seemed like there was definitely something he wasn’t understanding. But nevertheless, they were getting a new roomie and now they wouldn’t have to worry about rent. Only downside was now he had to find a gentle way to break the news to Apollo. Baby steps. Baby steps, Herc.

He took in a deep breath, slow as it was, and looked at Phobos. “Well…guess I’ll see you around, Phobos. You should…uh…come by Acropolis sometime. Have a drink or something.”

The god of fear let out a barking laugh at the idea of setting foot in Acropolis. "Sorry but I really don't see that happening." Phobos replied bitterly before following suit and strolling towards the gardens once more.

I've been watching Stranger Things Season 4 and they definitely took the criticisms from season 3 and applied it here in the best way. It's by far the best season since season 1 IMO and I can't wait to watch the finale "episode", though judging from the damn length, it might as well be a fucking movie.

Also got Umbrella Academy season 3 on my list. I started to watch it but it kind of took a backseat to Stranger Things.

Next Wednesday is the finale of Ms. Marvel and I hope it doesn't disappoint. Not that the past 5 episodes have yet. So far it's been a rather entertaining and endearing viewing experience.
TIMESTAMP: Flashback, Previous Wednesday (July 14th)


For nearly a week, or it might’ve been closer to two -- Marco couldn’t say, but it’s been around that amount of time since Marco has been pulling afternoon and early evening shifts at the Godmother. Seems like ever since last month that he and Danny not only had a talk that they so desperately needed to have and rekindled their relationship in a way that felt so new and refreshing, yet more of the same bliss he remembered from way back in high school, he has been getting more and more involved with his family in some way. He has spent days over at Danny’s place -- including helping with Rye’s welcome home celebration and kicking ass at Mario Kart, then almost getting discovered by Taz, of all people..

Yeah, that was fun.

But in addition, when he went to apply at The Godmother (at both Danny and his mother’s insistence). Truth be told, he suspected they were working together to get him out of the house more, though his mother was less forward with it. Danny was polite when he wanted to be, but when it came to Marco, he was very forward. Marco loved that about him (among other things). And it wasn’t like he wasn’t thinking about applying at the Godmother. As many times as he has gone there either with friends or by himself to pick up sandwiches (again not just for himself), Marco knew the menu inside and out. He has ordered there enough times to know the specials, to know which sandwiches were better than the others, and when the right time of day was to get the best tasting sandwich. Food was a passionate hobby of his, so maybe that was part of it, but he just really loved the sandwiches Cat made.

So when he applied, he didn’t realize just how soon he’d be working.

And it was absolute hell. The puppy being worked like a dog by Cat. No doubt it was a Belmonte trait shared between Danny and Cat because between his dieting and exercising in the morning and his shifts in the afternoon and evening (not always consistent depending on the day), Marco was getting double the exercise in.

Since he started working, Marco has been getting to know the in and outs of the way the store works. It was a grueling process, but eventually the information was soaked into Marco’s brain like a sponge. Perhaps coming over all of the time and occasionally being able to see Cat make it gave him a leg already in the process was part of it, but that wasn’t just it. Marco’s added investment to want to do well, even in that first week, was pushing him.

Today was no different.

Today, as it was his first day being at the head of sandwich-making duties, Marco had been like a well-oiled machine, taking orders, making sandwiches, and handing them out one by one.

And then came someone else. A friend of sorts.

Well, maybe not a friend as Marco couldn’t say she was that close to, but last month he remembered seeing her at that Carlisle house before he left when Lanie did. “Poppy!” Marco greeted the brunette. “Welcome to the Godmother!” He proclaimed with a wide smile, his tone matching it. At this point, that’s been his go-to whenever anyone walked through the doors. Was it too formal? Maybe, but it was too late to turn back now! “What can I get ya? Wait..you just got here. Maybe you need some time.”

It’s been four days since she met with Shannon and threw away all her face masks. Penelope James was on her lunch break from her morning shift at Cafe Rochambeau. It was too hot to take Charlie’s jacket with her so she left it in the back room of the cafe. All those that worked with her she trusted, like Adam Callahan, cousin to Roddy and Clay. He was a cool guy that loved to skate and film ghost shit. He would’ve been in their year if his dad didn’t move to Pinehurst. Based on the conversations they shared, he was back in town for good, missing his family and all the lost time. Plus, someone had to take care of Kylee, his mutual friend with his cousin(s).

Without her jacket, Poppy wasn’t dressed extravagantly. She wore an apron most of the day, now that Beau was nudging her to do more front end duties at the cafe, so all she wore currently was faded jeans, a black and white striped shirt, and old converse shoes. Around her neck was her teardrop necklace with her sister’s ashes, her hair was in a messy bun, and she wore a metallic bracelet on her right wrist to help with the occasional pain. When Marco addressed her, she sheepishly smiled. The social anxiety was still there especially with people she barely knew but she was managing. Putting a strand of loose hair behind her ear, she stepped forward, “Can…” she cleared her throat, nervous and overthinking her words, even looking away from Marco’s gaze and focusing in on the menu above him, “Can I have… the mozzarella and tomato one? The… sorry if I butcher this… mozzarella di… bufala e… pomodoro… yeah that one.”

Caterina Belmonte was walking in one of the grocery aisles with a clipboard doing inventory when she heard Sly James’ daughter attempt the Italian name of her sandwich. She poked her head and chuckled, “Just call it the dream panini. I only put Italian on the menu to educate people, but it’s okay if you want to stick with the fun name. Oh, which reminds me.” Cat walked out of the aisle and to the two kids that were in her brother’s year, “Sorry for interrupting, Penelope, it’s good to see you by the way! Your dad is always gloating about you and how proud he is.” Such a pretty little thing too. Cat gleamed at the young lady, noticing how far Pops has come since that crippling day at the school.

Hearing those words put a small smile on Pops’ face as she watched Cat do her boss thing with Marco, “I’m branching out a bit from my usual menu, exploring sandwich options. Let’s say next Monday you help me come up with some creative names for them.” That wasn’t a question. It was a subtle demand. “It’s all about simplicity, but make it catchy. See when I come here, I’m seeking the italian side of things, so I’d get the Mozzarella di Bufala e Pomodoro, but when people like Penelope here come in, she’s looking for something that makes their mouth water or as my dad would say: Fa venire l’acquolina in bocca! So boom, the Dream Panini. Gotta’ have it!”

Marco was used to the fast pace. He still moved a bit slower than he would like, but he’s gotten better at it. Cat has been patient with him (thank God it was a trait she shared with Danny). He found a consistent rhythm that not only worked for him in his less-than-ideal physical state, but it seemed to work for the well-oiled machine that was routinely checked on by Cat and anyone else high up on the chain of command. Everything Cat was saying made a lot of sense. It may have been an Italian deli, but sometimes it didn’t hurt to go outside the norm to keep people guessing. That was something Marco came up knowing both from his Aunt Maeve in Ireland and his Abuelo, who to nobody’s surprise was an amazing cook!

“I can totally come in early! Maybe an hour before my shift.” Marco said as assembled the sandwich and put in the panini press. Even before starting his job at the Godmother, Marco had experience with a panini press. He glanced up at Poppy, still flashing a smile despite some sweat already forming on his face. He grabbed the towel around his neck and wiped it away. “Shouldn’t be any longer than five minutes!” He could smell it and God, he was salivating internally.

Cat didn’t want to take him away from his customer, and former classmate, so she dismissed herself, “Good, that’s the attitude I love to see,” and went back to the aisle she once was at.

When they were left alone again, Penelope tilted back and forth on her tip toe to her heel, and repeat. She was never close to Marco. They walked past each other in the hallways, shared some classes together, sat far from each other in the cafeteria, and simply existed in the same space. Never did they have a reason to talk. They weren’t ever paired for class projects either. Sometimes it be like that.

One thing she would remember about Marco Brady is junior year in Beau’s class, they had to do a character analysis on any character that spoke to them. He chose Rock Lee from Naruto and his presentation was so heartwarming, humorous, and happy. He was so excited and unapologetically him, and she would never forget that. She was sure she wasn’t the only one that thought about random moments with her peers. That was one of them.

Clearly, sandwiches weren't the only reason she chose to come here today. Her father had told her that Marco had started working here and commented on his leg, excited to see his improvement. Like her, her father felt guilt from the actions of Charlie. Both believing they had some blame to share over the descent of Charlie’s mental health. Even with all that being said, her father really did love all the youngins’ in Edenridge, regardless of the side of the railway they lived on. He saw promising futures in all of them when most didn’t themselves. Her dad was a good guy and as much as she hates the thought that he was the one to pull the trigger, he was doing his job. At the end of the day he was doing his job. “Hey Marco…” Penelope cautiously breached, stepping closer to the counter so no one else could hear her.

Marco leaned a bit more over the edge of the counter. One, it was to get just a little closer to where Poppy was standing so he could, of course, hear her better, but his left leg was killing him. Not as bad as it had been in the months prior. Between Danny constantly making sure that his leg was feeling okay and doing mostly leg exercises like running and extensive stretching and then Cat working him like a dog, it still bothered him from time to time. No doubt that came across in his expression as he grimaced slightly. He kept his smile for the most part, though. Marco had that to an artform. Regardless how he was feeling, he could fake a smile, but recent weeks had him smiling for real. “Yeah? Did you want to order something else in addition to the sandwich?” He asked, wondering if she wanted some chips or something. Usually a sandwich came with that, but maybe she was hungry. He leaned closer, looking over his shoulder briefly for Cat and said in a lower tone, left hand covering the side of his mouth that was facing the rest of the kitchen, “I could give you a slight discount on some chips.”

As much as she appreciated the offer, her worry was causing her to lose her appetite. Penelope was still going to take the sandwich and if she couldn’t eat it, she was sure to give it to someone else. “No, thank you… that’s not it.”

Rooting her feet to the ground, Penelope looked at the boy in front of her, her eyes saddening at the thought that someone so sweet, so smiley, and so laid back as Marco had to go through so much pain. “I’m sorry…” She deeply gulped, nervous and shaky. “I know you might not want to hear this from me but, I'm the best person you’re gonna’ get. For closure, I mean.” Her eyes looked away from Marco, going straight to the counter.

Closure? Marco looked at her curiously but also with a perplexed expression.

After a second or two, gathering herself once more, she glanced up and continued to apologize, “I’m sorry for the pain Charlie put you through. I can’t tell you why but I can tell you, you didn’t deserve this.” Poppy gestured with her hand toward his leg and frowned. She failed Charlie, she accepted that, but what she wasn’t going to do was fail the people he traumatized and left behind. “I know what he did was a very bad thing. I didn’t even recognize him but that doesn’t matter does it? What he was will never excuse what he did. To you, and everyone else.” At this point, Poppy felt a tear trail down her cheek. Quickly, with the back of her hand, she wiped it off and bit her cheek, to stop the water flow. “So, I’m sorry, Marco. For everything.”

Hearing that just now sent Marco into the opposite of what he had expected this day to throw at him. Some mild discomfort in his leg and maybe exhaustion, but he never expected anywhere in the near future that Poppy James would be in front of him, apologizing for things that Charlie Decker did not only to him, but so many others. Others that Marco knew very closely. Like Cat’s daughter, Sofi. Like his own dreams of going pro. He didn’t know what to say because he never thought he would find himself in the situation to confront it without any warning. This was the sort of thing that was prefaced with some kind of ‘viewer discretion is advised’ disclaimer, but this was real life and Marco was handling it…not well.

He just stood there, feeling his legs shaking, chest tightening up in the same way it always did whenever he received bad news. Or when something terrible was on its way. Last time it did that was when he thought he was going to lose Danny forever. He knew this day would come. Maybe part of him always knew. Addressing what Charlie did to him, even if he didn’t understand why, was one of the things deep down he knew he would need to confront.

But at the Godmother? Not the place he thought it would be nor at such a random time. “You don’t have to do this…Really, it’s not a big deal..” He said in an almost muttered tone. His head was down, looking at the countertop. He didn’t know what else to say nor did he know what he could say. Thinking about it and what he lost was tearing him up inside, but he didn’t want to put that on her.

With her highly perceptive eyes, Poppy shook her head, disagreeing with him, “I do, though.” Everyone needed to move on, including her, and that meant she had to meet all the people Charlie hurt to really see what he had become and she had to take in everyone else’s pain, like a sponge. “You don’t really need to say anything, and I know this isn’t the time or place for this, but we don’t really hang… so I didn’t know what else to do. But, here.” Digging out of her pocket, she pulled a ripped paper that she had written on prior to coming here and slipped it to him, “That’s my number. When you’re ready, I would love to sit down and chat. Maybe we can play arcade games or something. I don’t know. I just… want to hear your truth.” She carefully observed him, her hand still on her number.

Lifting it up, she took a step back and smiled, “This isn’t me forcing you either. You can either hang or not, and I’ll be okay. I…” She thought of what to say next, her eyes growing distant for a moment or two, “... want to be someone that helps you heal and if that means you asking me questions about Charlie or you just taking your hurt and frustrations out on me, I want to be that person for you.” She hoped she was doing well. And honestly, she was winging it -- going forward blindly. “So, let me know, okay?”

Marco wanted to speak up, say something that possibly would let Penelope know that none of this was necessary but he couldn’t. Paralyzed and mute by the sudden increase of repressed anxiety, he couldn’t do anything but stand there (partially because he was still leaning over the countertop) as she not only explained that she did have to bring this up but explain it in a way that was hard for Marco to disagree with. Actually, it was damn near impossible. She was right and he knew it. He didn’t want to admit it because Marco had buried those thoughts he felt about Charlie Decker close to a few months ago.

Or maybe it was a lot earlier than that. If he was really honest with himself, he buried those thoughts as soon as he got home from the hospital after his surgery and began PT with Roddy. Roddy was one of the first people who helped Marco work through those initial thoughts. They never talked about Charlie -- not directly, anyway, but their friendship blossomed when they found a love for the same sport. Even though it was American football, it was something to distract him. And because of it, Marco didn’t think about him as much. Then when he was done with PT, he buried himself even more into online gaming. Between playing among us with Cece, someone he didn’t expect to be into that and League with some randoms, Marco hadn’t even thought about it.

And then Danny forced him to go to the school that one night. Still, he didn’t address them. He was just there for Lanie, being her support. Being the best friend he knew she needed.

But now there was nobody for Marco to use as a distraction. Lanie and Roddy were gone and couldn’t be that person for him to focus on. He didn’t have anyone to enable that for him anymore. Penelope was right in front of him and she wanted to help him heal.

But what did that even mean?

Marco has had so many out-of-body experiences for a moment like this. He’s had dreams where he confronted Charlie. Even one that was so vivid that he thought it was real. He even talked to Charlie in the same field he was found shot in. So many times in his darkest hours, especially during those early weeks, Marco thought so much about what he was going to say. But as he took the slip of paper Penolope James handed him and put it in the front pocket of his shirt, he couldn’t find the words. All he could do was give a slow nod and say in an almost mutter-like tone, “Okay..”


Like something that came a few moments too late, the timer on the panini press went off and that sprung Marco back into action as he went over to the press, opening it. “Perfectly cooked!” Not that he was worried, but Marco thought that with everything that had suddenly came up, he would’ve fucked that up. Taking it out of the machine with a spatula, Marco put it on the cutting board, cutting it in half diagonally. He then wrapped it up, threw in a bag of sour cream and onion-flavored chips , and filled up a cup of iced tea. He put the wrapped sandwich and bag of chips in a bag and set it on the counter. “That’ll be..uh…$7:45.” He tried to pretend like the past five minutes didn’t happen as he spoke clearly and with as much confidence as he could muster.

Poppy stood quiet as she got a ten out of her pocket and placed it on the table. Grabbing her food, she watched him, with her big soulful eyes, taking one of Charlie’s living victims in. “Keep the change,” she muttered, not really wanting to prolong their exchange more than she had already. She did what she needed to do. All her emotions were out on the table and Marco could do what he wanted with them.

After more awkward silence, she nervously chuckled, breaking it with a compliment, “Your Rock Lee presentation is still one of the best things to ever happen in Beau’s class.” Lifting up her drink a little, her way of waving goodbye, Penelope dismissed herself, “It was good to see you, Marco, maybe I’ll see you later?”

Marco found himself blinking aimlessly. She remembered that? Marco didn’t know that anyone found it memorable enough. He remembered a few people laughing at him after the fact and not that he ever let it show, but some part of him started to not be so forward with his passion for anime and other things of that nature. In some way, maybe that’s why he felt drawn to online communities. Still, he didn’t think, of all people, Penelope James would remember something he wasn’t even sure he did that great at. Mr. Beau was very receptive of it, but then again that guy was one of the best teachers ever. Always supported and encouraged all of his students.

“Oh..uh..yeah. You too!” Instinctively, Marco smiled and waved back. When Poppy left, her exit signaled by the bell above the door, his blue eyes went down to the piece of paper in his hand that he pulled out of his front pocket. He had felt so many emotions that sent his heart up and down on an emotional roller coaster, twisting and turning, flipping and spiraling around with no end in sight. He thought he knew what he was gonna do about whether he’d meet her or not. Now he wasn’t so sure. Now he felt more conflicted than he was.

“Maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing…” He hummed, half smiling as another customer came into the Godmother. No rest for the weary. “Welcome to the Godmother!”

Smells like UDF propaganda to me
Okay, reality check. I realize it's the middle of summer, but I gotta beat this horse so it doesn't completely die. I'll move us forward to some action in my next post. Transitions aren't super fun to write, really, so I don't want that to keep anyone back.

We alright over here? Throwing you a friendly nudge.

Let's continue the comments here. I still have your old name printed in my mind, for some reason. Anyway, you know you're good, I know you're good, everybody knows it. But, there is just something about your posts that is high tier engaging. This flow you have between dialog, description, and narrative is uncanny—especially when you use NPC interaction. You also seem to balance yourself out very well in regards to the type of character you write for. The collection of tropes in your character could easily get out of hand in the wrong hands, but it really shines in yours. Your writing is also on point. I mean, it checks all the marks, all the tricks, all the flavor.

Some days I think about my old username too . Even to the point where I think about going back to good ole, reliable Altered Tundra (without the space because the Guild's coding around usernames is weird). But at the same time, I feel like I've become fully comfortable in my new identity.

But thank you for all the kind things you said! I go through my own days where I doubt that I hold a candle to some of the writers I write with. Or maybe my language isn't as good as some others, but it's nice to hear it every once in a while. :)
Timestamp: After Shields & Chains
FT: Mordechai Boaz, Penelope James, Jade Taylor
Allegra Cardenas, Viva Cardenas, and Chai Boaz-Cardenas

@metanoia @Aces Away @LovelyComplex


As soon as Jade hung up with Poppy, she felt like she was left with more questions than she had before she called her soul sister. Before it was just about reaching out. About no longer being in the isolation Jade put on herself by pushing those closest to her away. But as it would happen, things just got a lot more complicated. Yeah, as if her life wasn’t already confusing and tangled enough.

But she couldn’t think about it. Jade knew it and she couldn’t waste time -- not when someone whose connection to everything happening in Edenridge was even crazier. The newest batch of letters came and that psycho was going after some of those Northies. She didn’t know who exactly was going to be affected. It was about that David O’Hara. Jade didn’t know him ona personal level, but if they were about to go through what everyone went through last month, Jade felt bad for them, but she had more important things to focus on.

So she took a shower. Admittedly, as she stood in her shower, as crappy as it was, the water pressure was pretty good, she thought about what Poppy told her about Charlie’s sister. Mitena was her name, right? Jade couldn’t help but think about how cute that name was. Fitting that Charlie would have a sister with a cool name. She smiled, finding comfort at that. She didn’t smile at a lot of things lately, but that made her crack one.

But that wasn’t the only thing she lamented on. Scott Street. She seldom ventured there. Only a few times when there were parties or, ya know, when she had a group project with some of those privileged northies. Their houses, especially the Belmontes, were almost as big as the entire Lost Souls apartment buildings combined. Not height-wise, but the space surely. Or maybe she was overestimating the land their house sat on. Jade almost failed math, so that could be why.

Point being, she was perplexed about that. Why on earth did they need to go there?

With a sigh, Jade finished up. She dried her body off and wrapped it in a long body towel. She only had one but it did its job. She touched up her hair for a few minutes, blowdrying it then giving it a decent brush. Then she went over to her closet, trying to figure out what would be an appropriate outfit. The past few days have been hotter than a damn sauna, so probably no jeans. Even though she would prefer to, it was summer and she didn’t feel like sweating to death from her back to her ass crack.

In the end, Jade went with an outfit that consisted of an Iron Maiden shirt, some short jean shorts, a blue plaid shirt, and even though she just knew it was a bad idea, she grabbed the jacket her Uncle Charlie went. Sure wearing black on black on black might’ve been a bad idea, but lately Jade felt exposed. Except for her Sunday breakfast…dates with Anya she hasn’t felt protected despite the Devil of Eden stating that’s exactly what he was doing. Just thinking about his cold eyes gave her the chills, so she needed to wear it, her long term comfort be damned.

Tying the plaid shirt around her waist and slipping the Jacket up, Jade just applied a little makeup, donning her trademark raccoon eyes style and grabbed everything she needed for the trip: her phone, purse, and what the hell, a pocket knife that she’s been carrying around her since Saturday. It was a simple knife and one that Glass got for her. She didn’t tell him why she needed one and, thankfully, he wasn't the type to pry too much. All she knew was she could go to him for that sort of thing. Ever since her encounter with The Devil, Jade felt she needed it.

Poppy’s place wasn’t that far from the Lost Soul’s apartment complex. When she left, it only took her about fifteen minutes max to get from point A to point B. The James’ house was every bit a house that brought her comfort as it always was. She may have been a stranger lately, but she always could feel her spirits being lifted whenever she was near it.

She gave a quick knock. A few of them, in fact. Maybe she didn’t need to since she was practically family but that was fucking rude to just waltz into someone’s home, regardless if they saw you as a daughter or not. After about ten seconds, the door opened as Jade saw the familiar face of Poppy’s mom, Victoria. “Long time no see, Mama Victoria.” Jade flashed her a small smile and an equally small wave. “Is my long lost soul sister around?” She asked the matriarch of the James family.

“Kitchen,” Victoria instructed before apologizing, “Sorry I can’t stay and chat.” Victoria adjusted her purse hanging from her shoulder, and slipped past the tragic blond girl. In her hand was the new letter. The one about David.

Giving her daughter’s friend a half smile, Poppy’s mom dismissed herself, not one to waste time, “It’s good to see you, Jade. Help yourself with whatever and if you can, try not to be out all night. Who knows what these letters will do to this town. I’d rather not find out you three are in the hospital.”

As the older woman walked out and made her way to her car, Penelope called out from the kitchen, “Did you eat anything?” Inside the kitchen, she sat at the table, tearing a biscuit to shreds and not eating it. Across from her was Mordechai, who held Chai, and the person looking inside the fridge, Allegra, had Viva closely in tow. Penelope didn’t look up from the bread. It was clear as a cloudless sky she had lingering feelings toward her friend holding his baby boy. Feelings of uncertainty and hurt.

Regardless of how she felt, Poppy would bury it like she did everything else. No matter how hurt she was, she wouldn’t let the constant secrets hold her back from seeking Tena out. She needed this more now than ever. Penelope wanted to feel good for more than just a moment and not feel like she was useless, replaceable, and not worth anyone’s time. Too sad to cry, too tired to get up, too angry to fight, so many emotions she constantly battled that she thought she had left behind. Nibbling a crumb, Penelope blankly stared at the rustic wood design of the table. She was Penelope James, goddammit, and she was a badass with a fire impossible to put out. She had to remember that.

Jade honed in on Poppy’s voice, smiling at her, and absentmindedly said, “Didn’t get the chance before I left my place--” It was then she noticed a few additions. A girl, who was pretty hot mind you, looked to be around the soul sisters' age and she had a little girl close by. “I don’t think we’ve met,” she said to the cute brunette with the little girl. “The name’s Jade.” For a brief minute, Jade met eyes with the little girl. Now, she didn’t have the most experience with little kids other than the kid that She-Wolf and Cueball had together. That little boy was a few years older, Manuel was his name, but this little girl seemed a lot more well-behaved. She leaned down, putting on her most family-friendly smile she could. “And who might you be?”

Viva laughed but stayed wrapped around her mother’s leg like a koala, releasing one arm of its grip so she could wave at the newcomer. Allegra finally popped her head out of the freezer, sucking salaciously on a grape popsicle and holding another one in her hand. As Viva shoved her face into her mother’s leg, the woman looked down to her daughter and let the popsicle leave her lips with a lewd pop!. She shook her head and crouched down, holding both popsicles in one hand and grabbing her daughter around the waist with her other. Once the girl had settled on her mother’s hip, Allegra stood back up to height and shifted her right side forward a bit to present the two year old to the blonde so that the other woman didn’t need to continue bending down.

“No baby, ya don’t just wave. You gotta reach your hand out and shake hers, tell her your name back and say ‘nice ta meet’cha’,” the brunette directed, bouncing her daughter a few times when the girl just continued to hide her face. In a sing song voice, she added, “If ya don’t introduce yourself ya don’t get a popsicle.”

Immediately, the girl’s hand shot out and almost caught Jade on the nose, saved only by her mother casually leaning back a few inches. “Hi Jade! You’re weally pwetty! I’m Viva! Viva Gavwiel Cawdenas Boaz! Nice ta meet’cha!”

“Sorry what?” That caught her off guard as she blankly stared at Viva with a dumbfounded expression on her face.

Mordechai, who had been drinking coffee and reading a book over his son’s head while the infant rested in his lap, promptly started choking on his drinks, spraying the warm liquid everywhere. Including, to his dismay, the top of his baby boy’s head.

“Ah shit!” He cursed, holding his son to his soaked chest and kicking his seat back to get away from the mess at the table. With his son now crying and both of them covered in caffeine instead of ingesting it, Mordechai let out a longer string of curses and headed towards the bathroom, still coughing a bit to clear his throat of the shock. “Hey J, I’ll be back, sorry,” he rushed out as he passed the blonde, slamming the door behind him. Faintly, the sound of running water began to filter out of the closed door.

“Ha!” Allegra laughed once he’d disappeared, popping the popsicle into her daughter’s mouth before setting her own down to hold her hand out to Jade. “That’s the first time she’s used his last name,” She explained to the other two women in the room. “That boy can’t handle anything new happenin’, I swear. Anyway, I’m Allegra, it’s nice ta meet’cha finally. You can call me Legs or Bambi if ya want.”

She was still trying to process the fact that Key might’ve had a daughter, she shook her head as it was mentally blown. “Had no idea he was a papa now.” Shaking her head again and laughing, knowing first hand that what she said about Key was the absolute truth. She met Allegra in the eyes. “Cool name, Bambi. You can just call me Jade or J or whatever tickles you the right way.” She had to admit this was a lot to take in. Two kids and then Bambi, she didn’t know what to make of it. “I honestly didn’t know Key had a daughter. And a boy too? I am so out of the loop.”

“This one is just by action,” Allegra answered, nuzzling her daughter’s cheek before jerking her head towards the bathroom door. “That one was all him and me, though. His name’s Chai.” Looking Jade up and down, Allegra picked her own popsicle back up with a wink, tossing out a, ”And I bet we could find out what tickles me the right way very easily-”

“Legs,” Mordechai cut off as he opened the bathroom door again, shirt missing and his son cleaned off. The other occupants of the room would be able to see that he had filled out and already developed more muscle since the last time they were all together. They could also see all his torso scars in stark contrast to his light olive skin. Almost all of them. Because Chai had calmed down considerably and was laid gently across his father’s chest and shoulder, eyes closed and thumb in his mouth. The way he was rested, no one could see the large brand that spanned his left breast and collarbone, despite all of them knowing it was there. Only Mordechai would ever really know if that was intentional or not. “Please stop tryin’ ta fuck all my friends, seriously.”

“Seriously?” Allegra scoffed back, purposefully swirling her tongue around her treat to further aggravate the man. You’ve fucked most’a your friends, why can’t I?”

“We’re not havin’ this conversation again,” He grouched tiredly, sending a weak smile to Jade and moving closer so she could meet his son. “Hey Harley Head, this is Chai Boaz.”

Rolling up her bread in a paper towel, barely with an appetite, Poppy got up from her seat and tossed her food in the trash. Letting her friends play catch up, Poppy exited the kitchen and made her way outside to her family’s porch and took a seat on the stoop, placing her backpack beside her. Pulling up her phone, she took to her instagram account which she rarely used and tried searching Natalia’s name, only to discover that the account had been deactivated. Huffing to herself and her bad luck, Poppy pocketed her phone and fetched On the Road. She needed something to do to keep her mind off of things. Might as well read one of Charlie’s books that she’s read countless times. It was one of his favorites. Something that resonated with him at a young age.

The only people that interest me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes ‘Awww!’
On the Road, by Jack Kerouac

Mordechai stared after their Street Angel as she silently made her exit, distress and exhaustion warring on his features. Turning back to the women still in the room, he flinched a bit under Allegra's glare before explaining to Jade, "I've…made a few mistakes already this mornin'."

As Jade watched Poppy leave the kitchen, she didn’t even have to know that Key may have done something to know that something happened. It caused her to frown as her gaze lingered to the front door. She wondered what happened? If it was just about what Key did. Sure, there was a lot to take in: he had a live-in, two kids where one was biologically his and one wasn’t. Jade thought maybe it could’ve been about Charlie’s long lost sister, but she didn’t have enough information about that to say for certain. All she knew was she left one hell to the start of a different layer of it.

“We all make mistakes, Key. Don’t let them bring you down. Hell, I pretty much isolated myself away from everyone for a whole month and I called Poppy this morning and now I’m here. So let me be the cautionary tale: you might’ve fucked up, but that just means you have all day to make it up to her.” Jade leaned close and reached for Mordechai’s hand, squeezing it assuringly. “Ya hear me, Key?”

“I hear ya, Harley, thanks,” The man replied, squeezing her hand back. His son cooed against his shoulder as the tired man held him, opening his eyes again to land on the unfamiliar figure in the room. “Oh, I think he noticed ya.”

“Then let her meet him, Ken,” Allegra spoke up softly, having stayed silent between the friends’ exchange. She put a hand on Mordechai’s shoulder and nodded towards Jade encouragingly.

“Oh- uh, right,” He looked down to his son and the area that he covered on his father’s chest, reluctant. Allegra’s hand grew a little heavier and he cleared his throat before taking his hand back from Jade in order to gently lift his son and lead him towards the blonde’s arms. When Jade received his son, the man quickly threw his right arm across his chest and gripped his left shoulder, covering up as much of his scarring as possible. “He looks like…he looks like Danny, fair warnin'.”

“I noticed that..” The blonde said in a low tone, seeing the similarities between Danny and baby Chai. She supported with one arm under him and another at the base of his neck and head. She smiled sweetly at the boy, those eyes undeniably a Boaz trait. “You’re just the cutest, aren’t you?” Jade said in a very uncharacteristic tone for her. Her usually dulled, mild-toned voice was high and very playful. “Of course you are. Just look at who your papa is! He’s quite the charmer.” She grinned at Key. “I’ll be your Auntie Jade. When you’re old enough, I’ll teach ya how to get all the girls in the world. Or boys. Or anyone your little heart desires.” She grinned wider and took to a slow rocking motion with Baby Chai in her arms.

Mordechai’s tired eyes warmed at the sight of his baby in his friend’s arms and Allegra disappeared from the room to go grab Mordechai a new shirt, Viva looking between her mother and father dividedly until she eventually closed her eyes and ran headfirst into his legs. The sober serpent bent down easily to bring his daughter back up with him, settling her on his hip so she could be a part of the conversation.

“Aside from isolatin’…how’ve ya been, Jade?” Mordechai asked sincerely, absentmindedly swaying side to side as Viva laid against him.

The Angel Princess hesitated from answering Key’s question. A lot had happened. A lot nobody knew about. A lot that Jade wasn’t ready to talk about, or maybe it was more about feeling uncertain that she can talk about it. “I’ve just been trying to keep my head above sea level. Even that I’m not sure I’m succeeding at,” she chuckled, looking down at baby Chai in her arms, smiling at him. “It hasn’t been easy, Key. I’ve been staggering back and forth between holding it together and falling apart. Today’s the first day I’ve actually felt the closest to myself than I have the past month.” And even now, Jade wasn’t sure just what that really meant - to be herself. She didn’t know when the last time she felt like ‘herself’.

“I can understand that,” the dark haired man empathized, going over to the counter to grab some paper towels with his free hand and start the struggle of single-handedly cleaning up the mess he made in his shock earlier. Jade understood harder drugs a little more, or at least she saw them in a similar manner to Mordechai moreso than Poppy and Charlie had. The two of them had done coke together more times than he could count back in school, and she usually needed a blunt to wake up and pass out just as much as he did. As far as he was aware, she’d never touched smack like he and Sonny had, and he once again found himself proud of his friends’ strengths as much as he was sick of his own weaknesses. “I dunno if Pops told ya, but I’ve been clean for like three weeks now. Been in a sorta isolation myself while it was happenin’ but Legs, Pops, and Badger all kept me in check until the worst of it was over. Doesn’t mean I’m not still cravin’ everythin’, but it means I can actually be here in the moment for my kids, and that actually makes me feel somethin’, y’know?”

It was said with his head down, staring at the counter he was cleaning so they didn’t have to meet each other’s eyes and see all their ugly truths just yet. The two deeper into the criminal element of the town from the start have too many things to say to each other for the time they have left alone. It was always their way; awkward empathizing and bland admittances that could have others balking. The Grease Monkey and Harley Head, always shoulder to shoulder in the dirt, looking forward or down instead of at each other.

“Wait what!?” Jade’ sudden shift in mood, as well as where she was looking, came like a speeding train through a building as she had her blue were solely focused on Key. “That’s fucking amazing! Seriously, I’m so happy for you!” If she weren’t holding a literal infant right now, Jade would’ve hugged him. There was a part of her that wished she could’ve been there for him, but she was glad that, at the least, good ole Mika who proclaims he doesn’t give a fuck does, in fact, give many fucks was. “Having something -- or rather someone -- to exist for is what we all hope to get someday. And I bet with how much energy I’m sure these two are having, they’re keeping you pretty fucking busy--sorry, didn’t mean to curse in front of the little ones.”

“Don’t worry about it,” He laughed fondly. “We don’t censor around them. That raisin’ was already in process with Viva before I met Legs…Chai’s been wakin’ me up most nights, Viva used ta when we were in the apartments together but she grew out of it. Keeps me from the nightmares but has my mind wanderin’ all the time,” He dropped the dirited paper towels in the trash and grabbed the lysol wipes from under the sink, unable to meet Jade's eyes both from her praise and his own admissions. Viva clung tight to him through all the movement, arm flung around his neck and popsicle in her mouth as she listened to things she didn’t understand. “It’s hard not ta disappear at four in the mornin' just ta get a fix and stop my head from spinnin’. Until two weeks ago Legs locked the doors every night so she’d wake if she heard me tryin’ ta unlock ‘em and leave. Woke everyone up by raisin’ hell the first time it happened.”

Jade laughed at that last part and she could feel it - she put her whole chest into it, which shocked her not only because she laughed that hard but that Chai wasn’t bothered in the least. Jade even heard some approving sounds coming from the little Boaz in her arms. When she settled down, Jade just looked at Key. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh but that’s what I call extreme tough love right there. Cares so much that you are under the supervision of Warden Bambi.” She cackled some more.

“Yeah yeah, laugh it up,” Mordechai grumbled, no real heat behind his words. He’d glanced up to check on his son at the boy’s noises and he could swear he felt his heart melt on the spot. The infant, while he was cooing happily, was actually almost asleep with his face turned into Jade’s chest, fist raised to his mouth as he suckled happily on it. His son didn’t just fall asleep in anyone’s arms, and it’s been an amazingly reassuring experience to him for the boy to do so with Mika, then Poppy and Sly, and now Jade. It made him feel like he’d somehow made a right choice every now and then, with his son already being such a good judge of character, so comfortable in the arms of the people Mordechai meshes with the best. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Allegra return and toss her now finished popsicle stick in the trash. He calmly set Viva down and watched as the girl ran to her mother before catching the tshirt he’d been tossed and throwing it on in one quick movement, once more hiding his designation in life from his loved ones who thought more of him. “Thanks Legs.”

“No problem,” the seductress offered, smiling at Jade with Chai in her arms. “As cute as this is, I think your little gang had a goal today, right?” She reached for her son gently, waiting for Jade to deposit him in her arms. “I’ve actually got an appointment of my own.”

“What,” Mordechai glanced at her strangely. “Where?”

“An old friend’s in town and I’m gonna take the kids to early lunch. You guys always missed each other in New York, don’t worry about it,” Allegra dismissed his worry easily. “Now, your plans?” She asked the both of them, arms still out to receive Chai.

Handing over the nearly-sleeping little Boaz, Jade’s arms returned to her side when Bambi had him safely and securely in her arms. “Not sure about the specifics but Pops said something about Scott Street.” The blonde didn’t understand what was so important, but certainly there had to be some reason for them going there and not straight to Blue Hill. Suppose they’d find out when they get there.

"Yeah, apparently we're pickin' up Pu- Natalia Belmonte," Mordechai clarified for the blonde. "Apparently she and Hard Times knew each other better than any of us thought. I uh, didn't realize Pops didn't know she hung around the Serpents. Legs is right, too, we should head out to her. I have a feelin' there's a long day ahead'a us."

“I’m sorry -- but what did you say?! Suddenly Jade’s understanding of everything she thought she knew about this situation had been swept right under her. Natalia fucking Belmonte and…Charlie!? And he had a sister that he never told any of them about? Internally she felt like someone just punched her in the gut the more she was finding out about this situation, but she just had a bewildered expression on her face. “Yeah…let me just get some food. Last thing I want is for her to yell at me because I got too distracted falling in love with my new favorite nephew.”

Truth be told, Jade needed to do a bit of binge eating to make up for all of the simultaneous surprises she seems to be finding out in such a short amount of time. She needed carbs. And lots of them. “You know where they keep the donuts? Oh and chocolate milk? In the mood for sugar and more sugar.”

"Uh, yeah of course," Mordechai responded with a furrowed brow while Allegra smacked her own forehead in the background while mouthing, "Twice in one day?" to the ceiling. Realizing he'd dropped the ball on telling more than Poppy about Natalia all those years ago, the sober fool just closed his eyes in resignation before moving to the cabinet Jade requested and throwing open the doors. "Sorry, I did it again. I can't really remember who all knew what back then. I uh…I can't really remember a lot of it actually." A constant mix of drugs, blood loss, and concussions will do that to a mind, especially one that was young, traumatized, and still developing. It was hard for him to admit it, that he was more checked out for most of their lives than anyone realized; that the bad memories always spring so vividly to the forefront of his mind but the mundane, the everyday routine, had been blitzed out by herb, H, and liquor. He had almost no memory at all of his first time getting clean for Lanie and the Emancipation, but he does remember she looked like she'd seen hell for the first time once he'd come out the other end and his memory improved. Barely.

He was sober again though, he was working on it.

Jade reached for what she needed: powder donuts. There was a whole box of the mini ones and in a matter of thirty seconds, she poured herself a big ass glass of chocolate milk. Whether or not it was healthy for her wasn’t the top of her priority list. She needed something to combat that sinking feeling she was getting in her gut and pointless calories always did the trick. Plus, who didn’t like donuts and milk? There’s no more iconic duo in the breakfast world.

She turned around, looking at Key, shaking her head. “No, don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong but tell me the truth. It’s just hard to fathom right now. Maybe it’ll all make more sense when we hear it from the Belmonte’s mouth.” She flashed him a smile and took the damn box with her, which is to say it wasn’t a large one but big enough to know just how many donuts were in it. She also had the glass of milk in her hand. “Let's go, okay? Find out together.” In truth, she was hurt but only because this was one of many things she felt she wasn’t entitled to know because of the distance put between her and Charlie.

"Yeah," grabbing his bag off the floor and closing the distance between him and his friend, Mordechai put his hand on her shoulder. "Together."

Three days remain until all character applications are due (if any remain unsubmitted)!
Wow! Look at that. That's amazing. Great initiative! I'll certainly make room for this kind of stuff after we survive the customary brick wall we ran into called 'summer'.

Not at all bad. Finally some action! I'm glad we're getting some posts, at least. I'm updating the character banners with names, so I'll start adding new ones to character as people post. Here's yours:

Oooh! Love that! When I saw yours, I considered making my own but now I don't have to!
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